2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 9 lesson1《wheels》On your bike教案3 北师大版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 9 lesson1wheelsOn your bike教案3 北师大版必修3教材分析本课是第9单元的第1课,主课文介绍了阿姆斯特丹白色自行车的发展过程。本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对课文的理解,引导学生理出事件的发展脉络,提取文章的主要信息和细节信息,并在整理信息的过程中,引导学生发现分析问题和解决问题的思维过程,最后结合课文的信息和语言进行输出性活动。第二课时在对课文进行复习的基础上,引入本课的重点内容现在完成进行时,通过分析例句,体验、发现并总结该语法的形式和语意功能,并在不同层面的活动中,进一步体会该语法的语意功能,最后初步运用现在完成进行时进行表达。第二课时的难点在于理解现在完成进行时的语意功能,而不是语言形式。在目前阶段,学生能够运用这一语法解释重复或持续性动作对目前造成的影响即可。教学内容话题:阿姆斯特丹白色自行车的发展过程(阅读)词汇:重点词汇:benefit, flat, convenient, convenience, therefore, path, park, transport, neighborhood, chip, insert, thanks to, fed up 相关词汇:hopeful, thief, indeed, consequence, arrest策略:通过标题预测课文内容;通过略读获取主要信息;通过细读提取细节信息;通过上下文理解词汇语法:现在完成进行时第一课时First Period教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 理清课文的发展脉络;2. 获取白色自行车发展过程的细节信息;3. 谈论阿姆斯特丹的白色自行车;4. 体会使用自行车对环境和交通的意义,并试着设计北京的公共自行车。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeWarm-upStep 1T asks Ss if they ride bicycles, when they ride bicycles and why they use bicycles.1. 调动学生已有知识。2. 预教benefit, flat, convenient, convenience, park, neighborhood等单词。渗透词汇学习策略:按类别记忆词汇。CW6Step 2T asks Ss where they think the “City of Bicycles” is and introduces Amsterdam, the Netherlands. T asks Ss what more they know about the country.文化背景知识介绍,激活学生的已有知识。CW2Pre-readingStep 3Ss look at the title of the text and guess what the title means.预测是本课需要训练的一个策略,此步骤旨在帮助学生体验运用预测策略。CW2While-readingStep 41st reading:Ss skim the text to check their guesses. 通过略读理解课文的主要内容,核查预测。IW, CW3Step 52nd reading:Ss read the text again and find out what each paragraph is about.进一步阅读课文,理清课文的结构。IW, CW4Step 63rd reading:l Ss read the first paragraph again and find out why Amsterdam is called the “City of Bicycles”.l Ss read the second and third paragraphs and find out detailed information about the development of the event.l While checking answers, Ss try to think about the process of “having a purpose”, “take an action”, “e to a result (new problem)” and “find out solutions”.l Ss work in pairs to find out the differences between “white bikes” in 1960s and 30 years later.l Ss read the last paragraph and find out the effects of white bikes in Amsterdam.1. 分步骤、用不同方式获取课文细节信息。2. 引导学生思考分析问题、解决问题的方式。3. 在理解课文的过程中,通过上下文理解path, wherever, chip, insert, thanks to等词的含义。IW, PW,CW15Step 7Ss ask and answer questions about the information in the text in groups.内化课文的信息和语言。GW6Post-readingStep 8T tells Ss Beijing is considering having new “white bikes” in Beijing. Ss work in pairs to do an interview on if “white bikes” will be good for Beijing, why and what advice they would give on Beijings future “white bikes”. 1. 在新的语境中,运用课文的信息和语言,进行有意义地交流。2. 体会自行车对缓解交通和环境压力的意义。PW8第二课时Second Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 在语境中体会、发现和归纳现在完成进行时的形式和语意功能;2. 运用现在完成进行时解释由于重复性或持续性动作产生的结果或影响。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeReview Step 1Ss answer questions about white bikes in Amsterdam. 1. 复习上节课内容,同时也让学生有机会再次接触本课的词汇。2. 引导学生说出含有本课的语法句子。IW, CW4Discovering Grammar UsageStep 2l T leads Ss attention to the two sentences on the screen and tells them the tense is Present Perfect Continuous (PPC). l Ss read four dialogues with PPC and match the dialogues with the pictures. (Ex. 4). l Ss find out the key sentences that help them identify the pictures.首先引导学生在语境中体会语法的意义。IW, PW6Step 3l Ss read the 4 dialogues again and find out the two uses (in Ex. 6) that all the PPC sentences express.l Ss answer the following questions about the sentences:Whats the consequence now?When did the action/activity start?Is it a repeated or long activity?l Ss summarize the function of PPC.l Ss read the dialogues aloud in pairs.1. 进一步在对话的语境中体会语法的语意功能,并进行归纳、总结。2. 朗读对话,体会语法的用法。IWCWPW6Step 4Ss plete the sentences in Ex. 5 and then summarize the form of PPC.归纳、总结现在完成进行时的形式。CW2Using GrammarStep 5Ss plete the sentences in Ex. 7. 单句层面的填写时态形式的练习。学生在填写过程中,体会语法的使用。IW4Step 6Ss plete the dialogue with proper tenses.1. 语篇层面的填写时态形式的练习。学生在更具体的语境中体会语法。2. 设置一个填现在完成时的空,帮助学生进一步体会现在完成进行时表达的意思,也避免学生只能在当堂使用该语法的现象。CW, GW5Step 7T lists 4 sentences (all grammatically correct) and Ss work in groups to find out the sentences that are not appropriate in meaning. 进一步体会现在完成进行时表达重复性动作和持续性动作的功能。GW5Step 8Amazing Minds: Ss work in pairs and give amazing explanations for the given situations following Ts example.1. 这个活动整合了教材练习7、8的内容,是关注语法语意功能的活动。2. 学生在这个活动中可以发挥想象。PW5Step 9Ss choose one of their amazing explanations and expand it into a reasonable dialogue, which must contain at least 3 PPC sentences.将解释和场景结合起来,从单句扩展到对话的语法应用活动。PW6Homework P7879 Ex. 36

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