2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 模块七第四单元教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 模块七第四单元教案 牛津版underground n. 地铁monly adv. 一般地,通常地distinction n. 声誉,名声,区别,差别distant adj. 远的,遥远的historic adj. 有历史意义的,历史上著名的transport vt. & n. 运输,运送,输送,搬运vehicle n. 车辆,交通工具shuttle n. 短程往返运行的公共汽车(或火车等);梭,梭子;航天飞机beneath prep. & adv. 在之下paratively adv. 比较而言,相对地narrow adj. 窄的,狭窄的;狭隘的middle n. 中间,中部advanced adj. 高级的,先进的accelerate vt. 加速,促进pace n. 步伐,速度inconvenient adj. 不方便的,不便利的separately adv. 分别地,单独地,各自地acquisition n. (尤指通过努力)取得,获得;学到expansion n. 扩充,扩展,扩大,发展connection n. 连接;连接物;联系;关系function vi. 起作用;工作,活动,运转anniversary n. 周年纪念;周年纪念日effectively adv. 有效地permit vt. & vi. 允许,准许,许可 n. 许可证;执照;通行证sightseeing n. 观光,游览horrible adj. 可怕的,恐怖的;极其讨厌的,让人非常难受的,特别糟糕的discount n. 折扣,打折official n. 官员increase n. 增加,增长cycle vi. 骑自行车aim vi. 目的是,打算;瞄准,对准 vt.将瞄准,将指向 n.目标,目的confuse vt. 使糊涂,使困惑;使混乱;混淆tire vt. 使厌倦,使厌烦;使疲劳annoy vt. 使恼怒,使生气,使烦恼;打搅,干扰,骚扰undertake vt. 承担,担任;着手做,开始进行,从事sacrifice vt. 牺牲,奉献beyond prep. 在先之外,超出modest adj. 适度的,适中的,不过分的;谦虚的,谦让的postpone vt. 推迟,延迟,使延期speed vt. & vi. 加速timetable n. 时间表departure n. 离开,启程,出发repair n. 修理,修补punctual adj. 准时的,准点的;守时的reliable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的arise vi. 发生,产生,形成;起立,起身;起床;起义extreme adj. 极端的,极度的cause n. 原因,起因;事业pedestrian n. 行人,步行者lorry n. 卡车surrounding adj. 周围的;环绕的 n. 周围环境signal vi. 发信号impatient adj. 不耐烦的,没耐心的,急不可耐的aggressive adj. 好斗的,侵略性的,咄咄逼人的fine vt. 罚的款,处以罚金 n. 罚金,罚款concentration n. 专心,专注;集中irresponsible adj. 不负责任的assumption n. 假定,臆想overload vt. 使超载,使过载unsteady adj. 不稳定的,摇摆的,摇晃invitation n. 诱因;邀请;请帖incorrectly adv. 不正确地,错误地orderly adj. 有秩序的,秩序井然的,有条理的课文出现短语1. pick up2. cause damage to3. beneath the surface4. far from5. in use6. why not do7. go sightseeing8. in the hope of9. speed up10. under repair11. protect sb from danger12. pay attention to13. risk your life14. avoid causing accidents15. a couple of16. drop off17. choke off traffic18. link up19. set up20. function as21. permit sb to do22. at a discount23. make better use of24. wash away25. arise from26. be aimed at27. lead to crashes28. watch out for29. in need of30. be up to sb31. as it is known32. lead to33. accelerate the pace34. be responsible for35. in honor for36. a place of interest37. be made up of38. make up for39. cause deaths and injuries40. traffic jam41. be aware of42. be fined for43. be likely to44. in good condition一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. Up to now, many people have agreed that t_ is an important part of our lives.2. In the 19th century, s_ trains helped people travel all over the world.3. In the past, many old men dont believe buses can carry people o_ long distance.4. If you go to Britain, you will see the sign at the station, “wele to the London u_”.5. Most trains went to the distant b_ of the city in the northern part of the country.6. Cars on the road can c_ off traffic, so some experts dont agree cars mass production.7. The first tunnels were just b_ the surface of the ground.8. Sometimes, traveling on these lines was very i_. So you had better go by car.9. Many caves in the mountains f_ as bomb shelters during war times.10. Some experts in this field think this helps make the system more u_.11.It is reported that the train lines were placed under the _(权力机构) of the Board.12.It was interesting to know about the London _(地铁) developed.13.The city has good air _(连接) with most large cities on the Chinese mainland.14.The storms _(冲走) away soil along the road last night, which made children frightened15.The deaths _(发生,形成) from those accidents has increased in the past ten years.16.We must all be _(意识到) of the potential causes of traffic accidents and act to prevent them.17.You are _(违反) the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of others.18.It is _(由决定) to all of us road users to make sure that we must avoid accident.19.Many _(骑车的人) do not pay attention to the cars around them. so it can lead to accidents.20.We must pay attention to road _(安全). Only in this way can we keep us safe.二.词型转换1、parative adj.- _(n.)2、effectively adv. - _(n.)3、patient adj.- _(n.) _(反) 4、concentration n.- _(v.)5、steady adj.- _(adv.)6、invite v.- _(n.)_(adj.)7、aware adj.- _(n.)_(反)8.expect v.- _(adj.)_(n.)9、permit v.- _(n.允许)10、fortune n.- _(adj.)11. connect (vt.) _(n. ) 12. responsible (adj.) _ (opp.) 13. rely (vi.)_ (adj.) 14.distant (adj.) _ (n.) 15. expansion (n.)_ (vt.) 16. convenient (adj.) _ (n.) 17. separate (adj./vt) _ (adv.) 三选词填空Lead to , in addition to , cause trouble , at a discount, get off, arise fromchock off, responsible for. in honour of, make up for, aim at speed up in the hope that , make better use of1. _ English, he has to study French.2. where does this path _?3. Im afraid that boy is _.4. She kept talking and nobody could _.5. Heavy rains were _ storage of vegetables.6. I have cooked a special meal_ our visitors.7. I bought a ticket _ and rode the underground four times.8. I thought I could have a relaxing weekend to _ all my hard work.9. They _ immediately after lunch.10. This notice is _ increasing peoples awareness of the problem.11. Can we begin by discussing matters _ the last meeting? 12. Wed better _ if we want to be on time.13 We must _ the resources we have.14. Many skilled workers go abroad _ they can get better career opportunities. 四句型结构基本句型1. It has the distinction of being the oldest and most plex underground system in the world.2. Most trains into London only went to the distant boundary of the city because building railway tracks into the city would have caused damage to many historic buildings.3. Passengers were transported in carriages without windows, which were pulled through the paratively narrow tunnels by steam engines. 4. Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, tried to improve the system by buying many of the different lines and setting up the Underground Group.5. All the different bus and train lines were placed under the authority of the Board. 6. The London underground system is working to transport millions of people effectively as it has done for many years.7. This notice is aimed at increasing peoples awareness of the problem because it has bee quite extreme.8. Drivers have to take the responsibility to watch out for people crossing the road, especially older people who may walk slowly and young children who may not look before stepping into the road.9. Many cyclists do not pay attention to the cars that surround them and often ride too close to cars to allow them space and time to stop.10. This lack of control is an invitation to accidents.11. Some cyclists make the assumption that traffic laws do not apply to them.句型拓展1. However, most trains into London only went to the distant boundary of the city because building railway tracks into the city would have caused damage to many historic buildings. (P50) 但是大部分通往伦敦的火车只到伦敦城的远郊,因为在市区内修建铁路会损坏许多古建筑。distantadj. far away:a distant countryShe could hear the distant sound of fireworks exploding.in the distant past/futurefar away in the past or future:At some point in the distant future I would like to have my own house.in the not-too-distant futurequite soon:They plan to have children in the not-too-distant future.distancen. C or U the amount of space between two places:Whats the distance between Madrid and Barcelona/from Madrid to Barcelona?He travels quite a distance (= a long way) to work every day.Does she live within walking distance of her parents?高考链接The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a _ of 60 miles.(xx全国)A. length B. distance C. way D. space答案:Bhistoricadj. important or likely to be important in history:historic buildingsa historic day/momentIn a historic vote, the Church of England decided to allow women to bee priests.historicaladj. connected with the study or representation of things from the past:Many important historical documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.She specializes in historical novels set in eighteenth-century England.historically adv. The film makes no attempt to be historically accurate.Historically (= Over a long period in the past), there have always been close links between France and Scotland.2. Unfortunately, the increased number of vehicles on the road choked off traffic, and the road became so busy that no one could travel anywhere. (P50) 不幸的是马路上增加的车辆把道路堵得水泄不通,交通变得如此拥挤以致于每个人都寸步难行。choken. C a block of wood that can be put under a wheel or a heavy object to prevent it from movingv. 窒息;堵塞;阻塞The child swallowed a pen and chocked to death.The roads to the coast were choked with traffic.At lunchtime the streets were choked with traffic.She choked to death on a fish bone.Children can choke on peanuts.引申:chock back 忍住,抑制 chock up 因激动等说不出话来自我检测During the rush hours the roads are usually _ up with traffic.A. chocked B. crowded C. blocked D checked 答案: A3. The first tunnels were opened in 1863 and were just beneath the surface of the ground. (P50) 首批地铁隧道于1863年开通,他们紧靠地面。beneathprep. in or to a lower position than, under低于,在之下Jeremy hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.We huddled together for warmth beneath the blankets.After weeks at sea, it was wonderful to feel firm ground beneath our feet once more.比较:1) under prep. in or to a position below or lower than something else, often so that one thing covers the other:He hid under the bed.In AD 79 the city of Pompei was buried under a layer of ash seven meters deep.She put the thermometer under my tongue.She was holding a file under her arm (= between her upper arm and the side of her chest).2) belowadv., prep. in a lower position (than), under:From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects.Do you usually wear your skirts above or below the knee?The authors name was printed below the title.They have three children below the age of (= younger than) four.4. Sixteen years later, in 1884, the Metropolitan Railway pany and the Metropolitan District railway linked up and provided the underground service in the middle of the city. (P50) 16年后,于1884年大都会铁路公司于大都会区铁路公司取得联系共同为城市中部提供地铁服务。linkv. T to make a connection between two or more people, things or ideas:The explosions are not thought to be linked in any way.The use of CFCs has been linked to the depletion of the ozone layer.n. C a connection between two people, things or ideas:Theres a direct link between diet and heart disease.Their links with Britain are still strong.link upto form a connection, especially in order to work or operate together:The organizations aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease.We offer advice to Polish panies who want to link up with Western businesses.They linked up two areas by telephone.用法拓展: be connected with 与相接,和有联系5. These new ways of digging accelerated the pace of the London Undergrounds development. (P50) 这些新的隧道开挖方法加快了伦敦地铁的发展脚步。acceleratev. I when a vehicle or its driver accelerates, the speed of the vehicle increases:I accelerated to overtake the bus.pare: deceleratev. I to go more slowly; to reduce speed:The car decelerated at the sight of the police car. accelerated adj. 加速的acceleration n. 加速度自我检测A driver _ his car when he makes it go faster or increased its speed.A. modifies B. duplicates C. accelerates D stimulates答案:Cpacen. U the speed at which someone or sth. moves, or with which sth. happens or changes:a slow/fast paceWhen she thought she heard someone following her, she quickened her pace.For many years this pany has set the pace (= has been the most successful pany) in the munications industry.These changes seem to me to be happening at too fast a pace.I dont like the pace of modern life.引申:keep pace with 与并驾齐驱 at a pace 以的速度自我检测Many people plain of rapid _ of modern life.A. rate B. speed C. pace D. growth答案:C6. Traveling on these lines was inconvenient, though, as each line was separately owned and many were very far from each other. (P50) 然而搭乘这些线路很不方便,因为每条线都分别各归其主而且许多线路之间相距甚远。inconvenientadj. an inconvenient time/placeIt will be very inconvenient for me to have no car.inconvenience n. C or U a state or an example of problems or trouble, which often causes a delay or loss of fort:We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.We had the inconvenience of being unable to use the kitchen for several weeks.Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor inconvenience.7After his acquisition of the lines, each one was given a name and most of the names are still used today. (P51) 收购后他给每条线起了名字,很多名字至今还在使用。acquirev. T to obtain sth.:He acquired the firm in 1978.I was wearing a newly/recently acquired jacket.I seem to have acquired (= obtained although I dont know how) two copies of this book.During this period he acquired a reputation for being a womanizer.acquisition n. C or UThe museum has been heavily criticized over its acquisition of the four-million-dollar sculpture.I like your earrings - are they a recent acquisition (= did you get them recently)?8. The last line added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Elizabeths crowning. (P51)honora quality that bines respect, pride and honesty:a man of honourWe fought for the honour of our countryn. C a reward, prize or title that publicly expresses admiration or respect:She received an honour for her services to the munity.He was buried with full military honours (= with a special celebration to show respect).in honour of sb./sth. in order to celebrate or show great respect for someone or sth.:a banquet in honour of the president高考链接My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _ it. (xx陕西)A. in favor of B. in memory ofC. in honour of D. in search of答案:A9. Visit our ticket office and buy one of the travel cards that permit you to travel all over the underground system. (P51)permit (-tt-) v. T to allow sth.:The regulations do not permit much flexibility.+ ing form of verb The prison authorities permit visiting only once a month.+ object + to infinitive The security system will not permit you to enter without the correct password.As it was such a special occasion, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne.FORMAL The law permits of no other interpretation.v. I FORMAL to make sth. possible:The Chancellor is looking to lower interest rates, when economic conditions permit.We have arranged to play tennis on Saturday, weather permitting (= if the weather is good enough10. This includes dates or years in the order of the development. (P51)order n. U the way in which people or things are arranged, either in relation to one another or according to a particular characteristic: in order of以的顺序The children lined up in order of age/height.I cant find the file I need because theyre all out of order (= they are no longer arranged in the correct way).Put the files in alphabetical/chronological order.高考链接You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _. (xx广东) A. date B. shape C. order D. balance答案:B11. The brochure you have just read refers to the development of the London Underground that started in 1854. (P51)refer tophrasal verb: 1) to talk or write about someone or sth., especially briefly:In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.He always refers to the house as his refuge.2) If writing or information refers to someone or sth., it relates to that person or thing:The new salary scale only refers to pany managers and directors.12. I bought a ticket at a discount and rode the underground three times. (P53)discountn. C a reduction in the usual price:They usually give you a discount if you buy multiple copies.They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students.v. T to decide that sth. or someone is not worth consideration or attention:You shouldnt discount the possibility of him ing back.at a discount 打折自我检测They sell the sweater _ a discount of 30 percent.A. on B. for C. at D. with答案:C完成句子1. 两家机构为了帮助贫穷儿童联合举办了一场慈善活动。)The two organizations _ _ to hold a charity event for the poor children.2. 这些新的挖掘方法加快了伦敦地铁的发展步伐。(accelerate the pace of)These new ways of digging _ _ _ _the London undergrounds development.3. 一般说来,人们喜欢买各种各样的减价商品。(discount)_ _ , people like to buy all kinds of things _ _ _.4. 因缺乏交流而引发的家庭问题越来越多。(arise from)There are more and more family problems _ _ _ _ _munication.5. 由于不知道坐哪路车,她向我们求助。(not knowing) Not knowing which bus to take, she _ _ _ _ _.五语法应用非谓语动词v-ing形式作定语 1. 单个的v-ing形式可以作前置定语,表示所修饰的人或物的动作或状态,在意思上接近一个定语从句,可以表示正在进行的动作,也可表示经常性动作或当时的状态。developing countries = countries that are developing 发展中国家an ordinary-looking house = a house that looks ordinary 看起来很普通的房子a puzzling problem = a problem that puzzles somebody 困扰人的问题2. 作定语的v-ing形式如是一个短语,则应放在被修饰词的后面。The bottle containing vinegar should be sent to the laboratory. 装着醋的那个瓶子应送到实验室去They lived in a house facing south. 他们住在一所朝南的房子里。3. 某些情况下,定语不能用v-ing形式,必须用定语从句。 作定语的动词-ing形式表示的动作要与主句谓语的动作同时发生,如两者不能同时发生的话,则需使用定语从句。昨天来的教授将要给我们作一个讲座。【误】The professor ing here yesterday will give us a lecture.【正】The professor who came here yesterday will give us a lecture. v-ing形式的完成式一般只用作状语,不作定语。被地震毁坏的庙宇很快就要重建了。【误】The temple having been destroyed by the earthquake will be rebuilt soon.【正】The temple which has been destroyed by the earthquake will be rebuilt soon. v-ed形式作定语 1. 单个动词-ed形式作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前,作前置定语。A watched pot never boils. 心急锅不开。All the broken doors and windows have been repaired.所有的坏门窗都修好了。When we arrived, we each were given a printed question paper.我们到达的时候,每人被发给了一份印制好的试卷。提示: 如要表示强调,单个动词-ed形式也可作后置定语。Money spent is more than money earned. 入不敷出。2. 带有修饰语或其他成分的v-ed形式一般都作后置定语,在语法上相当于一个定语从句。We have read many novels written by this author. (= that are written by this author) 我们读过这个作家写的许多小说。Half of the honored guests invited to the reception were foreign ambassadors. (= who had been invited to the reception) 被邀请到招待会上的贵宾有一半都是外国大使。The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success. (= which was attended by one thousand students)这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千名学生出席了。A woman dressed like a lawyer came in and took her seat as judge. (= who was dressed like a lawyer)一个律师装扮的女人走了进来,并作为法官就座。v-ing 和v-ed形式作定语的区别 1及物动词的-ing形式作定语表示与被修饰名词是主动关系,及物动词的-ed 形式表示与被修饰名词是被动关系。The group called Green Hand is trying to help the environmen


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