2019-2020年高一英语单元检测卷 Unit1 Friendship 新人教必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语单元检测卷 Unit1 Friendship 新人教必修1I单项填空1. After the long journey,the three of them went back home,_.Ahungry and tiredly Bhungry and tiredChungrily and tiredly Dhungrily and tired解析:句意为:经过长时间旅行后,他们三个回到了家,又饿又累。本题考查形容词作状语,表示伴随或结果。答案:B2. _ is known to all,good friends _ happiness and value to life.【译文】 众所周知,好朋友给说增添快乐和价值。 A. It; add B. As; add C. It; add up D. As; add to【答案及简析】 B。 as引导的定语从句修饰整个主句; add to sth.使增加,使增强; add sth to sth. 把加到里边; add up to总计是。因句中已有介词to,所以只能选B。3. (xx抚顺模拟)The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they_his bag,but found nothing.Alooked up Bturned inCsearched for Dwent through解析:句意为:警察怀疑他携带毒品,所以他们仔细检查了他的包,但什么也没发现。go through经历,仔细检查;look up查阅;turn in上交;search for寻找。答案:D 4. When it was his turn to deliver his speech,_,he walked towards the microphone.Anervously and embarrassingly Bnervous and embarrassedlyCnervously and embarrassing Dnervous and embarrassed解析:考查形容词作状语。短语nervous and embarrassed“紧张的,局促不安的”,描述主语的状态。答案:D5. _and excited,the athletes from all over the world took part in the winter Olympics held in Vancounver.AHonoured BHonouringCBeing honoured DTo be honoured解析:考查形容词短语作伴随状语。句意为:来自世界各地的运动员光荣而又兴奋地参加了在温哥华举办的冬奥会。honoured是形容词,表示“深感光荣的”与excited一起作伴随状语。答案:A6. Can you finish the writing on time?_.【译文】 你能按时完成你的协作么?没问题。 A. Never mind B. With pleasure C. No problem D. All right【答案及简析】 C。 No problem表示没问题7. When _ we meet again?_ it any time you like.【译文】 我们什么时候再相聚?你喜欢何时见面都可以。 A. will; Do B. will; Make C. shall; Do D. shall; Make【答案及简析】 D。 完全可以。其他不合题意。8. Look! There are lots of _ birds flying over the trees.【译文】 看!树上有许多好看的红色小鸟。 A. funny red little B. funny little red C. little funny red D. little red funny【答案及简析】 B。 shall用于第一9. They couldnt eat in a restaurant because _ of them had _ money on them.【译文】 他们不可能在餐厅吃饭,因为谁都没带钱。 A. all; no B. any; no C. none; any D. no one; any【答案及简析】 C。 三人称,在问句中表示征求对方意见。10. Shall we meet right now?Sorry. Im too busy to _ for the moment.【译文】 我们可以马上见面吗?对不起,此刻我忙得抽不开身。 A. get through B. get away C. get off D. get together【答案及简析】 B。 只要你记住限数描大形,新色国材名这句话,此题就迎刃而解。11 . I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt_.Aget along Bget onCget to Dget through解析:上文说“试着给她的办公室打电话”,下文是转折,根据couldnt判断,此处应为“不能接通”。答案:D 12 Mr. Green left _ suddenly _ he came.【译文】 格林先生离开像来时一样突然。 A. so; that B. so; as C. as; that D. as; as【答案及简析】 D。 此句为asas结构。13 Good food,not _,thats how one gets fat.【译文】 食物好,锻炼少,这就是一个人长胖的原因。 A. enough exercises B. exercises enough C. enough exercise D. exercise enough 【答案及简析】 C。 enough修饰名词时只能放在其修饰的名词前,而修饰形容词时要放在后锻炼之意;用作复数名词时为体操运动。而这里应该是锻炼的意思。面。exercise作不可数名词时为训练14 It was the very place _ the soldiers fought over sixty years ago.【译文】 这就是战士们60多年前战斗过的地方。 A. that B. which C. where D. there【答案及简析】 C。 定语从句。the very place 在从句中充当地点状语。15 What about _ job?Its too difficult _ job for me.【译文】 这个工作如何?对我来说太难了。 A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a【答案及简析】 A。 前面是特指,后面是泛指。16 Its what he did _ what he said that moved us.【译文】 是我们感动的是他所做的事而不是他所说的话。 A. except for B. but so C. instead D. rather than【答案及简析】 D。 考查强调句型。rather than而不是。17 -Have you seen _ watch? I left it here this morning.-I think I saw one somewhere. Is it _ new one?【译文】 你看到一只手表没有?上午我放在这儿的。我想我见过。是一只新的? A. a;/ B. a;the C. the;a D. a;a【答案及简析】 D。 考查冠词的使用。不定冠词表示泛指。18 -You must be excited about going to Japan for schooling.-_,but Im afraid I cant do well because my Japanese is poor.【译文】 到日本去读书,你一定很激动。喔,我应该激动。但日语不好,我会担心做不好的。 A. Never mind B. Well,I ought to C. I dont know yet D. Certainly not 【答案及简析】 B。 应为I ought to be excited aboutNever mind用来回答道歉语,Certainly not用来回答别人的请求和询问等。19 The new machine,if _ properly,will work at least ten years.【译文】 如果是用得当,这太新机器会使用10年的。 A. use B. using C. being used D. used【答案及简析】 D。 本题考查分词与主语之间的关系。if the new machine is used properly20 -Do you think we can get there on time? -Yes,_ the truck doesnt break down.【译文】 你认为我们会准时到达那儿吗?会的。只要车不出问题。 A. even if B. unless C. until D. so long as【答案及简析】 D。 so long as=if。unless除非unless the truck breaks down.完形填空Do you know some people who just have all the luck?They seem to get all the _1_.And you ask yourself:“Why dont I get _2_?Why dont I get a great education?”But the real reason why most people are successful or lucky is that theyve learned how to _3_ themselves in a place so they can be lucky.Theyve learned how to,in a way,_4_ their own luck!Im not _5_ about dishonest or illegal ways.Im talking about hard,_6_ work.But successful people work smart.They keep improving and making the most of their abilities.Yet they also learn to _7_ for help in things they themselves are not that good _8_ doing.So we not only must make the most of our own special strength,we must also learn our _9_ and weaknesses.A man recently got his lucky big break. Everyone said,“That guys so lucky?”But that man created his own luck by _10_ arriving at the office early. He apologized and _11_ when he was wrong. He even shared the credit and reward with others _12_ he had done much of the work.He was never satisfied just to get _13_ and do average work.He always _14_ the extra effort to do his very best.We have to work hard and do what it _15_ to be in the way of luck and success when it es._16_,well miss it because we werent ready.You never know when the right opportunity will e your way,and when the right,important person is watching your excellent _17_ and work.Thats when youll get your lucky break!But when you put your life in Jesus Christs _18_,the right,important Person is always _19_ you and all that you do.Then He will _20_ and bless your life in many ways as you do your very best to please Him in every thing every day.语篇解读:有些人总是鸿运当头,占尽了机缘。你不禁会想:“为什么我没有这种福气?”其实大多数人成功或走运的真正原因是他们知道如何为自己“创造”好运。成功者不仅努力工作,还富有智慧。他们不断地丰富并充分利用自己的资源,而且对自己不擅长的事,他们也知道如何去寻求帮助。1A.qualifications BoccupationsCbreaks Dlicenses解析:上句“Do you know some people who just have all the luck?”暗示“有些 人总是吉星高照”,所以此处指“他们似乎占尽了机缘”。这里用break表示“运气”。第三段第一句句末的break也有暗示。qualification“资格,条件”; occupation“工作,职业”;license“批准,许可,执照”。答案:C2Afortable BluckyChappy Dimportant解析:lucky“幸运的,侥幸的,吉利的”。你会问自己:“为什么我没有这种好 运气呢?”前文的have all the luck和下文的“But the real reason why most people are successful or lucky is that.”也有暗示。答案:B3A.put BprayCsend Dexpect解析:put themselves in a place“使他们自己处于有运气的地方”。成语“设身 处地”可译为:put oneself in others position。答案:A4A.control BinventCcreate Dmeet解析:create“创造,创作,创建”。第三段的第三句“But that man created his own luck.”有暗示。语境为:在某种程度上,他们(那些成功的人们)学会了如何 “创造”自己的好运。答案:C5A.thinking BteachingCtalking Dcalling解析:talk about“谈论”。下句“Im talking about hard,honest work”有暗 示。答案:C6A.practical Badequ ateCmeaningful Dhonest解析:practical“实际的,实践的,实用的”;adequate“充分的,适当的,胜 任的”;meaningful“有目的的,有意义的”;honest“诚实的,可靠的,直率 的”。前句“Im not talking about dishonest or illegal ways”暗示此处应填honest。答案:D7A.ask BappreciateCcharge Dtrap解析:下句中的“they themselves are not good at doing”表明这里填ask,短语 ask for help表示“寻求帮助”。答案:A8A.with BatCthrough Dfrom解析:习惯搭配be good at表示“擅长”。然而,对自己不擅长的事情,他们学会了向别人求助。答案:B9A.limits BpressuresCstrengths Dabilities解析:limit“局限,界限,限度”;pressure“压力”;strength“力量,优点”;ability“能力,才智”。前句说“我们不仅要充分地发 挥自己的特长”, 因此本句是说“我们还必须知道自己的局限和弱点”。our limits and weaknesses 对应our own special strength。答案:A10A.sometimes BalwaysCseldom Dnever解析:always“总是,一直”,表示频度非常高。由语境“那个人靠总是早早地 来到办公室创造了自己的好运”可知,这里应选always。而不是“偶尔、很少、 从不”早到办公室。来源:答案:B11A.realized BpromisedCadmitted Dconveyed解析:realize“认识到,了解”;promise“允诺,答应”;admit“承认”;convey“运输,表达”。根据空后的“when he was wrong”(当他犯错误的时候) 可推断,他勇于“承认”(admit)错误。答案:C12A.because BbeforeCso Dwhen解析:上一空后的when.状语从句有暗示。语境为:当他做了大部分工作的时 候,他仍然与他人分享荣誉和奖赏。答案:D13A. after BbyCbehind Dover解析:get by“混过,凑合,勉强应付”。get over“克服,忍受,痊愈”。语境 为:他永不满足于仅仅做普通的工作,不会得过且过,他总是追求尽善尽美。答案:B14A.raised BmadeCfound Dexplored解析:make the extra effort“付出额外的努力”。名词effort总是与make搭配。答案:B15A.takes BaffordsCobtains Dadapts解析:take“花费”;afford“买得起,承担得起”;obtain“获得,得到”; adapt“(使)适应”。句式it takes.to do sth.表示“做某事需要”。语境为: 我们必须努力工作,尽一切努力走到运气和成功降临的路上。答案:A16A.Otherwise BThereforeCHowever DAnyway解析:otherwise“否则,要不然”,引出相反的结果。语境为:否则,我们就会 因为没有准备好而错失良机。答案:A17A.approach BadministrationCaction Dattitude解析:approach“途径,方式,方法”;administration“管理,经营,支配”; action“行动,活动,行为”;attitude“态度,看法”。语境为:你从不会知道 适当的机遇何时来临,那个关键的人物何时注视着你出色的态度和表现。答案:D18A.minds BplacesChomes Dhands解析:短语in the hands of sb./in sb.s hands表示“命运掌握在某人的手中”。语 境:如果你让自己的生活处于上帝的掌控之中答案:D19A.watching BadoptingCaffecting Dcatching解析:watch“保护,留心,注视”;adopt“采用,采纳,收养”;affect“影 响”;catch“逮住,捉住,抓住,追上”。重要的人物(上帝)一直在注视你和你 所做的事情。本段第二句中“when the right,important person is watching your.”部分有暗示。答案:A20A.decorate BrewardCcheer Dvalue解析:根据下句bless your life in many ways可推测本空填reward“报酬,报答,奖赏,报偿”。语境为:你时时、事事都尽力使他(上帝)愉悦,上帝就会用很多 方式(好运气)来奖赏你。答案:BIII阅读理解American office workers spend an average of 52 hours a week at their desks,according to a statistic survey.Some might argue that not all that time is spent working,but still all those hours in windowless offices with artificial light can have an influence.A few green additions could have a large effect on worker happiness,according to the survey led by Tina Cade from Texas State University.“We pretty much found out that if you had windows and plants or even if you just had plants in your office,you were more satisfied with your job,” Cade told LiveScience.“We thought it was important for offices because a lot of times people are looking for ways to keep employees happy and do all these expensive things like building a gym.Maybe for less investment they could put in a few plants in important places.”The team surveyed 450 office workers in Texas and the Midwest,asking questions about job satisfaction and the work environments.When asked about their overall life quality,82 said they felt“content” or “very happpy”Only 69 percent of those who work with plants but without windows,and 60 percent of those who have windows but no plants,said they felt this way.The group of people who work without plants or windows were the most dissatisfied,with only 58 percent of them saying that overall they were “content” or “very happy”While no one who works with plants,windows,or both reported they felt“miserable”,0.8 percent of those who work in offices without either said they were “miserable”“I was really surprised that having a plant in your office appeared to be more beneficial than having a window in your office,”Cade said.“Everybody says,I need a window!but actually it seemed like a plant could be a suitable alternative.”1What does the passage mainly tell us?AGreen plants can increase job satisfaction.BAn easier way to increase job satisfaction.CWhat the best working environment is.DWho are happy with their job environment.2Among the 450 people surveyed,_.A69 percent have plants in their officesB60 percent have windows in their wallsC0.8 percent of them feel dissatisfiedDabout 18 percent of them are satisfied3According to the survey,the group of people who work without plants or windows _.Adidnt feel content at allBall suffered from work pressureCworked with low efficiencyDwere the most dissatisfied4Which of the following statement is true?AThe employers want to do little to keep employees happy.BSometimes it doesnt need much to increase job happiness.CA gym contributes less to job happiness than green plants.DEmployers have tried every means to increase job happiness.5Where should the passage be read?AIn a science fiction. BIn an essay.COn a pop science website. DIn an official document.【解题导语】 调查研究发现,在办公室的关键位置摆放绿色植物有助于提高文员的工作快乐指数,相比花费巨资建设健身场馆和活动室,这不失为一剂良方。1解析:主旨考查题。通篇是围绕在办公室里摆放绿色植物可增加工作快乐指数而展开的。答案:A2解析:细节辨认题。第四段的头两句说:接受调查的有450人,其中82人满意。其他的数据都不是根据450这个数字计算出来的。室内有植物但没窗户的人,69%满意,有窗户没植物的满意率是60%;第五段中,既没窗户又没植物的环境下的人,有0.8%说 “糟糕”。答案:D3解析:细节辨认题。倒数第一段已经说的很明确,在接受调查的人群中,办公室没有窗子或室内没有植物的感到最不满意。答案:D4解析:细节归纳题。根据第三段的后半部分的 “好多次人们想方设法让雇员满意,不惜花费巨资修建健身房。抑或,少投点资,在重要位置摆放点植物就可以” 以及文章的最后的 “事实上,一株植物就是合适的替代” 可归纳出:要增加文员工作的幸福指数,有时不必花费巨资。答案:B5解析:体裁判断题。从通篇所使用的语言来看,里面既没有深奥的科技术语,也没有官方的规定等,因此该文属于一般科普文章。答案:C

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