2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空选练(5)(III).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空选练(5)(III)xx高考完型填空训练题。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My wife and I moved into our home two years ago. We had a yard with a lot of 21 Very often when we have flowers, Denise or I would plant some between the rocks, just to add some 22 to the area Last summer, I found a tiny little 23 in the yard that I could not immediately identify. I knew I didnt plant it and Denise said she didnt either. We decided to let it 24 growing until we could find out what it was.Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the 25 plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I decided to 26 the weeds around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something 27 . The sunflower had not 28 where I saw it begin. It actually had begun under a big 29 and grown under and around it to reach the 30 Thats when I 31 that if a tiny little sunflower didnt let a big rock stand in its 32 of developing, we too have the ability of doing the same thing. If we 33 ourselves like that little sunflower, we can reach where we 34 to go and get what we need for growthWe need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the 35 to achieve our goals. Like the 36 , it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks because it had 37 in itself that it would succeed. Stand tall like the sunflower and be 38 who and what we are, then the environment will begin to 39 us. We will find a way to go under or 40 any “rocks”in order to reach our goals21.A. flowers B. insects C. rocks D. vegetables22.A. color B. water C. fertilizer D. shape23.A. weed B. seed C. rock D. plant24.A. stop B. continue C. improve D. escape25.A. weak B. lonely C. strange D. pretty26.A. remove B. tend C. watch D. collect27.A. wonderful B. terrible C. valuable D. unusual28.A. passed B. started C. left D. died29.A. tree B. table C. rock D. wall30.A. air B. top C. sun D. house31.A. realized B. doubted C. regretted D. hoped32.A. place B. way C. course D. process33.A. fill in B. put in C. worry about D. believe in34.A. forget B. hate C. aim D. wait35.A. ability B. wish C. plan D. idea36.A. yard B. sunflower C. home D. summer37.A. energy B. virtue C. courage D. faith38.A. aware of B. afraid of C. proud of D. tired of39.A. support B. affect C. upset D. forgive40.A. into B. around C. through D. from完形填空2125 CADBC 2630 ADBCC 3135 ABDCA 3640 BDCABxx高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I have two friends who love backpacking. They spent a lot of time in a part of New York States Adirondack Mountains. It 21 46 mountains with a height of over 4,000 feet. The Adirondack Mountain Club gives 22 recognition, and an award, to anyone who 23 all 46 mountains. My two friends decided to go for this award.Now what you have to understand is that 24 many of the 46 mountains have well-marked 25 to their summits (山顶), others are not marked at all. You have to bushwhack (在丛林中开路) using a pass and a map.My friends had climbed 45 of the mountains. They had just one 26 it was the most 27 requiring bushwhacking. A hiking path led past the base of the mountain, but from that point they were on their own.Early one morning they left their 28 and walked five miles on the hiking path to the base of a chain of mountains. When they arrived, they 29 that they had left their pass and map back in camp. Rather than 30 the camp, they decided to bushwhack without the pass and map.For hours they 31 uphill enduring heat, thick bush, and black flies. 32 , late in the afternoon they found themselves at the 33 of a mountain successfully. They were exhausted but 34 .The feeling was short-lived, however. When they looked across the valley, they 35 another higher mountain. They had climbed the 36 one! It was too 37 that weekend to put their error right. They had to 38 another four months to climb the right mountain.This story 39 us a good lesson. Often in life we put in a great effort to reach a goal. But without the right map and pass, it is 40 to get lost.21. A. goes through B. consists of C. relies on D. connects to22. A. special B. similar C. normal D. general23. A. describes B. draws C. observes D. climbs24. A. while B. since C. because D. unless25. A. paths B. rivers C. views D. avenues26. A. occupied B. left C. deserted D. missed27. A. interesting B. changeable C. reachable D. remote28. A. house B. room C. camp D. yard29. A. ignored B. discovered C. sensed D. explained30. A. departing from B. traveling to C. returning to D. going for31. A. jumped B. wandered C. ran D. walked32. A. Immediately B. Surely C. Finally D. Hopefully33. A. bottom B. top C. slope D. base34. A. embarrassed B. moved C. disturbed D. excited35. A. admired B. checked C. saw D. appreciated36. A. strange B. wrong C. distant D. steep37. A. late B. dangerous C. puzzling D. helpless38. A. save B. wait C. gain D. put39. A. sends B. tells C. remends D. teaches40. A. easy B. hard C. annoying D. discouraging参考答案21-25 BADAA 26-30 BDCBC 31-35 DCBDC 36-40 BABDA完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。【记叙文型完形填空】 Yesterday I was returning from Boston by bus.My wife was planning to leave the work to _1_ me up from the bus station.I called her to say not to bother.I would just take the local bus to see her.While I was sitting on the bus a young woman with a dog _2_She was carrying several bags of heavy books.I noticed the dog was an emergency dog,one that was trained to _3_ the owner of a possible seizure.I heard the young woman mention to someone else that she still had two miles to walk with the _4_ books after she got off the bus.I thought maybe I should ask if she wanted a ride but I wasnt sure at which _5_ she was getting off so I hesitated and didnt ask.I got off the bus at the stop where my wife was _6_As we were driving home,all of a sudden I saw the same young lady with her dog.I asked my wife to pull over and I asked the young lady if she would like a _7_She said she would love a ride but she was _8_ about the dog who was quite big.I asked if the dog could get in the _9_He tried to do it by himself but in the end I had to lift him in.By the way,the dogs name was Sam.The young lady got in and I looked back.There was Sam,sitting very proudly in the back seat with his _10_It was quite a sight!We took them both home and the lady was very appreciative.When reflecting on this _11_,I was a little sad that I didnt act the first time on the bus.But I was very happy to have had the second _12_ to do what I should have done the first time.1. Acut BpickCturn Dbring2. Arelied on Bput onCgot on Dgot in3. Aimpress BguessCcure Dwarn4. Ainteresting BheavyCuseful Dimportant5. Adoor BstandCstop Ddirection6. Awaiting BbuildingCworking Drepairing7. Asolution BhelperCride Dreminder8. Aembarrassed BrelaxedCpuzzled Dconcerned9. Ahorse BtrainCbus Dcar10. Afriend BownerCmother Dbags11. Amirror BexperienceCevent Dtrip12. Amethod BapproachCluck Dchance(一)【要点综述】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者一次乘车的经历。通过自己的这次经历,作者旨在告诉我们:要抓住机会做自己应该做的事情。1B由第一段最后一句可知,“我”打电话跟她说不要麻烦,可推知“我”的妻子正计划来汽车站接“我”。pick sb up 接某人;cut up 切碎;turn up 出现,到来,开大;bring up 提出,教育,养育。2C由第三段“she got off the bus.”可知,一位带着狗的年轻女士上了车,“上公共汽车”用get on the bus。rely on依赖,依靠;put on 穿上。3D根据上文的an emergency dog可知,这条狗是用来警告、提醒主人的。4B根据上文的“She was carrying several bags of heavy books.”可知,是很重的书。5C此处指“我”不知道她要在哪一站下车。stop车站。第四段开头也有原词复现。6A根据下文的“As we were driving home”和第一段可知,妻子在等“我”。7C根据下文的“She said she would love a ride”可知,“我”问她是否需要搭车。8D根据下文可知,这位女士担心她的狗。be concerned about担心,挂念。9D根据上文可知,妻子是开车来接“我”的,故选择D项。get in the car上车。10B因为Sam是狗,所以应是与主人(owner)坐在一起。11B总结上文可知,这是作者的一次经历(experience)。12D从上文可知,作者在公共汽车上时没问那位年轻的女士是否要搭便车,而当再次看到那位女士时,有了第二次机会(chance)去做第一次他应该做而没做的事。xx高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 munication is an important part of any relationship. Many of us are 41 to share our experiences or emotions with our friends. But when its our turn to lend a(n)42,we soon bee bored or are short of idea on how to _43 and offer advice. Thats because of what researchers call listener burnout(倦怠)”Afriend might talk to us 44,often plaining about the same 45 problems. When we offer quick advice to _46 the situation, we may be unconsciously trying to 47 0urselves from bumout. However, good listeners 48 their natural tendency to solve the others problems hurriedly and to keep the conversation brief. To be a good_49 ,you need to use active listening. It starts with the real _50 to help others and think through their feelings. Dont 51 things. You can start by putting your phone_ 52 and sitting close to your friend. Let your facial expressions53一what he or she is saying._ 54 you are able to fully understand,aeknowledge the other persons 55 by reflecting them back:That must be really hard for you.”Use 56 words or even sounds such as“yes”, right”,andhmm”t0 57 the other person to continue. 0f course,a.58 can be extremely hard if the other person is too critical.But dont get defensive.Effctive listeners dont 59 negative criticism.Instead,they listen and understand what the person ls trying to conVey 60 responding.41.A.afraid B.hesitant C.shy D.eage 42.A.shoulder B.hand C.ear D.eye 43.A.respond B.explain C.argue D.quit 44.A.aimlessly B.endlessly C.deliberately D.cautiously 45.A,difficult B.old C.acute D.sensitiVe 46.A.fix B.discuss C.create D.describe 47.A.forgive B.protect C.discourage D.preVent 48.A.foUow B.display C.fom D.ovVere 49.A.reader B.partner C.1istener D.speaker 50.A.demand B.habit C.desire D.ability 51.A.skip B.rush C.oVerlook D.postpone 52.A.away B.off C.out D.up 53.A.record B.restrict C.renect D.replace 54.A.Whetller B.Since C.While . D.If 55.A.suggestlons B.purposes C.responses D.feelings 56Abig Btough Cstrong Dshon 57.A.force B.remind C.encourage D.conVince 58.A.conversation B.suggestion C.problem D.1ecture 59.A.give up B.make up C.1eaVe out D.block out 60.A.after B.before C.while D.once参考答案41-45 DCABB 46-50 ABDCC 51-55 BACAD 56-60 DCADB


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