2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Amazing people重难点解析素材 牛津译林版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Amazing people重难点解析素材 牛津译林版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Amazing people重难点解析素材 牛津译林版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Amazing people重难点解析素材 牛津译林版必修2Readingpresentadj. 现在的,现存的;出席的,在场的【例句】 They havent moved, and still live in the present flat. 他们还没有搬家,仍然住在现在的公寓里。Famous experts from all over the world were present at the conference held in London. 来自世界各地的知名专家参加了在伦敦举行的会议。v. 赠予;颁予;给【例句】 He presented the report to the manager this morning.他今天早上将报告呈送给经理。He was presented with the Gold Cup. 他被授予金杯奖。n. 礼物,赠品【例句】 You will be given presents if you do some shopping in a newly-opened store.如果你在新开张的商店购物,就会得到赠品。【短语】 at present目前, 现在【例句】 Im sorry the manager is not in at present. 很抱歉,经理这会儿不在。 for the present 暂时【例句】 I think we are poor for the present, but things will get better soon. 我认为我们只是暂时贫穷,形势马上就会好转的。【小试身手】请猜猜下列句子中划线部分的含义。1. How many people are present at the meeting?2. He presented this book to me.Key: 1. 在场的 2. 赠予expressvt. 表达;表示【例句】 At the end of the meeting, he expressed his thanks to the school. 会议结束时,他向学校表达了谢意。He cant express himself very well. 他的表达能力不太好。adj. 高速的, 特快的 【例句】 Here is an express letter for you.这儿有你的一封快信。adv. 使用快速服务【例句】 Id like to send this package express, please. 我想用快递寄这个包裹。n. 特快列车【例句】 They are taking the 10.00 express to Shanghai this morning. 他们将乘今天上午10点的特快列车去上海。【拓展】 expression n. 表达;措辞,辞句;表情,脸色【例句】 You can enjoy wonderful expressions in his poem. 在他的诗歌里你会欣赏到精彩的辞句。The expression on her face told me that something was wrong again.她的表情告诉我又出了岔子了。【小试身手】请猜猜下列句子中划线词的词性及含义。1. He came into the classroom with a happy expression. 2. Its important to learn to express oneself. 3. The book was sent express. 4. Sorry, there is no express from here to Hangzhou. Key: 1. n. 表情2. v. 表达3. adv. 特快 4. n. 特快列车Grammaronceconj 一旦就(表条件)Once shown, the film will be very popular. 一旦放映,这部电影将会很受欢迎。adv 一次,从前,曾经,一度(常与一般过去时连用) I have been to the Summer Palace once. 我去过一次颐和园。He once worked in a restaurant for a year. 他曾经在一家餐馆工作了一年。【短语】 once again再一次 once in a while有时,偶尔 at once立刻,马上 once upon a time从前 【小试】 请根据语境用once及其短语填空。1. We must make a call to him _, or well forget.2. _ there lived a rich man.3. I didnt quite catch him and I asked him to tell me the answer _.4. They go to see their parents _ a month.5. _ you see the girl, youll like her too. 6. He was _ a headmaster in a middle school.Key: 1. at once 2. Once upon a time / Once 3. once again 4. once 5. Once 6. oncewarningn. 警告, 预告, 通知, 预兆There was no warning before the typhoon. 台风之前没有预兆。We received the warning that the water would be cut off today. 我们收到通知今天会停水。warn v. (常与of / about / against连用)警告,提醒,告诫I warn you not to play with fire. 我警告你不要玩火。Youd better warn them of difficulties in the adventure. 你最好提醒他们在冒险中会遇到的困难。请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Visitors are _ (警告不要爬山) the mountains on bad weather.2. They are _ (告诫有病毒) in the tomb.Key: 1. warned not to climb 2. warned about the virusesProjectpickv. 选择【例句】 Eleven boys were picked to take part in the football game. 11名男生被选去参加足球赛。v. 采,摘【例句】 We help the farmers to pick apples on the farm. 我们在农场帮助农民摘苹果。【短语】 pick out选择,选拔,分辨,领会【例句】 How could you pick him out in the large crowd of people? 你是怎么从人群中认出他来的?I didnt pick out what he said at the meeting我没能听懂他在会上的讲话。pick up捡起,(无意,偶然问)得到(信息, 知识,生计),搭载,恢复,好转【例句】 I picked up the news while I was working in the shop 我是在店里上班时听到这个消息的。 He is beginning to pick up now 他的身体正在逐步康复。【小试身手】 请将下列句子翻译成英文。1. 你能领会这篇文章的大意吗?2. 你3点钟接我好吗?3. 他在学校的表现变好了。Key:1. Can you pick out the main idea of the passage?2. Would you please pick me up at three oclock?3. His performance in school picked up.successfuladj. 成功的【例句】 The exhibition that was held last week is the most successful this year.上个星期举办的展览会是今年最成功的一次。【联想】 successfully adv. 成功地【例句】 In his life the captain sailed many times successfully. 船长一生中成功地航行了多次。success n. 成功,成功的人,成功的事【例句】 The World Expo in xx will be a success in Shanghai. xx年上海世博会将会获得成功。succeed v. 成功 (常用succeed in (doing) sth. 的结构) 【例句】 All the students succeeded in (passing) the final exam 学生们期末考试全部及格。 【小试身手】 请用succeed及其相关词的适当形式填空。1. Many _ people attended the party yesterday evening. 2. He _ in finding a job he liked.3. He is proud of his _ in discovering so much jewellery.Key: 1. successful 2. succeeded 3. success


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