二年级英语上册《Unit 5 In the Parks》测试题 人教新起点.doc

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二年级英语上册《Unit 5 In the Parks》测试题 人教新起点.doc_第1页
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二年级英语上册《Unit 5 In the Parks》测试题 人教新起点.doc_第2页
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Unit 5一、默写26个大小写字母_二、情景反应1.Who is she?A.She is Joy.B.He is Andy.2.What is your friend like?A.He is tall and big.B.Its under the desk.3.Where are you from?A.Its behind the park.B.Im from China.4.- ?-Im going to the zoo.A.Where are you going? B.Whats your name?5.- ?-By subway.A.Its next to the bus stop.B.By car?6.Excuse me, where is the subway station.A.Its under the tree.B.Its next to the traffic light.7.如果你开车时看到red light, 你应该A.stop B.go8.Dont play in the street!A.OK.B.Lets go.三、请将下列单词补充完整1.st_ee_ 街道2.v_ _ 客货车3.t_ x_ 出租车4.b_ c_cle 自行车5.su_ _ay s_ ation 地铁站6.book sto_ _ 书店6.bus s_ _ _ 公交车站7.hospit_ _医院8.sc_o_ l 学校

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