三年级英语上册 unit 2 Lesson 10 Open,Close教案3篇 冀教版.doc

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Unit 2 Food I likeLesson 10 Find the foodGREETINGGive the standard greeting to welcome students to English class.Tell the class the title of todays lesson: Find the food. The students should be familiar with this concept and structure from previous lessons. Ask the class to repeat the lesson title with you.LETS LOOK AT OUR BOOKSGive the standard command for students to take out their student books and turn to the pages for todays lesson.1. What is it?Give the listen command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second time. The audiotape says:Narrator Chicken. Chicken.Fruit. Fruit.Juice. Juice.Meat. Meat.Rice. Rice.Soup. Soup.Vegetables. Vegetables.Apple. Apple.Bananas. Bananas.Grapes. Grapes.Miss Zhang What food can you see, Danny?What food can you see, Danny?Danny I can see an apple! I can see bananas and grapesI can see an apple! I can see bananas and grapes!Using the structure Find the . review the list of foods as a class.Have the students locate each item in their student books using the illustration at the top of page 20.Have the class repeat the words apple, banana and grapes with you. Ask students to point to the appropriate picture as they say the words.TEACHING TIPArticles: a and anIf the students are having difficulty in determining whether to use a or an with a particular word, ask them to remember that an arm is easier to say than a arm. Provide other examples of words that students know: an apple, an ear, an eraser.Teach the students that an is used with words that begin with a, e, i, o or u. Those letters are called vowels, and the students will learn more about them in Unit 4.2. Whats for lunch?Give the listen command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second time. The audiotape says:Jenny Danny, what do you have for lunch today?Danny, what do you have for lunch today?Danny I have an apple and a sandwich. How about you?I have an apple and a sandwich. How about you?boy I have a banana and some cookies.I have a banana and some cookies.Take a moment to check comprehension. Ask a few students What do you have for lunch today? and encourage them to respond in English using the structure I have .”3. Lets sing a song.Song: The Fruit SongTodays action song reinforces the new vocabulary for this unit.The class will listen to the audiotape to learn the song. The students know most of the words in this song, but you may wish to translate the last line in each verse.First, the students should just listen to the audiotape and do the actions, following your lead. The second time the song plays, they should sing along. The audiotape says:I like bananas! I like bananas!Bananas are a special treat.I like bananas! I like bananas!Bananas are so fun to eat.The audiotape repeats the song. The second time, have the students sing along as they do the actions.You can also sing this song substituting other fruit for bananas (such as apples and grapes).LETS DO SOME EXERCISESGive the standard command for students to take out their activity books.PAGE 20. Circle and write. Find the word. Write the word. The students look at the picture and circle the word that matches. Then they write that word in the space provided,PAGE 21. Circle the food. The students circle all of the words about food on the page.CLASS CLOSINGToday have students number off using some of the vocabulary from todays lesson: rice, soup, apple, grapes and bananas. Have the class say the words together, then have individual students number off by saying the words in order, from rice to bananas, until all students have a word.Remind the students to remember their words.When todays class is over, have the students stand by word. You might say Now all students with the word apple may stand, and then move on to another word until all students are standing. Wave and say Good-bye to signal that class is over.课题Lesson10 Open Close课型新授课课时2-1教学目标知识与技能目标:正确的读写I J K L 四个字母, 过程与方法目标:准确地认读单词ice cream juice key lion情感态度价值观目标:巩固所学单词,教室中的人或物。重点难点教学重点:字母的读写 .教学难点:熟练地运用单词学法指导兴趣法、游戏法教具学具电脑、录音、卡片通案个案一 、开始上课问候T:Good morning, class.How are you today?鼓励全班学生回答:Fine,thanks.T:Fine ,thanks.二、做“Hide It”游戏用以复习:Where is my _? There it is ! Thanks.复习数字one -five三、新授揭示学习目标,板书课题。1看卡片,跟读字母 A B C D 2 书写3播放录音,让学生看着课本中的字母、单词及图跟读4 结组练习朗读字母四、操练甲学生在张贴图中找出A B C D等字母并指出乙来读五、课堂检测六、作业。课堂检测圈单词:(open book door window eraser girl boy)b o y d f g ho d a r t c to p e n e d ak w I n d o wg I r l h o ge r a s e r k.教学反思 课题Lesson10 Open Close 课型新授课课时2-2教学目标知识与技能目标:准确地认读单词open close过程与方法目标:理解并会说并作出相应的动作。情感态度价值观目标: 培养自信的交际能力重点难点教学重点:单词的读写 .教学难点:熟练地运用 open close 两个单词学法指导兴趣法、游戏法教具学具电脑、录音、卡片通案个案Step 1 问候T:Good morning, class.How are you today?鼓励T:Fine ,thanks.做游戏用以复习:she is _ He is_ Step 2 复习字母from A to LStep3 新授揭示学习目标,板书课题。 1 看卡片,跟读单词 open close 2 书写3 播放录音,让学生看着课本单词及图跟读。4 结组练习朗读单词 Step 操练一对一练习一人发指令另外一人作动作如:Open the book Close the doorStep 4 课堂检测Step 5家庭作业课堂检测写字母的小写形式:I_J_K_L_教学反思 Lesson10:Open,Close一、教材分析:学英语是以学生的发展为宗旨,以提高学生的综合素质为目标,着重培养学生的学习兴趣,学习自信心,良好的学习习惯,有效的学习方法和自主学习能力,通过听、说、读、写等语言实践活动,帮助学生获得良好的语音基础,初步的语感和用英语进行简单的日常交流的能力。本课出现的boy,girl,teacher,door,book等词以前学生都接触过,本课又再次出现,这正是学英语这套教材的特点:单词重现率高,这才便于学生经常复习达到掌握。字母只有四个可以让学生在初学阶段打好写的基础。Open your book.Close your book.学会后就可以帮助学生听懂老师课堂上的指令,这正符合英语课程标准的要求。二、学生分析:三年级学生活泼好动,对动态的东西、活动特别感兴趣,经过前段时间的学习,对英语已产生了一定的兴趣,开始形成英语学习习惯,但学生年龄小,注意力不易持久,对机械单一的活动易厌烦。我通过借助多媒体等多种激励方式。激发学生积极参与,大胆实践,体验成功的喜悦,有了成就感,有了信心,就能够更好的展示自己。三、设计理念:、创设轻松、活泼的英语学习氛围,让学生充分发挥主动性和创造性的空间。、以学生为活动主体,教师为教学活动的组织者和引导者。、采用合作的学习方式,利用学生的信息差。通过小组间的合作,大家互相帮助,一起努力,更好的巩固本课所学。四、教学目的与要求:1. 能听、说、认、写字母:Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll2. 能听、说、认读单词:close, open, door, window,eraser3. 学生能够理解并能说和按指令用下列句子做动作:Open the_Close the_五、教学重点:字母Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll六、教学难点:Jj与Gg读音的区别七、教具:词汇卡片,教室内的物体,录音机八、课时:1课时九、教法:、情境教学法、游戏教学法十、教学过程:Step1.Greeting and Revision 1. Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls! Ss:Hello,Miss Wu! T:How are you? Ss:Im fine,thanks.How are you? T:Fine,thank you.Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you,too.【设计意图:问候是我每堂课的开场白,通过师生之间的简单问候来增进感情、运用语言,并为下面的英语学习营造了氛围。】 2. Revision 教师指着学过的物体问:Whats this?接着让学生仿照老师拿着学过的物体问同样的问题,并让他们来点学生来回答。用以复习学过的单词:boy,girl,teacher,book,pencil等词。教师可发小星星作为奖励。【设计意图:复习这个环节既巩固了旧知又能引出新知。让学生来问可以使他们体会当小老师的成功感和新鲜感,被叫到的学生也会很高兴。】 3游戏:贴标签 教师将一些单词发到学生手中让他们贴到相应的物体上。【设计意图:英语课程标准要求学生能用英语做游戏,做事情。这个游戏能培养学生的认读能力。】Step2.New Concepts 1. 让学生观察有那些物体还没有标签,引出eraser,door,window T:(指着门问)Whats this?Ss:door T:Yes.Its a door.教师领读door数遍后讲单词贴到黑板上 window,eraser教法同上 学完这三个单词后把这几个单词也贴到相应的物体上【设计意图:让学生观察有哪些东西还没有贴标签,把主动权交给了他们,他们会很乐意去观察。接着贴标签使上面的游戏更完整。】 2T:Look at me.What am I doing? 教师拿出一本书打开说open合上说close T:Follow me.open close Ss:open close T:Open your book.Close your book. Ss:Open your book.Close your book. T:Open the window/door.Close the window/door.教师边说边做开窗/门关窗/门动作 Ss:Open the window/door.Close the window/door. 领读open,close及Open the window/door.Close the window/door.数遍【设计意图:教师的肢体语言有时会比课件更直观更形象。】Step3.Listen and Repeat(Part3) Play the tape and the students read after it.【设计意图:能根据录音模仿说英语是英语课程标准的要求。我每堂课都让学生跟标准录音模仿说英语,一周下来视听时间也够了。】Ste4.Simon Says1. 教师发指令全体学生做动作Simon says open your book.Close your book.Simon says close your book.Open your pencil-case.2. 叫一些自告奋勇的学生到前面来,教师发指令,做错的被淘汰。【设计意图:这个游戏可以检测学生能否根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作。】Step5.Sing a song出示光盘或放录音让学生跟唱ABC Song【设计意图:通过几节课的字母教学学生已经能唱这首英文歌曲了。这首歌既活跃了课堂气氛又巧妙地过渡到了下一个环节:字母教学。】Step6.New Concepts1.出示冰淇淋图片教授ice cream领读数遍T:Whats this? Ss:ice creamT:Please look at the first letter.It is i.引出i领读i及发音再领读ice creamT:Show me your finger.Lets write together.师写一笔生用手指写一笔并说one,师生同写one, two, three, I教学J j 时与Gg作比较,教师可以用大拇指和食指来帮助教学Kk Ll 教法同上【设计意图:字母教学时我总是让学生伸出手指和我一起写,既强化了笔顺又让他们在老师写板书时有事可做。】2出示字母Ii Jj Kk Ll 生读3游戏:Whats missing?四个字母教师藏起一个让学生猜缺了哪个【设计意图:经过一节课紧张的学习,最后以一个游戏结束,不仅进一步巩固了所学的字母,而且使课堂再次活跃起来。】Step8.Homework1. Ii Jj Kk Ll 在练习本上每个写一行2把这几个字母设计成你喜欢的图形,涂上你喜欢的颜色。(任选一项作业完成)【设计意图:为学生搭建一个展示所学知识的平台并延伸到课外,继续巩固所学知识。同时在作业的布置上我还考虑了不同层次的学生,能力强的有创新的同学可选第二个作业,能力差些不喜欢创新的可以选第一个作业,把选择权交给了学生,学生们可以选自己喜欢的形式完成作业。】


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