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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3putersPeriodUsingLanguage学案新人教版必修.单词巩固1n._ 病毒;_ 程序员;_ 同伴;_ 教练;_ 外观;_ 性格;_ 拖把;_ 侄女2v. _ 下载;_ 发信号;_出现,发生;_ 损坏3adj._支持的;_电子的;_顽皮的.短语回顾1_ 在某种程度上2_ 在的帮助下3_ 处理;对付4_ 看守;监视.课文理解()根据课文内容,判断正(T)、误(F)1The androids can often play games together.()2I am a striker,so I have to be able to run very fast.()3In the game,I need to speak to my teammates in English.()4Our team won second place in the match last year in Seattle.()5I disagreed to the result of the match.()6I can make any move in the game just like a human.()()根据课文内容,选择正确的答案1The android was allowed to play a game of football _.Aonce a year Btwice a yearConce a month Dtwice a month2The programmer is just like our _.Aplayer BbossCcoach Djudge.考点精析1What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of IT?信息技术的各个形式的优、缺点是什么?归纳advantage n优点,优势,利益,好处。常用的短语有:at an advantage 有利地to ones advantage 对某人有利have the advantage of.有的优势have/get/gain/win an advantage over胜过take advantage of 利用运用(1)He _ a good education.他具备受过良好教育的优势。(2)What is _ using nuclear power?使用核能有何好处?(3)He _ her good nature.他利用了她脾气好这个特点。2They had developed a new type of program just before the petition.就在竞赛前夕,他们已经研制出了一种新程序。归纳type n. 类型,v. 打字typist n. 打字员 typewriter n. 打字机in type排好版of this type 这一类型set type排版辨析三个词都可作名词,表示“种类、类型”之意。type表示各项事物在本类中都是典型的;kind特指在分类中能放在一起的性质相同或相似的一类;sort指大体相似的事物所形成的种类,其意义较为含糊且常带有轻蔑的意味。运用用type,kind,sort填空(1)This is a new _ of dictionary.(2)Do you know what _ of music he likes best?(3)What _ of people does he think we are?3In a way our programmer is like our coach.从某种程度上看,我们的程序员就像是我们的教练。归纳in a way 在某种程度上in the way 挡路on ones way 在某人的路上in no way 决不运用(1)The car is _.那辆汽车挡住了去路。(2)_,I ran across a friend of mine.在上学的路上,我遇见了我的一位朋友。(3)_ will I give in to him.我决不向他屈服。(4)I like the new styles _.某种程度上我喜欢这些新款式。4Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.然后,她把我在新情况下能用得上的可靠动作准备好。归纳prepare vt.&vi.准备;使有思想准备,使进行准备preparation nU准备;C准备工作(常用复数)prepare to do sth.准备做某事be prepared for sth.准备好某事be prepared to do sth.准备做某事(强调状态)in preparation在准备中in preparation for.为作好准备make preparations for. 为作准备运用(1)She _ upstairs.她准备上楼。(2)Hope for the best and _ the worst.作最好的打算并作最坏的准备。(3)Nothing would stop her,and she _ any consequence.没有什么可以阻止她,她已作好了面对任何后果的思想准备。(4)The final plans are now _.人们在准备最后的计划。5In this way I can make up new moves using my “artificial intelligence”这样,我就可以用“人工智能”编制出新的动作。归纳make up(1)“组成,构成”;被动形式为be made up of.意思是“由组成,由构成”(2)完成,补足,把补上(3)捏造,编造(4)整理,收拾运用(1)We need 50 to _ required.我们需五十元以补足所需要的数目。(2)The whole story _.整个故事完全是虚构出来的。(3)The medical team _ twelve doctors.医疗队由十二名医生组成。6After all,with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what Im all about!不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切。归纳with the help of 表示“在的帮助下”,用介词with,还有些词组表示“在下”,用介词under,如:under the leadership of sb. 在某人的领导下under the mand of sb. 在某人的指挥下under the direction of sb. 在某人的指导下under the control of sb. 在某人的控制下运用(1) _,I overcame the difficulty.在父母的帮助下,我克服了困难。(2) _, I believe I will improve my English.在你的帮助下,我相信我能够提高英语。Period Using Language课前准备区.1.virus;programmer;teammate;coach;appearance;character;mop;niece2download;signal;arise;spoil3supporting;electronic;naughty.1.in a way2.with the help of3deal with4.watch over课堂活动区.()1.F2.T3.F4.T5.T6.F()1.A2.C.1.(1)had the advantage of(2)the advantage of(3)took advantage of2(1)type(2)kind(3)sort3(1)in the way(2)On my way to school(3)In no way(4)in a way4(1)prepared to go(2)prepare for(3)was prepared to face(4)in preparation5(1)make up the sum(2)is made up(3)was made up of6(1)With the help of my parents(2)With your help

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