小升初英语专题讲解十 介词.doc

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第十讲 介词介词用来表示名词、代词之间的关系。 介词通常放在名词或代词前, 构成介词短语。1、 表示时间的介词 1) at 用于时刻, 钟点前。 at noon 在中午 at night 在夜晚 Igotoschoolatseveneveryday我每天早上7点去上学。 用于固定搭配。 atonce立刻、马上 atthesametime同时 notatall一点也不 at noon 在中午 at night 在夜晚 at the age of在岁时 at the end of在结束时 at last最后 at first=first of all起初, 首先 2)on 用于星期前, 用于具体某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上前, 也可用在公共节假日前。 on Monday/Tuesday. on a cold morning在一个寒冷的早上 on Teachers Day on September 1st 用于某些固定搭配:onduty值日ontime准时 3) in 用在世纪、年代、月份、四季前。in 1840 in the 21st century在21世纪 in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春夏秋冬 in January in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上2、 表示地点的介词 at 表示在某一具体地点 at home在家 at school在学校 at the bus stop在公交车站 on 具体到街道on Longshou Street on the left/right 在左边/右边 in 大地点 in China in Beijing2. 表位置的介词(1) . in在里面 (2) . on在上面 (3). under在下面/正下方(4).behind在之后 Thereisabikebehindthetree.树后有一辆自行车. (5) .next to在旁边, 紧挨着 (6) .near在附近 Mybedisnearthewindow.我的床在窗户旁。 (7) .beside 在旁(8). in front of在(外部的)前面(9). in the front of在(内部的)前面 辨析:in front of 与in the front ofin front of 外部的前面in the front of内部的前面 E.g. The teacher is in front of the classroom. The teacher is in the front of the classroom. He is in front of the car. He is in the front of the car.(10). between.and在.和.之间 between:在两者之间Theschoolisbetweenthebankandbookstore.among:在三者或者更多的之中 TherearesomeAmericanstudentsamongus.辨析: on the wall与in the wall(在墙上) 图画、黑板、风筝等“在墙上”, 是因为它们在墙的表面, 用on the wall。 门窗、钉子、洞、孔等“在墙上”, 是因为它们在墙的里面, 用in the wall。 on the tree 与in the tree on the tree The monkeys are in the tree. in the tree The apples are on the tree.扩展-句型练习 Where is the computer? Its on the desk.3、 其他介词 1) 表示“用”时, by+交通工具, in+语言 Whats this in English?扩展:句型练习 How do you go to school? How引导的特殊疑问句, 用以询问交通方式, 表示交通工具的短语v take a/the +交通工具, 动词短语作谓语。 take a bus/subway/taxi/train walk / ride a bike I take a bus to school. v by+交通工具, 或on/in +限定词(themy等)+交通工具, 介词短语作状语。 by bus/train/subway/bike/car, on foot, on my bike, in the bus/train/subway I go to school by bus. 2) for的常见用法1 当作, 作为 What do you have for supper?2 表示理由或者原因, “因为, 由于” Thanks for helping me carry the box. Thanks for sth/doing sth=thank you for sth/doing sth3 对而言 -be good for -as for Its +adj for sb to do sth.4 表示时间, 意为“计、达到” for+一段时间 I live here for ten years.5 表示去向、目的, 意为“向、往、买” You can buy this sweater for ten dollars. I pay twenty yuan for this dictionary. Its time for school.6 表示所属关系或者用途, 为了 I read this story book for fun. 3) with 和, 写:Couldyougohomewithme?你能和我一起回家吗?表示伴随状态, 带有 Whosthatgirlwithglasses?那位戴眼睛的女孩是谁? 4) about 表示大约时间:Itsaboutsixoclocknow.现在大约6点钟了。 关于, 对于:Wearetalkingaboutthenews.我们正在谈论新闻。 5) after 在之后:AfterdinnerIwatchTV.晚饭后我看电视。 在后面:Hecameintotheroomafterme.他在我后面进了房间。 6) of 的(表示所属关系): Thisisaphotoofmyfamily.这是一张我家的照片。 的(用于所有格)Heisafriendofmine.他是我的一个朋友。 表示数量(与连词连用) OneofusisfromBeijing.我们中有一个来自北京 用于某些固定搭配:ofcourse当然becauseof因为, 由于 7) over 在正上方:Thereisalampoverthetable.桌子上方有一盏灯。遍及, 穿过:Thereisabridgeovertheriver.有座桥横跨那条河。超过, 不止:Sheisalittleover2.她两岁多了。 8) to 到, 往, 向:Hewalkstothewindow.他走向窗户。 表示时间、数量, 到为止Pleasecountfromtentothirty.请从10数到30. 向, 对, 给:HappyNewYeartoyouall.大家新年好。4、 介词辨析 along,across,through along:沿着 GoalongZhongshanRoadandturnrightatthesecondcrossing. across:横过(平面物体) through:贯通, 通过Thestudentswalkedthroughthegate5、介词的固定搭配 arriveat/in helpsb.withsth. askfor atthemoment laughat atpresent learnfrom atwork lookafter atthesametime lookfor worryabout listento onholiday lookat ontime waitfor ontheradio onsale onTV onthephone onthewayto beinterestedin begoodat be good for be good with inclass belatefor intheend inbed indanger atleast介词练习( )1._theafternoonofMay,wevisitedtheoldman.A.OnB.AtC.In( )2.Manypeoplework_thedayandsleep_night.A.onatB.ininC.inat( )3.HespeaksJapanesebest_theboystudents.A.betweenB.withC.among( )4.Helefthome_acoldwinterevening.A.atB.onC.in( )5.Shanghaiis_theeastofChina.A.inB.onC.to( )6.Howabout_theflowersnow?A.wateringB.arewateringC.watered( )7.Shespentallhismoney_books.A.inB.withC.on( )8.Whatwillyouhave_breakfastthismorning?A.withB.forC.by( )9.Aplaneisflying_thecity.A.onB.overC.above( )10.Mr.GreenwillstayinChina_Friday.A.toB.onC.till( )11.Itswrongtoplayjokes_otherpeople. A.onB.ofC.with( )12.Ipaidtwohundredyuan_thatkindofbicycle.A.inB.forC.on( )13.Thereisasmallriver_thetwotowns.A.inB.betweenC.among( )14.Areyougoingtothezoo_busor_mycar?A.onbyB.byinC.onin( )15.WetraveledovernighttoParisandarrived_5oclock_themorning. A.on;inB.at;inC.at;onD.in;on( )16.HongKongis_thesouthofChina,andMacaois_thewestofHongKong. A.in;to B.to;to C.to;in D.in;in( )17.Therearemanyapples_thetree.Abird_thetreeispickinganapple. A.inonB.oninC.inat二、选用括号内恰当的介词填空。1.Whatsthis_(at,on,in) English?2.Christmasis_(at,on,in) the25thofDecember.3.Lookatthosebirds_(on,in) thetree.4.Isthereacat_(under,behind,in) thedoor?三、给下列词组填入正确的介词(15*1分=15分)1. Jimusuallygetsup_6:30_themorning.2. Itsalwayscoldandsnowy_winter_Harbin.3. TheAprilFoolsDayis_the1stofApril.4. TheSpringFestivalis_JanuaryorFebruary.5. HowmanyChineselessonsdoyouhave_aweek.6. Wehavefourlessons_themorning.7. Heoftendoeshishomework_Fridayevening.8. Pleasecometoschool_halfpasteight.9. Thelittlegirlplaysthepiano_theeveningeveryday.10. Whatdidyoudo_theSpringFestival?11. Iusuallytakephotos_Sundaymorning.12. Womensdayis_theeighthofMarch.13. Wegotoschool_seven_themorning.14. Wewereveryhappy_NewYearsDay.15. Pleaselook_theblackboard.Dontlisten_thetape.16. Icanseeakite_thewall.17. IsHanMeimei_dutytoday?18. Thisisapicture_ourschool.19. Wuxiis_Jiangsu.20. Iam_RowSix.21. Sheis_ClassOne.22. Theyare_GradeTwo.23. Whatsthis_English?22. Canyousingthissong_Japanese?23. Theboy_thegreenbikeisTom.24. Youcantseethefootball.Its_thedoor.25. Weare_home.Jimis_school.26. Theapplesare_thetree.27. Look!Theoldmanis_thetree.28. Pleasegivethebooks_Jim.29. Its_seventwenty.30. Itstime_go_school.31. Whosthegirl_asmallmouth?32. Theman_blueisJacksfather.33. Look,Nancyissitting_herfatherandmother.34. Youmuststay_home.35. Werelate_theclass.36. Whatcanyousee_thetrees?Somepeaches.37. Wereveryhappy_school.38. Look_thepicture.39. Whoisthegirl_themotherandthefather?真题演练I.选择填空。(24分)1. ( ) The post office is north _ the cinema. A. on B.from C.of D.at2. ( ) I agree_You. A.with B.to C.on D.in3. ( ) I dont like winter. Its too cold _ me. A.to B.for C.of D. at4. ( ) I get up_about seven fifty-five. A. in B.on C at D.for5. ( ) The bed_the right is yours. A.on B.in C.at D. of6. ( ) I cant find my math book, so I go to the teacher_help. A.to B.for C.of D. with7. ( ) Its time_you_do your homework. A to, is B.for; be C.for; to D.to; be8. ( ) Whats wrong_you? A.with B.to C.for9. ( ) Look at the photo of my family. The boy _ my father and my mother is me. A.in B.on C.between D.of10. ( ) I live _ England_my parents. A. and; in B.with; at C.in, with D. at; with11. ( ) We can watch Beijing Opera_TV. A. in B.at C.on D.from12. ( ) People in China like eating moon cakes_ Mid-autumn Day. A. in B.on C.at D.of13. ( ) Can you say it_English? A.in B.on C.for D.of14. ( ) The boy sitting_Tina is so tall that she couldnt see the film clearly. A. behind B.in front of C.after D.next to15. ( ) -I think drinking milk is good_our health. -Yes, I agree_you. A. for; with B.to;to C.with;to D. at; with16. ( ) -What would you like_dinner? -Fish and vegetables, please. A.of B.at C.for17. ( ) Whos the woman_ blue? A.in B.on C.with18. ( ) -What would you Like_a birthday present? A.for B.as C.with19. ( ) Tom often helps me_my English. A.with B.at C.on D about20. ( ) My sister bought a skirt_me yesterday. A.of B.to C.for D.at21. ( ) -How does your father go to work every day? -_ taxi. A.In B.By C.On D.With22. ( ) -Who will be_duty tomorrow? -Susan. A.at B on C.for D. in23. ( ) -Would you like coffee or tea? -Coffee, please. By the way,do you have milk like coffee_milk in it. A. for B.or C.with D. without24. ( ) -Look! There are some children playing games_the park. -Lets go there. A.in B.at C.On25. ( ) This new pencil-case is only_Jimmy. A.in B.on C.for D.at26. ( ) The hospital is north _ the cinema. You can walk north_five minutes. A. on; in B.of; with C.in; for D.of; for27. ( ) I agree _ you. A.with B.to C.on D.in28. ( ) Winter is beautiful, but its too cold me. A.and B.or C.to D.for29. ( ) Im hungry. Whats _ lunch? A.with B.at C.for D.to30. ( ) He is_ Shanghai now. A.on B.in C.at31. ( ) Lets send a present _ our teacher. A.for B.with C.to32. ( ) Whats wrong_you? A. with B.to C.for33. ( ) Sam gets up _ seven _ the morning_every Sunday. A. in; at; on B.at; on;in C.at, in,on34. ( ) Sam is _ Hong Kong now. A.on B.in C.at35. ( ) Its time_play games. A.in B.to C.for36. ( ) Classes begin_seven fifty-five. A.in B.on C.at D.for37. ( ) Is it a picture_your school? A.of B.to C.and D.with38. ( ) The man_ a stick(手杖)is my grandpa. A.and B.of C.with D.for39. ( ) -What would you like _ dinner? -Fish and vegetables, please. A.of B.at C.for40. ( ) Whos the woman_blue? A.in B.on C.with41. ( ) -What would you like_a birthday present? A. for B.as C.with42. ( ) Tom often helps me_my English. A. with B.at C.on D.about43. ( ) My sister bought a skirt _ me yesterday. A.with B.to C.for D.at44. ( ) The bed _ the right is yours. A.on B.in C.at45. ( ) -Is the cat _ the door? -No, it isnt. Its_the desk. A. behind; under B.in; on C. under; at D.over; behind46. ( ) We have Chinese, English and P.E. _ the morning. A.in B.on C.at D.to47. ( ) -When do you go to bed? -I go to bed _ 9:30. A.at B.in C.on D.to48. ( ) We usually stay_ home _ Saturday afternoon. A. at; in B.at, on C.in; at D.on; on49. ( ) -I cant find my math hook, so I go to the teacher _ help. A.to B.for C.of D.with50. ( ) They sang songs_the Art Festival _ October last year. A. on; on B.at, in C.in; on D.at; on51. ( ) -What do you do_ Sunday morning? -I usually do sports. A.on B.at C.in D.about52. ( ) My parents often tell me _ China. A. about B.from C.for D.by53. ( ) I live _England_my parents. A. and; in B.with;at C.in; with D.at, with54. ( ) Helen is behind me. I am _ Helen. A. behind B.in front of C.beside55. ( ) Look at the picture _ my family. A. of B. in C. on D. For56. ( ) -How does your father go to work every day? _taxi. A.In B.By C.On D.With57. ( ) I often go to the clothes store_my parents. A.and B.with C.for D.of58. ( ) -Whats this_English? -Its an apple. A.at B.in C.on D.of59. ( ) Were going to stay here tomorrow. What _ you? A. about B.besides C.with60. ( ) -When do you go shopping? -I usually go shopping_Sunday morning. A.on B.in C.at D.for


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