二年级英语下册 Module 8 unit 2 the horse is turning around教案1 外研版.doc

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二年级英语下册 Module 8 unit 2 the horse is turning around教案1 外研版.doc_第1页
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二年级英语下册 Module 8 unit 2 the horse is turning around教案1 外研版.doc_第3页
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Module 8 Unit 2 The horse is turning around1教学目标 I、Teaching aims 1. Be able to understand and say the words and sentences: We are going up. We are going down. We are turning around.2. Be able to understand the simple order in the text and do the corresponding actions, cultivate students ability in different training activities.2学情分析 这篇课文本身难度不大,大多数的知识点学生在一年级或者之前篇幅中就已经学过了,知识点相互之间又有密切联系而且生活中也会运用的上,所以学起来相对比较轻松;再加之重点句型的内容比较容易理解,没有复杂的单词,而且发音也不绕口;配合有韵律的歌曲以及有趣的动画更加简化了学生的学习和理解,学生会通过朗朗上口的韵律将重点知识牢牢记住,也方便他们通过这种形式进行知识的巩固。3重点难点 II、Key points and difficulties 1、Be able to use the present progressive to accurately describe the actions what are happening。 2、Be able to understand and say the sentences: We are going up. We are going down.4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step1.warm up 1. Greeting.2. Sing a song T Shows the routine picture of the train and asks: Where is it going? Students answer. 3. Chant:活动2【讲授】Step 2.Presentation Today we are going on talking about position. Lets learn M 8U21. Listen to the tape. 2. Open your books, listen, point and repeat. 2(Look the picture and think, ask the students to say: Were going down and were turning around. students may not be able to speak out: We are turning around. At this time, teach the new phrase “turn around”, write “Turn around!” on the blackboard)活动3【活动】Step 3. Game 1. Play some games: ask students to do the corresponding actions according to the order which made by teacher to consolidate the understanding of “Turn around!”2. When play the game, T touches students hands to encourage students to lead out the word “touch”.3. T plays the CD again, and pause after each sentence. And ask the students to do the corresponding actions while theyre reading the sentences after the CD.4. Teach drills by see these pictures. The horse is running/turning around/jumping/coming back.活动4【练习】Step 4. Practice 1. Chant.2. Describe these pictures. 3. Read and choose.4. Read and match.活动5【练习】Step 5. Production Summary: 1. Students read the sentences in activity 1 and 2 in this unit after the CD. 2. Students try to describe some actions which their partner is doing with the new sentence patterns and phrases what they learn in this unit, work in pairs.活动6【作业】V. Homework 1. Read all the sentences in this unit, each sentence at least 3 times, and retell the text to their parents. 2. Read the words of module 8, each word at least 5 times. 3. Try to make some sentences with the new sentence patterns and phrases what they learn in this unit.4. Preview module 9, unit1.

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