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2019-2020年高一英语上学期第六次双周考试题第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man mean? A. He needs the reply from the woman. B. He is waiting for the woman. C. He still doesnt find a job.2. Why does the man want to keep the window shut? A. He is ill. B. He wants to open it himself. C. The air inside is fresh enough.3. What will the woman do this evening? A. Meet her Mum at the airport. B. Say good-bye to her Mum at the airport. C. Fly to another city together with her Mum.4. When will the two speakers probably arrive at the concert? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:15. C. At 7:20.5. What can we learn about the man? A. He doesnt have time to do exercise. B. He has too much homework to do. C. He doesnt understand the exercise.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料, 回答第6、7题。6. Whats the man going to do at the wedding? A. Hold the ceremony. B. Perform at the wedding. C. Videotape the wedding.7. What can we know about the man? A. He has used a video camera several times. B. He has never used a video camera. C. He often uses a video camera and is good at it.听第七段材料, 回答第8至10题。8. What is the woman reading? A. China Daily. B. Peoples Daily. C. Red Roses.9. Where will the Red Roses give the performance? A. In China Daily headquarter. B. At the Peoples Theatre. C. It doesnt tell us.10. When will the two speakers meet at the theatre? A. At 6:20 this Saturday. B. At 6:30 this Sunday. C. At 6:30 this Saturday.听第八段材料, 回答第11至14题。11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Hotel manager and waiter. B. Shopkeeper and salesperson. C. Interviewer and job hunter.12. What language is the man weak in? A. Japanese. B. Spanish. C. English.13. What is the most important for the man to do the work? A. Using a puter. B. Working on weekends. C. Getting on well with people.14. What do we know about the man? A. He cant work on Saturday. B. He once worked in a restaurant. C. He cant swim.听第九段材料, 回答第15至17题。15. How will the two speakers go to New York? A. By plane. B. By car. C. By train.16. What may the climate be like in New York? A. Cold and sunny. B. Warm and rainy. C. Cold and rainy.17. When will the two speakers probably leave? A. At 8:00. B. At 12:00. C. At 6:00.听第十段材料, 回答第18至20题。18. What is the speaker talking about? A. News reports. B. Using expressions. C. Language learning.19. What would the speaker use his notebook to write? A. News and radio reports. B. Useful words and expressions. C. Language learning experience.20. What does the speaker suggest doing? A. Making good goals. B. Doing more exercises. C. Learning in a real situation.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AHave you ever been sad because of failure? Please remember, quite often achieving what you set out to do is not the most important thing.A boy decided to dig a deep hole behind his house. As he was working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch. “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “I want to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” the boy answered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh, telling him that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. After a while, the boy picked up a jar. He showed it to the visitors. It was full of all kinds of stones and insects. Then he said calmly and confidently, “Maybe I cant finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what Ive found during this period!”The boys goal was far too difficult, but it did cause him to go on. And that is what a goal is forto cause us to move in the direction we have chosen, in other words, to cause us to keep working!Not every goal will be fully achieved. Not every job will end up with a success. Not every dream will e true. But when you fall short of your aim, maybe you can say, “Yes, but look at what Ive found along the way! There are so many wonderful things having e into my life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digging that life is lived. It is the unexpected joy on the journey that really makes sense.21. The older boys laughed at the boy because he was thought to be_.A. brave B. impolite C. foolish D. warm-hearted22. Why did the boy show the jar to the older boys?A. To drive them away. B. To show what he had found in digging.C. To show how beautiful the jar was.D. To attract them to join him in the work.23. What can be learnt from the fourth paragraph of the text?A. No dream can e true.B. All work will end successfully.C. Goals shouldnt be set too high.D. Goals will make us work harder.B Humans were designed to stand upright(直立). And yet in this modern world, too many of us spend our days with our heads lowered for a simple reason: were staring at the tiny screen of a smart phone. People spend an average of 2 to 4 hours each day with their neck bent while shooting off emails or texts. Thats 700 to 1,400 hours a year. The success of social media has led to a rapid development of bad smart phone posture. The average adult head weighs 10 to 12 pounds when its in the upright position. However, because of the gravity, bending your head at a mere 15 degree puts 27 pounds of pressure on your spine(脊椎);a 30 degree neck bend could equal(等于) 40 pounds of pressure; a 45 degree bend adds the force of 49 pounds, according to the research from Dr. Kenneth Hansraj from New York. These stresses may lead to many problems. Its no secret that correct posture is better for your back. According to the researchers, good posture is described as ears aligned(成一条直线) with the shoulders. In proper alignment, spinal stress disappeared. It is the best position for the spine. Standing tall doesnt just make you look better; it improves your health, too. Other studies have found good posture has even been connected to ways of behaving. People who have poorer posture often have poorer physical and emotional health. The researchers describe bad posture(姿势)as “the head in a forward position and the shoulders dropping forward in a rounded position”. Bad posture has been connected to many medical problems, including headaches and other problems, depression and heart disease. This is why Hansraj said its important to be mindful of your smart phone posture. While it is nearly impossible to avoid the technologies that cause these problems, people should make an effort to look at their phones with a correct posture.24. Through the underlined sentence in paragraph 2, the author wants to show that _.A. the social media have its bad side B. the social media have made a great success C. people have to use social media unavoidably D. more and more people are using smart phones25. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us? A. Its healthy to bend your back regularly. B. Your back is getting exercise as you bend it.C. The average weight of an adult head always changes. D. The more you bend your neck, the heavier the head bees.26. What is the correct posture? A. Bend your head within 15 degrees. B. Raise and lower your head in turn. C. Drop your head forward in a rounded position.D. Keep the positions of the neck and shoulders in a line.27. Where does the text most probably e from? A. A text book. B. A health report. C. A research plan. D. A book review.CWe were driving in the right lane (车道) when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stopped our car suddenly and luckily missed the other cars back end by just inches (英寸)! The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, turned his head angrily and started shouting bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, my taxi driver was friendly. So, I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to hospital!” And this was what my taxi driver told me “The Law of the Garbage (垃圾) Truck.”Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. When their garbage piles up (堆积), they need a place to drop it off. And if you let them, theyll drop it off on you. When someone wants to drop it off on you, dont take it personally. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Youll be happy if you do so.So this was it: “The Law of the Garbage Truck.” I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks drop their garbage off on me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, or on the streets? It was that day I said, “Im not going to do it any more.”I began to see garbage trucks. I see the garbage theyre carrying. I see them ing to drop it off. And like my taxi driver, I dont make it a personal thing. I just smile, wave, and move on.Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting. Good parents know that they have to wele their children home from school with hugs and kisses. What about you? The mark of a successful person is how quickly they can turn their attention back to whats important.28. Who acted like a garbage truck in the first two paragraphs?A. The writer.B. The taxi driver. C. The black car driver. D. None of them.29. The driver of the black car got angry because _.A. he couldnt control his carB. he met with a garbage truckC. the taxi driver made a mistakeD. he was angry at that moment 30. When saying “Im not going to do it anymore” in paragraph 4, the writer meant hed no longer _.A. see garbage trucksB. drop garbage off on othersC. have garbage dropped off on himD. be a garbage truck himself31. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Try to be good leaders as well as good parents.B. Ignore unpleasantness and stick to your tasks.C. Be kind and hard-workingthroughout our life.D. Do things quickly so as to be ready for the next.DTeenagers fitness (健康) is now a major concern, to which physical exercise is very important. It reduces stress and improves fitness. Exercise makes your body strong, and helps you to keep the right body weight. Sports scientists Dr. Helen Lopez offers the following advice to teenagers: “First, you need to find out your present level (水平) of fitness. Then you can design a programme that will help you bee healthier.”Dr. Lopez suggests that there are three levels of fitness that need a change of lifestyle. “Overweight” means that the person gets very little exercise and often has a serious weight problem. “Inactive” mean that the person does not join in many physical activities, but is not seriously overweight. “Active” refers to people who take part in sports and other physical activities, but do not have a high fitness level.According to Dr. Lopez, overweight teenagers should keep active to keep healthy. “Ride a bike, play volleyball or basketball for a while, and go for a twenty-minute walk each day. All these will help to burn calories.” Inactive teenagers should do similar activities, but add some bending and stretching (伸展) exercises, such as push-ups and sit-ups, starting with twenty of each a day. “Inactive people can take a little more exercise than overweight people because their bodies are stronger,” said Dr. Lopez. The same principle applies to (适用于) active teenagers. Dr. Lopez suggests one hour a week or more on running and other forms of intensive exercise, together with fifteen minutes a day spent on stretching and bending activities. “These are really important in order to prevent (预防) injuries,” Dr. Lopez said. Some weight-training and other body-strengthening exercises could also be planned in the programme in order to increase the persons strength. 32. What can we learn from the passage?A. Active people always have a high fitness level. B. Overweight people always take more exercise.C. Inactive teenagers are not seriously overweight.D. Keeping fit means changing teenagers lifestyle. 33.WhichofthefollowingstatementsisNOTthereason why physicalexerciseisimportant?A.Itcanmaketheteenagersgrowtaller. B.Itcanhelpteenagers beehealthier.C.Itcanhelptoburnupcalories. D.Itcanincreaseteenagersstrength.34.Inordertoprevent injuries,youshoulddosome _ exercises.A.walking B.stretchingandbendingC.ridingD.weight-training35. What is the best title for the passage?A. Doing exercises. B. Teenagers Fitness. C. Different lifestyles.D. Overweight Teenagers.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Does this situation seem familiar (熟悉的) to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar, understanding passages is no problem for you, and you are speaking quite fluently. 36 First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language. The most important thing is to listen as often as possible. 37 The Internet is the most useful tool, which offers English learners all kinds of resources. Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated (受挫折) by limited understanding. 38 Here is my advice: Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything. Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times. Do not translate everything into your native language. 39 Dont pay too much attention to details before you have understood the main ideas. Listen to something you enjoy.I remember: in the beginning, when I didnt understand a word, I insisted on translating it in my mind. But this method doesnt always work. 40 Firstly, translating sometimes creates a barrier (障碍) between the listener and the speaker. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly (不断地), so by keeping calm, I noticed that even if I did not pay much attention I could usually understand what they had said. So theres no need to worry about your listening. Just practice it!A. Listen for the general idea of the conversation.B. But you cant follow a native English speaker at all! C. However, after several weeks, I got used to speaking English.D. Six months later, I discovered two very important facts.E. But listening is a problem for most of the beginners!F. What should you do?G. So, what you need to do is to find listening resources.第卷第三部分 英语知识运用 (共三节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In 1989, an 8.2 earthquake hit America, which killed over 30,000 people. A father left his wife 41 at home and rushed to the school where his son was 42 to be, only to discover that the building was as 43 as a pancake.Seeing this, he remembered the 44 he had made to his son: “No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you!” Tears began to 45 his eyes. As he looked at the pile (堆) of 46 that once was the school, it looked 47 , but he kept remembering his 48 to his son. He began to pay 49 to the place where he had 50 his son to class before. Remembering his sons 51 had been in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging 52 the ruins. Other 53 parents tried to stop him from entering the very place 54 was once his sons school, saying, “Its dangerous and its too late! They are all dead! Go home! Theres nothing you can do! ” To each parent the father replied, “Are you going to help me now?” And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief (消防队长) 55 and said, “Fires are bursting out. Youre in danger. Go home.” To the fire chief this loving, 56 American father asked, “Are you going to help me?”He went on 57 . He dug for 8 hours12 hours24 hours36 hours.Then, in the 38th hour, he heard his sons 58 . He screamed out his sons name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, “Dad?! Its me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were 59 you would save us. You promised no matter what happens, youll always be there for me! You did 60 , Dad! ”41. A. equallyB. calmlyC. safelyD. entirely 42. A. guessedB. believedC. determinedD. supposed 43. A. flatB. bigC. longD. round44. A. trustB. promiseC. decisionD. advice 45. A. fillB. coverC. riseD. suffer 46. A. disastersB. ruinsC. dirt D. bricks47. A. beautiful B. hopeless C. legalD. useless 48. A. actions B. decisionsC. wordsD. suggestions49. A. money B. fareC. attentionD. request50. A. walked B. rescuedC. swappedD. manded 51. A. classroomB. situationC. exitD. entrance52. A. from B. through C. by D. across 53. A. cold-hearted B. hard-working C. well-meaning D. good-looking54. A. where B. whenC. whichD. that 55. A. showed off B. showed up C. got up D. got off 56. A. upset B. meanC. selfishD. devoted 57. A. lonely B. stillC. together D. alone 58. A. sound B. noiseC. voiceD. silence 59. A. right B. dead C. injuredD. alive 60. A. nothing B. thisC. itD. one第二节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据所给汉语意思或首字母填写单词的适当形式,每空一词。61. Students often express a _ (偏爱) for the universities they will attend. 62. My sister Wang Wei can be really _ (固执).63. Our class meeting is usually _ (安排时间) on Monday.64. The results will be put on a notice board at the _(入口) to the building.65. _ (祝贺) to you on your success!66. Nowadays, shared bikes are _ (极其) convenient and useful. 67. In my o_, China will surely be more and more powerful.68. The plane crashed and the bomb that it carried e _ when it hit the ground.69. Under my teachers g_, I can easily finish my homework.70. The child is often b_ in his books.第三节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 According to a recent survey,violence did exist in schoolsStudents 71_(show)their fear and parents and teachers also expressed their great concern about it72_(expert)hope the whole society will pay more attention to the mental health of adolescentsNowadays,school violence is 73_hot issueI think this is a phenomenon,74_ calls for our great concernWe should try every effort 75_(prevent)violence happening at school for more and more students would drop out of school if their personal 76_(safe)could not be guaranteedIn fact,violence can be learnedChildren learn violent behavior from adults or from 77_they see on television or on the InternetIf I meet with school violence,I will not answer violence 78_violence,for it will result in 79_(much)fightingI will tell my teachers or parents about itI think they will help me deal with it well and they will protect me from the bad guysAll in all,every student should behave 80_(he)

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