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2019-2020年七年级4月月考英语试题一选提题(30)( )1. My sister likes playing the guitar, but she cant play _.A. nice B. good C. well D,OK( )2. Are you good _ swimming?Yes, and I think I can help kids _ it.A. with; in B. with; with C. at; with D.with, at( )3. He wants _ the English club.A. to join B. to be C. be in D. join ( )4. My father cant play _ basketball. He can play _ piano.A. the; the B. /; / C. the; / D./; the( )5. Why do you want to _ the English club?Because Mr Li in the club is good _ us.A. be; with B. join; with C. join; at D.be, at( )6. My brother doesnt like playing basketball _ watching TV. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )7. _ do you want to join? The music club. A. Where B. When C. What D. What club ( )8. Hi!Can I help you? _. I want to join the club.A. No, thanks a lot B. Great C. Yes, please D. Not at all.( )9. -_ is it from your home to the bus stop ?-Its about 3 kilometers. A How long B How far C How manu D How much( )10Please call me _ 8989766. Ain Bat Cabout Dwith ( )11Miss Read is good _ musicShe can be good _ children in the music club. Aat, at Bwith, with Cat, with Dwith, at ( )12What can you do, Lin Tao? _. AI like sports BI want to join the music club CI am well DI can do Chinese Kung Fu ( )13. She usually _a shower at 8:40 p.m. A. goes B. wants C. takes D gets( )14.I cant go out _ school nights. A in B on C for D or( )15. He _ at 6:00 in the afternoon. A. go home B. go to home C. goes home D goes to home( )16. He _ his homework _ Sundays. A. doesnt , onB. dont do, inC. doesnt do, on D. dont do, on()17. Can you _ Chinese ,T om?A. talk B. say C. tell D. speak( )18. We usually eat _ lunch at 12:30. A. myB. the C. / D a ( )19. We get up _.A. at six of the morning B. in the morning at sixC. at six in the morning D. at six in morning( )20. -_ do you go to work? -I take a bus.A. When B. Where C. How D. What time( )21. It takes me half an hour _ my homework every day.A. do B. does C. to do D. doing( )22. My sisters home is _ from here.A. half an hour away on foot B. three kilometers awayC. 10 minutes far D. two hours( )23. There _ many students in the class now.A. is B. has C. are D. have( )24. The accident(事故) happened (发生_)_ 7:00 pm _ 9:00 pm.A. from, to B. between, to C. from , and D. between, and( )25. -_ does it take you from the hotel to the hospital? -Half an hour.A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How soon( )26. _I take a taxi 乘出租车 to school.A. Sometimes B. Some time C. sometime D. some times( )27. Everyone hopes his or her dream can_.A. e true B. e out C. e back D. How far( )28. The river runs too _, so the visitors cant go boating today.A. quickly B. quick C. slow D. slowly( )29.We can eat in the dinning hall. But we _ eat in the classroom. . A. dont B. didnt C. cant D. arent( )30.School makes rules_ students. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps二阅读理解(15)APeople travel to work in different ways. Some people go to work on foot because they live near their work places. Some people go to work by bike because they live farther away, or they like riding bikes. They think its good for their health. Today more people have private (私人的) cars, so they can go to work in their cars. In the south of China, many people even go to work by boat because water is around their houses. Will people go to work by plane? I think so, if necessary(如果必要的话). 根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正(T)、误(T)。 ( )31. All people like to go work by bike. ( )32. Some people think its good to go to work by bike. ( )33. Today more people drive to work. ( )34. In the north of China, many people go to work by boat. ( )35. The writer thinks some people will go to work by plane if necessary. BIn many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥) eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch es at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.( )36. Many English people have _ meals a day. A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five( )37. People may have _ for their breakfast according to the passage. A. tea and eggsB. hamburgers and teaC. coffee and saladD. eggs and fish( )38. People have lunch at _. A. any timeB. nineC. fiveD. one( )39. People dont have _ for their dinner. A. bananas and applesB. soup and meat C. meat and fishD. porridge( )40. Most Englishmen have dinner _. A. at oneB. at any timeC. at noonD. in the eveningC. From 3am to 5pmD. From 10am to 3pmCMiss Li is a teacher. She teaches in a middle school. She gets up at half past five in the morning. She has breakfast at 6:00.After that she goes to school by bike. She gets there very early. She cleanst he desks and chairs for other teachers. Classes begin at 8:00.She and the other teachers work hard. She goes home at 4:00 in the afternoon. Then she does some housework .After dinner she reads books and goes over the students homework. She goes to bed at about ten.41. Miss Li works A. in a shop B. in a middle school C. on farm D. in a factory 42.She get up at in the morning.A. 5:l0 B.5:20 C.5:30 D.5:45 43. She goes to work 。 A .late B at night C. early D. on foot 44. She does some housework A. at 4:30 B. before 4:40 C. after 4:00 D.in the morning45. After supper she_.A reads books B. goes overthe students homeworkC both A and B D. watches TV三、词汇。(10)46. There are (五十)s tudents in my class.47.Tom (通常)goes to school at 7:30 in the morning.48. Zhou Jie (工作)here from five to eleven。49.What t_ do you get up ? At five thirty.50. Tom is a student .He goes to s_ at 8:10 .51.Do you r your bike to school every day?52.I went to bed at a_ _ (大约)10:00 last night . 53.At the s_ _ (地铁)station ,he met Nina . 54.We can eat in the d_ hall every day55.Dont run in the h_ . Its dangerous(危险)四用所给词的适当形式填空。(10)56.It_(be)six thirty in the morning.Tina usually_(have)breakfast at this time.57.Look!His_(tooth)are very nice.He brushes them well every day.58.What_Jack do on Sunday?He usually_(watch)TV with his parents.59.It takes _ (she) half an hour _ (play) sports.60.Mary has an _ (interest) job.61.He goes to work by _ (car).62.Dont _(fight) with others.六句型转换:(10). 63. Jim usually gets to schoolby bike.(就划线部分提问)_ _ Jim usually get to school by bike?64.The child eats dinner at 6:30pm. (划线提问) _ _the child_dinner?65.He goes to school at 7:30.(否定句)He_ _to school at 7:30.66. He can play soccer. (改为否定句)He _ play soccer. 67.We must listen to the teacher in class.(改为祈使句)_ _ the teacher in class.68.She has to make her bed every day.(改为一般问句) _ she _ to make her bed every day?69.My friend takes her car to work.(改为同义句)My friend goes to work _ _. 70.It takes 25 minutes to walk to school.(划线提问)_ _ _it _ to walk to school?71.People usually have dinner in the evening. (划线提问)_ _ people usually have dinner ?七完成句子。(5)72.We cant _ _ _ (迟到)class,we must be _ _. (准时)。73.She _ _ (不得不) wear a uniform in school.74. What does she _ _(认为) of our school?75.Liang liang is one _ _(五岁的男孩).76.What time do you usually _ _ (穿衣服)。77.They usually exercise _ _ (在周末)。78.We cant _ _(出去) on school days.79.Do you usually _ _ _(散步,走一走) after dinner?八、任务型阅读(10)Dear Zhang qian,Thanks for your letter. You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument(乐器). Now let me tell you. I like swimming very much,_(1)_ I likevolleyball,basketball,and ping-pang. Swimming is my favorite sport. I am good at playing the guitar and the violin, too.My favorite instrument is the violin. I often play the violin on weekends. What about you? Whats your favorite sport? Do you like to play the violin or the guitar? Please write to me soon. Yours, LiPing根据短文内容,完成下列任务。80.在(1)处填上一个连词,使句子连贯。81.将划线的句子翻译成汉语。_ 82.What does ZhanfQian want to know?_ 83.When does LiPing play the violin?_ 84.Does LiPing like swimming?_ 九书面表达(10) 给你的朋友写一封信,告诉他(她)你一天的活动及怎样去上学,家离学校的距离,用多长时间。Dear friend: How are you ? Yours

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