四年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper教案 外研版.doc

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Module4 Chinese people invented paper一、 教学目标与要求1、 知识目标Words: important , paper , newspaper , invented , pringting, printedSentences: Paper is important.Chinese people invented .Chinese people didnt invent .2、能力目标Help the students use these words and sentences inactivities and daily life.Help the students to know some greating inventions.Help the students to learn the past indefinite tense.2、 情感态度目标Inspire the students interest.Inspire the students to love our homeland .二、 教学重点To master the basic sentence “Chinese people invented.”To master the past indefinite tense “invent-invented , print-printed”To talk about what Chinese people invented.三、 教学难点To talk about what Chinese people didnt invent.To use these words and sentences in the past indenfinite tense correctly.四、课前准备CD-ROM PPT五、 教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.sing a song CHILDREN FROM CHINA ARE CHINESE2. T: Which country is it? (point to the Chinese national flag)S: China.T:+The people from China are (Chinese)T: Are the Chinese people very clever?Ss: Yes. Chinese people are very clever.T: Chinese people invented many things.T: Chinese people invented paper, printing, compass and explosives.Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Learn Words1) (PPT)出示中国四大发明,随机板书学习单词:invent_invented paper printing说句子; Cailun/Bisheng invented paper.Chinese people invented paper/printing/compass/explosives.Chinese people are very clever.2) T: They are very important for world.板书学习单词:important 。T;What is important for you (in our lives)? Ss练习说话。2 . Learn Text四大发明影响世界,Amy他们也在课堂上学习呢,学习课文Chinese people invented paper:(板书课题)Watch the CD-ROM.(1)Repeat.随机学习单词;print_printed. 总结ed在t后面的发音规律:id(2)Repeat again.画出动词过去式。(3)Group show and assessment.(4)Answer the questions(CD-ROM)1) Chinese people invented important things.2) Chinese people invented paper.3) Chinese people invented printing.4) Sam printed his newspaper.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1) game快速反应 (PPT)2) Look and write(CD-ROM):Sam printed this newspaper yesterday.He didnt print the book.Daming walked to school yesterday.He didnt walk to thepark.Lucy played the flute yesterday.She didnt play the drum.Zara cleaned the doll yesterday.She didnt clean the teddy bear.3) 出示物品图片,自行车、电视、电话、丝绸、飞机。(PPT)T:.Who invented bicycles?导入Chinese people didnt invent .T: Guess and choose:Which thing was invented by Chinese people?本环节利用与学生之间的信息差,即操练句型:又获取有关发明的知识,拓宽学生知识面。Step 4 Summary T: What have you learn today?让学生自己总结今天学到了什么Step 5 Homework Memorizing words. Listen to the tape and repeat the text.

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