2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习 随堂演练(4).doc

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2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习 随堂演练(4)一、单词拼写1. All the failures (毁灭)all Janes hopes for success.2. If you cant keep your pet, you can give it to an animal (庇护所).3. If your brain (判断)the information important, it places it in your memory “files.”4. Although we are suffering such a severe natural (灾难), we will never lose heart.5. Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save (电)in my daily life.6. The wildlife at night is very dangerous, so you have to be (极其) careful.7. I had spent much time on the work but the manager told me it was (无用的).8. On reaching the top of the mountain, we were (震惊的) to see the view after the big fire.9. David tried to use his left hand to work because be (受伤) his right hand in a fire.10. Its a good time to go hunting after it snows, because it is easier to follow the animals (踪迹).二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. In the (judge), it was wrong to give children so much pocket money.2. We could tell from his (express) that he was very upset.3. On seeing the scene, the little girl was so that she burst out crying. (frighten)4. On arriving there, we expressed our (congratulate) to him on his success.5. We refuse to sign any treaty that is against our (nation) interests.6. It was an (extreme) difficult and dangerous task.7. It is (reporter) that the accident occurred on the first Sunday in February.8. Her (dirt) clothes made her embarrassed.9. The tracks became (use) because of the earthquake.10. The earthquake brought a lot of (suffer) to the people.三、单句语法填空1. I cant imagine (live) without water.2. The meeting was an end at ten oclock.3. MY patience gave at last.4. Shelters were put for the victims.5. He was proud his hometown and took pride the achievement he had made.6. We should pay attention (protect) the environment.7. (bury) in doing research on wild plants, he seldom returned home.8. The survivors houses were destroyed put up in the temporary tents.9. The number of people who were killed (reach) more than 40,000 so far.10. Seeing his funny action, the audience burst out (laugh).四、课文浓缩语法填空Something strange were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. The water in the wells rose and fell. A 1(smell) gas came out of the cracks. The chickens and even the pigs were 2nervous to eat. 3(mouse) ran out of the fields, 4 (look) for places to hide. Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds. At about 3:00 a.m. on July 28, 1976, some people saw bright lights in the sky. At 3:42 a.m. , one of the 5 (great) earthquake of the 20th century began. Steam 6 (burst) from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. Bricks covered the ground like autumn 7 (leaf). Two dams and most of the bridges fell. The railway tracks were now 8 (use) pieces of steel. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay 9 ruins. It looked as if the world was 10 an end.

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