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2019-2020年高中英语Unit6Exploringchinatownsection教案3(I)一 代替从句的现在分词短语 这种结构主要用于书面英语。现在分词可代替as/since/because+ 主语+ 动词,即分词可帮助解释其后面所发生的动作:Knowing that he wouldnt be able to buy food on his journey he tooklarge supplies with him相当于:As he know他知道路上买不到食物,就带了很多食物。Fearing that the police would recognize him he never went out in day-light相当于:As he feared因为害怕警察认出他来,他从不白天出门。注意:当 being位于句首时,通常意为 as he is或as he was(由于他是):Being a student he was naturally interested in museums相当于:Because/As he was a student他作为一个学生,自然对博物馆感兴趣。这里 being a student的意思并不是while he was a student(在他学生时代)。这样使用的分词的主语并不一定要与跟在后面的动词的主语相同。它可以带有自己的主语:The day being fine,we decided to go swimming天气好,我们决定去游泳。在这种情况下分词必须跟在作其主语的名词/代词之后。Be-ing fine the day,we decided是错误的。但是 Being athletic,Tom found the climb quite easy(作为运动员,汤姆觉得这次爬山比较容易)是正确的,因为汤姆同时是found和后面跟着的climb的主语。同一个句子中可以连着用两个或两个以上的现在分词:Realizing that he hadnt enough money and not wanting to borrow fromhis father,he decided to pawn his watch知道自己钱不够,又不想从父亲那里借钱,他决定把手表当掉。Not knowing the language and having no friends in the town,he found ithard to get a piece of work既不懂当地语言,在此城又没有朋友,他发现自己很难找到一份工作。二代替主句的现在分词短语下面A和B中的现在分词结构主要用于书面英语。A 如主语同时做出两个动作时,通常其中的一个动作可以由现在分词来表示,这时分词既可以放在动词不定式之前,也可以放在之后:He rode awayHe whistled as he went他骑马走了。他一边走一边吹着口哨。相当于:He rode away whistling他吹着口哨骑马走了。He holds the rope with one hand and stretches out the other to the boy inthe water相当于:Holding the rope with one hand,he stretches他一只手拉着绳子,把另一只手伸给水中的男孩。B 如主语所做的一个动作紧接着所做的另一个动作,第一个动作常常用现在分词来表示,而且分词必须放在前面:He opened the drawer and took out a revolver相当于:Opening the drawer he took out a revolver他打开抽屉,拿出了一把左轮手枪。She raised the trapdoor and pointed to a flight of steps相当于:Raising the trapdoor she pointed to a flight of steps她把翻板活门拉开,指着一段台阶。We take off our shoes and creep cautiously along the passage相当于:Taking off our shoes we creep cautiously along the passage我们脱了鞋,小心地、偷偷地沿着走廊走过去这里好像用现在分词的完成式更合乎逻辑,如Having opened,Having raised,Having taken off等。但除了使用现在分词的一般式可能使意思含混不清的时候以外,不必要使用完成式。举一个必须使用分词完成式的例子:Eating his dinner herushed out of the house会给人这样一种印象,好像他手里还拿着菜盘子就走出了房子。因此,这里最好用 Having eaten hisdinner形式。C 第二个动作构成第一个动作的一部分时或第二个动作是第一个动作的结果时,可以用现在分词表示第二个动作:She went out,slamming the door她出去后,砰地关上门。He fired,wounding one of the bandits他开了枪,打伤了其中一个匪徒。I fell,striking my head against the door and cutting it我摔了个跟头,头撞在了门上,划了个口子。(这个句子中有三个动作,后面的两个动作是用分词来表示的。)这样使用的现在分词的主语并不一定要同前面的动词的主语相同。它可以有自己的主语:The plane crashed,its bombs exploding at it hit the ground飞机坠毁了,它携带的炸弹在它触地的同时爆炸了。三 误连分词 通常认为分词是说明它前面的名词或代词:Tom,horrified at what he had done,could at first say nothing汤姆被自己所做的事吓坏了,一开始都说不出话来了。Romeo,believing that Juliet was dead,decided to kill himself罗密欧相信朱丽叶已死,就决定自杀。A man carrying a large parcel got out of the bus一个拿着一大包东西的男人下了公共汽车。但要注意分词也可被主要动词把它跟所说明的名词或代词隔开:Jones and Smith came in,followed by their wives琼斯和史密斯进来了,他们的妻子跟在后边。She rushed past the policeman,hoping he wouldnt ask what she had inher suitcase她赶紧从警察身边走过去,希望他不会问起手提箱里有什么。如果在分词前面没有名词或代词,则认为分词是说明后面主要动词的主语的:Stunned by the blow,Peter fell heavily彼得被这一击打昏了,重重地倒了下去。(彼得被击晕了。)Believing that he is alone,the villain expresses his thoughts aloud那恶棍相信他身边没别人了,出声说出了自己的想法。如果不遵守上述法则,就会造成混乱。 Waiting for a bus abrick fell on my head的意思似乎是说砖头在等候公共汽车,那岂非笑话。分词与名词或代词被这样错误地连接时就叫做误连分词。上述句子应改写成:As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head在我等公共汽车时一块砖头落到了我的头上。下面再举几个误连分词的例子:(误)When using this machine it must be remembered(正)When using this machine you must remember使用这台机器时(你)必须记住(误)Believing that I was the only person who knew about this beach,thesight of someone else on it annoyed me very much(正)As I believed I was the only person/Believing that I was the only per-son on the beach,I was annoyed by the sight of someone else因我自以为是唯一一个在这海滩上的人,看到有别人在这里时所以心里很不高兴


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