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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit1DreamHomes单元综合检测(A卷,无答案)(新版)牛津版一、单项选择题(共15题,共15分)1. Which of thefollowing is not a capital city?A. Ottawa.B. London.C. New York.D. Tokyo.2. Is Andy from _ USA?No.He is from _ England.A.an; aB./; theC.the; /D. the; the3. In some Westerncountries, shops are closed _ weekends.A. inB. atC. toD. with4. I usually eatdinner with my family in the _.A. dining roomB. living roomC. bedroomD. kitchen5.What are you going to do this weekend?Iwould like _ my uncle.A.visitingB.visitC.to visitD. visits6.My cousin has a small garden _many beautiful flowers.A.ofB.withC.aboutD. in7. You should askyour brother _ back as quickly as hecan.A. to eB. esC. eD. ing8._ is your room number?ItsB225. Its on the second floor.A.How muchB.How manyC.HowD. What9. 110,206 shouldbe read _.A. one hundred andten thousand two hundred and sixB. one hundred andten thousands and two hundreds and sixC. one hundred andten thousand and two hundred and sixD. one hundred tenthousand two hundred and six10. My best friendPaul lives on _ floor in this tallbuilding.A. thirteenthB. thirteenC. the thirteenD. the thirteenth11. Mary, howmany students are there in your school?_A.Two thousands.B. Two thousand.C. Two thousandsof.D. Two thousandof.12.Everyhome has a kitchen and it is the place _ meals.A. cookB. cooksC. to cookD. cooking13.I wantto have a balcony in my house and I can _ thebeach.A. look out atB. look up atC. look outD. look up14.Hello,may I speak to Kitty?_A.Yes, I am.B.Im Kitty.C.Yes, speaking.D. Who are you?15.I hopeto visit your home some day._A.Not at all.B.Many thanks.C.Take your time.D. Wele.二、完形填空(共10题,共10分)1.My name is Li Ming. I live in Nanjing with my parents. I am anew student in Sunshine Middle School. I am (1) of the best students in myclass.My (2) home is in the country. The air there is fresh and it is (3) there.My house is very beautiful. There (4) at leastthree floors. There is a river (5) my house and behind it is a big garden.I can (6) trees and flowers in it. I like (7) greeneverywhere and green is my favourite colour. I like to work in the (8) andto watch fish in the river. Id like to invite my friends to my home. Then wecan chat and play games. I have a puter in the study. I often do my (9) and play puter games on it.My dream house is so nice. I hope I can live a (10) lifewith my family in it one day.(1)A. first B. thefirst C.one D. the one(2)A.brown B. drawing C. dream D. wooden(3)A. quiet B. free C.difficult D. busy(4)A. are B. is C.have D. has(5)A. in front of B. in the front of C. under D. on(6)A. watch B. make C.cut D. grow(7)A. see B. to see C.look D. to look(8)A. park B. garden C. house D. home(9)A. homework B. homeworks C.housework D. houseworks(10)A. unhappy B. unhappily C.happy D. happily三、阅读理解(共15题,共15分)1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AAA BIG HOUSE FOR SALEA fortable home for a big family, with a large garden. Its five miles from the city centre. Three bedrooms, a living room, two kitchens, a dining room and a bathroom. Price: 500,000 yuanPhone number: 3434-5778BA MODERN ROOM TO RENT (出租)There is a small room to rent here in the city centre. Its on the first floor. Good for office workers and students. Near three bus stops and the subway (地铁) station.Price: 600 yuan a monthPhone number: 3322-1088CA FORTABLE HOUSE TO RENTAn old house to rent outside the city.Ten minutes by subway to the centre of the city. Near important stops. Buses pass by the house. One bedroom, one kitchen and one bathroom. Also a small garage (车库).Price: 9,000 yuan a yearPhone number: 3322-0178DA CLEAN FLAT TO RENTOur flat has three big and clean rooms to rent. Twelve square metres each. Share a kitchen and a bathroom. A TV set and a fridge in the living room.Price: 6,000 yuan a year for each roomPhone number: 3322-7877(1)If we want to find a place to live, we have _ choicesaccording to the advertisements above.A.two B.three C.four D.five(2)Whichnumber should Andy call if he wants to buy a house?A.3434-5778. B.3322-1088. C.3322-0178. D.3322-7877.(3)Whichnumber should Jack call if he has a car and wants to find a place to live?A.3434-5778. B.3322-1088. C.3322-0178. D.3322-7877.(4)Howmuch should Linda pay if she rents a room in the last advertisement for amonth?A.500yuan. B.600yuan. C.750yuan. D.900yuan.(5)Whichpart of a newspaper is probably the information from?A.Thepart about school life. B.Thepart about sports. C.Thepart about daily life. D.Thepart about business.2.BHello,everyone. My name is Judy. I live with my mother and father in a flat. The flatis on the twelfth floor in a tall building. It has twenty-four floors in all.Our flat is not in the centre of the city. Its about five miles away from thecentre. My father works in the city, so he goes to work by underground everyday. He doesnt drive his car. He uses his car only at weekends. He takes us tothe country or the beach by car.Thereis a bedroom for my mother and father, and another for me. We also have twomore bedrooms for guests. There is a study, a living room, a kitchen and twobathrooms in our flat.Wedont have a garden, but we have a small and lovely balcony. There are someplants there. In summer we often sit out on the balcony because its very hotinside the flat. Our flat is not very big, but we are very happy in it.(1)Whatis the passage mainly about?A.Judylikes living in the centre of the city. B.Judylives happily in a flat with her family. C.Judysfather works in the city. D.Judy hasher own bedroom.(2)Whereis Judys flat?A.Itsfifteen miles from her school. B.Its inthe centre of the city. C.Its inthe countryside near the beach. D.Itsfive miles from the city centre.(3)Wheredo Judys family keep some plants?A.In theliving room. B.In thegarden. C.On thebalcony. D.In thekitchen.(4)Howdoes Judys father go to work every day?A.By bus. B.By car. C.Byunderground. D.Bybike.(5)Why do Judy and her parents often sit on the balcony in summer?A.Becausethe flat is too small. B.Becausethey can play chess there. C.Becausethere are plants there. D.Becausethe flat gets very hot.3.CPeoplelive in different kinds of houses in the world. Usually, each house has its ownliving room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Different houses have differentnames. What are they? Now lets take a look.Aflat is usually in a building. There are usually many families living in thesame flat building. People in a flat building share the same stairs and liftsto go up and down.Atownhouse has two floors. In a townhouse, the kitchen, the living room and thedining room are usually on the ground floor, and the bedrooms are usually onthe first floor.Afarmhouse is a house on a farm. There are many farmers living there. There is alarge yard in front of it. There are also some “houses” for cows, pigs and hensnear the farmhouse. Thefield is not far from the farmhouse, so farmers always go to the field on foot.A dormitory is a large bedroom in a school, and every 4 to 8 students share onedormitory. They share the same bathroom, but each student has his or her ownbed. Students can learn how to get along well with each other in a dormitory.(1)How does a person get into his or her flat on the second floor?A.He orshe climbs a ladder to get into it. B.He orshe uses stairs or lifts to get into it. C.He orshe gets into it on foot. D.He orshe uses a plane to get into it.(2)Whatdo people call a two-floor house?A.A flat. B.Atownhouse. C.Afarmhouse. D.Adormitory.(3)Farmers living in farmhouses usually go to the field _.A.by bike B.by bus C.by car D.on foot(4)Paul and Stephen live in a dormitory, so its good for them to learn _ there.A.how tomake money B.how tospeak English C.how toget along with each other D.how tosing a song(5)Thewriter tells us _ kinds of houses.A.four B.five C.six D.seven四、根据句意及汉语提示填空(共5题,共5分)1. I want to paintmy _ (卧室)blue.2. Do you knowwhat is the _ (首都)of the UK?3. You can make ashort _ (视频)with your own mobile phone.4. Take off yourdirty coat and let me wash it in the washing _(机器).5. I would like to_ (邀请) you to mybirthday party.五、提示词填空(共10题,共10分)1. She lives onthe _ (five) floor and there is no liftin the building.2. Amy was the _ (one) child of her family. She had twoyounger brothers.3. There are three_ (balcony) in my dream house.4. At home, I alsohave a study of _ (I) own. I can do myhomework there.5. He wants tolive in a _ (France) city.6. The park is agood place for the old people _ (do)some sports.7. Each student inour class _ (have) a new basketball.8. There _ (be) a pencil box and some books on herdesk.9. Thanks for _ (show) me how to use this machine.10. Would you like _ (have) something to drink?六、补全句子(共5题,共10分)1. 安妮的学校有2,348个学生。_in Annies school.2.米莉的梦想之家在山脚下,并且她可以有间属于她自己的卧室。Millies dreamhome is _ and she can have a _.3.这周末你想和我们一起去爬山吗?_climbing with us this weekend?4.在学校里,我总和同学们一起玩得很愉快。I always _ my classmates at school.5.我的书房里装满了各种各样的书。My study _ of books.七、任务型阅读(共1题,共10分)1.阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Do English people live a life similar to ours? Here is some information for you to find out the answer to this question by yourself.Many English people would like to live in houses, not flatsbecause most houses have gardens. They like growing vegetables and flowers whenthey have free time.Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning andfinish it at about five in the afternoon, with an hours break at noon. Theydont go home for lunch. They just have quick meals near their offices. Theyusually have big meals at the weekend. After work, many English people likeoutdoor sports. They think sports are good for their health.Children go to school at about 9:00 a.m. and go back home atabout 3:30 p.m. Most children have lunch at school. All children go to schoolwhen they are four or five years old.Most shops open at about 9:00 a.m. and close at about 6:00 p.m.Usually they dont close for lunch.(1)Life in EnglandHousingconditions Many English people hope to live in a house with a (1)_. They can (2)_ vegetables and flowers if they are not (3)_.Work life Most office workers work about (4)_ hours a day. They dont go home for lunch. They just have (5) _ mealsnearby. They usually have (6)_ meals at the weekend. They think they can keep themselves (7)_ by doing outdoorsports after work.School life A school day in England is about (8)_ hours long. Most children have lunch at school. All children go to school at the (9)_ of four or five.ShopsMost shops are open at about 9:00 a.m. and are (10)_ at about6:00 p.m. and usually they stay open during the lunchtime.八、短文填空(共1题,共10分)1.短文缺词填空,每空一词(1)Zhang Lei with his parents lives in an (1) o_ house in Nanjing. He isa student of Sunshine Middle School. Every (2) d_ after school, he goes (3)h_ on his own. Then he does his homework or (4) h_ his mother do somecleaning. The (5) h_ is very small, and it has only two (6) r_. But it isquite clean and quiet. There are many trees in (7) f_ of the house and thereis a small garden (8) b_ it. His parents grow many flowers and vegetables inthe garden.But now his parents have to buy a new (9) f_ in the centre of the city(10) b_ their old house will be pulled down (拆除) and the government wants to put upnew buildings here. Zhang Lei isnt happy at all. He misses his old house verymuch.九、书面表达(共1题,共15分)1.阳光中学正举办主题为My dream home的征文比赛。假设你是Andy,想给学生会投稿,请你根据下面的要点提示,写一篇70词左右的短文。要求包含所有要点,适当发挥,语句通顺,书写整洁。要点如下:(1) 梦想之家位于海边,很大,有两层;(2) 共有二十个房间,其中有一个大客厅、五间漂亮的卧室和一个大书房;(3) 房子外面有一个足球场,可以和朋友们一起踢球。

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