2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 U1 第三部分Grammar and usage1教案 牛津译林版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 U1 第三部分Grammar and usage1教案 牛津译林版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 U1 第三部分Grammar and usage1教案 牛津译林版必修4.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 U1 第三部分Grammar and usage1教案 牛津译林版必修4第一部分:重点讲解Direct Speech and Indirect Speech引语的概念直接引述别人的原话,叫直接引语 用自己的话把别人的话陈述出来,叫间接引语直接引语通常都用引号“ ”括起来, 间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个宾语从句SUMMARY 1直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语时用连词that引导宾语从句.从句中的人称,时态,指示代词,时间状语,地点状语等相应变化.、人称的变化一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新一随主:引号内的第一人称变间引后与主句主语的人称保持一致She said,“ I like Tennis.”She said that she liked tennis二随宾:引号内的第二人称变间引后与主句宾语的人称保持一致He said to Lily,“ you must get up early”He told Lily that she must get up early第三人称不更新:引号内的第三人称在变间引后人称不变She said to me, “They want to help him”She told me that they wanted to help him2. 时态变化直接引语 间接引语一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时一般过去时 过去完成时现在完成时 过去完成时一般将来时 过去将来时注: 直接引语若是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变.SUMMARY 2直接引语是疑问句,变间接引语时,要从疑问语序变为陈述语气。直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,用连词if或whether连接。直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,仍用原来的疑问词作连词来引导。SUMMARY 3直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语,把动词原形变成动词不定式,并在动词不定前加tell, ask, order ,beg ,advise等动词的的宾语。注意:否定句,在动词不定式前加not或never.注意事项1) 人称2) 时态 3) 相应的时间地点状语4) 标点符号5) 大小写6) 问号改为句号7) 语序-疑问改陈述8) 宾语从句由什么引出9) 祈使句要使用动词不定式来引述第二部分:练习单项选择1. My father _ smoke heavily , but now he doesnt smoke any more . A. use to B. was used to C. used to D. was used2. You cant imagine _ boy can do _ work .A. so little, so much B. such little, such much C. so little a, such much D. such a little ,so much3. The doctor _ me to spend several days at the seaside, so that Ill _ soon.A. considered; hold up B. hoped; bring up C. suggested; take up D. advised; pick up4. How about fried chicken? Oh, it _ lots of fat.A. remains B. contains C. holds D. includes5. You can not imagine the difficulty they had _ the problem. It isnt _ easy.A. to solve; so B. solved; so C. solving; that D. solved; that6. Im just wondering _ I first met Tom.A. where it was that B. that was it where C. where was it that D. that was it where7. Education _ white settlers only in Australia in the past. The natives could not go to school.A. intended for B. was intended for C. intended to D. was intended to8. I you, so I what you say. A. believe, believe B. believe in, believe C. believe, believe in D. believe in, believe in9. What surprised me was not what he said but he did it.A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which10. He was made the house under his mothers direction. A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. to clean 11. visit her uncle?A. Do you think when ; she was going to B. When do you think; she was going toC. When do you think; was she going to D. Do you think when; was she going to12. They have us some warm clothes. Shall we take them?A. supply, for B. provide, with C. offer, / D. BC13. Let Sandy read your ic books as well. Tom, you must learn to . A. support B. care C. share D. spare14. Have you ever been to Canada?-No. Id love to. .A. too B. though C. yet D. either15. In some parts of London, missing a bus means for another hour.A. waiting B. wait C. to wait D. to be waiting16. The straw hat can our faces from the sunshine.A. keep B. stop C. protect D. prevent17.I have bought the same jacket he is wearing.A. as B. that C. which D. whom 18. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is I disagree. A. why B. where C. what D. how19. All these gifts must be delivered immediately _ in time for Christmas.A. in order to have received B. in order to receive C. so as to be received D. so as to be receiving20. What is the book mainly about? -Well, it _ a little boy who suffered a lot during the war.A. deals with B. deals about C. makes up D. talk about21. I am sure nobody will _ his old trick.A. fall into B. drop for C. fall for D. run into22. It wasnt until nearly a month later _ I received the managers replyA. since B. when C. as D. that23. Are you _ of the mistakes you made in your final English test?A. awared B. unforgettable C. awaring D. aware24. Although most of them have no doubt _ he will pass the exam , I still wonder _ he has really got everything ready.A. whether; that B. that; whether C. that; that D. whether; whether25. The cunning fox tricked the little rabbit picking up the carrots in the field and then caught it.A. on B. into C. along D. to26. Allow children the space to express their opinions _ they are different from your own. A. until B. even if C. unless D. before27. It was at the end of the meeting _ Mr. Smith made the decision _ we should send more firefighters there.A. when; which B. that; that C. where; what D. that; what28. He was unable to to the students what he meant.A. get through B. get across C. get down D. get around29. The government is everyone to save water.A. appealing B. appealing for C. appealing of D. appealing to30.He to me that he had several eggs on the table.A. lay; laid B. lied; lay C. lain; laid D. lied; laid31. My hometown is not it used to ten years ago. A. when; do B. what; do C. what; be D. when; be32. No one knows when and where . A. was she born B. did she e from C. she work D. she was born 33. She wanted to know _. A. whether I knew her and where did she work B. if I knew her and the factory she worked thereC. whether I knew her and factory she worked D. if I knew her and the factory where she worked34. The trouble is we are short of hands. A. what B. that C. how D. which35. How often do you eat out? , but usually once a week. A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D. Generally speaking 第三部分:练习答案1-5. CDDBC 6-10. ABBAD 11-15. BDCBA 16-20. CABCA21-25. CDDBB 26-30. BBBDD 31-35. CDDBB


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