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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module5TheConquestoftheUniverse演练综合提升外研版选修.单句语法填空1Experts advise parents _ (consult) the doctor as soon as possible if their small children have flulike symptoms.【答案】to consult2The lost watch was found in Davids bag,and as a result he was accused _ theft.【答案】of3Im not accustomed to _ (get) up so early yet,but I have to accustom _ to it.Yeah.Just as the saying goes,“An early bird catches the worm.”【答案】getting;myself4I simply cant do anything with him._ spite of my repeated warnings,he still goes his own way.【答案】In5Young _ I am,I already know what career I want to follow.【答案】as/though6His sacrifices for the country _ never officially _ (acknowledge),_ made all of us feel discouraged.【答案】were;acknowledged;which7Before setting _ on our camping trip,we made sure that we have plenty of food and water in store.【答案】out8The flight takes off at 9:45.Can we make _ to the airport within half an hour?【答案】it9The progress of the work will depend on _ the weather conditions are and _ modern the equipment is.【答案】what;how10My calculations were based on the assumption _house prices would remain steady.【答案】that.用所给短语的适当形式填空in spite of,a series of,be similar to,set up,make it1The government will _ another hospital in the city.【答案】set up2The incident sparked off _ events that nobody had foreseen.【答案】a series of3The dress _ mine.Im sorry for having taken it by mistake.【答案】is similar to4If we ran in a hurry,we should _.【答案】make it 5.They went swimming _ all the danger signs.【答案】in spite of.完成句子1尽管他年轻,他已拥有了一大笔财富。_ ,he has had a large fortune.【答案】Young as he is2我再也不会踏进东京一步。Ill never _ Tokyo again.【答案】set foot in3据说他们从加拿大又订购了许多粮食。They are said _ more grain from Canada.【答案】to have ordered4她刚出门,就有个学生来访。Hardly _ when a student came to visit her.【答案】had she gone out5虽然对薪水不满意,但他还是接受这份工作为的是增加更多的工作经验。Unsatisfied _ the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience.【答案】as/though he was with6直到河里所有的鱼都死了,村民们才意识到污染有多严重。Not until all the fish died in the river,_ how serious the pollution was.【答案】did the villagers realize.单句改错1Get up and get dressing at once,or you will be late._【答案】dressingdressed2Its time to put end to the meeting._【答案】put后加上an3He stood behind the curtain,from which he could see what was happening outside._【答案】whichwhere4John,for whose money is no problem,still leads a simple life._【答案】whosewhom5I will stand for you,no matter when and where it is._【答案】forby6During the charity concert,a lot of money has raised for the victims._【答案】has后加上been.微写作【写作素材】1王老师献身于山村的教育事业。2她对学生耐心。她经常告诉学生不要完全依赖父母。3这对学生影响很大。4她被认为是当地最好的老师。 提示 :黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_【答案】Miss Wang devotes_her_life_to the educational cause in a mountainous village.She is_patient_with her students and she often tells her students not to be totally dependent_on their parents,which has a great impact on the students.She is_acknowledged to be the best local teacher.

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