2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 Music导学案外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 Music导学案外研版必修2【使用说明】课前: 1)用10分钟完成自主学习,用黑色笔答题, 红色勾出不会的题。 2)用20分钟完成合作探究 3)自主学习为必做题,合作探究C层II可选做;为B层选做题C层可不做。课上:1)10分钟自主学习2)25分钟小组展示及点评3)5分钟随堂检测【学习目标】1. 熟记并掌握这一部分单词与短语。 2. 阅读第22-23页课文,理解课文大意,提高学生的阅读能力。3. 认真完成学案,培养学生学习的积极性,提高口语表达能力。 【自主学习】I.背诵课文中的新单词的并大声朗读,在课文中划出这些新单词并翻译:1.court _2.director_3.genius_4.lose_5.musical_6.peasant_7. symphony _8.talent_9.Austria_10.Austrian_11.prince_12pose_13.tour_【合作探究】I. Turn to P22.Read the passage quickly and choose the best title( ) Three Great Austrian posers( ) Three Great posers of the Eighteenth Century( ) Three Great Child posersTask1: About Haydn.1.Where was he born? _2.What was his father? _3.Before he went to work , where did he study music? _4.How many years did he work before he moved to London? _-5.Whats Haydn known as? _Task 2 :About Mozart:years he livedmusic he posedWhats his father?When he was 4 When he was 5 When he was 6 By the time he was 14While he was a teenagerin 1781in 1791 Task 3 : About Beethoven:_ in Bonn, Germany ,Beethoven showed _ when he was very young and he got much help from _who was a _._ by Beethoven, Mozart said “He will give something _ to the world.” Though Beethoven was _ by Haydn, it was _ who _him to move to Vienna, where he became _ .He became pletely deaf during the last years of his life, but he_. 【当堂检测】根据课文判断正(T)误(F)1.Joseph Haydn studied music from his father when he was a small child.( )2. After Haydn worked in eastern Austria for 30 years, he moved to London. ( ).Mozart showed great musical talent from a very early age. ( )4. During his short life time, Mozart posed over 500 pieces of music. ( )5. Beethoven father was a poser and taught young Beethoven to play the violin and piano. ( )6. Beethoven devoted all his life to posing music and his music became very popular. ( )

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