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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4LearningeffectivelyPeriodWarmingUp&Reading学业分层测评新人教版选修.单词拼写1Consequently, we have been developing a more (效率高的) engine.2He is (能胜任的) enough to fill that position.3Please make every (尽力) to arrive punctually.4I need to (咨询) with my colleagues on the proposals.5We will (估算) the damages caused by the flood.6The baby is too small to (消化) meat.7My girlfriend writes (经常的) letters to me.8Its required for every high school students to (预习) the lessons before class.9They found the body buried (在下面) a pile of leaves.10The schools must (采用) new methods of teaching foreign languages.【答案】1.efficient2petent3.endeavour 4consult5.assess6.digest7.frequent 8preview9.beneath10.adopt.阅读理解(xx周口高三月考)puter programmer David Jones earned 35, 000 a year designing new puter games, yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a check card.Instead, he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18.He works for a small firm in Liverpool, where most young people of his age are finding jobs.Davids biggest headache is what to do with his money.Though he has high payment, he cannot drive a car, or get credit cards(信用卡)David got his job four months ago, a year after leaving school with six Olevels(普通成绩) and working for a time in a puter shop.“I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs,” he said.“I suppose 35, 000 sounds a lot but I hope it will e to more than that this year.” He spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother 20 a week as he lives with his parents.But most of his spare time is spent working.“Unfortunately, puting was not part of our studies at school, ” he said.“But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time.I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school.Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway.I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退休) is a possibility.You never know when the market might disappear.” 【语篇解读】本文讲述了少年电脑程序员David的苦恼和愿望。1Why is David so different from other young people of his age? AHe earns an extremely high payment.BHe has got a job.CHe lives at home with his parents.DHe does not go out much.【解析】细节理解题。根据 puter programmer David Jones earned 35, 000 a year 可推知此题答案为A。【答案】A2Davids greatest problem is that Ahe cant be treated as an adult by the bankBhe doesnt make as many games as he wishesChe doesnt know what to buy with the moneyDhe is too young to drive a car【解析】推理判断题。根据Davids biggest headache is what to do with his money.Though he has high payment, he cannot drive a car, or get credit cards(信用卡) 可知,他最大的苦恼是他没有被当成大人看待。【答案】A3He was employed by the pany because .Ahe had worked in a puter shopBhe had written some puter programsChe is clever and works hard at his lessonsDhe had learnt to use puters at school【解析】细节理解题。根据 I had already written some programs 可得出此答案。【答案】B4Why does David think he might retire early? AHe thinks puter games might not always sell so well.BHe wants to stop working when he is a millionaire.COne has to be young to write puter programs.DHe thinks his firm might close down.【解析】细节理解题。根据You never know when the market might disappear 可得出答案。【答案】A.阅读填句(xx河北石家庄五校联考)A new report says plastics are responsible for $13 billion in damage to the oceans and the undersea environment. The findings were announced recently at a United Nations conference. 1 Plastic thrown away carelessly makes its way into rivers and other waterways. 2 After a while, it collects in the sea. And plastic never goes away. Plastic is not biodegradabledestroyed by bacteria or natural processes. Instead, it just breaks up into smaller pieces over time. The oceans contain a lot of chemicals and other pollutants. 3 That means harmful material may get into our food supply. 4 Human beings cause pollution and they can take steps to stop it. They can use fewer single use product containers and throw plastics away correctly. Plastic recycling programs also workswhere old bottles and other plastics are collected, broken down and used to make new products. We could reuse bottles in our households many times if we wish to, rather than end it after the first use. We could, when we get rid of that plastic, recycle it and reuse it, which replaces the need for raw materials.The report also calls on panies to improve methods for using plastics. 5 And it calls for information about the way plastic is thrown out or removed from use. By putting a new value on plastic, industry has a special reason to clean up the environment.But all of the panies must join to deal with the problem.AThen, fish may eat the plastics.BIt asks for them to better measure and direct plastic use.CThe plastic eventually reaches coastal areas and ocean waters.DThe report tells about harm to sea life and what might be done to improve the situation.EPlastics should be gathered together and reused.FBut people can make a big difference.GIt is convenient to use plastic bags in everyday life.【答案】15DCAFB.完形填空(xx河南新野高三检测)One night, when I was eight, my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget.“Sweetie, my pany wants to 1 me but needs me to work in Brazil. This is like your teacher telling you that youve done 2 and allowing you to skip a grade(跳级),but youll have to 3 your friends. Would you say yes to your teacher?” She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was puzzled. The question kept me 4 for the rest of the night. I had said“yes”but for the first time, I realized the 5 decisions adults had to make.For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day. Every evening Id 6 wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day. A phone call, however, could never replace her 7 and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.During my fourth grade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her. Looking at her large 8 apartment, I became 9 how lonely my mother must have been in Brazil herself. It was then 10 I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on 11 family and work. 12 difficult decisions, she used to tell me, you wouldnt know whether you made the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation, with passion and a 13 attitude.Back home, I 14 myself that what my mother could do, I could, too.If she 15 to live in Rio all by herself, I,too,could learn to be 16 . I learnt how to take care of myself and set high but achievable 17 My mother is now back with us. But I will never forget what the 18 has really taught me. Sacrifices 19 in the end. The separation between us has proved to be a 20 for me.【语篇解读】母爱无言,妈妈为家庭所做的努力和牺牲让作者体会颇深,使作者学会了独立和设定有一定高度但可达到的目标。1A.attractBpromoteCsurpriseDpraise【解析】下文提到“就像你老师说你做得好能跳级一样”可推断,此处指妈妈的公司想提拔妈妈,故选B项。attract“吸引”;promote“提升,提拔”;surprise“吃惊”;praise“表扬”。【答案】B2A.littleBmuchCwellDwrong【解析】能跳级说明学习很好,故选C项。【答案】C3A.leaveBrefuseCcontactDforgive【解析】既然要跳级,当然要离开自己的朋友,故选A项。leave“离开”;refuse“拒绝”;contact“联系”;forgive“原谅”。【答案】A4A.explainingBsleepingCwonderingDregretting【解析】整个晚上的其他时间“我”都在想这个问题。explain“解释”;sleep“睡觉”; wonder“想知道,琢磨”;regret“后悔,遗憾”。【答案】C5A.poorBtimelyCfinalDtough【解析】“我”首次意识到大人们要做选择的艰难。poor“贫穷的”;timely“及时的”;final“最终的”;tough“困难的,艰难的”。【答案】D6A.eagerlyBpolitelyCnervouslyDcuriously【解析】前文提到妈妈每天都会给“我”打电话,下文提到“我”告诉她生活中的点滴,故此处表示每天傍晚“我”都会急切地等在电话前。eagerly“急切地”;politely“有礼貌地”;nervously“紧张地”;curiously“好奇地”。【答案】A7A.patienceBpresenceCintelligenceDinfluence【解析】后文提到作者放假去看望妈妈可知,此处表示的是即使妈妈每天打电话也不能代替她在身边,故选B项。patience“耐心”;presence“在场”;intelligence“智力”;influence“影响”。【答案】B8AfortableBexpensiveCemptyDmodern【解析】根据下文“how lonely my mother”可知妈妈很孤独,所以她住的公寓应该也是空荡荡的。fortable“舒服的”;expensive“昂贵的”;empty“空的”;modern“现代的”。【答案】C9A.interested inBaware ofCdoubtful aboutDsatisfied with【解析】看到妈妈空荡荡的公寓“我”意识到妈妈一个人在巴西是多么孤独。bee interested in“对感兴趣”;bee aware of“意识到”;bee doubtful about“对怀疑”;bee satisfied with“对满意”。【答案】B10A.whenBwhereCwhichDthat【解析】就是在那时“我”开始钦佩妈妈所做出的艰难的选择。It was.that.构成强调句型。【答案】D11A.abandoningBbalancingCparingDmixing【解析】妈妈要在工作和家庭之间保持平衡。abandon“放弃”;balance“平衡”;pare“比较”;mix“混合”。【答案】B12A.Depending onBSupplied withCFaced withDInsisting on【解析】妈妈告诉“我”在面临这些艰难选择时,你不知道你所做的决定是否正确。depend on“取决于;依赖”;supply with“提供”;be faced with“面临,面对”;insist on“坚持”。【答案】C13A.differentBfriendlyCpositiveDgeneral【解析】根据passion可知妈妈告诉作者要充分利用所处的境地,要有热情和积极的态度。different“不同的”;friendly“友好的”;positive“积极的”;general“一般的”。【答案】C14A.criticizedBinformedCwarnedDreminded【解析】前文提到“我”意识到妈妈所做的一切有多么困难,回来后“我”不断提醒自己,妈妈能做的,“我”也能做到,故选D项。criticize“批评”;inform“告诉,通知”;warn“警告”;remind“提醒”。【答案】D15A.managedBofferedCattemptedDexpected【解析】如果妈妈能独自在里约热内卢生活,“我”也能独立。manage to do“成功做某事”;offer to do“主动做某事”;attempt to do“试图做某事”;expect to do“希望做某事”。【答案】A16A.gratefulBenergeticCindependentDpractical【解析】根据take care of myself(照顾我自己)可知此处表示“我”也能学会独立。grateful“感激的”;energetic“精力充沛的”;independent“独立的”;practical“实际的”。【答案】C17A.examplesBlimitsCrulesDgoals【解析】此处表示作者会为自己设定有一定高度但能达到的目标。example“例子”;limit“限制”;rule“规则”;goal“目标”。【答案】D18A.questionBexperienceChistoryDoccasion【解析】“我”永远也不会忘记那次经历所教会“我”的。question“问题”;experience“经历”;history“历史”;occasion“场合”。【答案】B19A.pay offBe backCrun outDturn up【解析】牺牲最终得到了回报。pay off“取得好的结果,得到回报”;e back“回来”;run out“用完”;turn up“出现,调大”。【答案】A20A.blessingBgatheringCfailureDpleasure【解析】“我”与妈妈的分离结果成为对“我”有益的事情。blessing“祝福,好事,有益之事”;gathering“聚集,聚会”;failure“失败”;pleasure“快乐”。【答案】A

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