2019-2020年七年级英语(下)(外语教研版)(天津专用)MODULE 11 Body language(检测题,含答案).doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语(下)(外语教研版)(天津专用)MODULE 11 Body language(检测题,含答案) (时间:60分钟;满分:100分)一、 听力测试(满分10分)A. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。(每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. Youre right.B. Oh, you should be on time.C. What a pity!2. A. I dont want to eat dinner.B. Supper is ready now.C. We will cook it all by ourselves.3. A. Very funny.B. Really delicious.C. I had two bowls.4. A. Sorry, I wont do that any more.B.I like to eat apples.C. I can give you some.5. A. Theyre shaking hands.B. They went to India.C. They touch noses.B. 听短文,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,满分5分)6. often ask “Where are you going?” when two friends meet in the street.A. AmericansB. JapaneseC. Chinese7. How will Americans feel if you ask them “Where are you going?”A. Theyll feel happy.B. Theyll feel surprised(惊讶的).C. Theyll feel excited.8. What does the question “Have you had your meal?” mean in Americans eyes?A. They think it is an invitation (邀请).B. They think it is a greeting.C. They think it is an introduction.9. Which of the following will NOT be used as a greeting in America?A. How are you?B. Hello!C. How old are you?10. What does the speaker mainly want to tell us?A. More foreign languages should be learnt.B. Different countries have different customs (风俗).C. Some questions can only be asked by the police.二、单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)11. is very important to learn how to ask for help politely.A. ThatB. ThisC. HeD. It12. in the reading room.A. Not talkB. Not talkingC. Dont talkD. Dont talking13. Some parents dont like their children puter games.A. to playB. to playingC. playD. plays14. I cant find my wallet.Dont worry. It must be in your room.A. anywhereB. somewhereC. nowhereD. everywhere15. I dont like bananas at all. I eat them.A. alwaysB. oftenC. usuallyD. never16. more, and youll improve (提高) your spoken English.A. SpeakB. SpeaksC. SpeakingD. To speak17. Mark, please dont play basketball on the road. Its very dangerous. .I am going home at once.A. Have a great timeB. Sorry, I wont do thatC. Id like toD. OK, with pleasure18. In China, people shake hands each other when they meet.A. amongB. inC. forD. with19. I my CD player everywhere, but I couldnt find it.A. looked forB. looked upC. looked atD. looked over20. Be quiet, please. The students a class now.A. haveB. hadC. are havingD. were having三、完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分) Around the world, people have different ideas about what good manners are.When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world, its 21 to know the right and wrong things to do. For example, in China its OK to 22 a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isnt 23 you may think theres something wrong with it. However, in many western 24 ,restaurants are quiet places. If a table is too loud, 25 people who are eating there might even plain (抱怨) to the owner of the restaurant.Paying the bill (账单) is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for 26 .In western countries, one person pays if he or she is entertaining clients, but 27 friends eat together, they usually share the cost. This is called“going Dutch (均摊费用)”. Also, when westerners pay the bill, they usually leave some money for the 28 .This is called“leaving a tip”.Leaving a tip is thought to be 29 .In the US, its mon (常见的) to leave tips of 10%,15%,or 20% of the bill, which is decided by how good the service is. Good waiters can make a lot of money!The way people eat food is different in the world, but you can 30 the same kind of food in many countries. Chinese and Italian food, for example, are popular all over the world.21. A. popularB. difficultC. importantD. enjoyable22. A. causeB. keepC. hearD. make23. A. noisyB. friendlyC. luckyD. polite24. A. familiesB. countriesC. hospitalsD. schools25. A. anotherB. othersC. otherD. the others26. A. everybodyB. nobodyC. somebodyD. anybody27. A. untilB. whenC. unlessD. since28. A. gatekeeperB. sellerC. waiterD. visitor29. A. impoliteB. politeC. strangeD. interesting30. A. inventB. discoverC. preferD. find四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)AIn America when people meet each other for the first time, they talk about things like weather, family, work, school, or sports. They ask questions like “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”“Where do you work?”“What school do you go to?”and “Do you like sports?” They also ask questions like “Where do you e from?” and “Where do you live?”These are polite questions, not personal questions.But some things are personal or private, and questions about them are not polite. People dont ask questions about a persons salary (薪水). They dont ask how much someone paid for something. It is OK to ask children how old they are, but it is not polite to ask older people about their age. It is also not polite to ask people questions about politics (政治) or religion (宗教) if you dont know them very well. People dont ask unmarried people “Why are you single?” and they dont ask a married couple with no children “Why dont you have any children?”根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。31. The writer wants us to . A. be very friendly to people from America B. find out a lot about America C. know what questions are polite in America D. talk freely with an American32. According to this article, when you meet Americans, it is OK to ask them about their . A. average salaryB. favorite sports C. religious beliefsD. age33. When you meet Americans for the first time, the question such as is NOT polite. A. “Do you e from a big family?” B. “Do you like playing baseball?” C. “How much did your shoes cost?” D. “Where do you e from?”34. In America, its OK to discuss politics with . A. married couples (已婚夫妇)B. children C. older peopleD. good friends35. In America it is OK to ask a how old he/she is. A. childB. manC. womanD. doctorBWang Fei, a Chinese student, and Mary, an American student studying Chinese in China, were in a supermarket. They saw a young man walking down the stairs. In his hurry, he missed the last two steps and fell onto the ground. He tried to stand up while people around him laughed. Luckily, he seemed to be OK.Mary found Wang Fei smiling a little and was not happy about it.“Tell me, Fei, how could people laugh when someone fell like that? Why didnt they go up and ask him if he was hurt?”Wang Fei said,“Because they knew he wasnt hurt too much.”“But I still dont understand. A fall is a fall. In my culture (文化),people would never laugh!”This is an example. The Chinese and the westerners will think and act differently when seeing such a thing. Chinese people are used to laughing or smiling. Very often the person who is in embarrassing(困窘的) situation would also laugh or smile to get out of it. However, if someone gets hurt seriously, it will not be a laughing matter any more. People will help him or her instead.But, in that case, a westerner will rush over and help the person get up. If a westerner falls, he or she, like a Chinese person, may try to make a joke if he or she is not hurt. If two close friends are walking together, and one falls but clearly isnt hurt, a mon joke is to say “Have a nice trip.”So different people have different habits(习惯) and different countries have different cultures.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。36. Will Wang Fei and Mary think and act in the same way if they see a young man falling down? 37. Why didnt people go up and ask the young man if he was hurt? 38. What do Chinese people often do when they find themselves in embarrassing situation? 39.What is a westerner likely (可能) to do when he or she sees someone falling down? 40. What might Mary say to Wang Fei if she falls but clearly is not hurt? 五、根据汉语提示完成句子(每小题2分,满分10分)41.我喜欢英语,事实上,它是我最喜欢的科目。I like English. ,its my favourite subject.42.在中国,人们初次见面时握手。In China people they meet for the first time.43.有些人一点也不喜欢别人接触他们的身体。Some people dont like other people them .44.丹尼,不要上课迟到。 for class, Danny.45.没有道别就离开是不礼貌的。 isnt polite without goodbye.六、补全对话(有两项多余)(每小题2分,满分10分)A. Its good to stay at home for you.B. After the meal, dont leave at once.C. Could you help me?D. What rules do they have in America?E. But Im a bit nervous (紧张的).F. You can leave before the meal.G. It isnt polite to arrive late.A: You must be really excited about leaving for America tomorrow, Li Ping!B: Yeah. 46 A: Nervous about what?B: I dont know many of the customs (风俗) and manners in the USA. 47 A: Sure.B: 48 A: Well, its important to be on time when youre invited for dinner. 49 Americans like their guests to be on time.B: Then how long may I stay there?A: 50 Or you seem to have e only for the meal. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of things, its time to leave. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.七、书面表达(满分20 分) 在不同的国家,人们互相问候的方式不同,恰到好处的问候方式令人愉悦。握手是最流行的问候方式之一。在美国、英国等一些西方国家,人们初次见面的问候方式是握手,但家人和亲密朋友之间的问候方式是拥抱或吻面颊。在日本,人们初次见面的问候方式是互相鞠躬。在俄罗斯,人们见面时通常亲吻三次。在印度,人们通常把手合在一起并且点头。请你根据上面的文字材料,以Different countries, different greeting ways为题写一篇70词左右的短文。 MODULE 11 Body language检测题听力原文及参考答案听力原文:A. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。1. My pen friend Tina invited me to her home yesterday, but I was late.2. Who will cook dinner for us this evening?3. How were the noodles you ate last night?4. You cant eat any fruit in the classroom, Peter!5. What are they doing?B. 听短文,选择正确答案。“Where are you going?” is often asked by Chinese when two friends meet in the street. But if you ask Americans the same question, they will be surprised because they think that “where they are going” is their own business. In their eyes, only a policeman will ask questions like that in the street.The same thing will happen to Americans if you ask them “Have you had your meal?”In fact, to us Chinese, such questions do not mean anything but a greeting.In America, when two friends meet in the street, they will say “Hello!” or “How are you?”They never ask“Where are you going?”or “Have you had your meal?”If two friends meet at mealtime and one asks the other “Have you had your meal?”,that means he wants to invite his friend to have a meal with him. Its quite different from what it means in China.The examples above tell us that people in different countries have different customs. Now that we are learning foreign languages, we must pay great attention to these customs.参考答案:15 BCBAA 610 CBACB 11. D 本题考查句型“Its + adj.+ to do sth.”,其中it作形式主语。12.C 否定祈使句的结构为:Dont+动词原形(+其他)。13.A like sb. to do sth.“喜欢某人做某事”。14.B somewhere“某个地方”。由本句句意“别担心,它一定在你房间里的某个地方”可知选B。15.D 由上句“我一点也不喜欢香蕉”可判断本句句意为“我从不吃它们”。16.A 本题考查祈使句。祈使句一般以动词原形开头。句意:“多说,你会提高你的英语口语。”故选A。17.B 由后一句“我马上回家。”可知意识到自己前面做错了,要改正,故用“抱歉,我不再那样做了”。18.D shake hands with.“与握手”。19.A 本题考查动词短语的辨析。look for意为“寻找”,由句意可知选A。20.C 本题考查动词的时态。由now可判断本句用现在进行时,故选C。21.C 当你去世界上不同地方的饭店,知道如何做是很重要的。22.D make a lot of noise“弄出很多噪音”。23.A 联系上下文可以看出,在中国,如果一个饭店不够吵闹,人们会认为它有什么问题。24.B 由文章内容可知,作者将不同国家的风俗进行比较。25.C other“其他的”,后接名词。other people“其他人”。如果某张桌上的人声音太大,其他在吃饭的人可能会向饭店的老板抱怨。26.A 在中国,一个人为所有的人买单。27.B 在西方国家,当朋友们一起吃饭时,他们均摊费用。28.C 西方人付账时,会给服务员一些小费。29.B 在西方国家,付小费被认为是礼貌的。30.D 由后文可知,在许多国家,你可以找到同一种食品。31.C 通读短文可以看出,整篇文章是关于在美国初次见面,问哪些问题是有礼貌的,问哪些是没有礼貌的。32.B 在第二段中,作者谈到不可以问一些私人的问题,如薪水、年龄、政治和宗教信仰等。在第一段中指出可以问运动等问题。33.C A、B和D项的三个问题在第一段中均提到,都是可以问的问题,只有C项问花了多少钱是不礼貌的。34.D 根据第二段中的“It is also not polite to ask people questions about politics (政治)or religion(宗教)if you dont know them very well.”可知,除非是很好的朋友,否则不能谈论政治和宗教。35.A 由第二段中的“It is OK to ask children how old they are.”可知,在美国问小孩子的年龄是可以的。36. No,they wont.37. Because he seemed to be OK.38.They often also laugh or smile.39. He will go up and ask him if he is hurt.40. Have a nice trip.41.In fact 42.shake hands when 43.to touch, at all 44.Dont be late45. It, to leave, saying46.E 由下句“Nervous about what?”可知“But Im a bit nervous(紧张的).”符合文意,故选E。47.C 前句为“我不了解美国的很多风俗和礼仪”,故此处应是“你能帮我吗?”。48.D 由 “当你被邀请吃饭时,准时是很重要的”可知选D。49.G 由上下文知“迟到是不礼貌的”,故选G。50.B 由上句“Then how long may I stay there?”及下文知“饭后不要立刻离去”。One possible version:Different countries, different greeting waysPeople in different countries greet each other in different ways. If you greet people in right ways, you may make them happy and they may think youre polite.In America and Britain, people often shake hands when they meet for the first time. Friends and family members often hug or kiss the check. In Japan, people usually bow to greet each other. In Russia, people usually kiss three times, left, right, left. In India, people put their hands together and nod their heads when they meet.


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