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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit17Laughter课时加强练北师大版选修.阅读理解A(xx云南第二次高中毕业生复习统一检测)As the center of government and economy,our city could be the target of terrorist and armed attacks.In the event of an attack,the public will be warned through wireless emergency alert (警报) systems.Listen to information broadcast over the TV and radio.Protect yourself from a terrorist or an armed attackIf an explosion occurs,quickly hide under something like a table.Explosions could continue,so evacuate (撤离) to a safe place.If a fire breaks out due to a terrorist or an armed attack,cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief,and quickly evacuate while keeping yourself as low as possible.If you are trapped,tap on pipes or other things nearby to let others know where you are.Calling out loudly for help should be the last thing to do since this could cause dust to be breathed in.Evacuate from a missile (导弹) attackSince it will be difficult to idenTIFy the area where the missiles will hit,if you are outdoors,evacuate into a strong building,underground shopping areas,or other indoor areas nearby.Afterwards,follow the instructions of the authorities.Evacuate from biochemical attacksCover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and leave the area immediately.Evacuate to a safe place that is unlikely to bee affected,such as a closedoff place indoors or high ground upwind.Evacuate from a nuclear explosionIf there is a nuclear explosion,hide behind cover and evacuate to an underground facility or a strong building.A “dirty bomb” will cause radioactive pollution of the area.Follow the instructions of the authorities and consult a physician.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了当受到不同方式的袭击时不同的逃生方法。1According to the text,if you hear an explosion,you must first _.Alisten to information broadcast over the radioBtake shelter to protect yourselfCevacuate to a strong facilityDfind out what is going on解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段的“If an explosion occurs,quickly hide under something like a table”可知,当爆炸发生时,应当快速躲到桌子之类的遮蔽物下面,故B项正确。答案:B2You need to cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief in the case of _.Aa terrorist or an armed attackBa biochemical attackCa fire or a missile attackDan injury or an emergency解析:考查细节理解。根据Evacuate from biochemical attacks 部分中的“Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and leave the area immediately”可知,当遭到生化武器攻击时,应当用手帕捂住口鼻并迅速撤离,故B项正确。答案:B3How can you evacuate from a biochemical attack?ABy shouting loudly for help.BBy keeping yourself as low as you can.CBy going into an outdoor area.DBy moving to high ground upwind.解析: 考查细节理解。根据Evacuate from biochemical attacks 部分中的“Evacuate to a safe place that is unlikely to bee affected,such as a closedoff place indoors or high ground upwind”可知,当遭到生化武器攻击时,应当撤离到不受生化武器影响的密闭的室内或者逆风的高地,故D项正确。答案:D4The text intends to_.Awarn people of the dangers of terrorist and armed attacksBinform people of the emergency alert systemsCspread knowledge of protecting oneself against various attacksDstress the importance of following the instructions of the authorities解析:考查目的意图。通读全文可知,本文介绍了遭受不同方式的攻击时的逃生方法,包括遭受生化武器、导弹、核武器等的袭击,故C项正确。答案:CB(xx合肥第三次质量检测)Beer seldom lasts long,and sometimes there is can or bottle leftover after a party.When this occurs,the leftover can be used in a variety of ways,many of which most people would never think of.Beer is a surprisingly good wood furniture polish.Let a can of beer go pletely stale (不新鲜) and pour a little onto a soft cloth.Polish your furniture with the cloth and follow up with a dry cloth.You will be amazed at how shiny your furniture will end up looking.The slug (蛞蝓虫) is a terrible pest in the garden,particularly if you are growing plants for eating.Instead of using chemicals on your vegetables,bury a small cup in the garden and pour fresh beer in it.The slugs will be attracted to the smell,get drunk and drown.Be sure to refresh the beer daily,and you would have a cup full of slugs and healthylooking cabbages.Bees are also attracted by the smell of beer,so try putting a few open beer cans around the yard at your BBQ and you can enjoy BBQ in a naturelike garden.Obviously you should put the cans away from where people will be sitting or standing,and make sure that no one decides to drink from one of the cans when they are drunkit will result in a very unpleasant situation.Beer is also an excellent skin conditioner.If you want to have a long bath,pour a good can of dark beer into the water in advance.This is a nice substitute to salt which softens water.Also if you have a stomach upset,slowly drinking a can of beer can help to settle it down.The alcohol in the beer can help to ease the pain.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。啤酒易变质,不能长时间存放。其实变质的啤酒也有很多用途,但这往往容易被人们忽视。本文列举了啤酒的几种妙用。5From the first paragraph we know that_.Abeer can have a long quality guarantee periodBpeople often make leftover when drinking beerCmost people ignore the use of the beer leftoverDbeer cans or bottles can be recycled in many ways解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,大部分人都忽略了喝剩的啤酒的用途。答案:C6Taking the example of the two insects,the author tries to tell us_.Asome insects prefer the smell of fresh beerBthe beer in open cans can be more attractive to insectsCslugs and bees can be harmful to picnickersDpouring some beer on plants can drive insects away解析:目的意图题。根据第三段第三句可推知,作者以这两种昆虫为例是为了告诉读者,啤酒的味道能吸引某些昆虫。答案:A7The author believes that dark beer can_.Ahelp soften waterBbe used to replace saltCprevent stomachache happeningDease the pain after drinking alcohol解析:细节理解题。根据第五段第三句可推知上文中的“This”指代前面出现的名词“dark beer”;由此可知,黑啤酒能使水软化。答案:A8What does the passage mainly tell us?APolish your furniture with beer.BImprove your garden with beer.CTry to drink beer in a healthy way.DLearn to make the most of beer.解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了啤酒的几种用途,旨在告诉我们不要将变质的啤酒白白倒掉,要学会充分利用它们。答案:DC(xx河南省六市高三第一次联考)He may not have an “S” across his chest but this dog is most certainly a hero.Harley,who was rescued from a puppy mill four years ago,was named the American Humane Associations xx American Hero Dog.Harley,who is missing an eye and has other medical issues from his time at the mill,is now a “spokesdog” against puppy mills.He serves as the adorable furry face of the “Harley to the Rescue” campaign,which raises funds for the National Mill Dog Rescue,according to a press release.The pup was rescued back in 2011 and adopted by Rudi and her husband,Dan.“It was just four years ago that he was pulled from the cage in the puppy mill and left to die,” Harleys owner,Rudi,said during the awards show at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles this past weekend,according to Today.“We never would have ever thought he would live this long and make such a difference for so many puppies.”The dog was one of eight finalists up for the American Hero Dog and was chosen as the winner through public votes.The finalists all won $1,500 to be donated to one of American Humane Associations charity partners,with Harley receiving another $5,000 to go toward his charity partner,New Leash On Life.According to the release,Harley spent 10 years at the puppy mill,and endured rough treatment there,which led to his many medical issues.He lost his eye as a result of his cage being powerwashed with him inside.The dog isnt just the face of his campaign,he also goes on rescue missions and makes public appearances at events and schools to raise awareness for puppy mills.This incredible work is all due to the dogs fighting spirit.That spirit is allowing him now to be the voice for dogs who cannot speak for themselves and give everybody hope that tomorrows going to be a better day.语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。Harley是狗繁殖场的一只狗,他身患多种疾病,因为清洗笼子的强水压他瞎了一只眼睛。后来,他有幸得到Rudi全家的收养并成了反对宠物繁殖场的代言人。9How did the “Harley to the Rescue” campaign function?ABy saving dogs from a puppy mill.BBy operating the American Humane Association.CBy collecting money for the National Mill Dog Rescue.DBy giving endangered dogs enough medical treatment.解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段最后一句中的“Harley to the Rescue campaign,which raises funds for the National Mill Dog Rescue”可知,该项运动旨在为National Mill Dog Rescue组织筹集资金,故C项正确。答案:C10What is the authors attitude to the puppy mill according to the text?AUnsatisfied.BSympathetic.CDoubtful. DTolerant.解析:考查观点态度。根据第二段的第二句“Harley,who is missing an eye and has other medical issues from his time at the mill,is now aspokesdogagainst puppy mills” 可知,Harley一只眼睛瞎了,身患多种疾病,现在是反对狗繁殖场的代言人;据此可以判断,作者对狗繁殖场是不满意的,故A项正确。答案:A11Why was Harley blind in one eye?AHe was born with it.BHis owner treated him roughly.CIt was caused by a medical issue.DHe was washed heavily in a cage.解析:考查细节理解。根据第五段的最后一句“He lost his eye as a result of his cage being powerwashed with him inside”可知,由于在笼中时受到强水压清洗,他的一只眼睛瞎了,故D项正确。答案:D12What can we know about the dog from the text?AIt would be given to New Leash On Life.BIt was kept by Rudis family.CIt would be taken away by its puppy mill.DIt returned to the National Mill Dog Rescue.解析:考查细节理解。根据第三段的第一句“The pup was rescued back in 2011 and adopted by Rudi and her husband,Dan”可知,这只狗于2011年被救回,由Rudi和她的丈夫收养,故B项正确。答案:BD(xx青岛统一检测)No one can deny that buttons are an important clothing device.But,can they rise to the level of art?Organizers of an exhibit in New York City think so.Peter Souleo Wright organized “The Button Show” at Rush Arts Gallery in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.Eleven artists used the small,ordinary objects to create sculptures,portraits and wearable art.Some of the works are political,some are personal and others are just fun.Wright said each artist reimagines and repurposes the buttons to make art.“What I tried to do with this show,” he said,“was to look at artists who were promoting that level of craft.”He said he wanted the button art to be parable to a painting “because of the amount of detail and precision in the work”Artist Beau McCall produced “A Harlem Hangover”It looks like a wine bottle that fell over on a table.A stream of connected red buttons hang over the side,like wine flowing down.Similar red buttons form a small pool on the floor.McCall layers buttons of different shapes and sizes to create the bottle.The stitching that holds them together is also part of the artistic design.For San Franciscobased artist Lisa Kokin,buttons are highly personal.After her father died in xx,she created a portrait of him using only buttons.That memorial to her father led to other button portraits,including those of activists Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez.Others use buttons for details.Artist Amalia Amaki of Tuscaloosa,Alabama,placed them on and around old photographs.Los Angeles artist Camilla Taylor attached buttons to three large sculptures that look like headless animals with long,narrow legs.“The Button Show” ends at March 12.The Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation paid for the exhibition.The foundation was created in 1995 by the Simmons brothers:artist Danny,hiphop producer Russell and rapper Rev.Run.The foundation seeks to bring the arts to urban youth and to provide support for new artists.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了纽约艺术家们将纽扣设计成艺术品,并进行展览。13Why did Wright organize “The Button Show”?ATo show the importance of buttons.BTo support the new artists.CTo raise the button show to the level of art.DTo create sculptures and portraits.解析:细节理解题。But,can they rise to the level of art?Organizers of an exhibit in New York City think so.(第一段最后两句)译文:但是,能将它们上升到艺术层面吗?纽约的一个展览的组织者认为可以。 根据上文以及下文可知,作为“The Button Show”的组织者,Wright认为可以将纽扣上升到艺术层面,并付诸实践,举办了纽扣展。答案:C14Whose works are personal?APeter Souleo Wright.BBeau McCall.CLisa Kokin. DAmalia Amaki.解析:细节理解题。For San Franciscobased artist Lisa Kokin,buttons are highly personal.(倒数第三段第一句)译文:对于来自旧金山的Lisa Kokin来说,纽扣是非常私人的(物品)。故可知,Lisa Kokin认为纽扣作品是私人化的东西。答案:C15If you want to see “The Button Show”,you should_.Abuy tickets before March 12Bphone Peter Souleo Wright before March 12Cgo to Rush Arts GalleryDgo to the Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation解析:细节理解题。Peter Souleo Wright organized“The Button Show” at Rush Arts Gallery in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.(第二段第一句)译文:Peter Souleo Wright在毗邻曼哈顿的切尔西市的Rush Arts Gallery举办了纽扣展。故可知,参观纽扣展需要去Rush Arts Gallery。答案:C.七选五(xx大连高三双基测试卷)Are you headed for college soon?_1_Here are some tips every college student should know.1Budget! Budget! Budget!Learn to manage your money wisely.Know how much you can spend at most ahead of time with respect to money.If required,start keeping a record of all the money you save and spend.Stop spending on things you dont need._2_Try taking things from the library or rent them.It will save a lot of money and effort.2People always talk.You have to learn to ignore them!Its very important to have a social life.You create memories and go through various experiences with people you meet in college.At the same time,dont get bothered by unnecessary ments.Some people tend to take them to heart._3_Make sure that you know your limits when it es to having a social life.3Confused about a major?_4_Dont worry.You can change it.For instance,some engineering colleges allow this change after a year of study.In the first year,you should take your time to explore and think carefully about the possibilities and then make a decision regarding the department you want to major in.Take different classes to discover new areas of interests.You might surprise yourself.4Set goals!College is where the most mindopening learning of your life will happen.It is important to set clear goals for each class you wish to take.Try to take at least one extra class per tern._5_AIt would be smart to avoid that.BTime management is of great importance.COthers work against their college authorities.DAt the same time,dont overburden yourself.EBuy your books and supplies only if necessary.FOr are you already in college and still worried a lot?GStill not sure if you want to continue in the same major?语篇解读本文向我们介绍了每个大学生都应该知道的几个小贴士。1解析:根据第一句“Are you headed for college soon”表达的意思“你很快要上大学了吗?”和句式结构可知,选F。答案:F2解析:根据空前一句“Stop spending on things you dont need”和本段的小标题可知,选E。答案:E3解析:根据本段的标题“People always talk.You have to learn to ignore them”和空前一句“有些人往往会把它们放在心上”可知,忽略一些无用的评论是聪明的,故选A。答案:A4解析:根据标题“Confused about a major”可知,本段的主题是“大学的专业”,而G选项也是在谈论“major”,故选G。答案:G5解析:根据上文的“每节课都要制订清晰的目标”和“每学期都要至少多上一门课”可知,选D,“同时,不要给自己太大的负担”。答案:D课时加强个ian练(二)英语知识运用板块练练准度 (限时:25分钟).完形填空(xx贵阳监测二)I feel like Im always running around.And life,in its gentle ways,tries to_1_me down.To stop,look,and listen to the_2_that surrounds us every day.As I_3_down the street,late for a meeting again,I_4_myself behind a woman in a_5_going at a pretty normal pace.Not wanting to rush past her in a hurry on a crowded street,I slowed down and stayed_6_her.When we_7_at the signal light,I noticed that on the other side of the crosswalk was another woman around the same agealso in a wheelchair.Something really simple,yet deeply beauTIFul_8_as they crossed one another.The face of the woman ing towards us changed,from_9_,wornout,and blossomed into a huge honest_10_.Then I looked to the side at the woman next to me,they both_11_eyes for a minute and smiled wide.In just that brief_12_of passing each other,they_13_so much.It reminded me of a nod that two players from the same team might give one another_14_they pass the ball,or mothers with small babies in recognition of one another.Its this deep _15_that,“I get you.” We are_16_through something.I see our similarities and I_17_them.Now,of course if either of them had_18_,they would have noticed a third woman smiling_19_on seeing their interaction.It pletely made my day to_20_this small,beauTIFul gesture of truly “seeing” one another.语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我”整天忙忙碌碌,步履匆匆。有一天“我”在大街上看见两个坐轮椅的人在擦肩而过的时候有了眼神上的交流,都朝对方会心一笑。“我”觉得自己理解了这种认可,在这件平凡的小事中发现了生活的美丽。1A.setBputCslow Ddrag解析:考查动词辨析。根据第一句“I feel like Im always running around.”和空格处下一句中的“To stop,look,and listen to”可知,“我”整天忙忙碌碌,故此处指生活试图使“我”慢下来。slow down意为“使慢下来”,符合语境。答案:C2A.sound BbeautyCsong Dvoice解析:考查名词辨析。根据下文描述的两个坐轮椅的人彼此之间会心的微笑可知,此处指停下来,观察并倾听生活的美好。答案:B3A.walked BsteppedCrushed Dwent解析:考查动词辨析。根据本句中的“late for a meeting again”可知,“我”开会又要迟到了,因此此处应指“我”匆忙地赶路。答案:C4A.found BhidCplaced Dsheltered解析:考查动词辨析。匆忙赶路时,“我”发现自己在一位女士身后。find oneself.意为“发现自己”,符合语境。答案:A5A.room BbusCcar Dwheelchair解析:考查名词辨析。根据下一段“When we.I noticed that.another woman.also in a wheelchair.”可知,“我”前面的那位女士与下文提到的一位女士一样,都坐着轮椅。答案:D6A.in front of BbesideCbehind Din the right of解析:考查介词(短语)辨析。根据原因状语“Not wanting to rush past her in a hurry”可知,“我”不想超过她,因此是在她后面走。答案:C7A.talked BstoppedClooked Dcalled解析:考查动词辨析。根据本句中的“at the signal light”可知,此处指“我们”停下来等红绿灯。答案:B8A.paused BincludedCdisappeared Dhappened解析:考查动词辨析。根据下文中的“The face of the woman ing towards us changed”可知,她们经过彼此时,一些简单、但很美好的事发生了。happen意为“发生”,符合语境。答案:D9A.tired BexcitedChateful Denvious解析:考查形容词辨析。空格处和后面的形容词“wornout”并列,故应指疲惫的。tired意为“劳累的”,符合语境。答案:A10A.admiration BangerCenvy Dsmile解析:考查名词辨析。根据下一句中的“they both.and smiled wide”可知,她们的脸上绽放出真诚的微笑。答案:D11A.opened BlockedCclosed Dmoved解析:考查动词辨析。根据最后一段中的“their interaction”可知,她们两人之间有了互动,故此处应指她们将目光锁定在彼此身上,灿烂地微笑。lock eyes意为“锁定目光”,符合语境。答案:B12A.moment BhourCday Dweek解析:考查名词辨析。因为是在过马路,所以此处指她们彼此擦身而过时,这是一个短暂的时刻。moment意为“片刻”,符合语境。答案:A13A.exchanged BchattedCshowed Dgained解析:考查动词辨析。根据上文描述的在擦身而过的一刻对面的那位女士从一脸疲惫的神色转而变成了会心一笑可知,她们在这一刻交流了很多。exchange意为“互换,交流”,符合语境。答案:A14A.while BafterCbefore Dsince解析:考查连词辨析。根据常识可知,同一个队的队友在传球之前或许会相互点点头示意一下。答案:C15A.satisfaction BrealizationCmotivation Drecognition解析:考查名词辨析。根据前一句中的“in recognition of one another”和空格后的“I get you”可知,这是一种深深的认可。recognition意为“认可,承认”,符合语境。答案:D16A.checked BconnectedCtracked Dpulled解析:考查动词辨析。根据上文描述的人们之间的认可可知,我们通过某些东西联系在一起。connect意为“连接”,符合语境。答案:B17A.honor BneedCown Drefuse解析:考查动词辨析。根据本句的连词and可知,此处是递进关系,表示“我”看到了我们的相似之处,并且尊重这些相似点。honor意为“尊重,尊敬”,符合语境。答案:A18A.looked down Blooked upClooked in Dlooked out解析:考查动词短语辨析。上文提到这两位女士都是坐在轮椅上,故此处应指如果她们中有一个人抬头就会注意到还有一位女士也在微笑。look up意为“抬头,向上看”,符合语境。答案:B19A.sadly BbitterlyCbroadly Dawkwardly解析:考查副词辨析。根据上段描述的“我”的理解和感受可知,此处应指“我”理解了她们两个人的目光锁定和交流,所以笑得很开心。smile broadly意为“咧嘴笑”,符合语境。答案:C20A.enjoy BobserveCjoin Dwitness解析:考查动词辨析。根据第四段的描述可知,“我”目睹了这小小的、美丽的“看见”彼此的过程。witness意为“见证,目击”,符合语境。答案:D.语法填空(xx安徽六校联考)Adam Harper drinks a lot of coffee to stay up for study.Recently,Adam 1._(feel) that drinking this much coffee was making 2._hard for him to sleep at all.He also plained of stomachaches.So he decided to stop drinking coffee.When Adam got up on October 3,he began his day 3._this morning coffee.By 11:00 am,Adam was in a 4._(terribly) condition.He was tired and had a headache.At 11:30,in the meeting with his student advisor,he found it 5._(possible) to concentrate.What was going on?Caffeine,a chemical 6._(find) in coffee,was most likely the reason for how Adam felt.Caffeine is a stimulant (刺激物) 7._boosts energy levels and improves concentration.The result of lowering caffeine consumption is a “coffee headache” and the 8._(lose) of concentration.The good news is that these feelings usually pass after four to five days.Doctors suggest 9._(take) some aspirin for the headache.So,if Adam can wait,in less than a week,he may be feeling much 10._(well)语篇解读Adam Harper经常因为熬夜学习而喝大量咖啡。但是最近他的身体出了问题,原来是咖啡因在作怪。1解析:考查动词时态。根据后文的“was making”可知此处用一般过去时。

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