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Unit 3 Look at that elephant.教学目标:1用 “Its ”描述事物(如动物)的主要特征。2Look atIts 3掌握词汇:elephant, big, naughty, tail, tiger, strong, beautiful, grey, tall, giraffe, small, squirrel, fat理解词汇:short, long, busy, make, lazy, crawl, crash, cry, crab, crocodile, cry, cream, cracker, crumbs4字母组合cr在单词中的发音。教学重、难点:1用 “Its ”描述事物(如动物)的主要特征。2教学难点:Look atIts 课时安排:教学内容课时安排A部分1课时B、C、D部分1课时E、F部分1课时Period 1一、教学目标1能听懂、会读一些简单的描述性形容词;2能掌握句型“Look at ”;3能运用本课句型口头描述事物(如动物)的特征。二、教学重点及难点重点:描述动物。难点:理解its、its。三、教学准备单词图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2利用动物头饰让学生感知表动物的单词,用表情、体态等表现动物的特征。T(用大象的图片遮住脸):Im Miss Elephant. Im big. Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Elephant.T(换下大象图片,用猴子的图片遮住脸):Im Miss Monkey. Im naughty. (边说边翻东西)I have long tail. Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Monkey.T(换上老虎图片):Who am I now?Ss: Youre a tiger.T: Yes, Im a tiger. Im strong. Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Tiger.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too.Step 2 Presentation and drill1出示小鸟的图片。让一名学生照刚才教师的做法,扮做“小鸟”,向大家问好。T:Here is another picture. Who can come here and say“Hello” to us?走到学生中间,指着台上的“小鸟”。T: Look at that bird. Its beautiful. Yes or no?Ss: Yes.通过语气和动作让学生理解单词beautiful的含义。T: S1, Please say“Hello” to us.2出示课文A部分教学挂图。T: Where are they?Ss: They are in the zoo.T: Lets go to the zoo and see the animals. OK?Ss: OK!T(不让学生靠近图片): Keep a bit far away from the animals. Its dangerous. Look at that the elephant. Is it big?(打手势)Ss: Yes.T: Look at its ears. Are they big?Ss: Yes.T: And its legs areSs: Big.T: Yes, the legs are big, too.T: Look at its tail. Is it short or long?(用夸张的动作表示)Ss: Short.帮助学生回答。然后板书句型,带读。让学生们集体、分组、单个练读。3用类似的方法教单词naughty, strong。Step 3 Practice游戏Quick response (快速反应)教师出示动物图片,学生快速读出单词。同时让一名学生站在台前表演动作,老师进行描述,帮助学生不断熟悉句型“Look at thatIts ”1听课文A部分录音,跟读。2让学生充当“小老师”带读。3分组练习。4分角色表演。Step 4 Consolidation1创设情景,自由对话。情景:星期天,几个女朋友相约去动物园游玩。大家兴趣盎然地讨论着。(可分组进行)S1: Look at that elephant. Its big. Loot at its nose. Its long.S2: Look at that monkey. Its naughty. Its brown.S3: Look at that tiger. Its strong. Its big. Its yellow and brown. Look at its tail. Its long. Look at its nose. Its big.S4: Look at that this bird. Its big.S5: Look at this mouse. Its big, too.2评价。3家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。准备一些动物头饰或服饰。

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