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2019-2020年高中英语选修6Unit2Whatishappinesstoyou-Section3Wordpower1. Expanding the number of words in your vocabulary related to emotion can help you to express exactly how you feel. (P22) 扩大你有关情感的词汇量有助于你确切的表达你的情感。1) expand vi.&vt. to increase in size, number or importance, or to make sth. increase in this way:The air in the balloon expands when heated.They expanded their retail operations significantly during the 1980s.2) relatedadj. connected:We discussed unemployment and related issues.Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.2. All of these words have adjective forms as well. (P22) 所有这些词也有形容词形式。as wellalso 也,还,和If you have no pen,a pencil will do as well. It is just as well to be careful. Ill take this one as well. Yvonne is learning French and English as well. as well as 1) and also 和He has experience as well as knowledge. Shes clever as well as beautiful. He has experience as well as knowledge. Scott has a flat in London as well as a house in Edinburgh. 2) in as good a way as 同样;同样好地 I, as well as you, know that. He said he could sing as well as the birds. He can speak English as well as you do. 相关高考试题Unlike watching TV, reading is a highly active process (过程)_ it requires attention as well as memory and imagination. (2005江苏) A. until B. but C. unless D. for答案及解析: 选D。此句意为,“跟看电视不一样,阅读是一个高度活跃的过程,它不仅需要注意力,还需要记忆力和想象力”。

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