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2019-2020年高中英语Unit7TheseaSectionWarm-up&Lesson1-Languagepoints课时作业北师大版必修.单句语法填空1They have got everything ready_(make) a voyage across the Atlantic.答案:to make2There was such a long queue for visiting the Summer Palace that we_(eventual) gave it up.答案:eventually3It is hard_(evaluate) their ability only by the performance in the interview.答案:to evaluate4He will be punished according_the seriousness of his crime.答案:to5There is nothing more I can try_(persuade) you to stay,so I wish you good luck.答案:to persuade6When he came to life,he found himself_(tie) to a tree.答案:tied7Im thinking of the test tomorrow.Im afraid I cant pass this time.Im sure youll make_.答案:it8After Peter died,George set_the story of their friendship in a book.答案:down9He isnt _he was ten years ago,_he was very poor.答案:what;when10I hear Jane fell off her bike and had her arm_(hurt)If_,why not go to see her?答案:hurt;so.翻译句子1他的行为表明他已经喝醉了。(according to.)_答案:According to his behaviour,he got drunk.2我们告诫他酒后开车会惹上麻烦。(get into trouble)_答案:We warned him of getting into trouble if he drove after drinking.3我们说服他让汤姆开车送他回去。(persuade)_答案:We persuaded him to be driven home by Tom.4他翻遍口袋找到了钥匙。(in search of,make it)_答案:He went through his pockets in search of his keys and made it.5上周我们举办了一次化妆舞会,为此我们准备了大约一个月。(用“介词关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句)_答案:Last week,we had a dress ball,for which we had prepared about a month.根据汉语提示,选用练习中的句子完成语段训练上周我们举办了一次化妆舞会,为此我们准备了大约一个月。人人都玩得很开心,尤其是Mike。他的行为表明他已经喝醉了,但是他坚持自己开车回家。他翻遍口袋找到了钥匙。我们告诫他酒后开车会惹上麻烦。最终,我们说服他让汤姆开车送他回去。参考答案Last week,we had a dress ball,for which we had prepared about a month.Everyone had fun at the party,especially Mike.According to his behaviour,he got drunk,but he insisted on driving home by himself.He went through his pockets in search of his keys and made it.We warned him of getting into trouble if he drove after drinking.Eventually,we persuaded him to be driven home by Tom.阅读理解Under the worlds oceans and seas lies an attracting world of lands that stretches hundreds of kilometers in every direction.In this world,without the sun,there are deep canyons (峡谷),great plains,and towering ranges of mountains.And this underwater world covers 70 percent of the earths surface.The worlds longest mountain range extends 16,000 kilometers under the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland to the Antarctic.Called the MidAtlantic Ridge (山脊),this range of mountains contains a number of high peaks,among them are the Ascension Island,the Azores,and Iceland.The worlds highest mountain is found in the midPacific area.It is the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea,which is 9,450 meters from base to peak.This is nearly 610 meters taller than Mount Everest.Only 4,221 meters of Mauna Kea rises above the surface of the sea.In 1873 the British survey ship Challenger discovered the deepest trench (海沟) in all the seas.Named the Challenger Deep,it is near the island of Guam and is 11 kilometers deep.Since sunlight only reaches to a depth of about 244 meters,many of the creatures of the deep sea live in a world of darkness.However,to get help in their survival,many have their own bright lighting system.Food es to them from the upper levels of the ocean and they can get a constant supply from the waste matter that gradually moves downward toward the ocean floor.These undersea creatures must remain at the various places for which they are fit.To wander to other levels could result in death from improper water pressure.1The best title for this text should be_.AThe Sunless WorldBThe Longest MountainCThe Highest Mountain DThe Deepest Trench解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可以看出,这篇文章主要讲述的是黑暗的海底世界的一些情况。答案:A2The worlds longest mountain range under the ocean_.Aextends 1,600 kilometers under the Atlantic OceanBis called the MidAtlantic RidgeCcontains few high peaksDextends from Iceland to the Azores解析:细节理解题。由第二段可得出本题的答案。答案:B3From this passage we know that_.Athe longest and the highest mountains lie in the seaBthe highest mountain lies on landCthe longest mountain lies on landDMauna Kea is 4,221 meters high解析:细节理解题。由第二、三段我们知道,最长的山脉在大西洋,最高的山峰则在太平洋中部的夏威夷。据此,我们可得出本题的答案。答案:A4If a kind of creature lives in a sea area about 300 meters from the surface,_.Athe creature wont have enough food to eatBthe creature will feel very coldCthe creature will have to give light by itselfDthe creature will feel too hot解析:推理判断题。从最后一段我们知道,阳光只能到达离海面244米的地方,在此以下的地方生活的动物就必须靠自己的发光系统照明。答案:CBThere are thousands of hot springs (温泉) around the world;here are some best.Bains De Dorres,FranceSituated in the Pyrenees,close to the Spanish border,the baths date back to Roman times and offer visitors the chance to sweep away their worries in water surrounded by excellent views of the valleys below from an altitude of 4,800 feet.Except for a break from the end of November to the beginning of December,the pools are open daily from 8:45 am to 8:00 pm.Each ticket costs 4.50 euros.Waikite Valley Thermal Pools,New ZealandYou can experience the Living Waters of Te Manaroa Spring.Waikite Valley is a familyfriendly facility and also offers wheelchair access.The pools are open every day except Christmas Day from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.Ticket is NZ $15 for adults,NZ $8 for children up to 15 years old and NZ $3 for children younger than five.You can also rent a private pool and camp on site.Takaragawa Onsen,JapanTwo hours from Tokyo,the Takaragawa Onsen has four large outdoor baths:three mixed and one womenonly;two indoor areas and several baths.The water has a reputation for helping nervous disorders,skin irritation (皮肤过敏) and fatigue.The Onsen is open year round from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.Day visit tickets cost about 1,500 Yen.Myvatn Nature Baths,IcelandLocated in the heart of northeast Iceland,a mere 65 miles south of the Arctic Circle,Lake Myvatn was shaped through the years by repeated volcanic eruptions and seismic (地震) activity.At an altitude of more than 900 feet,the landscape around the lake is a panorama (全景) of mountains and sweeping wetlands.The spa is open year round.Summer hours are 9:00 am to midnight and winter hours are 12 noon to 22:00.语篇解读世界各地的温泉很多,本文向您介绍几个著名的温泉。5Which of the hot springs cant visitors go to on Christmas day?ABains De Dorres,France.BWaikite Valley Thermal Pools,New Zealand.CTakaragawa Onsen,Japan.DMyvatn Nature Baths,Iceland.解析:细节理解题。根据Waikite Valley Thermal Pools,New Zealand中的The pools are open every day except Christmas Day from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.可知Waikite Valley Thermal Pools在圣诞节那天是不对外开放的。答案:B6Bains De Dorres in France_.Adoes not have any views of the valleysBhas a very long historyCis situated close to the Iceland borderDis open year around解析:细节理解题。根据Bains De Dorres,France中的.the baths date back to Roman times.可知这个温泉历史悠久,故B项正确。根据本段内容也可知这个温泉靠近西班牙边界,可以欣赏到山谷的风景,并且在11月末和12月初是不对外开放的,故A、C、D错。答案:B7If you go to Waikite Valley Thermal Pools in New Zealand,_.Ayou can go there on any day of the yearByou cant take any disabled friends with youCyou need to pay according to ageDyou can not use a private pool alone解析:细节理解题。根据Waikite Valley Thermal Pools,New Zealand中的“Ticket is NZ $15 for adults,NZ $8 for children up to 15 years old and NZ $3 for children younger than five.”可知这个温泉是要根据年龄付费的,故C项正确;根据本段内容可知其配有轮椅道,并且可租借私人水池,除了圣诞节每天都对外开放,故A、B、D项错。答案:C8What can we learn about Myvatn Nature Baths in Iceland?AIt is located in the heart of northwest Iceland.BThe cost of tickets is very high.CIts opening times are same in summer and winter.DIt was shaped through volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.解析:推理判断题。根据Myvatn Nature Baths,Iceland中的“.Lake Myvatn was shaped through the years by repeated volcanic eruptions and seismic activity.”可知这个温泉是由反复的火山喷发和地震活动形成的,故D项正确;根据本段Located in the heart of northeast Iceland.可知A项错;此部分并没有提到票价,故B项错;根据本段内容可知:这个温泉夏季开放时间是早九点到午夜,冬季开放时间是中午十二点到晚上十点,故C项错。答案:D

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