2019-2020年高中英语 Unit48 情人欲绝交函书信通.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit48 情人欲绝交函书信通.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit48 情人欲绝交函书信通February 15, xxDear John,I really dont know how to begin this letter. Writing it is one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do. Ive been doing some thinking lately. As you yourself said, three more years is a long time and, well, I really dont think its good for either one of us to expect the other to wait so long. In other words, I think you should go ahead and date other people and I will do the same.I still care about you, but we are too far apart. Also, Ive decided to stay in America for the summer, so it will be a very long time before Ill see you again. I think its better for both of us to be free.Love,Joy亲爱的约翰:我真的不知道如何下笔写这封信。写这封信是我所经历过必须做的最困难事情之一。我最近一直想一些事情。你自己曾说,三年是一段漫长的时间,而且,嗯,我真的不觉得期待对方等待这么久对我们任何一方是好的。换句话说,我想你应该放手去和别人约会,而我也会这么做。我仍然在乎你,但是我们相隔太远了。我也已经决定暑假要留在美国,所以再见到你会是很久以后的事了。我想恢复自由身对我们两个都比较好。爱你的乔依敬上xx年2月15日字词解说:1. one.二the other.二(限定两者中)一个另一个one, . . another, , . the other. . .(限定三者中)一个一个另一个one/twofthree,二the others. . .(限定三者以上)一个/二个/三个其余的例:One of his two sons is a lawyer, the other is a doctor.(他两个儿子中一个是律师,另一个是医师。)That rich woman has three houses. One is in Taipei another is in Tainan, the other is in Los Angeles.(那个富婆有三栋房子。一栋在台北,一栋在台南,另一栋在洛杉矶。)One of the students stayed behind to ask the teacher a question, the others went home.(一个学生留下来向老师请教问题;其他的人都回家去了。)2. In other words, S+V换句话说,=To put it differently, S+V=That is (to say),S+V例:Bobs a bit slow. In other words, hes stupid.(鲍伯有点迟钝。换句话说,他笨。)3. go ahead放手去做,不要犹疑例:Go ahead and start dinner without me if Im late.(诸位径自开始用餐吧,我若迟到也不用等我。)生.care在意/乎例:He doesnt care about anyone but himself.(他只顾自己,不顾别人。)

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