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2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习Module6WarandPeace预习案外研版选修.课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Practicemakesperfect.话题必记单词1.abandonv.放弃,抛弃2.lastv.持续3.eventuallyadv.最后,最终4.overlookv.俯视,往下看5.rescuev.营救,拯救6.dropv.扔下,投下7.viewn.观点8.worthwhileadj.值得做的,有价值的,有用的9.despiteprep.不管,不顾=inspiteof阅读识记单词1.drown v.淹死,使溺死2.condemn v.责难;谴责3.campaign n.作战行动,军事行动4.chaos n.混乱,无秩序in chaos 处于混乱中5.sacrifice n.&v.牺牲6.yell v.大叫,呼喊7.cheers int.(用于祝酒)祝你健康8.surrender v.&n.投降9.strategy n.策略,战略构织连脉词族1.occupyv.占领occupiedadj.忙碌的occupationn.占领;职业2.woundv.&n.使受伤;伤woundedadj.受伤的3.shockedadj.(感到)震惊的,惊骇的shockvt.&n.使某人震惊;震惊shockingadj.令人震惊的4.senselessadj.无意义的,欠思考的sensen.意识;感官v.意识到5.messn.混乱的局面messyadj.污秽的,麻烦的6.encouragev.鼓舞,鼓励encouragementn.鼓舞couragen.勇气7.quotev.引用,引述quotationn.引语8.disagreementn.争论,矛盾,意见不合agreementn.同意,一致disagreev.不同意;不一致语用规律归纳弄清各种“伤害”woundn.战斗或搏斗中受伤hurtn.身体疼痛或情感上的伤害painn.心理上的痛苦;疼痛injuryn.身体上受的伤害harmn.害处;伤害shock用法小结beshockedby/at对感到震惊agreatshock一个/件令人震惊的人/事beashocktosb对某人来说是个打击shocking令人震惊的语境活用1.He is a teacher by occupation,and his time is fully occupied with his students.He always thinks about his work,and how to teach the students well occupies his mind.(occupy)2.In the match,all my classmates encouraged me to try hard,and their encouragement gave me more confidence and courage.At last I got an encouraging result.(courage)3.On seeing the messy room,my mind was in a mess.(mess)4.The picnic was put off due to our disagreement on where to go,and it is agreed that a meeting shall be held to make an agreement on it.(agree).课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observationisthebestteacher.1.makeabreakthrough取得重大突破(进展)2.pickup停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起3.toonesastonishment令某人惊讶的是4.beinvolvedin被卷入,陷入5.declare war on 向宣战语境活用1.We have madeabreakthrough in astronomy,however,we still have a long way to go.2.The police have now declaredwaron drug dealers in the area.3.I couldnt find my keys all day,but tomyastonishment,they were in the door.4.If you areinvolvedin an accident,you are required to remain at the scene until the officer lets you go.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart.领悟教材语境1.The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.这次登陆行动异常危险,很多士兵还没来得及下船就牺牲了。(教材Page 72)要点提炼 before做从属连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“在之前”。2.The survivors lay on the beach,exhaustedandshocked.死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。(教材Page 73)要点提炼 exhausted and shocked为两个形容词做状语。3.Never in the field of human conflict wassomuchowed by so many to so few.在人类战争史上,从来没有一次像这样,以如此少的兵力取得如此大的成功,保护如此多的众生。(教材Page 81)要点提炼 never放在句首,句子用全部倒装。高考写作情景他还未来得及脱掉大衣就睡着了。He fell asleep beforehetookoffhiscoat.三天后,可怜的年轻人回来了,又累又沮丧。After three days,the poor young man returned,tiredanddepressed.我从来没有见到这么好的景色。NeverhaveIseensuchbeautifulscenery.语篇旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空The Second World War,which lasted until 1945,started when Britain declared war 1.on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.The most important battle of the war in Europe was Operation Overlord.2.Troops(troop) from the United States,Britain and Canada took part in the D-Day landings.More than 5,000 ships crossed the English Channel,3.carrying(carry) 130,000 troops to the French coast.The operation was 4.extremely(extreme) dangerous and many soldiers 5.werekilled(kill) before they even got off the boats.And many drowned in the deep water before help arrived.American soldiers attempted 6.toland(land) at the most dangerous place,7.known(know) as Omaha Beach.The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad 8.that the US army manders thought about 9.abandoning(abandon) the invasion.Eventually,the soldiers made 10.a breakthrough and the D-Day landings were successful.话题与短文改错If you see wearing sky-blue helmets,they are United Nations peacekeepers.The idea of UN peacekeepers more than 60 years ago.The first UN peacekeepers sent to the Middle East in 1948.They only went to see was happening,and not armed.Then in 1957 the first armed UN peacekeepers went to the Middle East. then,there have been more than 50 UN peacekeeping operations.In xx,there were fifteen, nearly 37,000 personnel.UN peacekeepers have been included soldiers and other from more than 120 countries.There have been UN peacekeeping successes,but also some failures.


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