2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 滚动测试3 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 滚动测试3 新人教版第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the woman like collecting best?A.Train tickets.B.Coins.C.Stamps.2.Which country found lovely music is good for peoples hearts?A.Australia.B.America.C.Russia.3.What is the woman eager to buy?A.Ice creams.B.Candy.C.Drinks.4.Where are the two speakers?A.In the bank.B.In the classroom.C.In the supermarket.5.What prevented the woman calling the man yesterday?A.She lost her cellphone.B.Her cellphone was power off.C.Her teacher took her cellphone away.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What is the woman looking for?A.A casual dress.B.An evening dress.C.A business suit.7.What will the woman do next?A.Try on the clothes.B.Bargain with the man.C.Pay for the clothes in cash.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.How old is the womans grandfather? A.79.B.78.C.80.9.What did the womans grandfather do last winter? A.He went in the hospital. B.He went on a cycling holiday. C.He attended a skiing contest.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What are the speakers arguing about?A.Which way to go.B.Who to blame.C.What transport to take.11.Why did the policeman stop the speakers?A.They took the wrong shortcut.B.They drove beyond the speed limit.C.They went through the red light.12.What was the initial reason for what happened to the speakers?A.The woman didnt prefer to travel by train.B.The man failed to ask the way.C.The man forgot to book tickets earlier.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What is the basic purpose of the IQ tests?A.To test who is brighter.B.To test the ability in language and numbers.C.To judge ones talents.14.What makes so many unhappy parents in the world?A.Their children being stupid.B.Their childrens failing in the exams.C.Their childrens abilities not being developed.15.Why do some children do badly in school exams?A.They are poor in words and numbers.B.They do not study hard enough.C.They are looked down upon by others.16.How can a person be happy?A.Putting your skills to good use.B.Having a higher IQ.C.Doing well in the exams.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What is the conductor like?A.Anxious.B.Kind-hearted.C.Absent-minded.18.What should Mr.Mora do in Princeton?A.Give a lecture.B.Meet an old friend.C.Visit a university.19.Why must Mr.Mora find the ticket?A.He might be fined.B.He forgot the destination.C.He wrote something important on it.20.What kind of person is Mr.Mora?A.Forgetful.B.Careful.C.Bad-tempered.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Why struggle with your stairs and feel limited in your own home,when a stairlift can give you back your freedom & independence?Our range of stairlifts are designed to be easy to use,and all include the very best in design,British engineering,and safety features.Like many of our other customers worldwide,youll wonder why you havent chosen one of our stairlifts sooner.FastTrack means minimum install(安装) waiting times,about two or three days.Stairlifts that fit to the stairs,not the wallno structural changes needed.DC power means smooth,quiet operation and the stairlift will even keep going when there is no electricity supply.Affordable,installed fast and built to last.A simple clear LED display shows the status of the stairlift.Safety sensors that surround the stairlifts carriage.If the stairlift knocks against an obstruction(障碍),sensors around the carriage and foot rest stop the stairlift safely.Swivel seat(转椅) for easier access.The lockable swivel seat makes it easier and safer to get in and out of the stairlift at the top of the stairs.Call 1-877-397-6983 now for your free Information Kit and DVD.LIMITED TIME OFFER!$250 OFFPURCHASE OF A NEW STAIRLIFTEXPIRES(终止) October 31,xx21.With the LED display,a user can .A.lock the swivel seatB.stop the stairlift immediatelyC.control the speed of the stairliftD.know the condition of the stairlift22.To buy a stairlift with $250 off,one should .A.purchase the newest modelB.order before a specific timeC.buy Information Kit and DVD firstD.call 1-877-397-6983 as soon as possible23.The text is probably taken from .A.a news reportB.a newspaper adC.a personal diaryD.a research paperBTaylor Swifts been known to give back to her devoted followers.But this time,two of her fans turned the tables and did something sweet for the superstar and her mother.Inspired by the Japanese legend(传说) which says that anyone who folds 1,000 paper cranes is granted(答应) a wish,sisters Sam Brady,11,and Jo Brady,8,of Salt Lake City,folded 1,989 paper cranesa reference to Swifts latest album,1989.The two wished that Andrea Swift,the artists mother who is battling cancer,would get better,according to a video featuring the pairs project.Along with their mothers help,the two hope to get the paper cranes to Taylor and Andrea.“It always amazes me how innocent and hopeful children can be,”Laurie Brady,the pairs mother,said.“Were doing everything we can to get them to Taylor and her mom.”Sam and Jo spent four months on their paper artwork project.The thoughtful pair originally planned to fold the cranes and wish for concert tickets,but they ended up having a change of heart.While most of the work is finished,the two have called on classmates and friends to watch their video about their project and help them find a way to get the cranes to the singer.Laurie Brady is hoping people can contact the star about her daughters kind act.“And though getting the singers attention may sound like a long shot,you never know,”Brady told ABC.“If youre going to dream,dream big.Nothing is impossible.”24.The sisters folded paper cranes to .A.prove the Japanese legendB.advertise Swifts latest albumC.give them to Taylor Swifts followersD.wish for Taylor Swifts mother to get better25.The sisters mother .A.helped them fold cranesB.is supportive of their planC.is uninterested in their planD.is also a fan of Taylor Swift26.What does the underlined part “a long shot” in the last paragraph mean?A.An idea that takes a long time.B.A project that receives a lot of attention.C.A dream that is very likely to bee a reality.D.A plan that is worth trying but unlikely to succeed.27.Which of the following can best describe the sisters?A.Smart.B.Brave.C.Kind-hearted.D.Cool-headed.CIm having a lot of conflicting emotions when moms I know talk about their gifted kids.I get it that the moms are proud,and certainly,I dont mind hearing about the kids other wonderful acplishments.Its the gifted thing that gets me.I would probably feel differently if my daughter Violet was some great prodigy.Maybe Id be out there bragging(自夸) with some moms if she was reading on an eighth grade level instead of struggling through “Ill Teach My Dog a Lot of Words.”Like every other parent,I had dreams of Violet being some kind of bination of Gandhi and Mozart.But in schoolwork at least,Violet seems solidly normal,ahead of some in her class,behind when pared to others.But why do I care?Normal is a good thing!Normal is great!Normal is what I prayed for.But thats a lie.I prayed for better than normal.Maybe thats why I feel terrible when a mom I know brags about her gifted kid.As it is,what Id like to brag about seems like a thing people never care about.My Violet is a really great little girl.Shes a little hothead,with a temper,but she also cares about other peoples feelings.When friends of hers are sick,she wants to make them little cards and pictures to help them feel well.A new little girl came into her classroom last week,and Violet noticed she was feeling lonely and scared,so she asked the new girl to play at break.But no one brags about how nice their kid is.Too bad.Thats the kind of thing Id like to hear.I dont think Id mind listening to lots of stories of kindness.“Oh yeah?Well,my kid took his plate to the sink without asking!”“Yeah?My kid lined up his shoes in rows in his closet and then sat on my lap and told me I was pretty!”Listening to those kinds of stories makes me feel cheery.They make me feel like the world is a good place,full of people who care for each other.Unlike those about kids who are trying to be the best.28.Hearing other moms bragging about their gifted kids,the author feels .A.calmB.proudC.ashamedD.surprised29.What does the underlined word “prodigy” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.A person who studies hard.B.A person who acts unwisely.C.A person with unusual abilities.D.A person with a great personality.30.Which of the following can best describe Violet?A.She is intelligent.B.She is kind-hearted.C.She is a perfect girl.D.She is sometimes lonely.31.The author prefers to listen to stories about .A.kids happy lifeB.kids achievementsC.kids good charactersD.kids remarkable talentsDMy dog seems to run in his sleep.Could he be dreaming?Perhaps.“We cant really ask them,”says vet Melissa Bain,associate professor at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine,“but we think they dream.”Thats because their brain-wave patterns are similar to those seen in people.Wonder when your own dog might be dreaming?As a dog starts to sleep lightly,and his sleep bees deeper,his breathing will bee more regular,says animal behavior expert Stanley Coren in his book How Dogs Think.“After a period of about 20 minutes,”Coren writes,“his first dream should start.”Do dogs and cats have a sense of humor?According to the experts,studies have not yet been done to test pets sense of humor.But we humans so prize fun in dogs,weve placed them among other playful things.And the fact that cats live willingly with us may be proof that they have a sense of fun.My dog likes to lie in mud puddles(水坑) and other unpleasant places.Why?Mud puddles?Thats easy:In hot months,theyre like an instant air conditioner for your furry dog.As for smelly places,Stephen Zawistowski,Ph.D.,an applied animal behaviorist and science adviser to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,says “nice” is in the nose of the beholder(旁观者).“While rotting(腐烂的) fish may not smell great to you,to your dog,it probably smells as good as fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies.Rolling in it is just a way to enjoy it all the more.”Why does my cat like to sleep in strange places,like atop keyboards or inside cardboard(硬纸板)boxes?Simply put,its what their ancestors did.“In the wild,cats like to take shelter in enclosed spaces,”says cat behaviorist Mieshelle Nagelschneider,author of the book The Cat Whisperer.“And what cat can pass up a warm keyboard?Its made particularly special because a human is touching it all the time.”32.People believe dogs dream by studying .A.how long they sleepB.their breathing patternsC.how their brain-waves developD.the time when they bee sleepy33.We know from Stephen Zawistowski that .A.the same thing smells different to humans and dogsB.dogs dont have a better sense of smell than humansC.it is wrong for humans to feed dogs on fishD.dogs dont like eating chocolate34.Cardboard boxes are attractive to cats because .A.theres no better shelterB.cats feel safe inside themC.cats can play hide-and-seekD.cats are taught to sleep in such places35.According to the text,experts are still unclear about .A.whether dogs dream while sleepingB.why dogs love dirty pools very muchC.whether dogs can understand amusing thingsD.why cats enjoy having a rest in unusual places第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Award-winning novelist Jamaica Kincaid is talking with Time about her new book See Now Then.Your new book,See Now Then,features a Caribbean writer whose husband is a poser and who lives in the Northeast with two kids.Sounds like you.How autobiographical(自传的) is it?36.But I wasnt thinking of myself.My own self,my own everyday life,is sort of very untidy and smelly and kind of annoying under close observation.What do you mean,untidy and smelly?I like to be in my pajamas(睡衣) all day.Sometimes I dont wash for days because I like to read and sit around.37.Im not fun to be with.Theres less in this book about slavery and race than in some of your previous work.38.Race is not particularly interesting to me.Power is.Slavery interests me because its against humanity and has not stopped.Its necessary to talk about that.So its not interesting to you that the most powerful man in America is black?Not really.As I say,race is not important to me.The first time I saw Barack Obama,he gave a wonderful speech.But what made me really like him is that his wife came out and she was darker than he is.39.You went to the U.S. to be a maid.What do you think today when you see maids from the West Indies?That they probably are not as lucky as I was.Ive been extremely lucky in my entire life.And Ive never said no to any kindness.40.A.I like to eat in bed.B.Ive always taken it and said thank you.C.Are you still interested in those topics?D.A lot of events in the book would seem to parallel my own life.E.Has your husband read this seemingly autobiographical novel?F.When you find someone you hate a lot,you should really look at it.G.Its so rare to see a black man married to a woman who is darker than he is.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Elva Robison will never forget the phone call she received one September morning.Her 22-year-old daughter had been 41 in a car accident.The weeks and months that followed were full of 42 for Elva.Relatives,friends and neighbors 43 her and her family.But Elva drew the greatest 44 from her old high school classmate,Irma Hyson.It happened that Irma had lost her 21-year-old daughter in a car accident just a year before,so she 45 like no one else what Elva was feeling,and that gave Elva 46.In the many years since then,the two women have continued to 47 one anothers joys,losses and hardships.“I dont know what Id do 48 her,”Elva says of Irma.“Ive told her,You have saved my life.And I know she 49 the same way.”Some studies find that having a wide range of 50belonging to munity groups 51 having a network of friendsoffers 52.But others show that the most important thing is to have just a few 53 friends“Quality beats quantity all the time,”says Laura Carstensen of Stanford University.Elva and Irma would surely 54.Five years after Irmas 55 died,her husband was killed in a traffic accident.Elva 56 went to Irmas side and 57 to do housework and anything else she could.“She practically lived here for a while,”Irma says.When Elvas husband died,Irma stayed 58 by her side.Elvas doctor 59 she join a support group for the bereaved(失去亲人的).But Elva told him she really didnt need any of that 60 she had Irma.Both celebrating their 84th birthdays this year,the two best friends still drive,travel and support each other.41.A.hurtB.killedC.punishedD.caught42.A.regretB.angerC.anxietyD.sorrow43.A.got along withB.put up withC.reached out toD.paid attention to44.A.pleasureBfortC.prideD.satisfaction45.A.understoodB.rememberedC.realizedD.imagined46.A.strengthB.safetyC.independenceD.faith47.A.controlB.enjoyC.shareD.express48.A.besidesB.despiteC.forD.without49.A.actsB.triesC.repliesD.feels50.A.backgroundsB.relationshipsC.experiencesD.interests51.A.in spite ofB.due toC.as well asD.instead of52.A.protectionB.examinationC.treatmentD.development53.A.specialB.trueC.oldD.popular54.A.preferB.expectC.agreeD.advise55.A.sonB.friendC.relativeD.daughter56.A.finallyB.immediatelyC.suddenlyD.gradually57.A.decidedB.plannedC.helpedD.managed58.A.closeB.lateC.regularlyD.sadly59.A.orderedB.suggestedC.requestedD.insisted60.A.andB.thoughC.orD.because第卷答题栏题号1234567891011121314151617181920答案题号2122232425262728293031323334353637383940答案题号4142434445464748495051525354555657585960答案第卷第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The greyhound is a dog with a long neck and head,and small ears.They e in a(n) 61.(various) of colors including black,red,and white.They have long and powerful legs and small feet 62. help them move fast.In fact,they are the fastest dogs.Young 63.(health) greyhounds can run up to 72km per hour.They usually live for about 15 years or sometimes more.In the past,greyhounds 64.(train) to hunt and were very good hunting dogs.They havent given 65. hunting but nowadays they also have another purpose.Greyhounds have been trained by professionals for many years 66.(race),and many people go to the racetracks to watch them run.Like most athletes,greyhounds have relatively short careers.When they 67.(run) their last race theyre still quite young and have the potential to live long.But these 68.(retire) racers need good homes.69.(fortunate),greyhounds are friendly and gentle with children.Families who have adopted greyhounds agree that a(n) 70.(good) pet cannot be found!第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(xx辽宁五校联考)This morning,I was jogging in the park when I caught the sight of a wallet on a bench.I picked up and checked the contents.Inside it,I found some money or a card with a phone number.Believe that the owner would be worried,I immediately tried the number.A man answered it in an amazed voice.Hearing that I had his wallet,he sighs with relief and told me he would return right away.Ten minutes late,the man arrived.After confirming he was an owner,I handed the wallet back to him.With his thumb up,he expressed his gratitude to me repeated.Seeing the smile on her face,I felt happy that I was able to help.第二节书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Carl将于八月去山东旅游,特来信询问有关泰山的情况。请根据表中提示给他写一封回信。特色风景优美(以四大奇观而闻名,如泰山日出等),古迹众多,还有帝王、名士等留下的2,000多处石刻(rock inscriptions)交通公交车、火车可到达注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Carl,Im glad to hear that youre ing to Shandong in August.Im looking forward to your ing.Yours sincerely,Li Hua#滚动测试三附:听力原文(Text 1)M:I thought you only liked collecting stamps.W:I also like collecting coins.But collecting train tickets is my favorite activity.(Text 2)W:Songs that make our hearts happy can make them stronger,too?M:Sure.Its a new find by American researchers and reported in Russia on Tuesday.(Text 3)W:Do you have any change?Im dying for candy and this machine wont give change.M:Look.This one gives change.I think Ill get something to eat,too.(Text 4)W:Good morning.May I help you,sir?M:Yes,could I change these pounds for dollars,please?W:Do you want small bills or large ones?M:Both are OK.(Text 5)M:Why didnt you call me yesterday?I was waiting by the phone all day.W:Im sorry,but I couldnt call.I couldnt find a phone.M:What do you mean you couldnt cal


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