2019-2020年高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice课时1课题Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Warming-up课型New教学目标1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.2. Get the students to understand his play.3. Learn some useful words and expressions.重点1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.2. Learn some useful words and expressions.难点Get the students to understand his play.学情分析The Ss can finish the task.教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A puter教法Individual, pair of group work to make every student work in class.教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Lead-in 1. Chinese plays Beijing Opera, Huangmei Opera, Kunqu Opera, Henan Opera, Shanxi Opera,etc.2. There was a great British playwright and poet in the worlds history of literature. He wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life. Here is a picture of him. Do you know who he is? (William Shakespeare)3. IntroductionWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616 ) was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. He is considered to be the greatest playwright and poet of the Renaissance in Europe. As a playwright, he wrote tragedies, edies, historical plays. As a poet, he wrote narrative poems and sonnets. He began to write for the stage in the late 1580. He first came to notice in 1592 as a playwright in London. In 1599 he became a part owner of the Globe Theatre in London and finally retired to his birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, in1613. He wrote 37 plays. Apart from the plays, he is identified as the author of four large poems and a book of sonnets. Warming-upToday we are going to learn Unit 19 .1. Do you know some of Sharespeares plays?1 Romeo and Juliet 2 Hamlet 3 King Henry IV 4 King Henry V5 King Henry VIII 6 Troilus and Cressida7 As You Like It2. Quiz: pick out the plays written by ShakespeareTwelfth Night; Henry V; Cymbeline; The Lost necklace; Loves Labours Lost; The Millionaire; The Merchant of Venice; Hamlet; The Tempest ; Measure for Measure3. Main Works 1) Tragedies:Romeo and Juliet(罗密欧与朱丽叶) Macbeth(麦克白) King Lear(李尔王)Hamlet(哈姆雷特) Troilus & Cressida(特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达)2) edies:A Midsummer Nights Dream(仲夏夜之梦) Twelfth Night(第十二夜)The Merry Wives of Windsor(温莎的风流妇人)The Merchant of Venice(威尼斯商人)3) Histories:Henry IV(亨利四世) Henry VIII(亨利八世)4) Poems:The Sonnets(十四行诗) A Lovers plaint(爱人的怨诉)4. Some quotations from different Shakespeares plays:King Henry IV: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.Meaning: A person who has great responsibilities, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesnt sleep soundly.Hamlet: To be or not to be: that is the question. 生存还是死亡:这是个问题。Meaning: That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing. The hero is being terribly upset and undecided.Hamlet: Neither a borrower nor a lender be.Meaning: It is best not to lend money to others and not to borrow from others. When we lend something. We risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.Romeo & Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your nameMeaning: why my lover Romeo is from a family that has a long feud with mine. If only Romeo were not from the family. It conveys the passionate love. /Why must you be the son of my familys greatest enemy? Refuse your family for my love.Troilus & Cressida: Words, words, only words, no matter from the heart.Meaning: Empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.5. Which plays of Shakespeare do you know?1) Romeo and Juliet: Two young lovers ,were separated by their family because of the hatred between them. Juliet was forced to marry Paris, whom she didnt love .Friar Lawrence made a plan for Romeo and Juliet to escape, but something wrong happened. Those mistakes made Romeo think Juliet was already dead. He killed himself in Juliets tomb, where he found that Juliet was still alive at the same time, but it was too late. Romeo was dead, so Juliet killed herself too. Everything was over and those two young Lovers made the families end their feud.2) King Lear: King Lear has three daughters. One day he told them he had decided to retire and spend the rest of his life in quiet peace. In order to divide his kingdom among his daughters, he asked them how much they loved him. Two of his daughters tried their best to deceived him and told him they loved him more than anyone else. But one of his lovely daughter Cordelia didnt want to lie to him, though she loved her father. At Last King Lear divided his kingdom between the two while Cordelia got nothing. His two remaining daughters cruelly and gradually stripped everything from him until he got mad. 3) Hamlet: His father was killed by his uncle and his mother married to his uncles soon. The soul of his father asked him to avenge his uncle. This simple mater impels him to thing about the whole society and times. He decided to shouldered the responsibility of bringing about a radical change in the existing state of affairs. He fights against the dark power all by himself. He is hopelessly outnumbered and ends up with failure.Word study1) lielaylain-lying /lieliedliedlying/laylaidlaidlayingThe boy lied about his reasons for being late (late).Edisons father was puzzled why Edison was laying the eggs.Lie1)躺,平躺Anderson was lying on the bed with all his clothed on.I lay awake for about ten minutes.2)处于某种状态The machine lay idle all week.3)位于,延伸 lie in 位于(某个范围内的里面);在与/lie on位于(与之接壤)/lie to位于(某个范围之外)Changchun lies in the northeast of China.Liaoning Province lies on the south of Jilin.Japan lies to the east of China.His success lies in hard work.Homework: 1. Group work: read the texts again, act them out with your classmates.2. Find more details about this play in your school library or from the internet.3. Finish the exercise of Language study.See the pictures&talkSee the pictures&talkExplain Explain & do exx62581板书 Unit 19 The Merchant of VeniceThe 1st Period Warming-uplielaylain-lying /lieliedliedlying/laylaidlaidlayinglie in 位于(某个范围内的里面);在与/lie on位于(与之接壤)/lie to位于(某个范围之外)教学后记It is difficult in understand the sentences from Shakespeares play.课时2课题Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Warming-up课型New教学目标1. Get the students to understand the play The Merchant of Venice.2. Practice listening, to know why Antonio borrowed money from Shylock.3. Learn some useful words and expressions.重点1. Get the students to understand the play The Merchant of Venice.2. Practice listening, to know why Antonio borrowed money from Shylock.3. Learn some useful words and expressions.难点Help the students to get information by listening.学情分析The Ss can finish the task.教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A puter教法Individual, pair of group work to make every student work in class.教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Revision1. His failure lies _ his laziness. A. on B. in C. to D. from2. We grew _ at their long absence. A. easy B. uneasy C. upset D. set3. He recognized clearly where his duty _. A. lies B. lay C. lays D. laid4. “Mike is _, Mum,” said his little sister. “That isnt my fault. I noticed some broken toys _ on the floor so I picked them up and _ them on the chair. A. lying; lay; lay B. lying; lie; lay C. lying; lain; laid D. lying; lying; laid5. Taiwan lies _ the east of Fujian and Jiangxi _ the west of Fujian. A. to; on B. in; in C. on; to D. to; in6. I didnt know what _. A. was the matter B. is the matter C. matter was D. the matter is7. The thief begged the police _ mercy. A. for B. with C. upon D. among8. He denied _ the camera before. A. to see B. having seen C. to have seen D. saw (BBBDAAAB)Word study 1. deny (denied, denying)1)否认,不承认Can you deny the truth of his statement?He denied telling me/that he had told me.他否认告诉过我。2)不给;不准I was denied the chance of going to college.3)(正式)抛弃;背弃He has denied his country and his principle!2. refuse/reject都有“拒绝”的意思,有时可以通用。 refuse强调坚定地拒绝,后接动词不定式,不接动名词,不接复合宾语。 reject强调当面拒绝对方的请求、提议地情况,一般后面不接动词不定式。He refused to speak at the meeting.He rejected my request.He rejected helping me with my English study.Listening1. Look at some pictures of Venice and ask:1) What attitude should we have towards new inventions? What is the city most famous for?How do people here go from place to place?2) know the time line of Shakespeares lifeApril 23,1564: born1570 (7): local Grammar School1582: married Anne1586: arrived in London1590: first play Henry VI 1599: a part owner of the Globe Theatre April 23,1616:died3) Look at the pictures of Shakespeares Birth place: Stratford2. Listening1) Introduce the playThe play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, was probably written around 1596. William Shakespeare first came to notice in 1592 as a playwright(剧作家) in London. 2) Listen to the tape and answer the questions.a. the judgeb. the moneylenderc. the merchant of Veniced. Antonio,s friende. Bassanios wife1. Antonio2. Shylock:3. Bassanio4. Portia5. Duke1. Match the two columns 2. What is their relation to the other characters in the play?Shylock: the moneylenderAntonio: the merchant of VeniceBassanio: Antonios friendPortia: Bassanios wifeDuke: the judge 3. Fill in the blanks1) She loves Bassanio but they can not get married because he is too poor. Then Bassanio asks Antonio to lend him 3,000 ducats.2) Antonio goes to Shylock to borrow the money.3) Shylock agrees to lend Antonio the money, but Antonio must promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from any part of his body if he cannot pay the money back after 3 months.4) On the day Bassanio and Portia get married, they receive a letter from Antonio saying that all his ships have been lost at sea.5) Portia thinks of a clever plan to save Antonio.6) Dressed as a lawyer, she arrives at the court of the duke.4. Introductions of the characters in the playAntonio: A Venetian merchant of huge wealth. he makes his money from trade, much liked by his friends. He is always ready to help others.Shylock: A successful Jewish moneylender. He lends the 3,00 ducats to Antonio. He asks Antonio to pay with one pound of his flesh if the debt is not repaid on time.Bassanio: The romantic lead of this play. He is Antonios friend. He marries Portia. He borrows a lot of money from Antonio.Potia: The heroine of this play. Portia is a wealthy and beautiful woman who is desired by many men. She also possesses a sharp mind, which saves Antonio from doom at the hands of Shylock.Duke: As judge over the court case between Shylock and Antonia, he has the power to pardon a death sentence. In the play, he is put in a difficult position by Shylock; he doesnt want Antonio to die, but to ignore Shylocks legal rights would be to place all of Venice in disrepute as a place to conduct business.5. Word studyAt the time of the story his ships are all at sea to trade with foreign countries. trade vi /vt1) trade with与.有贸易往来India began trading with Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries.2) trade in 做生意The pany trades in silk, tea, and other items.3) trade (somebody) something for something 交换,交易Ill trade you my camera for your drill.4) trade something in 折价购物He traded his old car in for a new model.他以旧车折价添钱买了一部新型汽车5) trade on/upon something 利用以图私利,滥用If you ask me, theyre just trading on Sams good nature(温厚)6. Questions1) In which city does the play take place? Venice.2) How much time passes between the beginning of the play and the end? Three months.3) How much money does Bassanio need to marry Portia? Three thousand ducats.4) What must Antonio give Shylock if he cant pay back the debt? A pound of fleshReading prehension Parts of the storyDescriptionbackgroundAntonio and Bassanio borrow 3,000 ducats from Shylock. However, there is a catch: if the debt is not repaid on time, Antonio as security will pay with one pound of his flesh.problemAntonio and Bassanio are not able to pay the debt .Antonios ships are lost. Shylock starts demanding his pound of flesh.Rising actionThe Duke tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio. Bassanio promises to pay twice or even ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Portia tells Shylock to be merciful, but Shylock insists on having his pound of flesh.climaxPortia declares Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut nearest to Antonios heart, no more, no less. And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonios blood fall, he will lose all his land and moneyouteShylock begs for mercy. He is punished, though not killed.Summary and HomeworkReview the reading part. Finish the paper which contains ten questions about the text.See the pictures&talkExplain & do exx.Listen & do exxExplainFill in the blanks871861板书 Unit 19 The Merchant of VeniceThe 2nd Period Listening & pre-reading1. deny (denied, denying)1)否认,不承认He denied telling me/that he had told me.Can you deny the truth of his statement?他否认告诉过我。2)不给;不准I was denied the chance of going to college.3)(正式)抛弃;背弃He has denied his country and his principle!2. refuse/reject都有“拒绝”的意思,有时可以通用。 refuse强调坚定地拒绝,后接动词不定式,不接动名词,不接复合宾语。 reject强调当面拒绝对方的请求、提议地情况,一般后面不接动词不定式。He refused to speak at the meeting.He rejected my request.He rejected helping me with my English study.3. trade1) trade with与.有贸易往来2) trade in 做生意3) trade (somebody) something for something 交换,交易4) trade something in 折价购物5) trade on/upon something 利用以图私利,滥用教学后记It is too much to introduce the characters in the play. 课时3课题Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Reading 课型New教学目标1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.2. Get the students to understand his play.3. Learn some useful words and expressions.重点1. To Know William Shakespeare and his works.2. Learn some useful words and expressions.难点Help the students to learn to be more creative.学情分析The Ss can finish the task.教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A puter教法1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.2.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.3.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Revision1. What is their relation to the other characters in the play?Shylock: the moneylenderAntonio: the merchant of VeniceBassanio: Antonios friendPortia: Bassanios wifeDuke: the judge 2.The plot of the story Background(背景)-Problem(冲突)-Development(发展)-Climax(高潮)-Oute(结局)Reading1. Fill in the blanksBackgroundIn order to help his friend Bassanio, Antonio turns to Shylock. Shylock lends him 3,000 ducats on condition that he pays the money back in three months. Otherwise Antonio will have to pay with one pound of flesh.ProblemAntonio and Bassanio are not able to pay the debt because Antonios ships are all lost at sea. Shylock starts asking for/demanding his pound of flesh.DevelopmentThe Duke tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio. Bassanio promises to pay even ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Portia tells Shylock to be merciful, but Shylock insists on having his pound of flesh.ClimaxPortia declare Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut nearest to Antonios heart, no more, no less. And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonios blood fall, he will lose all his land and money.OuteShylock begs for mercy. He is punished though not killed.2. QuestionsA classical balance is often used as a symbol for The merchant of Venice. (1).What is usually weighed with a balance? What goes into the scales left and right? (2).Why does Portia ask Shylock whether he brought a balance? (3).What is the deeper meaning of the balance? What is weighed in Portias court of law?3. Fast-reading: Read the texts, finish the following work:1) Place the pictures in right order.2) Find the best answers of the following five questions. 4 2 1 3 6 54. SkimmingThe Merchant of Venice(1)1) The text mainly tells about_.A. Antonios kindnessB. Portias cleverness C. Shylocks cruelty D. all of the above2) Antonio did business with _.A. people in Venice B. people in Italy C. people in other countries D. people in the world3) Antonio was a _ person.A. warm-heartedB. strong-willed C. open-mindedD. ill-tempered. 4) In the text the author shows us human beings merit of _.A. braveryB. pride C. kindnessD. tolerance5) By saying “Do not so bitter.” the Duke wants Shylock to be _.A. forgivingB. calmC. kind-heartedD. reasonable6) The word “scold” in the second paragraph means _.A. fool withB. laugh at C. criticizeD. make known7) It seemed that the Duke in the court supported _.A. PortiaB. Antonio C. ShylockD. none of the above8) That Portia was able to defend Antonio was due to_.A. her cleverness B. a famous lawyers help C. her husbands support D. Both A and B9) Find out the right order: B-A-D-CA. Shylock insisted on having one pound of Antonios flesh.B. Portia asked Shylock to show his mercy on Antonio.C. Antonio said his last words to Bassanio.D. Portia warned Bassanio of the impossibility of changing the law. (DCACACBD)The Merchant of Venice(2)1) Shylock was charged with(指控) _.A. murderB. stealing C. cheatD. ill-treatment2) To punish a murderer, the law of Venice would _.A. take everything that he owned away B. sentence him to imprisonmentC. sentence him to death D. both A and B3) Which happened first in the text?A. Shylock wanted to take the money instead of Antonios flesh.B. Por

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