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PEP人教版五年级下册,Unit 1 My day,PartB Read and write,说教材,一,二,四,说学情,三,说教法学法,五,说教学过程,说板书设计,一、说教材,1、教学内容 本课的教学内容是PEP人教版小学五年级英语下册Unit1 My day PartB read and write的内容。 本课分为读、写两部分:第一部分要求学生阅读Robins play,读后完成文后的阅读判断;第二部分为个性化书写活动,要求学生补全给Robinson写的一封信。,2、教学目标与重难点,(1)知识目标 能在图片和教师的帮助下读懂机器人的台词,完成正误判断的活动; 了解英语书信的格式,能够模仿阅读篇章完成回信的任务 (2)能力目标 培养学生的阅读能力和综合能力。 (3)情感和价值观目标 教育学生要学习鲁滨逊在艰苦环境下努力克服困难的决心和毅力,(4)教学重难点 重点:能正确阅读短文,完成正误 判断的活动; 难点:了解英语书信的格式,能够模仿阅读篇章完成回信的任务。,二、说学情,五年级的学生在此时对英语学习已经有了一定的经验并养成了良好的学习习惯,形成了有效的学习策略,他们对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣。通过单元之前的学习,学生已经基本掌握了A、B部分重点句型和单词和词组,因此“采用复习巩固,倡导自主探究学习”将是本课的主要学习方法。,三、说教法、学法,教法:运用多媒体辅助,采用引导法、交际法、小组合作等多种方法激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 学法:努力做到以课标为指导,以任务型教学为主,以活动为方式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过自主讨论去探究、小组合作操练等方法, 主动参与到课堂中来。,四、说教学过程,What do you do on the weekend?,lets sing,设计意图:通过吟唱这首歌曲,自然引出本课时的主题,营造学习氛围,拉近师生之间的距离。,Step1 warm-up,Free talk,Step2 pre-reading 阅读前,设计意图:通过这样的活动,既能调动学生回答问题的积极性,活跃课堂气氛,又能复习前面学过的主要词汇和句型,为本节课的学习打下了一定的基础。,I,always often usually sometimes,with.on,Saturdays. Sundays. the weekends.,了解鲁滨逊漂流记 Read and answer Look and tick Tick or cross,Step3 while-reading 阅读中,What does Robin do?,Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him.,鲁滨逊漂流记主人公的名字叫 鲁滨孙克罗索,他为了追求梦想,决定要扬帆远航。他在一次海难中,被巨浪冲到了一个查的荒岛上,那是一个没有任何生存工具的地方。但他以乐观的态度去面对了这一切,依靠他的智慧与坚忍,用一双巧手做帐篷、围篱笆、筑“城堡”、制器具、种庄稼、养牲畜,一个人在荒岛上创造了奇迹。可是,平静的生活被一个留在沙滩上的脚印彻底打乱了,梦里出现了被野人追杀的场面,不久这个梦变成了现实,鲁滨逊在危难中挽救了一个善良的野人,将野人取名为“星期五”。从此,他就有了一个伴,生活终于不再寂寞,回家的企盼又在心中纠缠。终于,机会来了。一个遇难的船长来到荒岛上,他允诺只要鲁滨逊帮他夺回被叛徒侵占的船,就可以送他返回故乡。终于,他战胜了那些叛徒,回到了自己的家乡,他算了一下,竟然在孤岛上生存了三十五年。,Robins play,罗宾的戏剧,Read and answer,1. Whats his name?( Robin in the play) His name is Robinson. 2. Where does he live? 3.Whats his friend name?,Tip 1: 仔细阅读课文,回答三个问题,并在书本中做出相应的标记。,My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sprots with my friend. His name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sprots with my friend. Hes name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sprots with my friend. His name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,岛屿,Read and answer,1. Whats his name?( Robin in the play) His name is Robinson. 2. Where does he live? He lives on an island. 3.Whats his friend name?,Tip 1: 仔细阅读课文,回答三个问题,并在书本中做出相应的标记。,Read and answer,1. Whats his name?( Robin in the play) His name is Robinson. 2. Where is he live? He lives on an island. 3.Whats his friend name? His name is Friday.,Tip 1: 仔细阅读课文,回答三个问题,并在书本中做出相应的标记。,Where does he live(居住)?,He lives on an island.,ailnd 岛,Hainan Island 海南岛,My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,洞穴,Tick or cross,1. Robinson and Friday always get up late in the morning. ( ) 2. Robinson only cleans his cave on Fridays. ( ) 3. Robinson and Friday play sports together in the afternoon. ( ),My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,早,每天,Who often wins?,Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,擅长,_ is good at,English sports swiming,了解英语书信的格式 小组讨论、文本重构 书写回信,Step4 Post-reading 阅读后,My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sprots with my friend. Hes name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,Dear XXX,称呼,顶格写,落款,顶格写,正文,顶格写,Yours xxx,In the afternoon I,I,Zhang Peng,Nan Chang,have classes,play the pipa,play sports,Wu Yifan,Zhang Peng,离开、下来,很快,不久,岛屿,If you are Robinson, can you live on this island?what can you learn?,如果你是鲁滨逊,你能在岛上活下来吗?你又能学会什么?,五、说板书设计,Unit 1 My day PartB Read and write,What can you do on the weekend? I always usually oftensometimes,Robin:I always I sometimes I often In the afternoon I,Thank You !,

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