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2019-2020年高中英语大题精做01Art含解析新人教版选修I. 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。The name of the Spanish artist Picasso is very famous in the West. Today, Picasso 1art. Picasso started from various styles of painting until he invented Cubism(立体主义).Picassos father was 2a painter, a Professor of Art at the local school of fine arts. He taught his son how to draw figures and how to paint 3oils and took him to some of the schools of art that he himself 4. Although he was Spanish, Picasso spent much of his life in Paris and never took part in 5 World War I or World War .Picassos 6life was very unconventional. He had four children 7three different women, two wives and many lovers. In 1961, however, he married and stayed with Jacqueline Roque 8the end of his life in 1973.Picasso produced paintings of acrobats at the beginning of his 9and moved into a different style when he started painting pictures of artists. 10he developed his works into the famous style which is known as Cubism. He also created 11and wrote poetry.Picasso produced 12paintings than anyone else ever has: 13, 500 paintings, 100, 000 prints and 34, 000 book illustrations. He worked in many different mediums (手段): oils, watercolors, charcoal(木炭) and pencil. His paintings in the Cubist style started a new movement in art in the 1320th century. Picasso 14this style of painting with a colleague, Georges Braque in 1909. They painted objects by 15them into small pieces and then viewed and painted them from several angles at once. 16used brown colors for the paintings.The Cubism Movement started with Picasso and Braque in Montmartre, Paris, and 17rapidly among the artists. It began to develop into a second stage in which artists added 18objects to the painting in various materials, such as cloth or newspapers. In 191950s Picassos works went through more changes when he started to look at the grand masters of art, like Velasquez.In his 80s and 90s, he began to paint a mixture of many styles that he kept changing. Only after his death 20 fully appreciate his great achievements and in xx one of his paintings sold for US $51 million.1. A. isB. meansC. learnsD. makes2. A. alsoB. evenC. almostD. only3. A. withB. onC. fromD. in4. A. teachB. taughtC. teachingD. taught at5. A. amongB. eitherC. betweenD. beyond6. A. realB. oldC. publicD. private7. A. byB. inC. onD. about8. A. untilB. atC. asD. by9. A. lifeB. careerC. paintingsD. school10. A. AccidentallyB. FranklyC. EventuallyD. Fortunately11. A. sculpturesB. telephonesC. picturesD. poems12. A. fewerB. scores ofC. a great dealD. more13. A. lateB. modernC. earlyD. difficult14. A. foundB. inventedC. searchedD. protected15. A. separatingB. cutting offC. throwingD. dividing16. A. HeB. ItC. TheyD. We17. A. speededB. went throughC. spreadD. wide18. A. the sameB. differentC. specialD. extra19. A. theseB. thoseC. theD. some20. A. he didB. people wouldC. did peopleD. did heII. 阅读理解A(xx新课标全国卷)Some of the worlds most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first annual International Jazz Day. UNESCO( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying(联合) voice across cultures.Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.Its Jason Morans job to help change that. As the Kennedy Centers artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.Jazz seems like its not really a part of the American appetite, Moran tells National Public Radios reporter Neal Conan. What Im hoping to acplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black and write anymore. Its actually color, and its actually digital.Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost. The music cant be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same, says Moran.Last year, Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Wallers music for a dance party, just to kind of put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music, says Moran. For me, its the recontextualization. In music, where does the emotion(情感) lie? Are we, as humans, gaining any insight(感悟) on how talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts? Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context, says Moran, so I want to continue those dialogues. Those are the things I want to foster.1. Why did UNESCO set April 30 as International Jazz Day?A. To remember the birth of jazz.B. To protect cultural diversity.C. To encourage people to study music.D. To recognize the value of jazz.2. What does the underlined word that in paragraph 3 refer to?A. Jazz being more accessible.B. The production of jazz growing faster.C. Jazz being less popular with the young.D. The jazz audience being larger. 3. What can we infer about Morans opinion on jazz?A. It will disappear gradually.B. It remains black and white.C. It should keep up with the times.D. It changes every 50 years.4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Exploring the Future of JazzB. The Rise and Fall of JazzC. The Story of a Jazz MusicianD. Celebrating the Jazz DayBFrench writer Frantz Fanon once said: To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture. Since the world changes every day, so does our language.More than 300 new words and phrases have recently made it into the online Oxford Dictionary, and in one way or another they are all reflections of todays changing world.After a year that was politically unstable, its not hard to understand the fact that peoples political views are one of the main drives of our expanding vocabulary. One example is clicktivism, a pound of click and activism. It refers to armchair activists people who support a political or social cause, but only show their support from behind a puter or smartphone. And otherize is a verb for other that means to alienate (使疏远)people who are different from ourselves whether that be different skin color, religious belief or sexuality.zx*xkLifestyle is also changing our language. For example, fitspiration a pound of fit and inspiration refers to a person or thing that encourages one to exercise and stay fit and healthy.The phrase climate refugee someone who is forced to leave their home due to climate changereflects peoples concern for the environment.According to Stevenson, social media was the main source for the new expressions. People feel much freer tocointheir own words these days, he said.But still, not all newly-invented words get the chance to make their way into a mainstream (主流的) dictionary. If you want to create your own hit words, Angus Stevenson, Oxford Dictionaries head of content development, suggests that you should not only make sure that they are expressive (有表现力的) and meaningful, but also have an attractive sound so that people will enjoy saying them out loud.5. What is the article mainly about?A. Some new word that got included into the online Oxford Dictionary.B. The application of new words and phrases.C. How a language mirrors the changing world.D . The impact of social media on our language.6. The underlined word coin in the second-to-last paragraph probably means .A. useB. recordC. changeD. create7. How is the article mainly written?A. By giving examples.B. By making parisons.C. By following a timeline.D. By presenting research findings.8. According to Stevenson, to make the words you invent popular, they should .A. be easy to rememberB. have unique meaningsC. reflect the changing worldD. be meaningful, expressive and catchy. 七选五型阅读理解根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Children art education is something that is much encouraged for childrens creative growth. This is necessary because a child can have a sense of appreciation of the arts and along with all the other things that they learn in school. 1 Children art education should be designed from a very early age so that they are allowed to express themselves freely in whatever way that they wish to. 2 However, the task of children art education is not a very easy one, because you have to find the right way in which you can help them get interested in what you are trying to teach them. 3 The physical space where the art education is to be carried out should also be carefully decorated to make it attractive to the children. Use of colors should be made in abundance (丰富) as that is what attracts a child first to it.Displaying examples of artwork that you think would be important enough to influence the children is also a good idea. Of course, a photograph of a painting of the Madonna (圣母马利亚) is something that children might not appreciate. 4 This will be a source of inspiration for the children to try them out as well.The creative process is something that you must not interfere with (干涉) during a children art education class. _5_But after that, you must wait for the children themselves to e up with something meaningful to their ability. As long as the result is connected with the topic, every childs art work is worth praising.A. You can just give them a topic for drawing.B. Instead, put up paintings that children will be fond of.C. The reason for this could be the lack of interest in the teacher. D. A trip to an art museum can be an inspiration to many students.E. They also have a place where they can express all their feelings.F. This is the only way that art can be appreciated as children grow up.G. So creating the right environment for children art education is very important. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词;删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉;修改:在错词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Alice, my best friend, devotes many energy to her lessons. She is always one of the top student in our class. She loves the music so much that she made it a rule to enjoy songs in her spare time. Alice is always willing to help other, and she often helps us with our lessons. As a volunteer, she has successful organized some voluntary activities. We paid a visit a nursing home last month, so we picked up rubbish near our school. That we did was warmly weled. Win honour for our school, Alice is admired by our classmates. 书面表达假如你是李华,你们学校要举行第一届校园艺术节,请你以组织者的身份邀请你的好朋友John来参加你们的艺术节。要点如下:时间:xx年12月1日3日目的:丰富同学们的课余生活,展示自我,放松心情主题:艺术让我们丰富内容:歌咏比赛,乐器比赛,古典和民间音乐,流行歌曲要求:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:艺术节art festival歌咏比赛singing contest_I. 完形填空【文章大意】本文主要介绍了西班牙画家毕加索:他是立体主义的创始人,西方现代派绘画的主要代表,一生中创作了无数经典作品。1. B 句意:今天,毕加索意味着艺术。从art的引号看出此处是比喻意义,说明毕加索成了艺术的化身、代表。2. A Picasso是一位画家,设空处意为:其父亲也是画家,故此处应用also,也。6. D 从下文的He had four children 7 three different women, two wives and many lovers.看出此处是指私生活,private私人的,私密的。7. A 根据后面different women, two wives and many lovers可以看出,毕加索的四个孩子由不同的女人所生,by此处表示被/由所生。8. A 毕加索和Jacqueline Roque生活在一起,直到毕加索逝世。until表示某个动作持续到某个时间。9. B 从moved into a different style看出此处指他的绘画生涯的开端。10. C 在这一段讲述了3个时间段,一是at the beginning;二是when he started;三是空白处。从he developed his works into the famous style which is known as Cubism可以看出这是顶峰时期,应该填入最后,故选C。11. A also表明他还有两项绝活,一是空白处,二是poetry。poetry是诗的总称。D项poems与poetry重复,C项与上文的paintings重复,只有A项雕塑与绘画是并列关系。12. D 此处构成morethan结构,由下文的作品数量可推断出他的作品多于其他人,不可能用fewer than少于,C项用于修饰比较级。13. C 从下文的in 1909以及下一段的内容可以看出此处是指20世纪早期,故应填early。14. B 由第一段的until he inventedCubism可知Cubist style是他创造的,故用invented。15. D 由into small pieces看出此处表示把某物分割成碎片,divide.into.意为把分成,符合题意;A项表示把几个独立的个体隔离开;B项表示切断的去路;C项表示扔。16. C 此处They指毕加索和他的同事。从used brown colors看出主语应该是人,与上文中的They呼应。17. C 从rapidly among the artists看出空白处应该填谓语动词,spread的过去式、过去分词同原形一样;spread rapidly among the artists意为迅速在艺术家们当中传播开来,因此选C项。18. D 由artists added看出,艺术家要添加一些东西。添加,就是在原有基础上加上额外的物体,因此,此处填入extra。从in various可以排除A项,B项与various重复,C项意义不符。19. C in the 1950s在20世纪 50年代,这是固定用法。如果考生认为works是被修饰的宾语,可能会误选those或some。20. C 这是一个倒装句。时间状语Only after his death位于句首,主谓要部分倒装。在他死后,欣赏他的成就的只能是人们,不可能是他。综上可知选C。【名师点睛】完形填空解题步骤:1. 通读全文,理解大意。重视首句信息,跳过空格,浏览全文,从整体上感知全文,理解文章大意,这是解题的基础。学科&网2. 瞻前顾后,避难就易。在理解文章大意的情况下,结合各选项的意义和用法,遵循先易后难的原则,先解决那些自己有把握的问题。对于少数难题,可以暂时跳过,或许在上文中难以判断的题在下文中就有暗示或者明显的提示,或许一个在前面不能解答的题在填出了另一空后会令你豁然开朗。3. 复读全文,解决残留。借助已经补全的空格,我们对全文有了更清楚的理解,可以集中解决所遗留的少数疑难问题。4. 再次复读,弥补疏漏,全部做好后,考生务必要结合自己选择的答案重新阅读短文内容,确保文意连贯。II. 阅读理解A士乐的价值。故选D。2. C【解析】 推理判断题。根据前文Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations可知尽管UNESCO为爵士乐设了纪念日,但美国的爵士乐听众依然在减少,并且年龄在老化,爵士乐没能将年轻一代人连接起来。再结合Its Jason Morans job to help change that(是Jason Moran的工作是帮助改变那一情况)可推测that指代的是前文中爵士乐在年轻一代人中失去吸引力的现象。故选C。3. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段中的The music cant be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same可知Moran认为现在爵士乐不能以1908或1958年的方式来呈现,因为世界已经不同了,所以爵士乐必须不断进步,说明随着时代的发展,爵士乐也要跟上时代才不会被年轻一代所抛弃。故选C。4. A【解析】 标题选择题。通读全文可知本文主要讲UNESCO为提高人们对爵士乐的重视而设立爵士日,但实际收效甚微。有人认为爵士乐应随着时代的进步而进步,否则将失去对人们的吸引力,因此本文主要是探索爵士乐的未来,故选A。B【语篇解读】正如法国作家Frantz Fanon所说的“讲一种语言,就是呈现一个世界,一种文化”,世界每天都在改变,我们的语言也是这样。最近有超过300个新词和短语被收入了牛津在线词典,它们都反映了当今世界的变化。文章以举例的方式介绍了几个这种新的词汇。6. D【解析】词义猜测题。根据文章可知,很多的新词汇是在网上创造传播,所以此处理解为“网络社交媒体是新表达的主要来源,现在人们更容易用自己的话来表达自己的想法”,所以这个单词“coin”是“创造”的意思。故选D。7. A【解析】细节理解题。根据文章中的内容可知,文章列举了好多的例子来说明一些新词汇的意思。故选A。8. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最有一段中“If you want to create your own hit words, Angus Stevenson, Oxford Dictionaries head of content development, suggests that you should not only make sure that they are expressive (有表现力的) and meaningful, but also have an attractive sound so that people will enjoy saying them out loud.”可知,如果你想自己创造的新词汇受欢迎,就要确保其有表现力和有意义,同时有吸引力,人们将喜欢大声说出来。故选D。. 七选五型阅读理解【文章大意】为了儿童创造力的成长,儿童艺术教育是应该受到鼓励的。这种教育应该在早期安排,而且要找到他们感兴趣的方式,而且不要干涉他们创造的过程。1. E 根据文章第一段中的This is necessary because a child can have a sense of appreciation of the arts and along with all the other things that they learn in school.可知,这是有必要的,因为伴随着孩子在学校里学习的其他东西,他们能拥有对艺术的欣赏。他们也可以有一个表达感情的地方。答案选E。2. F 根据文章第二段中的Children art education should be designed from a very early age so that they are allowed to express themselves freely in whatever way that they wish to.可知,孩子们的艺术教育在早期就应该安排,这样他们就能用他们喜欢的方式自由地表达自己的思想。随着孩子们的成长,这也是艺术被孩子们欣赏的唯一方式。答案选F。答案选G。4. B 根据文章第四段中的a photograph of a painting of the Madonna (圣母马利亚) is something that children might not appreciate.可知,展示一张圣母马利亚绘画作品的照片,孩子们可能不会喜欢。相反,要张贴孩子们喜欢的绘画作品。答案选B。5. A 根据文章第五段中的The creative process is something that you must not interfere with during a children art education class.可知,在儿童艺术教育的课堂上,你不能干涉创造的过程。你可以给他们提供绘画的主题。答案选A。【技巧点拨】七选五解题技巧:1. 先看选项,通过选项中句子的句意或者句子后面的标点符号来判断该句在文章中的可能位置。2. 再看空前空后,由于句子与句子之间有一种相关的联系,所以我们可以在选项中寻找与空前空后的句子有某种必然联系的关键词,从而选择正确的答案。3. 注意代词在句子中的使用,利用代词的指代作用,我们可以从选项中找到相关的信息。4. 注意一些特殊疑问词,如果选项中或空前出现特殊疑问词,那么就要寻找相对应的答语。做题时需要注意的两个问题:1. 如果问题设在段首,通常是段落的主题句。寻找主题句时,着重阅读后文第一、二句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词,最后看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。2. 如果问题设在段尾,通常是结论或概括性的语句,关键词要在空白前的一句或两句中寻找。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如 therefore,as a result,thus,hence,in short,to sum up,to conclude,in a word等词语。. 短文改错Alice, my best friend, devotes energy to her lessons. She is always one of the top in our class. She loves the music so much that she it a rule to enjoy songs in her spare time. Alice is always willing to help , and she often helps us with our lessons. As a volunteer, she has organized some voluntary activities. We paid a visita nursing home last month, we picked up rubbish near our school. we did was warmly weled. honour for our school, Alice is admired by our classmates.【语篇解读】本文为说明文,介绍了我的好朋友Alice的学习情况、业余爱好和乐于助人的一些情况。第一处:第一句话中的many改为much。考查形容词。energy为不可数名词,应用much修饰。第二处:第二句话中的student改为students。考查名词。one of后应用可数名词复数,故改为students。第三处:第三句话中的the去掉。考查冠词。music为不可数名词,且此处不是特指,故不用冠词修饰。第四处:第三句话中的made改为makes。考查时态。句意:她如此喜欢音乐以致于养成了在空闲时间欣赏歌曲的习惯。根据句意可知此处应该用一般现在时表示日常习惯,故改为makes。第五处:第四句话中的other改为others。考查代词。句意:爱丽丝总是乐于帮助别人,她经常帮助我们做功课。根据句意可知应用others表示“别人”。第六处:第五句话中的successful改为successfully。考查副词。句意:作为一位志愿者,她已经成功地组织了一些志愿活动。根据句意可知此处应用副词successfully修饰动词organized。第七处:第六句话中的visit后加to。考查介词。固定短语pay a visit to拜访。第八处:第六句话中的so改为and。考查连词。句意:上个月我们去拜访了一家养老院,并且捡了我们学校附近的垃圾。根据句意可知前后两部分之间为并列关系而不是因果关系,故改为and。第九处:第七句话中的That改为What。考查名词性从句。句意:我们所做的事受到热烈欢迎。根据句意可知此处应该用what引导主语从句并在主语从句中作did的宾语。第十处:最后一句话中的Win改为Winning。考查非谓语动词。句意:爱丽丝为我们学校赢得了荣誉,受到我们班同学的钦佩。根据句意可知主语与win之间为主动关系,应用winning作状语。IV. 书面表达Dear John,Our school is going to hold an art festival from Dec. 1st to 3rd, xx. This festival is aimed at making our after-class life more colorful, providing opportunities to show our talents and relax ourselves with the theme Art Makes Us Rich.zxx&kAt the festival, not only will singing contests and instrument playing contests catch your eyes but also classical music, folk music and pop music will make you amazed and excited. You will feel pletely relaxed and get away from troubles. So I really hope you will e and attend our festival.Im looking forward to the ing of the festival and sincerely hope that the festival will be a great success.Wish you were here!Yours,Li Hua


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