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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第一部分模块十Units34课下作业牛津译林版.单项填空1Many people believe that hunger is only a problem in the developing countries._ ,it is a problem all over the world.AFor one thing BIn addition CAs well DOn the contrary答案D句意:很多人认为饥饿只是发展中国家的问题。相反,这是全世界的问题。for one thing“首先,其一(用来列举理由)”;in addition“另外,除此之外”;as well“还”;on the contrary“正相反”。2Two victims of the car accident,who have gone _ from their loss of blood,have been sent to hospital.Afascinated Bawkward Cunconscious Daware答案C句意:在交通事故中因失血过多而失去知觉的两名伤者被送进了医院。unconscious意为“失去知觉的”,符合题意。fascinated着迷的,被深深吸引的;awkward尴尬的,拙笨的;aware有意识的。3It is by no means clear _ the president can do to end the strike.Ahow Bwhich Cthat Dwhat答案D句中it是形式主语,主语从句中缺少do的宾语,故选择what作为主语从句的引导词且充当从句中谓语动词do的宾语。4The two young men were desperately fighting each other,with both their noses and mouths _Abeing bled Bto bleedCbleeding Dbled答案Cbleed流血,此题用现在分词表示正在进行的动作,且宾语和补足语之间存在主动关系。5_ he was the last man I wanted to see,I did all in my power to help him.AAs BNow that CWhile DHowever答案C句意:尽管他是我最不想见的人,但是我尽我所能去帮助他。此处while表示“尽管”,符合逻辑。6It was _ of them to have sent the old people and children to safety in case the flood destroyed their village.Atolerant Bconsiderate Ctypical Dpulsory答案B句意:他们把老年人和孩子送到安全的地方以防万一洪水毁坏村庄的做法是很周到的。tolerant忍受的;considerate体贴的,周到的;typical典型的;pulsory义务的。7We should consider the students request _ the school library provide more books on popular science.Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhere答案A句意:我们应该考虑学生提出的让学校图书馆增加关于通俗科学的书籍的要求。request后的同位语从句说明其内容,that不作句子成分。8Ive decided not to go to my sisters wedding.Youre not going?_?ASo what BWhy botherCAnd how DHow e答案D句意:“我已经决定不去参加我妹妹的婚礼了。”“你不去了?为什么?”So what那又怎么样呢;Why bother何苦呢;And how确实,那还用说;How e怎么会,为什么。根据语境可知,应选D。9It is said that the caf being built near the post office _mainly to the workers from the factory across the road.Acaters BservesCcontributes Dsupplies答案A句意:据说邮局附近正在建的咖啡馆主要是满足路对面的工厂工人的需要。cater to“迎合,满足需要”;serve“服务”;contribute“有助于”;supply“提供”。10We cant _ our fate.Instead,we should take a positive attitude to the present situation.Asubmit to Bcorrespond to Csubscribe to Dpromise to答案A句意:我们不能屈服于命运,而应该以一种积极的态度应对目前的局面。submit to“服从于,屈服于”,符合题意。correspond to“与一致,与相当;通信”;subscribe to“同意,订阅”;promise常与with连用,表示“与妥协”。.完形填空I was in a hotel ballroom in Washington, back in xx, to cover the National Spelling Bee (全国拼字比赛)One of the 265 kids was Akshay Buddiga, a 13yearold from Colorado Springs.His brother had_1_ the bee two years before, and Akshay wanted to _2_ his brothers success.You could learn at Harvard University all day and _3_ hear the words used in the National Spelling Bee.These words live in the _4_ corners of dictionaries.Each speller steps up to the microphone, and the official pronouncer _5_ a word.If the speller gets it right, theres a moment of _6_,then three magic words: that is _7_Akshays moment came in round six.His word was alopecoid, meaning “like a fox”He _8_the word, but there was a problem.In his head, he saw two _9_spellings and he couldnt decide which was right.He had two minutes to _10_the word.He asked to hear the word again, trying to _11_between the two versions in his head.He jammed his hands in his pockets.Without knowing it, he stood so straight that he _12_his knees.He started to feel _13_He crashed to the stage so _14_that his feet flew into the air.The audience made this sound:ohhhhhhOHHHHHHHohhhhhhh.An official said,“_15_the clock.”The room went _16_except for the clickclickclick of the photographers cameras.Akshay raised his head, looking around the room for a few seconds.Then he got up.“Take a _17_,” one official said.Akshay didnt.He went straight to the microphone and said, “ALOPECOID.”The official didnt leave room for the silence.She spoke _18_,“Thats correct.”Akshay ended up finishing second.He later said a lot was going through his mind when he was _19_there.“Mostly, all the work that Id done,”he added.As he walked to the microphone, he decided he didnt care if he made a mistake.He was going to _20_himself.He was correct.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。13岁的Akshay Buddiga参加全国拼字比赛时摔倒在地,但是他站起来以后继续参赛,最终以第二名胜出。1A.won BenteredCcovered Djudged答案A根据下文的his brothers success可知,Akshay的哥哥参加过两次拼字比赛,均“赢得(won)”了比赛。2A.enjoy BmeasureCmatch Dcelebrate答案C既然Akshay来参加比赛,肯定是希望能获得和哥哥一样好的成绩。match在此意为“与某人相匹敌”。3A.stillBnever CalsoDeven答案B4A.lower BtightCdark Dopposite答案C根据下文出现的单词可知,拼字比赛中考查的单词都很生僻,即便天天待在哈佛大学,也“从不会(never)”听说这些单词。这些单词只会出现在字典“黑暗的(dark)”角落里。5A.chooses BwritesCexplains Dannounces答案D根据常理及下文的He asked to hear the word again可知,播音员“读出(announces)”单词,选手根据读音来拼单词。6A.silence BrelaxationCcheering Ddiscussion答案A7A.enough BamazingCcorrect Duseful答案C下文的for the silence.“Thats correct.”是提示。8A.repeated BknewCforgot Dconsidered答案B根据下文的he couldnt decide which was right可知,他应该是“知道(knew)”这个单词,只是脑海里闪出两种拼写,他拿不准哪个对而已。9A.special BdifficultCright Ddifferent答案D根据下文的the two versions可知,他脑海里有两个“不同的(different)”拼写。10A.spell Btry Ccheck Dfind答案A因为是参加拼字比赛,所以此处是说他有两分钟的时间“拼出(spell)”这个单词。11A.guess Bpick Cfix Dbuild答案B根据上文的he couldnt decide which was right可知,他让播音员再读一遍这个单词的目的是为了从这两个不同的拼写中“挑出(pick)”一个。12A.crossed BtouchedClocked Dignored答案C根据下文Akshay摔倒的事实可知,他因为站得太直,所以腿“僵(locked)”在那里,导致身体失去平衡。13A.lightheaded BwarmheartedCstrongminded Dtonguetied答案A14A.suddenly BloudlyCstraight Dhard答案D本部分是对他摔倒过程的描写。因为身体失去了平衡,所以他感到“头晕(lightheaded)”,“重重地(hard)”摔了个四仰八叉。15A.Repair BStopCChange DWatch答案B根据上文的two minutes可知,比赛要卡时间,因为出了意外,所以一名官员让把表“停(Stop)”下来。16A.hot BbrightCquiet Dcrowded答案C根据下文的except for the clickclickclick of the photographers cameras可知,除了摄影师拍照的声音,屋子里一片“寂静(quiet)”。17A.break BlookCstep Dchance答案A从下文的Akshay didnt.He went straight to the microphone可知,一名官员应该是让Akshay“休息(break)”一会。18A.at last Bright awayCon time Djust now答案B根据上文的The official didnt leave room for the silence可知,她应该是“立即(right away)”说“答案正确”。19A.speaking BpetingClying Dwaiting答案C根据下文Akshay的话可知,他摔倒后“躺(lying)”在台上时脑子里有很多想法。20A.encourage BcontrolCimprove Dtrust答案D根据上文的he decided he didnt care if he made a mistake可知,Akshay不再考虑得失,而是选择“相信(trust)”自己。.任务型阅读Gratitude is a sign of appreciation and you ought to show appreciation for life.Always wake up every morning in acknowledgement that someone died the previous night but you didnt,someone did not wake up but you did.Let me give you a little exercise,next time you feel as if everything is working against you and there is nothing to be thankful for,pick up a pen and a piece of paper and make a list of things you should be thankful for,for example,I woke up this morning,I have food on my table,I have clothes to wear,I have a good paying job even though my boss is a cruel person,the skies are beautiful and the atmosphere is great.By the time you finish this little exercise,I can assure you that you will feel better already.Unhappiness can result from stressing our bodies and minds.Scientists believe that 20 minutes of exercise can make you happy regardless of how sad you may be.Exercise raises your heart rate and causes a lot of hormonal changes.As your heart begins to pound,certain hormones are released which create a sense of total well being and you begin to feel well again,the mind stress is gone and everything is under control.Another thing you can do is take a walk,this works for me all the time.When you take a walk,you are able to think over matters that are bothering you and e up with solutions to them.When you sow happiness,you reap happiness.Mother Teresa knew this secret so well;she devoted her life to helping others even if it simply meant putting a smile on someones face.Here is a sum of two of her famous quotes: “A life not lived for others is not a life.Your greatest happiness es from helping others.”Change is inevitable(不可避免的) and no situation is permanent.Whenever you are feeling sad or depressed,bear in mind that its temporary and that tomorrow will be better.Tough times dont last but tough people do.Dont be negative,be optimistic.I was feeling very sad and depressed at work one Friday morning,I didnt know what to do so I approached a friend and we got to talking,I shared my burden with her and we had a brief talk.By the time I finished pouring out my heart to her,I already knew why I was not happy and what I had to do as well.Dont be afraid to stay close and talk about what you feel with friends,it works.How to Stay Happy No Matter What HappensBe (1)_You should (2)_ life.Make a list of things you should be thankful for.Exercise regularly20 minutes of exercise can make you happy whatever (3)_ you have.Exercise (4)_ your health a lot.Make somebody happyWhen you sow happiness,you reap happiness.Helping others is the best (5)_ for happiness.Remain optimistic(6)_Whenever you are feeling sad or depressed,always (7)_ that its temporary and that tomorrow will be better.Make a (8)_ of positivity,be optimistic.Share your (9)_with friendsMake a (10)_ with your friend about your burden.Stay close and talk about what you feel with friends.答案1.grateful2.appreciate3.sadness4.benefits 5source6.attitude7.remember8.development9.feelings10munication


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