2019-2020年高二英语同步辅导Unit 7 Living with disease 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语同步辅导Unit 7 Living with disease 人教版1. 单元分析与学习建议。2. 重要单词短语的用法。 3. 阅读材料中的难点句的解释与分析。知识总结与归纳:(一)单元内容介绍与分析:1. 本单元主题:介绍两种绝症艾滋病和癌症,以及通过两个患者的经历探讨了对疾病的人生态度。2. 学习材料:听力材料:介绍一位疾病防控中心的工作人员的工作情况以及这位医生对自己工作的感受和建议。阅读材料:(1)BORN DYING:介绍了有关艾滋病的概念,传播途径,全世界艾滋病的传播特别是儿童患艾滋病的情况;同时介绍了主人公XiaoHua在身患艾滋病的情况下以乐观的态度帮助艾滋病人的行为和她对生活的态度。(2)DIAGNOSED WITH CANCERTHE DAY MY LIFE EBDEDAND BEGAN!:介绍一位癌症患者在医生的治疗和亲人朋友的帮助下战胜病魔和由此对生活的新认识。3. 语法学习:虚拟条件句,wish / as if 名词性从句(虚拟语气)4. 学习建议:对所学的单词按类别进行归类:如表示感染,传染的词汇:infect; infection, transmit;contract等。(二)重要单词短语的用法,1. infect:传染,感染,常用短语:bee infected with:Can people bee infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV ?2. via:通过,经过,凭借=through, by way ofMedical studies indicate that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes: glasses, swimming pool; mosquitoes; other insects or giving blood.We flew to Athens via Paris.3. persuade:劝说;persuade sb. to do sth.Xiao Hua is trying to change peoples fear by creating a network of patients of doctors that can persuade hospitals and panies to spend more money on AIDS research and education.4. lack:缺少;a lack of.The disease is spreading fast in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education. And whats more, the drugs that are available are much too expensive.5. strength:力量,力气,强度;注意比较:power:权力,动力,电力; force:武力。They helped me find the strength I needed to recover and they kept me from feeling sad and lonely.They decided to work out the problem by peace instead of by force.The chairman was forced to resign following a boardroom power struggle.6. on the contrary:正相反Didnt you find the film exciting ?On the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it.注意另一个短语:on the other hand:另一方面。I admire his gifts, but on the other hand I distrust his attitude towards the job.7. for the moment:暂时注意比较以下含moment的短语:at the moment; in a moment; at any momentThe cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment, but I know that I will never be pletely free from it.Im very busy at the moment, but Ill do it later.The doctor will be here in a moment.Be careful. He might e back at any moment.8. suffer from:遭受(痛苦,疾病,损失,灾难)The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from. They also have to deal with peoples fear of the disease.9. a great many:许多=a good many/ a large number of 后接名词复数。The doctor asked me a great may questions and took samples of my blood.I remember going to London a good many years ago. The information has proved useful to a great many people.10. break down:破坏,分解,崩溃,坏了We had broken down the resistance of the enemy.The police tried to break down the prisoners opposition.The machine will break down if you dont take care of it.The washing machine seems to have broken down again.He has pletely broken down in health.Mary broke down tearfully when she was told the death Of her husband.Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.(三)难点句的解释与分析1. Most people who have AIDS manage to survive only a few years after they get the disease多数得艾滋病人在染病后只能活几年。manage管理,经营,对付,想方设法:He manages a large business for his mother.World affairs should be managed by all countries in the world.I managed to get what I wanted.survive意为:幸存,从中逃出既可作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。另外,survive还有“比活得长”之意,此时是及物动词,必须跟宾语。 2. I remember having an empty feeling in my stomach and thinking that my life was going to end.我记得我当时感到脑子里一片空白,并认为我的生命即将走到尽头。(1)remember doing sth“记得做过某事”。而remember to do sth,“记住去做某事”。I remember posting your letter我记得把你的信寄出去了。You must remember to post my letter on your way home. 你一定要记住在回家的路上把我的信寄出去。(2)to end到了尽头,结束 3. They helped me to find the strength I needed to recover and they kept me from feeling sad and lonely. 他们帮助我建立康复的信心,使我不感到悲伤和孤独。注意比较:keep sb.sth. from doing sth. 与keep sb.sth. doing sth.前者意思是“使某人不做某事”;后者是“使某人做某事”,试比较下列词句。He kept me waiting for a long time.We must do something to keep the roof from falling.Wed better keep the fire burning.We must keep them from getting to know our plans.3. Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is to take every chance to live life to the fullest.患癌症让我认识到生命的珍贵。及抓住一切机会充实生活是何等重要。living with cancer是个动名词短语作主语 Serving the people heart and soul is our duty. 全心全意为人民服务是我们的职责。Learning English well helps us municate with other people better .学好英语有助于我们与其他的人更好地交流。(四)注意理解下列条件状语从句和wish后面的宾语从句:1. “I wish I could remember more about my mother and I wish that she were here with me and that we werent sick.” She often said.2. There were days when I wished that I were dead so that I would not have to feel so sick.3. If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug.4. “If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor, helping these patients.” Said Xiao Hua, after knowing that she will die before having a chance to grow old.说明:从语境上判断,这些句子说的都是现实或将来永远无法实现的内容。这在语法上将叫做虚拟语气。【典型例题】1. A teacher must make sure that every one of his students develops_.A. extremely B. fairly C. hurriedly D. properly分析:D 解析:properly相当于 in a proper way:用恰当的方法2. It seemed that them are out of work now.A. a great many B. a good many ofC. a great deal of D. much分析:B 解析:a great deal of,much只修饰不可数名词;a good many of接复数代词。3. John is good at his job but he seems to confidence.A. lack B. short C. be short D. lack in分析:A 解析:lack(vt.):be lacking in=be short of缺乏;不足。4. You can never imagine what great trouble I have had him to stop smoking.A. persuading B. promising C . having D. making分析:A 解析:promise sb.to do sth. 答应某人做某事,与句子意义不吻合。5. While shopping people sometimes cant help into buying something they dont really need.A. persuade B. persuadingC. being persuaded D. to persuade分析:C 解析:cant help在句中意义为“情不自禁”,其后接doing sth.;persuade同people之间存在被动关系,故应用被动形式。6. High interest rates people from borrowing money.A. discourage B. protect C. save D. disturb分析:A 解析:discourage sb.from doing sth阻止某人做某事,为固定用法。7. A laser beam can be turned into a weapon.A. dead B. dying C. deadly D. death分析:C 解析:句意为“激光能变成杀人武器。”deadly adj. 致命的;极有害的,与句意吻合。8. The outline of the figure was barely in the darkness.A. possible B. fortableC. visible D. sensible分析:C 解析:句意为“黑暗中隐约可见那人的轮廓。”visible可见的;看得见的;明显的,与句意吻合。9. Ine from certain shares may be immune taxation.A. in B. from C. at D. on分析:B 解析:be immune from.免除为固定用法。10. The special TV report regular programming.A. missed B. lostC. bothered D. disrupted分析:D 解析:句意为“电视特别报道扰乱了固定的电视节目。”disrupt中断;扰乱;使混乱,与句意相吻合。(答题时间:50分钟)一. 单项选择:1. Alice trusts you; only you can her to give up the foolish idea.A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade2. We went to America Tokyo.A. to B. at C. via D. on3. Dont chances by driving too fast.A. make B. take C. have D. give4. However, at times this balance in nature is , resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.A. troubled B. disrupted C. confused D. puzzled 5. of disease is one of the duties of the government health officers.A. Prevention B. Attention C. Notice D. Attraction6. Some diseases are by certain water animals.A. transplanted B. transformedC. transported D. transmitted7. You werent boring me. , you were interesting me frightfully. A. On contrary B. By contrariesC. To the contrary D. On the contrary8. Never identify wealth happiness.A. in B. to C. with D. from9. The doctor my illness as a rare skin disease.A. tested B. checked C. told D. diagnosed10. Anyone with a bad cold may the people around him.A. infect B. approach C. indicate D. reform二. 完型填空:Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that its painful? This 1 called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy _2_.During the hours when you _3_ your work, you may say that youre hot. Thats true. At the time of day when you feel most _4_ in your work, your cycle of body temperature is _5_ its peak. For some people the peak es during the forenoon. For _6_ it es in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it _7_ such familiar monologues(自言自语)as: “Get up John! Youll be late for work again!” The possible explanation of the trouble is that John is at his low _8_ and energy peak in the evening, _9_ family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize _10_ these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the _11_ has.You cant change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life _12_ it better. _13_ can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe youre sleepy in the evening but feel you must _14_ late anyway. Counteract(对换)your cycle, _15_ by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do _16_ in the day, _17_ before usual hour. This wont change your cycle, but youll get up steam and work better as youre at your low point. Whenever possible, do _18_ tasks in the afternoon and _19_ tasks requiring more energy or concentration (精神集中)for your _20_ hours. 1. A. might beB. must beC. need beD. can be2. A. circleB. recycleC. cycleD. crisis3. A. go throughB. see throughC. break throughD. labor through4. A. energeticB. activeC. effectiveD. lazy5. A. onB. atC. overD. in6. A. otherB. anotherC. one anotherD. others7. A. owes toB. leads toC. leads intoD. attributes to8. A. temperB. thoughtC. temperatureD. mood9. A. MuchB. ManyC. SuchD. More10. A. howB. thatC. whichD. what11. A. houseB. familyC. homeD. room12. A. fitB. useC. likeD. look13. A. HobbyB. CharacteristicC. InterestD. Habit14. A. stay awayB. stay outC. stay atD. stay up15.A. to degreeB. to some degreeC. to the degreeD. to certain degree16. A. earlyB. dailyC. yearlyD. monthly17. A. riseB. raiseC. ariseD. arisen18. A. usualB. regularC. normalD. average19. A. keepB. continueC. saveD. hold20. A. clearerB. harderC. sharperD. easier二. 阅读理解:Less TV Reduce Kids WeightPALO AITO, California“ Switching off the television may help prevent children from getting fattereven if they do not change their diet or increase the amount they exercise,” US researchers said last week.A study of 192 third and fourth grades, generally aged eight and nine, found that children who cut the number of hours spent watching television gained nearly two pounds(0.91kg)less over a one-year period than those who did not change their television diet.“The findings are important because they show that weight loss can only be the result of a reduction in television viewing and not any other activity,” said Thomas Robinson, a pediatrician (儿科专家)at Stanford University.“ American children spend an average of more than four hours per day watching television and videos or playing games, and rates of childhood being very fat have doubt over the past 20 years,” Robinson said.In the study, presented this week to the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting in San Francisco, the researchers persuaded about 100 of the students to reduce their television viewing by one-quarter to one-third.Children watching fewer hours of television showed a significantly smaller increase in waist size and had less body fat than other students who continue their normal television viewing, even though neither group ate a special diet nor took part in any extra exercise.“One explanation for the weight loss could be the children unstuck to the television may simply have been moving around and burning off calories,” Robinson said.“Another reason might be due to eating fewer meals in front of the television. Some studies have suggested that eating in front of the TV encourages people to eat more,” Robinson added.1. The author tries to tell us in the first two paragraphs that _.A. children will get fatter if they eat too much. B. children will get thinner if they eat less. C. children will get fatter if they spend less time watching TV. D. children will get fatter if they spend more time watching TV.2. According to the passage, the time American children usually spend on watching TV _. A. is more than four hours a day. B. is less than four hours a day. C. doubled in the last twenty years. D. is more than on any other activities.3. The time children spend on TV viewing every day is suggested to be about _. A. six hoursB. eight hoursC. three hoursD. one hour4. Which of the following is right ? A. Children usually eat fewer while watching TV. B. Children usually eat more while watching TV. C. Children eat the same amount of meals while watching TV. D. Children usually eat nothing while watching TV.5. Why can watching TV increase kids weight according to the passage ? A. They usually eat more while watching TV. B. They burn off fewer calories. C. They change their diet while watching TV. D. Both A and B参考答案一. 单项选择:1. D 句意为“只有你才能劝说她放弃这愚蠢的主意。”2. C 句意为“我们途经东京去美国。”via(prep)经过,与句意吻合。3. B 句意为“不要冒险将车开得太快。”take chances碰碰运气;冒险,与句意相吻合。4. B 句意为“然而,自然界的这种平衡往往会被破坏,从而导致大量可能无法预见的后果。”disrupt破坏;扰乱,与句意相吻合。5. A prevention of disease预防疾病。6. D 句意为“一些疾病是通过水生动物传播的。”transmit(疾病等的)传播,与句意相吻合。7. D on the contrary(与此)相反,为固定表达法。8. C identifywith. 把和等同起来,为固定表达法。9. D 句意为“医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的皮肤病。”10. A 句意为“重感冒患者可以传染给他周围的人。”二. 完型填空:1. A 早晨起床很难以致成了一种痛苦,这可能被称为懒惰。B选项过于绝对。D项中can表示推测一般用于疑问句或否定句。2. C. 但是Dr. Kleitman做出了新的解释,他已经证明了每个人都有一个每日的生物周期。即生物钟。 Circle:圆圈;recycle:再循环;crisis:危机。3. D 在你非常努力地做事情期间,你可能会感觉“热”。Go through:经历,做完,检查;see through:看穿,识破;break through:突破,突围。4. A 当你在工作中感到最精力充沛时,active:积极的;effective:有效的;lazy:懒惰的。此处是讲人身体的生物周期。所以只有A项最合适。 5. B 人的体温循环处于最高峰。固定词组:at ones peak6. D 对某些人来说,最高峰是在正午之前,对另一些人来说是在下午或晚上。此处others与上文的some相呼应。 7. B 还没有人能对此作出解释,但是这一点却导致了这种熟悉的自言自语8. C 引起这种麻烦的一种可能性解释就是John的体温正处在低值而他的生物钟高峰在晚间。 9. A 当夫妇俩意识到这种生物周期意味着什么时,许多的家庭争吵也就结束了。Quarrelling作为抽象名词,属于不可数名词,前面只能用much修饰。10. D11. B同时也意识到家庭中的每个成员各自的生物周期属于那一类。12. A你无法改变你的生物周期,但是你可以使你的生活更好地适应他。13. D Dr. Kleitman相信个人的生活习惯能够帮助你去更好地适应你的生物钟。14. D也许晚间你困了,但是你觉得你必须无论如何要熬夜到很晚。Stay away:离开;stay out:外出。15. B这样在某种程度上,通过习惯性地熬夜比你所需要的时间更晚一些,来调整你的生物钟。16. A 如果你的生物钟在早晨处于低潮,但在一天很早的时候要处理重要的工作。17. A 那就比平常时间早点起床。Rise:升起,起床,站起来。18. B 这样做不会改变你的生物钟,但坚持下来你会在你的生物钟低潮时能够把工作做得更好。在可能的情况下,在下午做一些有规律的工作。19. C 把那些需要更多精力和精神高度集中的工作留到你的思维最敏捷的时候去做。Save:保留。20. C sharp:思路敏捷,灵敏。三. 阅读理解:1. D 根据:Switching off the television may help prevent children from getting fatter可以得出结论。“关掉电视有助于防止儿童发胖。”2. A 根据第四段:American children spend an average of more than four hours per day watching television and videos or playing games,可以得知:美国儿童用于看电视的时间每天超过了4个小时。3. C 根据第五段:the researchers persuaded about 100 of the students to reduce their television viewing by one-quarter to one-third.经过计算可以得出每日看电视的时间大约在三小时。4. B 根据最后一段可以得知:儿童看电视时有吃东西的习惯。5. D 根据倒数第二段:he children unstuck to the television may simply have been moving around and burning off calories和最后一段:eating in front of the TV encourages people to eat more可知看电视增加体重的原因。

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