2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 外研版必修1I. 单项填空1From his_look,I could see that he didnt believe what I said.Aamazing BamazeCamazed Damazement答案C考查词义辨析。句意:从他吃惊的表情我看得出他不相信我所说的话。amazing“令人吃惊的,令人惊讶的”;amaze“使吃惊”,是动词,形式不符;amazement“吃惊,惊讶”,是名词,形式不符合题意要求;amazed意为“吃惊的;惊讶的”。当被修饰的名词是face,smile,look等能表现人情感的名词时,通常用ed形式的形容词,故选C。2Why did Peter look upset?His boss asked him to leave._,he was fired.ABy the way BBy accidentCIn all DIn other words答案D“老板让他离开”与“他被解雇了”所说的是同一个意思,所以空格处应填In other words(换句话说)。by the way顺便说一下;by accident偶然;in all总之。3Believe it or not, no bread eaten by us is so sweet as_earned by our own labour. Aone Bthat Cones Dthose答案B句意:信不信由你,没有任何面包能比得上我们亲自劳动挣来的(果实)吃起来甜。thatthe不可数名词,相当于the bread。4Swimming is my favorite sport.There is_like swimming as a means of keeping fit.Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything答案C考查不定代词。句意为:游泳是我特别喜爱的一项运动。作为保持健康的一种方式,没有什么可以比得上游泳了。something like好像,大约;nothing like无与伦比,没有什么比得上;anything like像那样的事,根本,全然。5Always read the_on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.Aexplanations BinstructionsCdescriptions Dintroductions答案Bexplanation“解释;注释;说明”;instruction“说明;须知”,常用作复数形式;description“描写”;introduction“引导;传入;介绍”。根据句意应选B项,指药瓶上的“用药须知;服用说明”。6 My parents are against my plan,and they dont have the least_of what Im trying to do.Arevision BimpressionCprehension Ddescription答案C由My parents are against my plan(父母反对我的计划)可知,这里是说他们对我正试图做的事情完全不能“理解(prehension)”。revision复习;impression印象;description描写。7The audience were_the performance of Lang Lang, a famous young pianist. Aimpressed by Bimpressed onCinteresting in Dexpressed by答案Abe impressed by“给某人留下深刻印象,为所感动”,符合句意。B项介词搭配错误;C项应将interesting改为interested;D项中express“表达”,不符合句意。8The allowance is only enough to_the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing.Aconvey BcoverCconsist Dconfirm答案Bconvey“传达,表达”;cover“(足够)支付”;consist“组成”;confirm“证实”。9As I joined the big crowd, I got_from my friends.Aseparated BdividedCspared Dlost答案A从空后的from判断,应用separate的过去分词形式作表语,表示“分开的;分离的”。10The information about the disease on the Internet is not as accurate as_obtained from the doctors.Aone BitCthat Dthis答案C考查代词。that可以代指前面提到的“the可数名词/不可数名词”,本题中代替the information。句意为“网上有关这种疾病的信息不如从医生那里得来的信息更准确。”10The microphone enabled them to keep in touch,_it made it convenient for them to contact each other.Aas well Bin factCin other words Das a result答案Cas well“也”;in fact“事实上”;as a result“结果”,都不符合题意。in other words“换句话说”,符合题意。11He ought to have been warned of the danger._,but he wouldnt listen to me.AYes, he ought to BSo he didCSo it was with him DSo he was答案DD项意为:“他的确被(我)告诫过”,与下文“但不听我的”意思一致,“so主语助动词”表对事实的确认肯定,即“我确实告诫他了(但是他不听)”答语对回话人的看法加以纠正。对方认为“他本来应该被告诫要小心的”对方认为没有警告他,其实“我”告诫他了。故不应用So he ought to.而是对he was warned of the danger的确认。而用So he was.12I dont think we have met before.Yes, once at a party, but we_Awerent introduced Bdidnt introduceChavent introduced Dwere not introducing答案Aintroduce是及物动词,后面需要有一个名词。本题中introduce后没有宾语,所以用被动,意思是:但是没有给我们介绍。13He_the club and_a lot of its activities in his spare time.Atook part in;joined Bjoined;took part inCjoined;took a part in Dtook part in; took part in答案B句意:他加入了这个俱乐部,并且在他的业余时间参加了很多活动。join表示加入某组织或团体,并成为其中的一员;take part in表示参加群众性的活动。14You must read the_on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.Aexplanations BinstructionsCdescriptions Dintroductions答案B考查名词辨析。句意为:你必须要认真阅读药瓶上的说明书,并且吃药要适量。explanation解释;instruction说明;description描述;introduction介绍;序言。15Why is your father in such a hurry?He _for Beijing to attend an important meeting.The plane_at six.Awill leave;leave Bis leaving;leavesCis leaving;will leave Dleaves; is leaving答案B表示“出发去某地”时,leave常用进行时表示将来;第二个空表示飞机在某一时刻起飞,这是按照时刻表规定的,要用一般现在时。II. 完形填空When I was in junior high, the eighthgrade bully hit me in the stomach.Not only did it_1_and make me angry, but the embarrassment and humiliation were almost _2_I wanted desperately to even the score!I planned to _3_him by the bike racks the next day and let him have it.For some reason, I told my _4_to Nana, my grandmother.She said,“Good _5_cause good results, and evil deeds cause bad results.”I told her, in a nice way, _6_,that I thought she was full of it.I told her that I did _7_things all the time, and all I got _8_was “baloney!”(I didnt use that word.)She stuck to her guns, though.She said, “Every good deed will e back to you someday, _9_every bad thing you do will also e back to you.”It took me 30 years to understand the _10_ of her words.Nana was living in a boardandcare home in Laguna Hills, California.Each Tuesday, I came by and took her out to _11_I would always find her neatly dressed and sitting in a _12_ right by the front door.Moving my plate _13_, I took Nanas plate, placed it in front of me, and cut her _14_ into small pieces.I then placed the plate back in front of _15_As she very weakly, and with great _16_, forked the meat into her mouth, I was struck with a _17_that brought instant tears to my eyes.Forty years _18_, as a little boy sitting at the table,Nana had _19_taken the meat on my plate and cut it into small pieces so I could eat it.It had taken 40 years, but the good deed had been _20_Nana was right. We reap exactly what we sow.“Every good deed you do will someday e back to you.”Notes:bully n恶棍humiliation n羞辱even vt.使相等 baloney n鬼话reap vt.收割1A.hurt Bfail Cdamage Dsuffer2A.unnecessary BinvisibleCdifficult Dunbearable3A.hit Bmeet Cinform Dask4A.hope Bproposal Csuggestion Dplan5A.thoughts BreasonsCdeeds Dfriends6A.of course BthereforeChowever Dthough7A.good Bbad Cimportant Dbig8A.in turn Bin return Cin order Din time9A.but Bso Cor Dand10A.meaning BstructureCwisdom Dtendency11A.bath Bwalk Cdinner Dshow12A.bed Btable Cchair Droom13A.aside Bin Cout Ddown14A.bread BvegetablesCfish Dmeat15A.me Bher Cothers Dfriends16A.satisfaction BdifficultyCpleasure Dinterest17A.drink Bmeat Cmemory Dregret18A.later Bor so Cearlier Dbefore19A.always BneverCseldom Dsometimes20A.repaid BrepeatedCforgotten Dremembered【语篇解读】 四十年前,作为儿童的“我”经常受到坏孩子的欺负,每当“我”想要报复的时候,祖母总是说,“好的行为会导致好的结果,坏的行为会导致坏的结果。”多年后她的话得到了应验。因为“我”小的时候她对“我”照顾周到,现在生活几乎不能自理的她也得到了“我”悉心的照料。1A因为他打了“我”,因此首先是受伤疼痛。D有一定的干扰性,suffer的意思是“遭受痛苦”,指肉体上的和精神上的,而but also后面的指精神上的,因此出现了重复。2D联系后文“我”要报复可知,这种窘迫与羞辱是无法忍受的。其他选项中,unnecessary是“没有必要的”;invisible是“看不见的”。3B联系空后的“by the bike racks the next day and let him have it”可知,“我”打算第二天在自行车棚旁边与他会面,让他也得到同样的对待。4D联系前文的“I planned to_3_(meet)him by the bike racks”可以知道,“我”把计划告诉了祖母。5C联系空后的“and evil deeds cause bad results”可得此答案。6A前后无转折或因果关系,因此用插入语of course最佳。7A联系全句可知,“我”一直在做好事却得不到好的回报。8Bin return的意思是“回报”。in turn意为“轮流”;in order意为“按次序”;in time意为“及时”。9D前后为并列关系。10C花了30年的时间“我”才明白这句话的智慧。meaning指“意思”;tendency指“趋向”。11C联系后文“我”喂祖母吃肉可知,“我”带她出去吃饭。12C因为是在饭店,联系空前的“in”和空后的“right by the front door”可得此答案。13A联系空后的“I took Nanas plate, placed it in front of me”可知,“我”把“我”的盘子挪到一边,拿过祖母的盘子。14D联系后文的“forked the meat into her mouth”可以得此答案。15B联系空前的“placed the plate back”我们知道,在“我”将她盘中的肉切开后,再把盘子放到她的面前。16B联系空前的“very weakly”我们知道,她非常艰难地把肉叉着放进嘴里。17C下一段是“我”对40年前的回忆,这段回忆让“我”流下了眼泪。18C联系空后的“as a little boy”可知,这是40年前的事情。19A显然,因为那时“我”很小,祖母总是为“我”切肉。20A现在祖母所做的好事得到了回报。联系空后的“We reap (收割) exactly what we sow (播种)”可以得此答案。III. 阅读理解“Snakes in the Gutter”can make an interesting game that can be played in school.For this, you need to make some of the children snakes.They have to stand in a line widely distanced from each other.To begin the game, you need to say, “Snakes in the Gutter.”After your announcement, the children try to get through the line of the snakes without getting caught.The kids who are caught by the snakes have to join the snakes team.The one who keeps free till all the others are caught is the winner.If your school has a big enough playground, you can organize basketball, football and other such outdoor team games.Online games that help kids get skills in using the mouse and the keyboard are excellent games in modern times.To do well in image tracking games, kids need to decide quickly and correctly when clicking a moving thing.Vocabulary games are those of the best games to play in school.One of the exciting word games is building words from the disordered letters.Another game could be that of finding the spelling mistake in a given word.A game known as “Hangman”is played by giving a piece of information about the meaning of a word to the kids and telling them the number of letters in the words.There can be many such games to play in school.Remember to design games that are interesting as well as educative.Games in school serve as the best way to develop certain skills in children, and they are also full of fun and excitement.So, get going!1In order to win the game “Snakes in the Gutter”, one should_Abe caught as soon as possibleBstand in a line to act snakesCkeep himself/herself free till the endDsay “Snakes in the Gutter” before the others2By playing the image tracking games online children can improve their skills in_Afinding out different picturesBdescribing a moving thing correctlyCmunicating with each otherDmaking a quick and right decision3What can we learn according to the introduction of vocabulary games?AThey are usually played at home.BThey are used to improve kids translation skill.CThey can help kids learn more words.DThey can help kids make sentences.4The authors attitude towards games in school is_Aunknown BpositiveCuncertain Dnegative 【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。文章主要介绍了孩子们在学校可以玩的多种游戏,这些游戏既充满了乐趣,又能锻炼孩子的能力。1C细节理解题。根据第一段的“The one who keeps free till all the others are caught is the winner.”可知,在“Snakes in the Gutter”游戏中,胜者应该尽力保持不被“捉到”。到游戏最后,其他人都被捉到了,那么剩下的最后一个没有被捉到的人就是这次游戏的胜利者。2D细节理解题。根据第三段的“To do well in image tracking games, kids need to decide quickly and correctly when clicking a moving thing.”可知,这种网络游戏可以提高孩子们迅速、准确地作出判断的能力。3C细节理解题。第四段介绍了三种词汇游戏,由此可推知,这种游戏旨在帮助孩子识记更多的单词。4B推理判断题。由“Games in school serve as the best way to develop certain skills in children, and they are also full of fun and excitement. So, get going!”可推知,作者对于学校内的游戏是持肯定态度的。

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