六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《She couldn’t see or hear》导学案 外研版.doc

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Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear学习目标:知识与技能:1. 重点掌握一些动词的过去时态(如became,learnt,drew等),并在过去式的句子中能灵活运用。2. 能够听懂用过去时态的句子表达的内容,并学会用过去时态描述过去的事情与人物。过程与方法:通过自主互助与合作的方法,借助听说训练,结合话题解决问题。情感目标:了解海伦凯勒的生平,并能学习她的不畏艰难、刻苦学习的精神。学习重点:掌握动词的过去时态,并正确地运用过去时态及其句型变化。学习难点:正确地运用过去时态描述人与物。学习过程:课前延伸一 预习词汇:布置学生预习本课的单词和短语,做到根据听力写出单词并理解汉语意思。二 课前朗读:朗读本课的新词、短语和课文。课内探究一 新课导入1. 检查词汇预习2. Listen to the song “look up at the spaceship”. (from a hero杨利伟to another hero)导入本课话题,展示学习目标。二. 图片教学:1. 2. 3. 三 听力训练1. 多层听1). Listen and number the pictures 2). Listen again and complete the sentences.I. Helen Keller in the US in 1880. II.As a baby,she _blind and deaf.III. She _letters in Helens hand and her to spell .IV. _ Helen to read,write and speak.V.She a book about and all over the world.VI. Helen to be eighty-seven .She is a for blind people,and also for you and me.2. 听后读 Read the dialogue fluently.3.读后学(多层听中的句子,整体上是 时态)1).Helen Keller was born in the US in 1880.( be born 的用法) be born inon +出生的时间或地点,be 通常只用was,were 【即学即用】He in a working family . A.is born B.was born C.born2). She couldnt see or hear.(could 的用法) could 用来表示过去的能力、可能性或允许。 【即学即用】She jump higher then. A.could B.can C.may3). As a baby,she became_blind and deaf. (as的用法)as作为介词,作“充当、作为”讲。例如:As a writer,he was famous.作为作家,他是很有名的。4). Later Helen learnt to read,write and speak.(learn to的用法) learn to 表示学会了某种技能。例如: As a little girl,Zhang Haidi learnt to read and write.四. 学以致用(一)单项选择1.Both of them were at home.A.born B.borns C.been born2.She was respected a teacher.A.and B.as C.for3.In school,I happier than before.A.becomes B.am becoming C.became4.The little girl wrote the letter all by .A.himself B.herself C.itself 5.I looked for it the house.A.all over B.over C.all there6.- Where do you ? -I in a small town.A.live ,live B.live,am living C.living,live7.They are the couple.A.model B.maple C.mobile (二) 用所给单词的正确形式填空1.Yesterday I (go) to Zhongshan park.2.I (fly) a kite last Sunday.3.He (come) back home last night.4. (do) he likes reading?5.She spent about three (hour)doing her homework.(三) 句型转换 1.She was born in the US in 1880.(改为否定句) She _ _ in the US in 1880.2.She learnt to read,write and spell改为一般疑问句) _ she _ read,write spell?五学有所思 课后提升一 复习巩固1. 复习当天所学内容,并读熟课文。2. 整理课堂小知识点,掌握新词汇、语法知识点。二 分层作业1. 能够掌握常见的动词过去式,并记住其用法(必做)。2. 能够复述课文,讲故事给大家听(选做)。三 预习任务: 预习下节课的相关词汇、语法知识。2014年小升初英语试题(小作业).词汇(5分)1._(Japan)come from Japan.2.We teach _(they)English.3.My cousin _(have)a new dictionary.4.There are four _(tomato)on the table. 5.My mother often_(buy)some nice food on weekends. .选择填空(20分)1.I dont like _ thrillers _ playing baseball. A. watching; or B. watching; and C. to watch; or2.I like you, Tom. Lets _ good friends. A. do B. be C. have3.Who are your parents talking _? I dont know. A. for B. to C. on4.Can Lily _ French? A. say B. speak C. talk5._! Tom. Its 7: 00 oclock. A. Go to bed B. Get on C. Get up6.Classes are over. The students are _ now. A. having breakfast B. leaving school C. sitting down7._? Its six oclock.A. What time is it B. What day is it C. How old are you8.Where does the man _? In a room near here. A. come B. go C. stay9.Football is _ game. A. boys B. a boys C. boys

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