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2019-2020年高中英语Unit18BeautySectionWarm-up&Lesson1-Pre-reading课时作业北师大版选修阅读理解In a village in Uganda,a woman named Fatima Serwona ran a small store.It mainly sold necessary things in peoples daily life.However,she had trouble making enough money to keep the shelves full.To stay in business,Fatima got a microfinance loan (贷款)a small amount of money from a person in another country.It was just enough for her to buy a cell phone.Local villagers used her phone to make calls and then paid her for each call.This helped her make enough money to buy the things her store needed.Fatima could also use the money to send her children to school and improve their lives,as well as her own.Microfinance is the practice of giving small loans to people in need.Most microfinance loans are for less than two hundred dollars.The loans are used to start or enlarge a small business,such as catching fish,raising chickens or selling produce.Lenders are willing to make these loans because most of the people who receive them are very likely to repay the loans.Microfinance loans are important for several reasons.The businesses that these loans support often provide necessary services or goods to their munities (社区)Those who receive microfinance loans usually cannot get money any other way.Although they have to pay a high rate of interest (利率) on the money they borrow,the rate is lower than that a local moneylender asks for.It doesnt seem like such a small amount of money could make a big difference,but microfinance loans have been shown to help improve peoples lives and put new life into the munities like Fatimas.语篇解读本文是说明文。作者通过Fatima Serwona的事例向我们讲述了小额信贷的特点、功能以及其所产生的影响。1Why did Fatima Serwona buy a cell phone?ATo make extra money for her business.BTo order the goods she needed quickly.CTo make sure she could be found easily.DTo connect her village with other villages.解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的Local villagers used her phone.the things her store needed可知,Fatima Serwona通过用手机赚来的钱添置店里需要的货物,故A项说法正确。答案:A2According to the text,microfinance_.Ais popular with big paniesBoffers free help to poor peopleChelps people bee rich soonDmeans a lot to small businesses解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的The loans are used to start or enlarge a small business可知,小额资金对于一些小企业来说意义非凡。答案:D3What does the author think of microfinance loans?AIllegal.BHelpful.CUnnecessary.DMeaningless.解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中的microfinance loans have been shown to help improve peoples lives and put new life into the munities like Fatimas可知,作者认为小额信贷很有益处。答案:B4What would be the best title of the text?AThe life of Fatima SerwonaBAn unusual village in UgandaCMicrofinance has changed the worldDMicrofinance loans make a difference解析:标题归纳题。作者通过Fatima Serwona的事例向我们讲述了小额信贷的特点、功能以及其所产生的影响,故D项正确。答案:DGrand Canyon All AmericanHelicopter TourTime:7:00 am6:30 pmLocation:Las Vegas,NevadaTicket Prices:$300 for adults,$180 for childrenTake off from Las Vegas Airport on an exciting flight to the Grand Canyon (大峡谷)Youll enjoy a 45minute helicopter (直升机) flight each way,land deep in the canyon for a picnic,and fly low over the city of Las Vegas on your return.Grand Canyon All American Helicopter Tour is a wonderful tour that leaves you with time in the day free to explore Las Vegas.Front of Line PassTime:8:00 am5:30 pmLocation:Los Angeles,CaliforniaTicket Prices:$130 for adults,$70 for childrenEach day,Universal Studios Hollywood offers a limited number of Front of Line Passes.Get ready for the greatest Hollywood movie experience!Go behind the scenes on the worldfamous Studio Tour to explore where Hollywood movies are made and see firsthand the world s largest 3D experience.Then,face action headon in exciting rides,shows and attractions that put you inside some of the worlds biggest movies.Big Island Day TripTime:6:00 am7:30 pmLocation:Oahu,HawaiiTicket Prices:$350 for adults,$200 for childrenThis adventure is a great way to explore and learn about volcanoes.A short walk to the black sand beach takes you over an area that was once the ocean!Look to the east,and you may see steam or lava flowing downstream towards the sea.Visits along the way include the Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Factory and a Kona coffee shop.Another important part of this tour is your visit to the Rainbow Falls,where you might be lucky enough to see the rushing water mix with sunlight to form beautiful rainbows.语篇解读本文是应用文。文章主要为我们介绍了三处旅游景点。5Grand Canyon All American Helicopter Tour_.Aincludes exciting rides and showsBprovides tourists with a free picnicCtakes less time than Big Island Day TripDshows tourists around Las Vegas at night解析:细节理解题。由Grand Canyon All American Helicopter Tour一节中的Time:7:00 am6:30 pm和Big Island Day Trip一节中的Time:6:00 am7:30 pm可知C项正确。答案:C6In Universal Studios Hollywood,visitors can_.Awatch the worlds largest 3D moviesBgo behind the scenes and make moviesChelp produce the biggest movie in the worldDenjoy themselves in a limited time without tickets解析:细节理解题。由Front of Line Pass一节中的see firsthand the worlds largest 3D experience可知,游客在此可以欣赏到世界上最大的3D电影。答案:A7If a kid and his parents go on a tour of Front of Line Pass,they should pay _.A$200 B$330C$780 D$900解析:数字计算题。由Front of Line Pass一节中的Ticket Prices:$130 for adults,$70 for children可知B项正确。答案:B8Where does this text probably e from?AA travel guide.BA travel diary.CA map for tourists.DA newspaper report.解析:推理判断题。本文主要介绍了三个景点,包括时间、价格以及特色等,故选A项。答案:ALife is not a beauty contest.We all focus on our imperfections (瑕疵)In fact,you should see yourself in a proper way.Its necessary for you to know that selfknowledge (自知之明) is the most important beauty secret.Dont hate yourself for wanting to be beautiful.Goodlooking people get special treatment from strangers,employers and even their own mothers.Were not even close to our objective when it es to judging our own looks.Other people see the whole package.But when we look in the mirror,were likely to pay attention to imperfections.For example:That bump (凸起) on your friends nose?Its her feature!It gives her character!But to you,that thing on your nose is pletely ugly.Our opinions of our own looks are also changeable.So if we cant trust the judgment of ourselves,or the words of friends and family which can take away our doubts,were left to the cool judgment of strangers to satisfy our curiosity about our appearances.The website “Hot or Not”,which lets people hand their photos in for others to judge,had nearly 2 million daily page views within a week in 2000.But its not the best way to improve the judgment of yourself because you have no confidence yet in your mind.Everyone may pay too much attention to his or her own appearance,and at the same time worry about being criticized.If you are particularly attentive to your body,or if you feel unfortable in public,you are certainly hotter than you think.And we all have the ability to change how other people judge us without changing our looks.When you believe that you look good,others will see you in a more favorable way.Improve your impression from the inside.Understanding your own advantages can help you stop worrying about your appearanceand look better.9What can we infer from the first paragraph?AWe should focus on our advantages.BDont be cheated by others praise.CJudging oneself in a right way is important.DIts unnecessary to know the meaning of beauty.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“.selfknowledge is the most important beauty secret.”可知,人的自知之明是美丽的最重要秘诀。由此推之,正确评价自己很重要。答案:C10What does the example in the second paragraph suggest?AGoodlooking people are more popular than ordinary ones.BSome badlooking people are afraid to look in the mirror.CSome people judge one by his appearance simply.DSometimes we make our own imperfections bigger.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“That bump on your friends nose?Its her feature!It gives her character!But to you,that thing on your nose is pletely ugly.Our opinions of our own looks are also changeable.”可知,“你”可能认为朋友鼻子上的凸起是她的特色,赋予她个性。而如果在自己身上,就会看起来很丑陋。由此推断,有时我们把自身的瑕疵放大了。答案:D11“Hot or Not” _.Ais a website which allows others to ment on your characterBcant change your ideas pletely unless youre confidentCis a good way to make friends and makes you popular onlineDcan satisfy ones curiosity about others secrets解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“But its not the best way to improve the judgment of yourself because you have no confidence yet in your mind.”可知,这个网站不是提升“你”对自己评价的最好方法,因为在心里,“你”仍然没有自信。所以,除非“你”有自信,否则这个网站不能完全改变“你”的想法。答案:B12From the last paragraph we can learn_.Achanging our looks can make us more attractiveBpeople shouldnt care about their own disadvantagesCwe can make ourselves more beautiful in the mindDits useless to pay attention to your appearance解析:细节理解题。根据最后两句“Improve your impression from the inside.Understanding your own advantages can help you stop worrying about your appearanceand look better.”可知,作者建议从内部提升“你”的形象。了解自身优势有助于“你”不再担忧自己的外表,从而(让自己)看起来更美。所以,“我们”可以从内心把自己“武装得”更美。答案:C

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