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2019-2020年高中英语Unit22Lesson1GlobalWarming(warmup)教案北师大版选修8Teaching aims1.learn news words and phrases2.warm-up:talk about and discuss environmental problems3.text:global warming . get the general idea of the text4.language points and to practise using reporting verbs.Teaching time Two periodsTeaching processStep 1 RevisionStep 2 new words learning1.ask some students to read the new words first and correct their pronunciation2.play the tape and have them read after the tape3.give them a few minutes to read the new words freely ,tell them if they cant read the words, encourage them to ask the teacher .Step 3 Warm-up1.Read unit objectives, and ask the students to tell us the meanings.2.Exercise 1 a) let the students read the key words b)let them look at the pictures and discuss the question:How much do you know about environmental problems? c)ask them do exercise 1. d)let some students write their answers on the board.3.Exercise 2 a)let the students read the statements and guess what the report is about. b)play the tape twice and decide if the statements are true or false. c)check answers.and ask them to correct the false statements.4.Exercise 3 ask students to discuss in pairs :which animals do you think are among the top 5 endangered species in China?5.Exercise 4 a)read the questions first b)have the students work in pairs and discuss the questionsstep 4 Reading1.Before you start a)students work in groups,looking at the pictures,and give them a few minutes to discuss the question:what do you know about global warming? b)discuss the question:which countries do you think contribute more to global warming?why? c)ask students to go through the words in exercise 3.and then ask them to read the text and underline the words they find. d)ask students to identity the words in the text and e3xplain their meaning,either in English or Chinese.2.Read to learna) ask the students look at exercise 4, and then play the cassette twice.b) give them a few minutes to read the text and discuss the questions.c) Go through the questions and ask them to give their answers and explain if necessary.3.Language points1.can we take the heat?我们受得了这么热吗?2.beyond our control 我们不能控制的 beyond prep.在(到).较远的一边, 超过, 那一边 adv.在远处 n.远处eg. Dont stay there beyond midnight. 不要过了午夜还留在那儿。What lies beyond the mountains? 山的那一边有什么?Men can travel to the moon and beyond. 人们能到月球或更远处去旅行。The road is beyond that hill. 路在山的那一边。Some shops keep open beyond midnight. 有些商店营业到半夜以后。The rumour is beyond belief. 这谣言不可信。I know nothing of it beyond what he told me. 除了他告诉我的以外, 别的我什么都不知道。 He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control. 他是个顽皮的孩子,我实在无法管教.3.speed up加快速度,促进eg. The train gradually speeded up.火车逐渐加快速度.4.refer to提到, 谈到, 涉及 ;参考, 查阅 ;向.打听查询 ;认为与.有关, 认为.起源于.refer to sb. sth. as 称某人物为eg. What I have to say refers to all of you. 我要说的话涉及到你们大家。The teacher referred him to Chapter V. 老师叫他看第五章。The visitors are referred to the information desk. 让来访者到问事处去。He referred his success to the good teaching he had had.他把他的成功归于他以前所受的良好教育。5.in turn adv.依次, 轮流in ones turn(依次)轮到时;这一回 by turns 轮流地,依序地eg.They sang on the stage in turn. We drove the car by turns.6.lead to通向, 导致lead up to把话题渐渐引到.; 导致eg. All roads lead to Rome. 谚条条道路通罗马。His actions lead me to distrust him. 他的行为使我不信任他。 7.leaving the earth cold.Leave+n.+adj./adv. 听任,使处于某种状态Eg. left the lights on. 让灯亮着The window was left open. 让窗子开着。leave the door open让门开着leave a thing as it is听其自然, 置之不理8.as a result of 9.continue to do sth.10.all over the world11.play ones part12. slow down v.(使)慢下来13.add up v.合计step 5 vocabulary:exercise 61.look at the expressions in the box first.2.ask students do the exercise individually and write down their answers on the board.3.ask them read out the sentences.Step 6 grammar:reporting1.exercise 7.ask students to identify the sentences that these statements relate to and circle the reporting verbs.2.ask them to explain the reasons.3.exercise 8 students read the sentences and refer them to the grammar summary 1 on page 100.then ask them to explain the reasons.4.exercise 9.ask them to do the exercise individually,then check their answers.Step 7 Summary and exercisea) new words b) exercise 1 on page 52


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