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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module1OurBodyandHealthyHabits预习案外研版必修.课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Practicemakesperfect.话题必记单词1.dietn.饮食;日常食物vi.照医生的规定饮食2.fitadj.健康的;强健的;适合的vt.合适;安装n.合身;一阵3.captainn.队长4.lifestylen.生活方式5.overweightadj.(人)太胖的;超重的6.symptomn.症状阅读识记单词1.fat n.脂肪adj.肥胖的2.proverb n.谚语3.head vi.朝方向前进;领导4.eye vt.注视;观看5.prescription n.处方6.awful adj.可怕的;吓人的7.insurance n.保险构织连脉词族1.rareadj.稀少的;罕有的rarelyadv.很少地,罕有地2.unhealthyadj.不健康的;有碍健康的healthyadj.健康的healthn.健康3.wealthyadj.富裕的;有钱的wealthn.财富4.anxiousadj.焦虑的;不安的anxietyn.焦虑anxiouslyadv.焦急地5.injurevt.伤害injuryn.伤害;受伤处the injuredn.受伤的人6.painn.疼痛painfuladj.疼痛的7.normaladj.正常的;一般的abnormaladj.异常的8.breathevi.呼吸breathn.呼吸;气息breathlessadj.喘不过气来的语用规律归纳让我们的身体部位动起来!eye注视face面对shoulder肩负arm装备hand传递back支持“名词+y”构成的形容词healthy健康的wealthy富有的noisy吵闹的lucky幸运的tasty美味的funny滑稽的语境活用1.Seeing me looking anxious,she asked me anxiously what had caused my anxiety.(anxious)2.Oh,lets take a breath.I hardly breathe.(breath)3.His foot was injured,so he couldnt take part in the sports meet because of his injury.(injure)4.Normally,the weather is fine for this time of the year,so this abnormal weather has made lots of people sick.(normal)5.He was seized with a painful sickness,and the pain nearly drove him mad.(pain).课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observationisthebestteacher.1.atleast至少2.beconnectedwith与有联系3.catch/haveacold着凉;感冒4.takeexercise锻炼5.becrazyabout迷恋6.pickup拾起;接(人);取(物);接收7.haveatemperature发烧8.offwork休班9.payfor支付;为付出代价语境活用1.More and more people arecrazyabout line dance,such as LittleApple.2.Cut the grass atleast once a week in summer.3.You can lose weight by takingexercise as well as having a good diet.4.He picksup the child and put her on his shoulders.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart.领悟教材语境1.When Zhou Kais mother sawhimheading towards the front door without a jacket on,she eyed him anxiously.周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走去时,她担心地盯着周凯。(教材Page 2)考点提炼see sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事2.Zhou Kai went and did ashewastold.周凯走了,并按照告诉他的做了。(教材Page 2)考点提炼as作为连接词,引导方式状语从句,意为“按照”。3.But thats because I was stupid enoughtoplay football in the rain.但那是因为我太傻了,竟然在雨中踢足球。(教材Page 3)考点提炼because引导表语从句;adj.+ enough to do sth 足够4.Take more exercise and youll get/bee really fit.多进行体育锻炼,你就会真正身体健康。(教材Page 4)考点提炼祈使句+and+结果分句。祈使句表示条件。5.Britain was thefirstcountry in the world tohave a free health care system paid for by the government.英国拥有世界上第一个由政府支付的免费医疗系统。(教材Page 9)考点提炼“序数词+名词+ to do”做表语。高考写作情景当我经过操场时,我看到李华正在踢足球。WhenIpassedthesportsground,IsawLiHuaplayingfootball.我们应该按照被告诉的方式做这个化学试验。Weshoulddothechemistryexperimentasweweretold.她非常伤心,那是因为她的儿子在一次事故中丧生了。She was very upset and thatsbecause her son was killed in an accident.听我的劝告,你就会变得既健康又苗条的。Takemyadviceand youll bee slim as well as healthy.李华总是第一个到校的学生。LiHuaisalwaysthefirststudenttoetoschool.语篇旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空Last week,Zhou Kai was ill.He was stupid enough 1.toplay (play) football in the rain without a jacket on,although his mother had told him 2.toget(get) his jacket on.In fact,Zhou Kai is a healthy boy.He 3.rarely(rare) gets colds.He has 4.a good diet because his mother 5.feeds(feed) them so well.She has always made sure they eat very 6.healthily(health).They live near the sea and have fish four times a week.Fresh fruit and 7.vegetables(vegetable) are an important part of his diet.Since hed rather 8.eat(eat) a nice piece of fruit than a sweet,he doesnt have to diet.So we can see that he is a normal kind of person.But he is really crazy 9.about football.Hes not only captain of the class team,10.but a member of the Senior High team as well.话题与短文改错Different countries have different ways for the health care system.Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system for by the government.Health care is free everyone.Recently there have been problems.This is the government has not put enough money the health service.,health care in Canada is also free.When one ill,medical fees are paid for by the government. in America the system is different.Most people have private health insurance.Doctors work for and hospitals are privately owned.The health insurance pany pays for the doctors and the hospitals.


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