三年级英语上册《Module 2 Me, my family and friends》教案 上海本地版.doc

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Module 2 Me, my family and friends.Unit 1 My friends(2nd period)A super star in our classLanguage focus:1. Learn the grammer and expressions: e.g. Hes / Shes Is he / she ? Yes, he / she is. (No, he / she isnt. ) Whos your friend?2. Learn the new words : tall, short, thin, fat, boy, girl, strong, weak, little, large, friend3. Encourage the students to have good cooperation with the classmates with the new words and expressions. Key points: 4. Learn the new grammer and expressions.5. Learn the new words.Difficult points: 6. Words and patterns: Say sth. about your friends. Teaching aids: The computer, PPTTeaching process:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurpose.Pre-taskpreparationWarming up.1. Say a chant2. Daily talkIntroduce yourselves通过儿歌来复习本课中所需要运用的形容词,同时引起学生注意。. While-task procedure1. Listen to the introduction by Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.1) Show the picture and listen to the record.2) Ask some questions.e.g. Whos he?Is he.?What can he do?3) Learn the word: friendSpell and read.4) Show the picture of Goofy and Pluto to elicit the sentence:We are friends.5) Try to say:_ is my friend.We are friends.6) Sing a song通过米老鼠的介绍,认识今天所学内容中的新朋友。同时,引出新授单词。歌曲能够很好地巩固新授单词,加深对朋友一次的理解。2. T: Today, theyre having a class meeting on the grass. And they are discussing the super star in the class.3.can.well.4. smartIn my eyes, he/she is.5. Listen to DonaldDuck D1)Listen to Minnie MouseI think Mickey is the star in our class. Hes short and thin. He can play football well. He can ride a bicycle well. 1) read: wellHe can play football well. He can ride a bicycle well.2) Ask and answerT: Paul, what can you do well?S1: I can . well.T: What can he do well?Ss: He can .well.T: Ann, what can you do well?S2: I can. well.T: What can she do well?Ss: She can. well.3) Quick response. can. well.Pic: sing, dance, draw, play football.1)Minnie: He can play football well. He can ride a bicycle well.In my eyes, he is smart.2) sm_ _thard farm cardspell : smartTry to say:I think _ is smart in our class. He/She can _well.教师做示范,介绍朋友,学习句型。通过对男女生的提问,让学生区分she can 和he can.快速反应的练习积极地让学生参与到课堂中来,有效地练习了句型。.Post-task Activity1. Introduce your friend.1).Practise in pairs.2).Introduce your friends like this.T: Look at the ! (boy, girl) my friend. (Hes , Shes)Hes / Shes . (tall, short)Hes / Shes . (fat, thin)Hes / Shes . ()Guess. Whos he / she?S1: Is he / she _?T: Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. 进行对子操练,运用所学词句。2. Reading material.1)Read and read.2)Ask and answer:What is friend? 进行朗读会意训练。首尾呼应,情感升华。AssignmentHomework1.Copy and recite the words and sentences on P14.2.Introduce your friend to your parents . 课堂内容的延续。On blackboard: M2U1 My friendfatthin Hes fat. Shes thin.tall-short Is he tall? Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.)boy girl Is she strong? Yes, she is. (No, she isnt. )


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