六年级英语上册 单元综合测试卷(三)(Unit 4-5) 人教PEP.doc

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六年级英语单元测试卷(三)(Unit45)考时:40分钟 满分:100分题 号听 力 部 分笔 试 部 分总 分一二三四五六七八九十分 数Listening Part(听 力 部 分40%)一 Listen and choose ( 听音,选择你所听到的单词,听两遍。10%)( ) 1. A. hiking B. swimming C. singing( ) 2. A. music B. match C. puzzle( ) 3. A. pen pal B. pencil C. plane( ) 4. A. live B. club C. city( ) 5. A. Canberra B. country C. Chinese( ) 6. A. English teacher B. math teacher C. head teacher( ) 7. A. policeman B. postman C. businessman( ) 8. A. coach B. sports reporter C.P.E teacher( ) 9. A. factory B. university C. office( )10. A. on foot B. by bike C. by plane二Listen and circle(听音,圈出正确的图片,听两遍。10%) 三Listen and answer(听问句,选择正确的答语,听两遍。(10%)( ) 1. A. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. B. I like doing kung fu and swimming.C. She likes doing kung fu and swimming. ( ) 2. A. No, she isnt. B. No, she doesnt. C. No, she does.( ) 3. A. She likes dancing.B. She works at a university. C. She is a scientist.( ) 4. A. He works in Shanghai.B. By car. C. He is a teacher.( ) 5. A. She is a head teacher. B. She works in a school. C. She goes to work on foot.四Listen and write( 听音,根据听到的内容补充句子,听两遍。10%)This is Xiao Yu. He likes football. He wants to be a . He very hard. His father is a . He often goes to other countries. His uncle is a . He works on a boat. Writing Part(笔 试 部 分 60%)五Read and choose(按要求完成各题。10%)A选择每组中不同类的一项,将编号填在题前括号里。(6%)( )1.A.singerB. dancerC. computer( )2.A.hospitalB. postman C. police officer( )3.A.comic bookB. film C. word book ( )4.A.planeB. bookstoreC. subway ( )5.A. post officeB. cinemaC. factory worker( )6. A. play B. swimmingC. readingB.选择下列句子的重音是正确,将编号填在题前括号里。(4%)六Read and write(用所给的单词适当形式填空。10%)1. What are you going to be?-I am going to be a (teach).2. What does your mother do ?-She is a (clean ).3. She likes(dance).She wants to be a dancer. 4. What is Mike going to be?-He likes writing magic stories . He is going to be a (write). 5. She (work) in a factory.七Read and choose(单项选择)( ) 1. What_ your hobbies? I like singing and doing kung fu. A. is B. are C. does ( ) 2. Come and my new pen pal. A. look B. see C. watch( ) 3. Do you want to ? A. cook B. cooking C. cooks( ) 4. I write an e-mail _Mike every week. A. to B. from C. for( ) 5. His hobby is _ . X Kb 1. Co m A. reading stories B. read stories C. reads stories( ) 6. Tim wants to _ a police officer. A. do B. beC. work( ) 7. -What_ your sister _? -She is a scientist. A. does; do B. is; doingC. did; do( ) 8. Gao Wei is a fisherman and he works . A. at sea B. in a schoolC. in a hospital( ) 9.-_does he work ? -He works in a school . A. What B. WhereC. When ( ) 10. If you like singing, you can be a .A. singer B. coachC. secretary 八Read and choose(选择问句的正确的答语。10%)( ) 1. Where does your father work ?A. My aunt is a doctor .( ) 2. How does Amys mother go to work ?B. I like doing kung fu.( ) 3. Does she go to work by bus ?C. She goes to work by bike . ( ) 4. What does your aunt do ? D. He works near the sea. ( ) 5. Whats your hobby ? E. Yes, she does.九Read and write(连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。10%)1. also, I , like , and, doing kung fu , singing ( . ) _2. I, can, be, also, pen pal, his ( . ) _3. in Lee a hospital works pet ( . ) _4. does to she work how go ( ? ) _5. your where aunt work does ( ? ) _十Read and judge(阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的打“T”,不符合的打“F”。10%)Jim lives in a city with his wife. He is a police officer. He works in a police. It is not far from his home, so he goes to work on foot every day. His wife is a worker, she works in a factory. Its far from her home, she goes to work by car. When she drives the car, she is very careful. When the light is red, she stops. When the light is yellow, she waits. She wont go until the light is green. She always says that we must obey (遵守)the traffic rules. ( ) 1. Jim and his wife live in a city. ( ) 2. Jim and his wife are workers. ( ) 3. Jim goes to work by car. ( ) 4. Jims wife goes to work by car. ( ) 5. We must obey the traffic rules. 小学六年级英语单元测试卷(三)听力材料一Listen and choose ( 听音,选择你所听到的单词。10%)1. hiking 2. puzzle 3. pen pal 4.club 5. Canberra6. head teacher 7. businessman 8. coach 9. factory 10. by plane二Listen and circle(听音,圈出正确的图片。10%)1. My brothers hobby is doing Chinese kung fu.2. Do you want to cook Chinese food? Join us. Lets cook together.3. I like plane. Im going to be a pilot. 4. Sarah lives in China. She studies Chinese every day.5. If you can type quickly. You can be a secretary.三 Listen and answer(听问句,选择正确的答语,听两遍。(10%)1. What are his hobbies?2. Does she like dancing?3. What does your sister do ? 4. How does your uncle go to work?5. Where does your mother work?四Listen and write( 听音,根据听到的内容补充句子,)This is Xiao Yu. He likes playing football. He wants to be a coach. He studies very hard. His father is a pilot. He often goes to other countries. His uncle is a fisherman. He works on a boat.小学六年级英语单元测试卷(三)参考答案一A C A B A C C A A C 二B A B B A三A B C B B四playing coach studies pilot fisherman五1-6 C A B B C A 7-8 A A

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