2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 冲刺第1练 阅读+完形+语法填空.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 冲刺第1练 阅读+完形+语法填空.阅读理解体裁:记叙文话题:教育词数:298时间:5Ebola(埃博拉病毒) has struck hard in Sierra Leone (塞拉利昂共和国)More than one million children have been unable to attend school because the spread of the disease is so fast.But classes are now broadcast on 41 radio stations.The educational programs are airing three hours daily,five days a week.In the countrys capital,Freetown,17yearold student Doris Ansumana says radio broadcasts have made a big change from her usual days at school.She says life has bee tiresomenot interesting.She misses the social life.She misses going to school and seeing other students.She notes,however,that others do not have the chance to study because they have to work.Her father expresses concern about other young students because many are being forced into labor instead of study.He says some students are selling things because they do not have money to go to school.Brima Michael Turay,director for the Ministry of Education,Science and Technology,says the ideal(理想的) goal is to have the broadcasts take place from eleven in the morning until five in the afternoon.He says the ministry worked hard to get teachers opinions and advice for the broadcasts.He says parents must understand that the ministry cannot continually protect their children.“This has to be one of their greatest responsibilities.”The broadcasts teach and fort children.They tell children that they are not alone in the Ebola crisis(危机)Mr.Turay says the broadcasts also advise children on how to protect themselves and others.“Wash your hands.Do this and do that,so you dont end up losing your life or losing a family member and all of that.”The Education,Science and Technology Ministry will continue to present more programs.It has also planned to bring solarpowered radios to areas of Sierra Leone without electricity.【语篇解读】因为埃博拉病毒的传播,塞拉利昂共和国的孩子们现在开始通过无线广播学习。1What is the reason why so many children in Sierra Leone cant attend school?AThey cant afford the school fees.BEbola spreads in the country.CThere are not enough schools.DThey have to work on the farms.答案B细节理解题。根据第一段“Ebola has struck hard in Sierra Leone.More than one million children have been unable to attend school.”可知,塞拉利昂共和国的孩子们不能上学是因为埃博拉病毒在国内的传播。2How do children in Sierra Leone get knowledge now?AThrough radio broadcasts.BBy teaching themselves at home.CBy learning from their parents.DThrough televisions and the Internet.答案A细节理解题。根据第一段“But classes are now broadcast on 41 radio stations.”可知,现在孩子们通过无线广播上课。3What does Doris Ansumana feel about her life nowadays?AWorried. BCheerful.CHappy. DBored.答案D细节理解题。根据第二段“She says life has bee tiresomenot interesting.”可知,Doris Ansumana觉得现在的生活很无聊。4According to Brima Michael Turay,_Athe broadcasts dont need teachers helpBthe ministry cant protect the children any longerCthe broadcasts are expected to last 6 hours every dayDthe broadcasts do better than teachers in some subjects答案C细节理解题。根据第三段“Brima Michael Turay.says the ideal goal is to have the broadcasts take place from eleven in the morning until five in the afternoon.”可知,Brima Michael Turay说理想目标是每天从上午十一点到下午五点进行广播,也就是每天广播六个小时。B体裁:说明文话题:保护环境词数:369时间:6Imagine being told not to drink,shower,or brush your teeth with tap water.Thats what happened to people of Toledo,Ohio,and parts of Michigan after tap water ing from Lake Erie was found to be unsafe.Hundreds of thousands of people were affected.As a temporary solution,bottled water was trucked into the area and the Ohio National Guard was purifying(净化) water for people.But by Monday morning,the ban had been removed.“Our water is safe,” said Toledo mayor DMichael Collins.“Families can return to normal life.”To reassure people,he took a sip from a glass of the citys tap water.Toledo is Ohios fourth largest city.News about the water ban came after tests at one watertreatment plant showed high levels of the toxin microcystin(微囊藻毒素)Algae(藻类) caused the toxin.Following the warning,Ohio Governor John Kasich declared a state of emergency.Drinking the contaminated water could cause vomiting,cramps,and rashes(呕吐、腹部绞痛和疹)To try to solve the problem,city officials added carbon and chlorine(氯) to the water.Test results on Sunday showed that the toxins had probably reached a safe level,but Mayor Collins said two tests had e back “too close for fort”It wasnt until Monday that the mayor announced that six new water samples had e back clean and safe to drink.Tap water accounts for twothirds of the drinking water consumed in homes across the US.Officials test the quality of the water to make sure it is healthy for people to drink.During the emergency in Ohio and Michigan,officials began to talk about how to stop pollutants from polluting Lake Erie.The lake supplies drinking water to 11 million people and the toxins that polluted the regions drinking water didnt just suddenly appear.Toledo mayor DMichael Collins said that,going forward,scientists and political leaders need to e together and figure out how to solve the algae problem in Lake Erie.【语篇解读】由于伊利湖受到污染,周边城市居民饮用水的安全受到了影响。5How many states were affected by water from Lake Erie?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFive.答案A细节理解题。根据第一段“Thats what happened to people of Toledo,Ohio,and parts of Michigan after tap water ing from Lake Erie was found to be unsafe.”可知,俄亥俄州托莱多城和密歇根州的部分地区都因为伊利湖水不安全而受到影响。6D.Michael Collins drank the citys tap water just to _Apare it with purified waterBshow it was dangerous to drinkCact as a temporary solutionDshow it was safe to drink答案D推理判断题。根据第二段“Families can return to normal life.To reassure people,he took a sip from a glass of the citys tap water.”可推知,柯林斯市长之所以喝自来水,是为了证明自来水已经可以安全饮用,以此来打消人们的顾虑。7What does the underlined word “contaminated” in Paragraph 3 mean?APolluted. BClean.CDirty. DImproved.答案A词义猜测题。根据画线词上文“News about the water ban came after tests at one watertreatment plant showed high levels of the toxin microcystin.”可知,禁水令开始于一水处理厂的测试显示水中超标的微囊藻毒素。再根据画线词下文“cause vomiting,cramps,and rashes”可知,饮用后会导致呕吐、腹部绞痛和疹。由此可猜出画线词的含义。8What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?AThe tests on adding chlorine to the water.BThe measures the city officials took.CThe bans the city officials made.DMayor Collins opinion on solving the pollution problem.答案B段落大意题。第四段谈到:为了解决问题,市政官员向水中加碳和氯。接下来又谈到了几次水的检测。由此可知,本段主要谈论了市政官员处理水危机而采取的措施。.完形填空体裁:记叙文话题:励志教育词数:300时间:18One October morning,the sky was clear and the sun was shining.Bethany Hamilton decided to go _9_ with some friends in Hawaii.As one of the best teenage surfers in the world,the 13yearold American girl was planning to bee a _10_ surfer.Cheerfully,she was lying on her surfboard,waiting for the next big wave.Suddenly,a big shark _11_ her left arm and shook her backwards and forwards.Bethany held onto her board and the shark eventually swam awaybut it took her _12_ away with it._13_,it attacked only once.It happened so fast that she didnt even _14_As Bethany started to swim back to the beach with one arm,her friends thought she was joking.But to their horror,they saw the _15_ and rushed to help.Having lost almost half the blood,Bethanys _16_ was a miracle(奇迹),according to doctors.But she wanted to do _17_ just survive.“It never crossed my mind that I might never get on a surfboard again,”she recalled later,“I wondered whether I would actually be _18_ to do it or not.But _19_ I left hospital,I had decided that I was going to surf.”With the support of her family,Bethany _20_ to get back on her board only one month after the attack.Her dad fixed a handle on her surfboard to help her paddle(划水) through and into waves.When she returned to surfing at a petition in Hawaii,Bethany was _21_ in dangerous waves that broke her surfboard.As a result,she gave away her remaining boards and quit.She tried using an artificial arm,but it turned out to be _22_ while surfing.After _23_ in Thailand in the 2004 earthquake and helping homeless survivors who had lost everything,Bethany _24_ her decision to give up the sport she loved and _25_ to try professional surfing again.Less than a year after the accident,she won first place in a surfing petition in Hawaii.And all her struggles and efforts _26_ when she won in a world championship years later.She also received several _27_,including a special award for courage at the MTV Teen Choice Awards in 2004 and the Woman of the Year award from King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in xx.Her _28_,true story gained wider attention with the release(发行) of the film Soul Surfer.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是冲浪女孩Bethany Hamilton在一次冲浪中,突然遭到一头凶猛的鲨鱼的攻击,左臂被咬掉。在经历了几次尝试后,她曾经一度放弃梦想,但是在参加了一次志愿活动之后,又决心为梦想而奋斗,最终她的努力得到了回报。9A.swimming BboatingCsailing Dsurfing答案D根据第二段第一句中的“the best teenage surfers in the world”可知,Bethany应该是去冲浪。故选D。10A.professional BfreeCdream Dspecial答案A根据倒数第二段第一句中的“to try professional surfing again”可知,她的梦想是当一名专业的冲浪手。故选A。11A.touched Bstruck Cbit Dtook答案C根据上下文情景可知,鲨鱼应该是“咬”住Bethany的胳膊。故选C。12A.arm BsurfboardCfriend Dhand答案A根据第三段第一句可知,她用一条胳膊往回游,是因为另一条胳膊被鲨鱼咬掉了。故选A。13A.Strangely BEspeciallyCSurprisingly DFortunately答案D根据空格前后的语境可知,鲨鱼只攻击了她一次,所以她应该是幸运的,如果鲨鱼再次攻击,她可能会有生命危险。故选D。14A.think Bfight Cscream Descape答案C根据上文内容可知,鲨鱼攻击速度之快,她甚至连呼救的机会都没有。A项意为“思考”;B项意为“战斗,打”;C项意为“呼喊,呼救”;D项意为“逃跑,逃脱”。故选C。15A.shark Bblood Cattack Dscene答案B根据下文“Having lost almost half the blood”可知,她的朋友本以为她在开玩笑,但看到她流血后才匆忙赶去营救。故选B。16A.survival Bcourage Caccident Dinjury答案A根据下文内容及常识可知,在流了身体里一半的血后,Bethany Hamilton能够“活下来”或“幸存下来”是一个奇迹。故选A。17A.rather than Bmore thanCbetter than Dother than答案B根据下文内容可知,活下来并不是她唯一的念头,她还想要追求自己的冲浪梦想。B项意为“不仅仅,不只是”,符合语境。A项意为“而不是”;C项意为“好于,超过,多于”;D项意为“除了”,都与语境不符。故选B。18A.suitable Blucky Cstrong Dable答案D根据语境可知,由于自己的身体缺陷,Bethany开始怀疑自己是否有能力再去冲浪。be able to do.意为“能够做”,符合语境。故选D。19A.while Bafter Cbefore Duntil答案C根据下文“had decided”为过去完成时可知,“decided”发生在“left”之前,因此此处应该选before,即在出院之前就已经下定决心了。故选C。20A.hoped Bmanaged Cagreed Doffered答案B句意:在她家人的支持下,仅仅在受到袭击一个月后,Bethany又成功地回到了冲浪板上。manage to do sth意为“设法做成某事”,符合语境。hope to do sth意为“希望做某事”;agree to do sth意为“同意做某事”;offer to do sth意为“提出要做某事”,都与语境不符。故选B。21A.caught Bnoticed Clost Ddriven答案A此处指她遭遇巨浪,帆板被冲断。be caught in意为“遭遇”,符合语境。故选A。22.A.helpful BuselessCwonderful Dmeaningless答案B句意:她尝试用假肢,但是结果证明在冲浪时不管用。根据“but”可知,假肢不管用。故选B。23A.training BsettlingCtraveling Dvolunteering答案D根据下文中的“helping homeless survivors”可知,她是去泰国当志愿者,即自愿帮助地震中的那些无家可归的幸存者。故选D。24A.reconsidered BrememberedCrecognized Drecalled答案A根据语境可知,以前她放弃了自己所热爱的运动,但是在当志愿者时帮助那些在地震中无家可归的幸存者后,她又重新考虑了这个决定。故选A。25A.refused BstartedCdecided Dcontinued答案C句意:她决心再次尝试专业冲浪。decide to do sth意为“决心去做某事”,符合语境。故选C。26A.paid out Bpaid forCpaid in Dpaid off答案D根据空格后的“when she won in a world championship years later”可知,此处指她所有的努力和付出都获得了回报。pay off意为“得到好结果,得到回报或成功”,符合语境。pay out意为“付出,报复”;pay for意为“为付款”;pay in意为“存款”,都与语境不符。故选D。27A.gifts Bhonors Crewards Dpraises答案B根据空格后的具体奖项可知,此处是说她获得的荣誉。honor意为“荣誉,光荣的事”,符合语境。故选B。28A.exciting BdangerousCinspiring Dadventurous答案C根据上文内容可知,残疾女孩Bethany为梦想而努力奋斗并最终获得成功,这样真实的故事是“激励或鼓舞人心的”。故选C。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Tim:Hi,Susan.Ive been wondering when Id run into you.What are you busy with?Susan:Nice to meet you here,Tim.Im buying some Christmas gifts for those _29_ work with me,but its really _30_ headache.Tim:Maybe I could give you some advice.Firstly,you should consider _31_(divide) them into different groupswho are the people that are your friends as well as your workmates and who are the people you dont know well _32_ see pretty much daily.Susan:OK,then _33_ should I do?Tim:For the friends,you can buy _34_ some personal gifts.Chocolate,for example.Susan:This is what I always give,but I know one of my friends,Mary,is _35_ a diet.Tim:Does she like fruit or coffee?Anyway,think of the gift that you know your friend likes.Susan:Well,I think fruit is helpful to keep _36_(health)What about others?Tim:You can send them cards.Susan:Christmas cards?Tim:Yes,you can afford them.More _37_(important),it reminds them that youre thinking of them.Susan:Thank you for your suggestions,Tim.You _38_(help) me out.【语篇解读】本文是一篇关于Tim建议Susan如何为她一起工作的同事买圣诞礼物的日常对话。29who考查定语从句。those做先行词指代人时,只能用who。30a考查冠词。根据空格前的代词“it”可知,空格后的名词“headache”在句中表示一件令人头痛的事,为抽象名词具体化现象,因此应用不定冠词修饰。故空格处填a。31dividing考查非谓语动词。当consider作“考虑”讲时,后面通常跟动名词作其宾语,由此可知,空格处应使用提示词的动名词形式。故空格处填dividing。32but考查并列连词。空格前后两句话之间是转折关系,根据语境可知,but符合语境。故空格处填but。33what考查疑问代词。题干为特殊疑问句,且疑问词作“do”的宾语,由此结合下文语境可知,此处指的是“我接下来应该做什么?”,因此what符合语境。故空格处填what。34them考查代词。空格前的动词“buy”是关键词,根据buy的用法:buy sb sth并结合语境可知,空格处应填代词且该代词作动词“buy”的宾语并指代前面的“the friends”。故空格处填them。35on考查介词。空格后的名词“diet”是关键词,该词常与介词on搭配,构成固定短语on a diet,意为“节食”。故空格处填on。36healthy考查形容词。空格前的动词“keep”是系动词,其后跟形容词作表语,由此可知,空格处应使用提示词的形容词形式。故空格处填healthy。37importantly考查副词。空格处在句中作状语,作为评注性的状语修饰谓语动词或全句时,只能用副词,由此可知,空格处应使用提示词的副词形式。故空格处填importantly。38have helped考查动词的时态。空格处在句中作谓语,结合上下文语境可知,此处表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,由此可知,空格处应使用现在完成时。故空格处填have helped。


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