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2019-2020年高三上学期期末练习英语试题xx.1注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必先将答题卡上的学校、年级、班级、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹签字笔填写清楚,并认真核对条形码上的准考证号、姓名,在答题卡的“条形码粘贴区”贴好条形码。2本次考试所有答题均在答题卡上完成。选择题必须使用2B铅笔以正确填涂方式将各小题对应选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦除干净后再选涂其它选项。非选择题必须使用标准黑色字迹签字笔书写,要求字体工整、字迹清楚。3请严格按照答题卡上题号在相应答题区内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题、草稿纸上答题无效。4请保持答题卡卡面清洁,不要装订、不要折叠、不要破损。第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。1. What does the man do in his free time?A. Watch foreign films. B. Listen to classical music. C. Go camping.2. Whats the weather like tomorrow morning? A. B. C.3. Where are the two speakers? A. At the bank. B. At the hospital. C. At the hotel.4. What are they doing?A. Preparing for the party. B. Doing some shopping. C. Making a tent.5. What does mother mean?A. She takes her sons decision. B. She refuses her sons request. C. She gives her son possibilities.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至7两道小题。6. What problem did the girl have in her concert?A. She sang a wrong song. B. The lights went out. C. The audience left.7. What does the boy think of the girl?A. She was beautiful. B. She was honest. C. She was calm.听下面一段独白,回答第8至9两道小题。8. Who is the woman? A. An airport clerk. B. A taxi driver. C. A travel guide.9. Which seat does the man choose? A. A window seat. B. An aisle seat. C. A seat by the emergency exits.听下面一段对话,回答第10至12三道小题。10. What is the woman learning to use? A. A copy machine. B. An ATM machine. C. An answering machine. 11. If the woman has special needs, what will she do? A. Insert the credit card. B. Go to the reference desk. C. Select another machine.12. Where are the machines? A. On the third floor. B. On the fourth floor. C. On the fifth floor.听下面一段对话,回答第13至15三道小题。13. When is the ceremony held in Pentecost? A. In April every year. B. On ones eighteenth birthday.C. On 25th each month.14. How can a boy bee an adult in Pentecost? A. By building a platform on bamboo trees. B. By going into the forest alone. C. By jumping from the tower successfully.15. What is the purpose of the speaker? A. To tell us an interesting story. B. To introduce a special festival. C. To explain the origin of a sport.第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 听下面一段对话,完成第16题至第20题五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听对话前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。这段对话你将听两遍。Application FormNameBruce 16 MajorStudying 17 in collegeTypes of employmentWorking 18 time Working period9 a.m.- 19 p.m., from May to 20 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21 Twenty years after _ story was created, “Who Moved My Cheese?” was finally published and soon became _ best-seller. A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a D. the, the 22 - Whats that noise?- Oh, I forget to tell you. The old car _ . A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested23 Lets find a place _ we can wait out the snowstorm.A. where B. which C. what C. when 24 It _ be the postman at the door. Its only six oclock.A. mustnt B. neednt C. wont D. cant 25 The findings of the study were quite similar, _ we hadnt expected.A. which B. that C. as D. whom 26 - Are you going to watch any of the movies at the film festival?- No, I _ of it. I have too much homework to do.A. dont think B. wont think C. wasnt thinking D. hadnt thought27 If it hadnt been your generous help, I _ through that hard time.A. couldnt have gone B. didnt go C. wouldnt go D. hadnt gone 28 piano is her main focus, shes also great at guitar.A. Since B. Once C. Unless D. While 29 He didnt speak slowly and he didnt speak clearly _. A. too B. nor C. neither D. either 30 By the time they see a newspaper, most people _ about the news on TV or on the radio. A. knew B. have known C. are knowing D. had known 31 The medicine, _ up of the basic materials of life, will build new cells to replace old ones. A. make B. making C. made D. to make 32 In classes, youd better understand as much as possible while _ notes. A. taking B. take C. taken D. to take33 _ in the war, Hans was sent to hospital and separated from his army . A. Having been wounded B. Having wounded C. Being wounded D. Wounded 34 Could you please tell our radio listeners _ made you bee a volunteer?.A. when B. what C. where D. how35 The children grow up in a world at war. They didnt know when the fighting _.A. stopped B. would stop C. had stopped D. was stopped 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Jennifer walked into the hospital and shivered. She did not like them because 36 were always so cold, and everything in them was so white. Unwillingly, she 37 her mother and father into her grandmothers room. Up to her chin in blankets, her grandmother looked small and 38 . Jennifer saw a tube in her grandmothers arm and all types of machines beside her. Her mother gently kissed her grandmother on the cheek, 39 Jennifer was afraid to get too close. Her grandmother smiled at her and 40 for her to e closer, and 41 Jennifer walked over and took her grandmothers hand. “Hi, Sweetie,” whispered her grandmother. “Dont be 42 by all these machines. Its still me.”The nurse came in to 43 on her grandmother. She used a thermometer to take her grandmothers 44 and a stethoscope(听诊器) to listen to her heart. Jennifer found everything the nurse did for her grandmother extremely 45 . She asked about the medical instruments, and the nurse 46 how they were used. Jennifer listened closely, examining each instrument carefully.The nurse was really 47 toward her grandmother. She softened her pillows and made sure she was 48 fortably. She supplied her with 49 , food, and reading materials. Jennifer could see what a positive 50 the help had on her grandmother. She asked, “Do you enjoy being a nurse? “Yes, I love taking care of people,” the nurse replied, “and I find it 51 to watch people get better. Its exciting to be a part of all these different peoples lives.”As the nurse left the room, Jennifer 52 at her grandmother and her parents. She was filled with excitement as she 53 herself attending Nursing School and learning to care for sick people. For the first time, she didnt 54 being in a hospital. She was starting to like the smell and the white walls of the hospital. They were 55 of people trying to help other people. 36. A. patientsB. hospitalsC. doctorsD. nurses37. A. followed B. ledC. showedD. invited38. A. angryB. kindC. weakD. young39. A. so B. or C. for D. but40. A. headedB. longedC. gesturedD. looked41. A. rapidlyB. immediatelyC. surprisinglyD. hesitantly42. A. frightenedB. unsatisfiedC. discouragedD. disappointed43. A. visitB. callC. meetD. check44. A. handB. temperatureC. blanketD. tube45. A. meaningfulB. interestingC. perfectD. useless46. A. explainedB. wonderedC. learnedD. promised47. A. hopefulB. specialC. attentiveD. serious48. A. recoveringB. layingC. sittingD. resting49. A. machinesB. waterC. pillowsD. support50. A. behaviorB. effectC. attitudeD. experience51. A. tiresomeB. painfulC. rewardingD. amusing52. A. staredB. laughedC. wavedD. smiled53. A. imaginedB. foundC. admittedD. enjoyed54. A. mind B. escapeC. forbidD. regret 55. A. signalsB. signsC. marksD. images第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Harold counts the big red Xs on the calendar. He jumps up and down. “Yay! Tomorrow is Hundreds Day,” he says to his mom. “Weve been in school for one hundred days. We get to have a party. Everyone is supposed to bring one hundred of something to count and share. I need to find the absolutely most perfect thing ever!”Harold opens cupboards in the kitchen. He finds a box of cereal(麦片). “I could make a necklace out of one hundred pieces of cereal.” His stomach makes noise. “But what if I get hungry and eat the cereal off my necklace? Then I wont have anything to share.”Harold runs into his bedroom. “I know,” he says. “I bet I have more than one hundred rocks in my rock collection.” He puts rocks in his pockets. His pants hangs down. “Uh-oh. These rocks are too heavy.” Harold puts back the rocks and walks down the hall. He walks all around the inside of the house. He walks all around the outside of the house. Finally he sits down at the kitchen table. “Time is running out,” he says. “And I still need to find the absolutely most perfect thing ever.” Then he sees the grocery list on the wall. “Maybe I should make a list to help me think.” He starts to write.“I bet I have over one hundred ideas,” says Harold. “But none of them is the absolutely most perfect thing ever.” He puts his head down on the table. All at once he gets another idea.The absolutely most perfect idea ever. He finds an old white shirt in the rag basket. He gets a black pen. He starts to write. He writes and he writes and he writes.Harold takes his shirt to school the next day.“Harold, please show us what you brought for Hundreds Day,” says the teacher.Harold pulls his shirt out of a bag. He puts it on and turns in a circle.“I couldnt make up my mind,” says Harold. “So I brought one hundred ideas.”56. At Harolds school, teachers and students hold a party to _. A. celebrate entering school for a hundred days B. share the same birthday before graduationC. entertain themselves with delicious food D. help collect one hundred things in the house57. Harold finally chooses _ for the party.A. a necklace of cerealB. a collection of rocks C. a basket of shirtsD. a list of thoughts58. Which word best describes Harold in the story?A. Careless. B. Creative. C. mon. D. Curious.B1846 E. 4th St.Sarsatley, VA25206Dear Principal Walker, As president of Sullivan Senior High Schools student council, I have been chosen to write to you on behalf of the tenth grade class. We would like to put forward a tenth-grade trip to Sea World in San Diego, California. We chose Sea World for several reasons. In science class, we have been studying oceans and the marine(海洋的) life. Going to Sea World would provide us with the opportunity to visit these creatures and to better understand their habitats. We will have lots of fun and learn at the same time. The close location of San Diego was also a factor in planning this trip. San Diego can be reached by bus in about six hours. If the buses leave Sullivan after school on Friday afternoon, we should arrive in California in time to have a late dinner and get settled into our hotel rooms before midnight. You may be asking yourself, “How will this trip be financed?” We are suggesting that the school host an “Oceans of Fun” night for family, friends, and club members for a small fee. The activities would be organized by tenth grade students. Some of our ideas for the night include a Surfers Snack Shop with homemade food for sale, Pirate Petes Treasure Hunt, and a short production of “A Whale of a Tale.” This would be the best opportunity to display our ocean animal reports. We invite you to our next student council meeting on January 17, xx, to discuss your thoughts and work out any concerns you still may have. Thank you for taking the time to consider our request for a tenth-grade trip. Sincerely, Julie Martino59. What do we know about Sea World?A. The habitats of the marine creatures need to be rescued in Sea World. B. Sea World in San Diego is the most popular holiday camp.C. Students can practise what theyve learnt in Sea World.D. the president of Sea World invites Julie to visit them. 60. San Diego is selected as the destination because _ . A. it is close B. it has cheap hotels C. it can be reached by boat D. it can provide late dinners61. The school is advised to raise finance by _ on an “Oceans of Fun” night.A. publishing the pupils reportsB. selling shop bought foodC. organizing a charity partyD. charging entrance fees62. Julie writes the letter to _ . A. introduce their ideas to the principal B. persuade the principal to agree the plan C. tell the principal about details from the trip D. describe the fund raising activities to the principal C Youre standing in the dairy section at the grocery store, searching for your favorite brand. Suddenly, you catch a smell of chocolate cookies. You forget about dairy and head for the bakery section. Guess what? You just walked into an odor trap! The odor(气味) was cooked up by scientists in a lab. For years, scientists have been studying the special powers of smell. They found that more than our other senses, smell changes our mood and helps us remember things. So panies have begun spending thousands of dollars to scent(使充满香味)entire stores. Artificial scents are being used to lead customers by the nose. These smells help to get people inside and put them in the mood to buy. They even make customers remember the store later, so theyll e back for more. Also, many panies have smartly made use of product smells. A pany added lemon fragrance to its dish detergent. They wanted people to think the soap contained “natural” cleaners. It worked! New uses for smells are being created every day. One bank, for example, gives customers coupons(优惠券) advertising car loans(贷款). To get people to take out a loan, bank officials hope to coat these coupons with the fresh leather smell of a new car. In Australia, telephone offices are putting sweat odor on unpaid bills. Since some people sweat when theyre scared, this smell might remind them of when they were frightened. And theyll pay the bills right away!What lies ahead for our noses? Smell scientists are working on some pretty far-out ideas. Would you believe TV sets that produce smells? Or how about scent diets? Certain food smells will fool your stomach into thinking its full. Alarm clocks will scent your bedroom with a strong pleasant smell designed to wake you up. Scientists are even working on ways to keep garbage from smelling. Researchers expect scents to help students make more sense of what theyre learning. And just think. Someday soon, even your homework may smell nice!63. How do sales methods affect customers in the stores?A. They change customers preferences.B. They persuade customers to use credit cards.C. They make customers avoid bad and unsafe products.D. They influence customers to make unplanned purchases.64. Why do telephone offices put sweat odor on unpaid bills?A. Because the sweat odor is a reminder of terrifying experience.B. Because the sweat odor can change peoples attitude.C. Because most people dont think much of sweating.D. Because many people dislike paying bills.65. What does the author mean by saying “Someday soon, even your homework may smell nice!”? A. Students would benefit more from smell research. B. Students would be more willing to do homework. C. Smell research would develop beyond our imagination. D. Smell research would make great differences to our life.66. Why does the author write this passage?A. To encourage the store owners to use smells.B. To inform the readers of an interesting subject.C. To blame the advertisers that use smells to sell.D. To expose wrong practices by smell scientists.DIn the 1700s people could observe a vast group of passenger pigeons as they traveled through Kentucky. The birds took three days to pass above. How could a bird that was the most prolific in North America bee die out? Some people believe that deforestation caused the decline of the pigeon. In the 1800s many of Americas forests were cut down, and the pigeon was forced to use the forests that remained. By the 1870s, most of the pigeons concentrated in the West. On the other hand, when the forests were cleared, farming expanded. The fields of grain planted in place of the forests offered the pigeon new sources of food. Forbush, a pigeon researcher, confirms, “although the land was cleared, there remained and still remains vast area covered by crops enough to furnish great armies of pigeons with food”. Another reason attributed to the pigeons disappearance was its lack of adaptability. Once their numbers reduced, pigeons could not produce enough young to counterbalance those lost to storms or other natural events. Also, the pigeons enormous numbers and way of life had previously increased their survival chances. For example, neighboring pigeons cared for orphaned young. The smaller groups left in the 1900s could not adapt and rebound(回升) without the safety and benefits of large numbers. However, the pigeon would not have needed to adapt so quickly to such a reduction in its population without overhunting. This was the major factor causing the adaptability issue.The pigeons present in the 1800s led most people to believe it was impossible to overhunt this bird, so early settlers generously harvested the birds for food. In addition, the pigeon was professionally hunted with nets. Hunters might be paid five cents a bird, and in the 1860s, an army of perhaps 5,000 to 6,000 hunters had mobilized across the U.S. Furthermore, the telegraph allowed hunters to hear reports of nesting birds. They then traveled to these locations and destroyed the pigeon populations. Next, the railroad made transportation of the birds to different markets possible. Hunters could harvest huge numbers of birds and ship them to limitless markets. This bination of factors resulted in excessive hunting that dramatically reduced the number of pigeons.By the time the government enforced laws protecting the pigeon population, their numbers had already plummeted(速降). While the deforestation and lack of adaptability sped up the process, the path to dying out began with excessive hunting. Fortunately, the story of the passenger pigeon has taught American a valuable lesson.67. The underlined word “prolific” in Paragraph 1 may be replaced by _.A. intelligent. B. abundant. C. energetic D. skillful68. The quotation from Forbush suggests that .A. deforestation was only a minor contributor to the decline of the pigeon populationB. the large pigeon population could not be fed by the remaining uncleared land C. the pigeon population was so large that no deforestation could have affected itD. such small amounts of land were cleared that pigeon populations were unaffected69. Which organizational pattern is used in Paragraph 4?A. Statement and example.B. parison and contrast.C. Problem and solution.D. Cause and effect.70. In the passage, the author probably agrees that _. A. creatures can survive when fitting surroundings B. no species is too numerous to need protection C. its never too late to take necessary act


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