三年级英语下册 review module unit 1 will you go swimming教案 外研版.doc

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Review module Unit 1 Will you go swimming?1教学目标 Teaching aims:1. Review the words: young, who, grandparent, old, then, beautiful2. Understand the past tense and master it.3. Review the dialogue and understand it.4. Review the sentence patterns and practice them.2重点难点 Teaching important points:1. The sentence patterns:He was fat then. Now he is thin.It was short then. Now it was long.They were short then. Now they are tall.2. Understand and master: wasnt, werent.Teaching difficult points:Distinguish: was, wasnt, were, werent. 3教学过程 4.1 第一学时Teachingprocedures:Step1:Warming up1.Sing to greeting.2.Say a chant.Step 2:Revision1.Say and do the actions.2.Go over the adjectives:short, long, tall, fat, thin, old, new, young, round, big, small, wideStep 3:Presentation1.Learn the new words with the cards: young, who, grandparent, old, then, beautiful2.Learn the new dialogue.1)Listen to the CDROM, and answer the questions. Who are old nowWhen Lingling was two years old, is her hair long or short Was Lingling naughty and cute2)Listen to the tape and find “was, were”.3)Read the sentences that contain the word “was” or “were”.4)Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences.5)Understand “werent”:They were young then. = They werent old then.6)Learn to say :werent7)Understand “wasnt”:My hair was short then.= My hair wasnt long then.8)Learn to say:wasnt9)Find “wasnt” and “werent” in the text.10)Learn to read the text.Step 3 Practice1.Read the model:A:He was fat then. B:Now hes thin.A. They werethen. B:Now theyre 2.Look at the pictures and say the sentences.1) He was fat then. Now he is thin.2) They were young then. Now they are old.3) It was short then. Now it is long.4) They were short then. Now they are tall.3. Read the sentences after T.Homework:1.Read and copy the words for three times.2. Listen and read the dialogue for five times. Look at the pictures and say. Then choose one of them and write sentences.

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