2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Looking good feel good(7)经典作业 牛津译林版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Looking good feel good(7)经典作业 牛津译林版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Looking good feel good(7)经典作业 牛津译林版必修1.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Looking good feel good(7)经典作业 牛津译林版必修1总分 100分 时间 40 分钟 成绩评定 _预习作业 1. A According to the first e-mail, Amy was an actress, who wanted to lose some weight.2. A Amy decided to take weight-loss pills because her clothes did not fit.3. A At the hospital, the doctor told Amy she would die without a new liver.4. A Zhou Ling, Amys friend, thinks diets and weight-loss pills are necessary.5. A Amys experience is like that of some people in China.课堂作业 II. 根据首字母提示或中文提示补全单词:(共20分)1. A She takes exercise every morning to keep her slim f_.2. B You must have your luggage w_ at the airport.3. A I am a_ of myself for my being so stupid.4. B Success came after many f_.5. A The room was small and c_ too much furniture (家具).6. B “I beg your pardon,” he said with some _(尴尬).7. A We made a _ (化学) experiment in the science lab.8. A You can get an experienced doctor to _ (做手术) on him.9. A You must tell me _ (确切) what you would like to do.10.A All the men were under heavy _ (压力), working day and night.III. 单项选择:(共20分)1. BEveryone knows his duty, _? A. dont they B. doesnt he C. do they D. does he2. B _ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walkB. WalkingC. To walkD. Walk3. A We have our reasons for keeping this _ secret for _ moment.A. the; aB. the; the C. a; theD. a; a4. C Look at the girl over. She is already forty. Youre joking. She doesnt look _.A. soB. the oneC. thatD. it5. B The film is very interesting, and it is _ seeing.A. well worthB. very worth ofC. well worthyD. very worthy of6. B Is this the first time that you _ to Beijing? Yes, I like the city very much. A. wasB. have beenC. came D. are ing7. B We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.A. worked outB. tried outC. went onD. carried on8. A Better go to see my sick colleague right now, _?A. didnt IB. dont IC. wont ID. hadnt I9. B Excuse me for my breaking in, _ I have some news for you.A. soB. andC. butD. yet10. C I cant find Mr. White. Where did you meet him this morning? It was in the hotel _ he stayed.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. the one创新作业 IV. 用and / but/ although/ however 填空:(共15分)1. A This TV set is more expensive, _ gives you a better picture.2. A _ I prefer a color TV, I have decided to buy a black and write one this time.3. A I believe that a color TV is expensive to buy _ expensive to repair.4. B _, they seem not to like this one.5. B I think we should get this one, _ it will take up more space in the room.6. A This one has better sound, _ the picture is better on the other one.7. A _ it is difficult to carry such a large TV, I think they will still buy this one.8. A _expensive the color TV set is, I would like to buy it. V. 填空题: (共25分)Visitors to the United States are often surprised to learn the distance from the east to the west coast. It is more than 3,500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast to the Pacific Ocean on the west. A jet plane crossed the continental United States in about five hours, but a traveler in a fast railroad train needs more than forty-eight hours to cross the country. The new state of Hawaii is very far from the states of the east coast of the continent. Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. It is more than 3,000 kilometers from Hawaii to the mainland of the United States.1. B It takes about _ hours to fly from the east coast of the United States to Hawaii.2. A Hawaii lies to the west of the mainland of the _(country) according to the above.3. B A fast train in America usually travels at a speed of nearly _ kph.4. B From the passage we can conclude that Hawaii is an _ in the Pacific.5. A Visitors who go to the United States are often surprised at the _ from the east to the west coast. VI. 阅读理解: (共10分) As soon as Marie stepped inside the door, she knew that something had happened. Curies father stood in the hall; with him were two old friends, Dr. Paul and Professor Jean. The look on their faces frightened Marie. Doctor Paul came up to her and said, “Marie, there was an accident. When Pierre was crossing the street, a carriage drawn by two horses came and he slipped on the wet road and . Pierre is dead.” Maries face went gray. She stood silently for so long that Dr. Paul feared if he would have to repeat his words. Finally, she whispered, “Is Pierre dead? Dead? Really dead? It could not be true! Why didnt anybody say it was not true? And, please, Professor Jean, send a telegram to my brother in Warsaw.” A few days after Pierres burial(葬礼) at the family tomb an official of the French government called. He told Pierres brother that the government wished to give Madame Curie and her children money to live on. When Marie was told, she said, “I dont want the welfare(福利金). I am young enough to earn my living and that of my children.” And finally all the friends suggested that Marie should take her husband h place as professor of physics. Such words often came into her mind, “Whatever happens, we must work the same.”1. A Marie knew her husbands death _.A. at the moment she stepped inside the door B. because Curies father was standing in the hallC. as soon as Professor Jean told her D. after Dr. Paul told her2. A When she learned the sad news, Marie _.A. only stood silentlyB. could hardly believe it C. was very calm D. was very frightened3. A Who suggested giving Marie the welfare? A. The official. B. All her friends.C. The government. D. Pierres brother.4. B Which statement is true according to the passage? A. Marie insisted that she could support the whole family. B. Pierres brother was then living in Warsaw. C. Madame Curie was persuaded to accept the welfare. D. When he died, Pierre was in a carriage.5. B At the end of the passage, we can see that Marie _. A. was too sad to continue her work B. took her husbands place as professor of physics C. would go on with her work in spite of her husbands death D. was able to earn her living and that of her children答案I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. 1. figure 2. weighed 3. ashamed 4. failures 5. contained6. embarrassment7. chemical 8. operation9. exactly 10. pressureIII. BBCDA BADCBIV. 1. but 2. Although 3. and 4. However 5. although 6. and 7. Although 8. However V. 1. nine 2. US 3. 734. island5. distanceVI. DBCAC

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