八年级英语下册 unit 5 Good manners reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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八年级英语下册 unit 5 Good manners reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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1 为什么不快点,没时间了. 2 我习惯晚上出去散步. 3 他过去对我相当不错, 我想去拜访他. 4 你能来真是太好了. 让我们进去,好吗?,_ _ be quick. _ _ no time _.,I _ _ _ _ out for a walk in the evening.,He _ _ _ kind _ me. I want to _ him.,_ very kind _ you _ _ here. Lets go in , _,Why not,There is,left,am used to going,used to be,to,visit,Its,of,to come,shall we,这个病人太虚弱了,他没法站起来 这条裤子太长了,我没法穿,This patient is _ _ _ stand up. This patient is _ _ _ he _ stand up.,This pair of trousers _ _long _ I cant _ _ _. This pair of trousers _ _ long _ _ to _ _.,too weak to,so weak that,cant,is so,that,put it on,is too,for me,put on,. perform/do (an) operations (on sb.), operate on sb, 1) Im afraid well . 恐怕我们非开刀不可了。 2) Dr. Li _ _ _ _ a patient. 李医生正在为一个病人动手术。 3) The doctor decided at once. 医生决定立刻为她动手术。 4) The doctor the eyes of the patient. 医生正在给病人的眼部动手术。 5) Now he is used to a day.现在他已经习惯于每天动十个手术了,have to operate,is operating on,is performing an operation on,to operate on her,doing ten operations,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,3. indeed . 患难朋友才是真朋友。,.,can afford sth / to do 买得起,能做 1.They are poor they_ a new house.他们太穷了,买不起新房子。 2. We this summer. 今年夏天我们抽不出时间去度假。,so that cant afford (to buy),cant afford a holiday,7. be proud of sb /sth. be proud of doing / to do sth. 1. They their success. 他们为他们 取得的成功而骄傲。 2. I a Chinese. 我为自己是一个中国人而感到自豪。 3. We because our football team every match this year. 我们感到非常骄傲,因为我们的足球队今年每战必胜。,am proud to be / of being,are proud of,feel very proud,has won,8. carry on doing / with sth. 继续做- 1. _ while I am away. 我不在的时候,要继续做你的工作。 2. They decided to . 他们决定继续走。,Carry on working / with your work,carry on walking,Unit 5 Reading,An interview with an ORBIS doctor,ORBIS is a charity that helps blind people.,ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to help people in poor areas.,Listen to line1-7 and answer the questions: 1) How many people does blindness affect around the world? Where are they mostly from? 2)Why do many people not receive medical treatment?,Blindness affects about 45 million people, mostly in poor countries.,Because they do not have the money for medical treatment.,Line8-11: 3)What does ORBIS use to visit poor countries? 4) What does a flying eye hospital mean? 5)What do volunteer doctors do on the plane? 6)What is the plane also used as?,A flying eye hospital.,It means ORBIS doctors perform operations on the plane.,They perform operations.,It is also used as a teaching centre.,Listen to line12-20 and answer the questions: 7)Why do they have to go to the patients? 8) Why do local doctors and nurses come to the plane?,Because many of our patients are so poor that they cant afford to travel to hospital.,They come to the plane to learn about eye operations.,9)What do the ORBIS doctors teach local doctors and nurses? 10)Why do the ORBIS doctors train local doctors and nurses? 11)Why dont ORBIS doctors work in a hospital?,New skills and knowledge.,Because they hope to help more people.,1)Many of the patients are so poor that they can train local doctors and nurses.,True or False,About 45 million people have heart problems. All of the cases of blindness can be cured or prevented. ORBIS doctors do operations in local hospitals. Patients go to the plane to learn about eye operations. Local doctors can even watch the operations on television,F,eye,F,80 per cent,F,on the plane,F,Local doctors and nurses,F,Video,1 have an interview with sb=interview sb. 2 be interested in sth 3 tell me something about blindness 4 affect about 45 million people around the world 5 mostly in poor countries 6 80 per cent of the cases of blindness can be cured or prevented. 7 do not have the money for medical treatment 8 use a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries 9 volunteer doctors,采访某人,对 感兴趣,告诉我关于失明的事情,影响全世界大约4千五百万人,主要在贫困国家,80%的失明病例可以被治愈和防止,10 perform (=do) operations 11 be used as a teaching centre 12 come to our plane to learn about eye operations 13 teach them new skills and share our knowledge 14 watch sth on video 15 by training local doctors and nurses 16 hope to help more people,做手术,被用做为教学中心,到我们的飞机上来学习关于眼睛手术,教他们新的技巧和分享我们的知识,在录象里观看,通过培训本地医生和护士,希望帮助更多的人,回扣目标 1 许多人受到失明的影响,主要是穷人。 Many people _ _ _ _, _ the poor. 2 别担心,这种病例是可以治愈或预防的。 Dont _. This case _. 3 这些人太穷了,没有钱进行药物治疗。 These people are so poor _. 4 在汶川地震中,许多志愿者医生每天要给许多病人手术. _ the Wenchuan Earthquake, many _ 5 通过捐款,我们希望帮助更多的人。 We hope _ by _.,are affected by blindness,mostly,worry/be worried,can be cured orprevented,that they have no money for medical treatment,During,volunteer doctors performed operations on many patients.,to help more people,donating money,Reading Two,动词填空: 1. Lily is used to _(spend) lots of money on clothes. 2. These places _(affect) seriously by typhoon. 3. Something must _(do) to prevent flood from _. (happen) 4. He used _(work) as a teacher two years ago. 5. Sorry, I have no money _. (leave) Will you please _(borrow) some from you? 6. My uncle _(teach) history since 1988.,spending,were affected,be done,happening,to work,left,borrow,has taught,6. Thank you very much for _(invite)me. 7. I think this kind of medicine can _(treat) their problems. They can _. (cure) 8. The young girls parent often _(educate) her _(help) people in poor areas. 9. He must stay at home if it _(not be) fine. 10. When I arrived at the hospital, the doctors _(operate) on the sick old man. 11. -Whats the plan for the coming holiday? -I _(visit) Beijing if possible.,inviting,treat,be cured,educates,to help,isnt,were operating,will visit,Unit ,Revise the first half of the reading,1. Who did the interviewer have an interview with ? 2. How many people are affected by blindness around the world ?,Dr Ma,About 45 million people,ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries.,5. How does ORBIS help ? 6. Who perform operations ?,Volunteer doctors.,7. Why dont the doctors work on the plane instead of working in a hospital ? 8. What can the local doctors and nurses come to the plane to learn ?,Many of the patients are so poor that they dont have the money to travel to hospital, so the doctors have to go to them.,They can learn about eye operations, new skills ,knowledge. They can even watch the operations on (=over) video.,The second half,Questions,How many operations did Dr Ma do during his last visit? What does he think of this work? How do people feel about ORBIS treatments? Why is Dr Ma proud? What is the most important thing for them? What does Dr Ma hope? Why?,How many operations did Dr Ma do during his last visit? What does he think of this work? How do people feel about ORBIS treatments?,He operated on 150 patients.,Its hard work but he is used to it now.,They are grateful to the doctors for the treatments.,4. Why is Dr Ma proud? 5. What is the most important thing for them? 6. What does Dr Ma hope? Why?,Because he can help so many people.,The most important thing for them is that they can help people see again.,He hopes people will support their work by sending donations to ORBIS. Because all they need is enough money.,1 during my last visit 2 need to work very quickly 3 operate on 150 patients 4 Its hard work 5 be grateful to sb. for sth. 6 be proud to do sth/ of sb./that+句子 7 so many people 8 Is there anything else youd like to say to our readers?,在我上次的拜访中,给人做手术,为 感到骄傲,这是辛苦的工作,为某事感激某人,需要快速工作,这么多人,你还有什么想对读者说吗?,9 Were the lucky ones. 10 try/do ones best to do sth. 11 treat their problems 12 carry on with/ doing sth. 13 All we need is enough money to carry on with our work. 14 support our work by sending donations to ORBIS.,我们是幸运的那些人,尽力做某事,治疗他们的疾病,继续做某事,我们的全部需要是足够的钱继续我们的工作,通过给奥比斯捐款支持我们的工作,Amy is writing an article about ORBIS for the school newsletter. Help her complete it.,donations grateful knowledge operations patients skills treat,The ORBIS plane travels all around the world. Many people with eye problems visit the ORBIS plane. Doctors can perform _ on them to help them see again. Many people in poor countries do not have enough money to go to hospital, but ORBIS doctors can go to them. ORBIS doctors can also teach local doctors and nurses new _ and _. Dr Ma is a doctor on the ORBIS plane. Many people are very _ to him because he has helped them see again. The _ do not have to pay because ORBIS is a charity. Dr Ma believes that modern medicine can _ most eye problems, but their work needs money. He hopes that more people can send _ to support their work.,operations,skills,knowledge,grateful,patients,treat,donations,On the ORBIS plane,Amy visited the ORBIS website and made some notes. Help her put the sentences together. Write the correct letters in the blanks.,There are more blind people in poor countries Many blind people do not get help because Local doctors and nurses come to the ORBIS plane Dr Ma said that 80% of the cases of blindness ORBIS is supported by the money that All the doctors and nurses on the ORBIS plane,to learn new skills. are volunteers. can be prevented or cured. people all over the world donate. than in rich countries. they are so poor that they cant go to a doctor.,_,_,_,_,_,_,e,f,a,c,d,b,Daniel is also visiting the ORBIS website and is making some notes. Help him complete his notes with the correct words.,ORBIS is a c_ that helps b_ people. Most e_ problems can be c_ or p_. However, many people do not have enough money to go to h_. The d_ on the ORBIS plane fly to poor areas to t_ people with eye problems and to t_ local doctors and nurses new s_. The local doctors and nurses can watch the o_ on v_. After l_ from the ORBIS doctors, the local doctors can help people in their areas.,harity,lind,ye,ured,revented,ospital,octors,reat,each,kills,perations,ideo,earning,翻译,我自豪我能帮助这么多人. 2. 他们教当地的医生新技术和知识. 3. 人们对他一定很感激.,Im _ that I can help _ _ people.,They teach the doctors from _ places new _ _ _.,People must _ very _ _ him.,proud,local,skills,so,and,knowledge,be,grateful,to,many,回扣目标,4. 坏消息是许多人没有治疗的钱.,The bad news is that many people do not have the _ for _ _.,money,medical,treatment,5. 他以自已是一名科学家而自豪.,He is proud of a scientist. He is proud to be a scientist. He is proud of being a scientist. He is proud that he is a scientist.,Homework,Recite the first half of the passage Finish workbook (P40-41),Which charity can help them?,A.ORBIS B. Oxfam C. UNICEF D. Spring Bud Project E. World Wide Fund for Nature,Problem 1:_ Nancy is a 12-year-old girl. Children at her age are all in the school,but she cant. She lives in a very poor family in a far-away village. She has two younger sisters and a little brother. Her parents are not in a good health. Nancy has to work on the farm all day.,Spring Bud Project,Problem 2: _ Some restaurants sell dishes made in rare animals which are protected by laws. (法律),Problem 3: _ Children in poor areas in Africa dont have enough food to eat or enough houses to be their shelter. They are ill, but they cant go to hospitals; they are old enough, but they cant go to school.,World Wide Fund for Nature,UNICEF,Problem 4:_ Mr. Johnson is out of work now. the factory he has worked in for nearly twenty years bankrupted (破产)last month. He and his workmates lost their jobs and they have less and less money to support their families.,Problem 5:_ Mrs. Black has been blind since she was sixty years old. Now ten years passed, she still cant see anything because she is very poor and doesnt have enough money to go to hospitals.,Oxfam,ORBIS,Have you ever heard of ORBIS before learning this unit?,What do you know about ORBIS?,What will happen if you cant see anything?,What will you do?,If you dont have money, what will you do?,Amy is interested in the work that ORBIS doctors and nurses do. She found an interview with one of the ORBIS doctors. Here is the interview. We can learn something more about ORBIS after listening to the tape.,Many of our patients are so poor that they cant afford to travel to hospital. afford to travel to hospital. cant afford to travel to hospital cant afford to do sth 买得起;有时间做 (could; be able to) 多用于否定句和疑问句 1)我们买不起新房子 We cant afford to buy a new house. 2)年轻人不能浪费时间和金钱 Young people cant afford to waste time and money.,The good news is that 80 per cent of the cases of blindness can be cured or prevented .,3. Whats the good news ? 4. Whats the bad news ?,The bad news is that many people do not have the money for medical treatment.,

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