2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 模块四第三单元教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 模块四第三单元教案 牛津版新课标单词reality n 现实,真实extraordinary adj 非凡的,特别的character n 人物set vt 为(故事等)设置背景tiredness n 疲劳,疲倦,疲惫upon prep 在后立即,一就feeling n 感觉;感情happiness n 幸福,快乐enable vt 使能够monitor vt 监控,监视via prep 经,由,通过thousands of 成千上万的sensor n 传感器be connected to 与相连接give out 发出(气味,热等)opening n 开口,孔;缺口deliver vt 传送,传递winning adj 制胜的,获胜的thrilled adj 喜不自胜的,欣喜若狂的besides prep 除以外,包括 adv 此外burn vi & vt 燃烧,烧battle n 战役,战斗fantastic adj 极好的,特棒的opportunity n 机会industry n 行业,工业impress vt 给留下深刻印象impression n 印象study n 研究powder-free adj 无需洗衣粉的announce vt 宣布,宣告,通知。宣称employ vt 雇佣,使用accuse vt 控告be accused of 被控告犯有罪question vt 询问,讯问。怀疑close down 关闭,使停业,使倒闭file n 文件popularity n 流行,受欢迎criticize vt 批评fade vi 逐渐暗淡,逐渐消逝,逐渐消失,衰退editor n 编辑therefore adv 因此,所以voice vt 表达,吐露(感情或意见)opinion n 意见,看法nephew n 侄子,外甥e across 发现,(偶然)遇见southern adj 南方的,南部的hero n 英雄science fiction 科幻小说(或电影等)nameless adj 没有名字的,无名的,不知名的gentle adj 温和的,文雅的journey vi 旅行inexperienced adj 缺乏经验的per prep 每,每一rescue vt 营救,援救force n 力量guide vt 操纵,带领,引导safely adv 安全地课文出现短语1. e true 2. sense of achievement3. be designed to do 4. pass on5. thousands of 6. be connected to7. add to 8. give out 9. provide sb with sth 10. play the role of11. put forward 12. in reality13. bring alive 14. be impressed by15. take the risk of 16. depend on17. accuse of 18. set up19. voice ones opinion 20. in ones opinion21. e across 22. e out23. be recognized as 24. instead of25. be of great benefit to一单词应用 根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化1. The news that the country had been chosen to host the next Olympic Games e_ everybody.2. Did you know the f_ of the national table tennis petition? The result was very surprising.3. You shouldnt have said that to the manager. Now you p_ us in a very difficult position.4. The artist s_ his name on the painting which he had just finished.5. The bus crashed into a tree and caused a big fire. Fortunately, all the passengers managed to escape unharmed from the b_ bus.6. She was really t_ to see a jewel in the street, but it turned out to be only glass.7. The 20 British women were i_ in expedition, they managed to make history in the end, though.8. The father of the family took the floor and a_ to the crowd the greatest pet of all time was his blue parakeet. 9. If we dont fall in deep thought and are just satisfied with s_ things, sooner or later we will find we havent gained anything because our first i_ had blinded and misled us.10. Although your idea is f_ in itself, Im worried that RealCine may be too expensive for ordinary people to afford. So we are not ready to take the r_ of investing in RealCine yet.11. Its his good _(人格) and great contribution rather than his handsome looks that make Beckham a star and unforgettable.12. Some of the signs in the mountains are specially designed to _(指导) tourists at night.13. Last but not (不重要的), I would like to thank all my friends, teachers and family members for their support.14. I was so happy when I came _(遇到) my favorite book at the bookstore.15. The movements are _(监控) continuously judging by the fact that the headsets and gloves are connected to the Realcine puter system.16. The Virus HIV is spread _(经,由) unprotected sex, blood-to-blood contact and mother-to-mother child transmission.17. The engineer from Huaian was appointed to be _(对负责) for the project.18. The puters the students use often crash and are not _(与连接) to the Internet.二词形转换1. impress (n.) _ 2. fantastic (n.) _3. announce (n) _ 4.deliver (n.) _5. popularity (a.)_ 6.force (a) _7. experienced (opposite)_ 8.gentle(ad.) _9. employ(n.) _ (n)_ (n) _ 10. responsible (n) _三. 句型结构1. The story of the novel happened in pre-war London in the 1930s. The novel is _ _ pre-war London in the1930s.2. An official from NASA claimed that they believed the idea of a space lift would some day be possible immediately he heard the proposal. _ _ the proposal, an official from NASA claimed that they believed the idea of a space lift would some day be possible.3. Thanks to Project Hope in China, thousands of poor children have returned to school. Project Hope in China _ _ thousands of poor children to go back to school.4. A suggestion came up at the meeting to save these rare animals. A proposal was _ _ at the meeting that these rare animals _ _.5. Henry always seems to self-confident, but to tell you the truth, he is extremely shy.Henry always seems to self-confident, but _ _ he is extremely shy.6. Its urgent now for us to do something effective to prevent this. Its _ time that we _ _ some effective measures to prevent this.7. A lot of smoke was produced by this kind of machine ,which caused serious air pollution in the past. A lot of smoke _ _ by this kind of machine caused serious air pollution in the past.8. The captain played a leading role in the football match. _ role the captain _ in the football game was the most _.四翻译句子1. 他精力充沛,而且话也很多。 He_ and he is always have something to say.2. 那个男孩没钱,因此想去看电影是不可能的。The boy had no money, so _.3. 新政府在内战之后建立起来的。 A new government _was set up after the war.4. 公众要知道谁对火灾负责。 The public want to know _.5. 我们应该提出一个有效的方法来改善我们的英语学习。 We should _to improve our English study.6. 卧室的门需要油漆一下。 The door of the bedroom _.7. 你认为哪种邮票值得收集? What kind of stamp _?8. 据估计,有100多人殁于这起空难。 _ more than 100 people died in the air disaster. More than 100 people _.五. 单项选择1 -Whats the matter with you, Lucy?- After the long walk, my legs_ and I couldnt go any further.A. gave off B. gave out C. gave in D. gave up2 My money _, I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I have none in hand.A. had run out B. ran out C. has run out D. is running out3 Our website offers _ trip to many tourist attractions.A. real B. imaginary C. realistic D. virtual4 The city was _ destroyed by the earthquake.A. really B. virtually C. truly D. actually5 A new proposal for reducing tax was _ in the congress.A. put up B. put away C. put off D. put forward6 More trees have been planted and flowers grown to _ the beauty of the park.A. increase B. add to C. plus D. raise7 All _ can be done _ done to ensure the safety of tourists.A. which,was B. that,have been C. that,has been D. which,were8 It is said that Dustin Hoffman will play _ of the captain in the new movie. A. the role B. a part C. a role D. the actor9_ the rapid development of IT,more and more business are done on line. A. For B. As C. With D. To10The story was _the capital city Changan in Tang Dynasty. A. set off B. set about C. set back D. set in11A pair of binoculars will _ you _much more stars on clear nights. A. ensure,to see B. enable,to see C. help,look at D. allow,see12People write about time travel in science fictions,but _ no one can travel to the future or the past.A. in fact B. in truth C. in practice D. in reality13Every puter has a _ clock to keep track of the time.A. built-in B. build-in C. inner D. inside14His speech has _ the audience _ a very deep impression.A. left,with B. left,by C. given,of D. given,to15I will not for such a small sum of money.A .take the risk of my life B. risk my life C. at the risk of my life D. go the risk16The opposite for subjective is_A. real B. realistic C .honest D. objective17“The last straw to a camels back” means_ .A. the last hope B. the only food C. sth that finally helps a person D. sth that finally make a person break down18All affairs,both military and_,are subject to government control. A .civic B. civilized C. civil D. civilization19He made a living by _ milk and newspaper.A. sending B .bringing C. carrying D. delivering20You must behave yourself _ the presence _ the judge. A. at,by B. with,for C. in,of D. before,of六、Reading strategy: reading a business proposalA business proposal is a plan or a suggestion that introduces a new business idea. As a proposal will reach the decision maker, it has to be clear and persuasive. A good proposal usually includes detailed information and convincing facts or examples such as a teenger whose dream was to be a world-famous football star experienced a VR film where he played the role of the captain of the Brazilian football team. In order to make the proposal objective, the passive voice is frequently used, for example, this is an extraordinary technology that must be developed further.七、课文复述1、Passage A(Reading)This _1_will give you some information about RealCine. The technology behind Realine is _2_reality (VR). Unlike ordinary cinema, RealCine excites all five of our senses: sight, _3_ , smell, touch and even taste. RealCine works by making the _4_ feel that they are actually in the film. To achieve this, special VR headsets are designed to _5_the viewers to see a world of 3D _6_ and hear the sounds clearly. Special gloves are also worn so that people and objects in the film can be touched. An _7_has been put forward that some viewers will be _8_ by RealCine because VR is not real. However, , with VR we are able to do some things that could never be _9_ in real life. Besides films, VR might also have some other uses. I am sure you will agree that RealCine provides a _10_ opportunity for the film-making industry.2、Passage B(Project) This novel, _1_by Jules Verne in 1864, is about a German professor who discovers an _2_ secret in an ancient book. He decides to take his nephew with him on the _3_ to the center of the Earth that the document in the book describes. They travel to Iceland _4_they enter the Earth through a dead_5_. During their journey, the professor and his nephew e across the Central Sea, a big _6_ocean. After their journey, they are brought to the Earths surface through a volcano in southern Italy and weled back in Germany as heroes.八、Writing 目前城市的垃圾污染日益严重,危害着人类的身体健康。请就此问题展开讨论,并写一份计划书,提出合理化建议。1. 可进行垃圾分类 2. 报纸,玻璃的再利用3. 有害垃圾填埋 4. 废水处理5. 立法 6. 加大宣传,增强环保意识参考词汇:sort 分类;treat 处理 九任务型阅读Wen Jiabao arrived in Singapore yesterday for an official visit to the country. It is the first visit by a Chinese premier to Singapore in eight years. In the arrival statement, When said he is looking forward to the meeting with Singing pore on ways to deepen East Asian cooperation between two nations so as to contribute to the building of a peaceful, harmonious relationship.Premier Wen Jiabao and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong agreed to jointly develop an environmentally friendly city in northeastern China. The city will be a model for sustainable development, a Singapore government statement said. The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city will be developed by a joint venture formed by Chinese and Singapore panies. This eco-city, to be built in Tianjin, will bee another highlight in our relations, When said after signing an agreement with Lee, who agreed, On the Singapore side, on all levels, well give this project our full support.The two sides will share expertise and experiences in urban planning, environmental protection, resources conservation, recycling, use of renewable resources and wastewater re-use. Chinas economic planning agency issued a set of guidelines earlier this month weling foreign investment in environmentally friendly areas such as recycling, clean industries and environmental protection.Bilateral relations between China and Singapore have seen big progress even though the two countries established diplomatic ties only 17 years ago, When said during his talks with Lee.China and Singapore have also kept close contact and coordination on regional issues, he added. When said China and Singapore are both important Asian countries that share mon interests in many areas.Title: Wens visit to SingaporeMain pointscontextsGeneral(1)_ 0f Wens visitTo(2)_ _ with SingaporeTo (3) _ mutual relationship.Agreements(4)_ in the visitAnother (5) _ friendly city to be built in Tianjin.Co-operation in city planning, environment protection, recycling and so on for (6) _ development.co-operation in(7)_ affairs for a (8)_ Asia.Guidelines(9)_ by China Chinas (10) _ for clean industries and environmental protection.参考答案一单词应用1. excited 2.final 3.placed 4. signed 5.burning 6.thrilled 7.inexperienced 8.announed 9.surfsce, impression 10.fantastic, risk 11.character 12.guide 13.least 14. across 15. monitored 16.via 17.responsible 18.connected三句型结构1. set in/ based on 2.Upon/On leaving 3. has enabled 4. put forward, be saved 5. in reality / fact 6. high, should take 7. given out 8. played, important 四翻译句子1. is full of strength 2. it was out of the question for him to go to the cinema.3. was set up after the war 4. who to blame for the fire 5. put forward an effective way 6. needs painting/needs to be painted 7. do you think is worth collecting8. As is estimated,或 It is estimated thatare estimated to have died in the air disaster.五单项选选1-5 BDDBD 6-10 BCACD 11-15 BDAAB 16-20 DDCDC七课文复述Passage A1. proposal 2. virtual 3. hearing 4. viewers 5. enable 6. animation 7. argument 8. disappointed 9. achieved 10. fantasticPassage B1. written 2. amazing 3. journey 4. where 5. volcan 6. underground八WritingIt is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly. Otherwise it may cause a lot of trouble.We should take measures to solve the problem. For example, some rubbish can be sorted and sent to different factories. Rubbish like newspapers and glass will be treated and reused. Some harmful rubbish should be sent to a certain place and buried. Waste water will slao be treated before it is poured into river. To protect the environment, it is necessary to pass laws to prevent people from throwing rubbish everywhere. Everyone has the duty to fight against pollution.九任务型阅读1. aimspurposes 2. co-operate 3. strengthenpromote 4. reached 5. environmentally 6. sustainable 7.regional 8. peaceful 9. set 10. preference


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