四年级英语上册 Lesson 21 Fur and Paws教案 冀教版.doc

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Lesson21:Fur and Paws教学内容:Lesson21:Fur and Paws课时1教学目标:1、知识与技能:本课要求学生争取掌握单词:fur, paws, tail. 会说chant: “Did You Ever See a Dog in a Purple Hat?” 能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学的词汇。2、情感态度价值观:通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性。教学重点、难点:掌握本课重点单词,会说会说chant: “Did You Ever See a Dog in a Purple Hat?”教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson21:Fur and Paws Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturdayfur paws tail教学过程:一 Class Opening and Review1. GREETING2. PLAY “OINK”Play the game with the vocabulary cards for cat, chicken, cow, dog, donkey, duck, goat, horse, mouse, pig, rabbit, sheep, and for clothes and means of transportation.3. DRILLReview the days of the week.二. New Concepts1. STUDENT BOOK: L21 N1Remind the students that birds have beaks, feathers and wings. What special characteristics do other animals have? Introduce fur, paws and tail.Point to the small pictures under the photograph of the cat as the teacher and the class say the words a few times.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2. PLAY “HAPPY FACE, SAD FACE”教学侧记Ask the students to write pairs of words about animals.Cat and fur (one pair of words goes together), students stand under the happy face.Cow and wings ( one pair does not goes together), students stand under the sad face.3. STUDENT BOOK: L21 N2Discuss the pictures for the chant.a. Whats this?b. What animal is this?c. What is the wearing?d. What colour is it?e. What day is it?Play the audiotape as the students listen. Play it again as the teacher and the students chant along.三. Class ClosingPLAY “LETTERS”Review the names of animals.教学反思:

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