2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空精编(1).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空精编(1)xx高考完形填空训练题。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。When I was a law professor, a student reported that I made an error in grading his exam by giving him too many points. He was 21 and after thanking him for his honesty, I changed the 22 in my records. His beaming (欢笑的) face turned to 23 “Youre lowering my grade?” he said angrily. “I would never have e in 24 ”He didnt finish the 25 but it was obvious that his display of honesty was false. He thought hed have it allpraise and the 26 grade.Several colleagues thought I should have let the higher grade stand 27 all Id acplished was to discourage him from being 28 in the future. And every time I tell this 29 , some people agree with this remark. But I cant see how I could give good 30 for worsening my mistake in grading by undermining (损害) the honesty of all my grades by failing to 31 an error. The grade itself would be a dishonest reflection of his 32 and it would have been 33 to other students. How could I possibly give a 34 a gift of an unearned grade?I know voluntarily reporting an error in ones favor is 35 , but, like 36 extra change, its the 37 thing to do. People with real honesty, hate to give up benefits as mush as anyone else. The difference is that for them a good conscience and reputation is reward enough to give reason for the cost of doing the right thing.Perhaps 38 the students grade did discourage him from being honest in the future, but bribing (贿赂) him to be honest so that he does the right thing when its cost-free would have 39 him even more. The duty to be honest is 40 right and wrong, not risks and rewards.21. A. wise B. rightC. rigidD. angry22. A. fileB. noteC. nameD. grade23. A. grief B. shockC. happinessD. careless24. A. whetherB. whichC. if D. what 25. A. sentenceB. wordC. examD. lesson26. A. higherB. lowerC. moreD. less27. A. such B. because C. so D. whether28. A. braveB. adventurousC. honestD. successful29. A. man B. storyC. wayD. exam30. A. reasonB. causeC. excuseD. result31. A. makeB. findC. avoidD. correct32. A. reactionB. senseC. signD. knowledge33. A. unfairB. cruelC. toughD. funny34. A. people B. teacher C. student D. worker35. A. active B. oftenC. unusual D. curious36. A. receivingB. returningC. earning D. paying37. A. manyB. wellC. bad D. right38. A. lowering B. influencing C. protecting D. separating39. A. ruinedB. encouragedC. improved D. blamed 40. A. in B. after C. about D. during 完形填空21-25 BDBCA 26-30ABCBA 31-35 DDACC 36-40 BDAACxx高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Liz sighed, “You have no good reason to make me _41_Saras party next Friday, Mom,” she _42_. “You dont even know her, and I think youre very _43_. “No, I dont know her.” said Mom. “I dont know her _44_, either, and thats _45_ why I cant let you go to the party. Im not trying to _46_ your fun. Im just trying to _47_ you from a possible bad influence.” She smiled at Liz, “Why dont you invite Sara over for dinner _48_? Then I can get to know her better.” Liz agreed to her mothers _49_, and a few days later, Sara came for dinner. As Mom cleared the table after the dinner, she _50_hearing the giggles and chatter of the two girls in the next room. “Sara seems like a _51_girl,” said Mom after Sara had been taken home, “but I still need to meet her parentsor at least know more about thembefore I can _52_you to spend the night there.” As Mom spoke, the _53_came up the house, and Lizs dog, GGshort for Good Girlran to the door. She barked and growled_54_. “GG, be quiet!” _55_Liz. She turned to her mother. “Mom, what is wrong with GG? She should know the mailman.” She asked. “Because she has just had her _56_, she wants to be sure theyre safe,_57_she doesnt quite _58_anyone she doesnt know really well.” Mom paused, then added, “I guess a lot of _59_are like thatand fathers, too. So please be _60_with GGand with meas we mother our children. Okay?” Liz looked at her mother in surprise, then slowly nodded. 41. A. attend B. hold C. miss D. enjoy42. A. promised B. insisted C. threatened D. suggested 43. A. unfair B. generous C. considerate D. aggressive 44. A. parents B. teachers C. classmates D. friends 45. A. fully B. deeply C. simply D. wholly46. A. create B. ignore C. ruin D. tolerate 47. A. warn B. free C. prevent D. protect 48. A. sometime B. somewhere C. somewhat D. somehow 49. A. evaluation B. suggestion C. conclusion D. explanation 50. A. considered B. enjoyed C. hated D. escaped 51. A. careless B. romantic C. innocent D. nice 52. A. persuaded B. expected C. allow D. advise 53. A. postman B. policeman C. dustman D. spaceman 54. A. gratefully B. happily C. cautiously D. angrily55. A. realized B. scolded C. wondered D. recognized 56. A. masters B. relatives C. babies D. neighbors 57. A. so B. and C. or D. but 58. A. bother B. permit C. follow D. trust 59. A. dogs B. mothers C. adults D. partners 60. A. angry B. bored C. patient D. strict参考答案41-45 CBAAC 46-50 CDABB 51-55 DCADB 56-60 CADBC完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。说明文型完形填空 Employers fear they will be unable to recruit (招募) students with the skills they need as the economic recovery kicks in,a new survey _1_Nearly half of the organizations told researchers they were already struggling to find _2_ with skills in science,technology,engineering and maths (STEM),while even more panies expected to experience _3_ of employees with STEM skills in the next three years.The Confederation of British Industry _4_ 694 businesses and organizations across the public and private sectors,which together employ 2.4 million people.Half were _5_ they would not be able to fill graduate posts in the ing years,while a third said they would not be able to _6_ enough employees with the right Alevel skills.“As we move further role recovery and businesses plan for growth,the demand for people with highquality skills and qualifications will _7_,” said Richard Lambert,Director General,CBI.“Firms say it has been already hard to find people with the right _8_ or engineering skills.The new government must make it a top priority to encourage more young people to study sciencerelated _9_”The survey finds that young people will improve their job prospects (预期) if they study business,maths,English and physics or chemistry at Alevel.The Alevels that employers _10_ least are psychology and sociology.And while many employers dont insist on a _11_ degree subject.A third prefer to hire those with a STEMrelated subject.The research highlights worries about the lack of progress in improving basic skills in the UK _12_Half of the employers expressed worries about employees basic literacy and numeracy skills,while the biggest problem was with IT skills,where twothirds reported concerns.1A.submits BrevealsClaunches Drelieves2. Aaudience BofficialsCpartners Dstaff3. Aexits BshortagesCabsences Dsources4. Asurveyed BsearchedCexposed Dexpanded5. Aconducted BbinedC concerned Dconfused6. Aprovide BreachCtransfer Dhire7. Acontrol BstretchCensure Dheighten8. Acreative BtechnicalCnarrative Dphysical9. Aprocedures BacademicsCthoughts Dsubjects10. Arate BdiscussCorder Dobserve11. Atypical BparticularCpositive Dgeneral12. Amasses BworkforceCfaculty Dmunities【要点综述】 这是一篇调查报告。目前,随着经济复苏,在英国,对于雇主来说找到有技能的大学生就成了一个问题,尤其是科学、技术、工程和数学方面专业的学生。1B第一段提出话题:据一项最新调查显示,现在的雇主们害怕他们雇不到符合要求的毕业生。submit提交,服从;reveal透露,显示;launch发起 (一场运动);relieve减轻(痛苦、忧虑等),解除(痛苦、忧虑等)。2D根据句意,差不多有一半的组织和机构告诉调查者他们在努力寻找具有科学、技术、工程和数学等方面才能的职员。3B由第二段首句的struggling可判断,机构和组织寻找这些人才非常不容易,那么这种人才显然是不够的、短缺的。4A英国工业联盟调查了694个行业和组织。survey是指调查某部分人的行为、意见等(通常以询问方式进行),符合题意。5C根据上下文的意思可知,雇主们都担心这种现象的发生,因此选concerned “担心的,烦恼的,忧虑的”。6D三分之一的被调查者坦言他们可能雇不到技术优良的雇员。7D根据前文可知,这种需求是不断增加的。heighten提高,增高,加强。8B前面第二段已经指出在四个方面技能欠缺,选项中显然只有technical符合文意。9D这里指鼓励年轻人学习与科学相关的学科,从倒数第二段也可判断。academic高校科研人员;procedure 步骤,程序,thought 思想,想法;subject学科,科目。10A根据文意可知,雇主们认为Alevels中价值最低的学科是心理学和社会学,因此选rate。rate评价,评估;order 命令,整理;discuss 讨论,论述,observe 观察,遵守。11B文章指出现在雇主们需要的是具备STEM四方面素质的人才,因此许多雇主们不青睐有某一特殊学科的专业学位的人才。12B整篇文章都在讨论就业和雇用,显然选workforce。mass大量,许多;faculty 全体教员;munity 社区,团体。xx高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 A lesson for life“Fenil is so fat! Fenil is so fat!”A11 the classmates used to laugh at Fenil about his 41 but Fenil 42 responded. One Friday, Fenil was playing football during the physical education class. The 43 was petitive. When Fenil was near the net, a 44 passed on the ball to him. Fenil tried his best to 45 a goal but missed somehow. The game was over and Fenils team 46 . Arjun said to Fenil, “How could you be so irresponsible?”Fenils eyes were full of 47 . Fenil sat near Arjun for art class. Someone 48 Fenil and he fell on Arjun, who hit his foot quite badly against the desk. The whole class laughed at Fenil. Just then, the 49 walked into the classroom and saw Arjun and Fenil 50 . “I want both of you to go out on the playground and run one mile 51 each others hands,” said the teacher. They went out to run one mile 52 the teacher said. During this time, Fenil said, “Im sorry for losing the game today 53 my mistake.”At that point, Arjun 54 his mistake. He was the one who 55 Fenil for losing the game. He hurt Fenil, 56 Fenil never hurt him back either by words or by action.Arjun said with tears in his eyes, “Dont say sorry, Fenil! It is my fault and I 57 .It is a team game and no single person is 58 for winning or losing. I am very sorry for blaming and hurting you.”Arjun and Fenil became good friends from that time. It was a(n) 59 lesson Arjun learned during the 60 of hand-in-hand running with Fenil just for one mile. 41. A. weight B. height C. identity D. hair42. A. always B. hardly C. sometimes D. never43.A. class B. game C. training D. ball44. A. teacher B. classmate C. teammate D. friend45. A. score B. reach C. hit D. set46. A. won B. survived C. continued D. failed47.A. doubt B. tears C. fear D. puzzles48. A. pushed B. found C. spotted D. frightened49. A. teacher B. headmaster C. judge D. parent50. A. crying B. playing C. fighting D. laughing51. A. shaking B. waving C. holding D. raising52.A. if B. as C. though D. until53. A. because of B. instead of C. in place of D. in spite of54. A. recognized B. remembered C. recalled D. realized55.A. forgave B. blamed C. supported D. left56. A. so B. for C. but D. or57.A. agree B. apologize C. admit D. argue58. A. powerful B. reasonable C. responsible D. rewarding59. A. bitter B. serious C. easy D. amazing60. A. punishment B. discussion C. lesson D. performanc参考答案41-45 ADBCA 46-50DBAAC 51-55CBADB 56-60CBCDA


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