2019-2020年高二英语下册 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice教案 人教版大纲.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语下册 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice教案 人教版大纲 单元教学目标技能目标GoalsTalk about Shakespeare and his playsLearn to recount detail in conversationReview Direct and Indirect SpeechWrite a short playII 目标语言功能句式Stating ones viewsCorrect me if Im wrong, but.One of the most important facts is.As far as I know.You shouldnt forget that.You could, for example, .After all, .What shouldnt be forgotten is.The way I would go about it.But in this particular case.词汇四会词汇merchant, crown, deny, mercy, enemy, reasonable, weakness, judgement, gentleman, greeting, envy, troublesome, declare, merciful, bless, legal, deed, surgeon, requirement, court, justice, therefore, kindness, punish, punishment, order, sword, plex认读词汇Venice, Hamlet, Romeo, Juliet, Troilus, Cressida, uneasy, Bassanio, Antonio, Portia, Shylock, duke, masterpiece, revenge, ducat, fate, scale, Bellario, tragedy词组pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as I know, tear up, at the mercy of, go down on ones knees 重点词汇merchant, mercy, accuse, declare, fortune, bargain, worthy, consequence结构Review Direct and Indirect Speech重点句子You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. P67If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. P67Shylock, how can you hope for mercy for yourself when you show none? P67To do a great right, do a little wrong and in that way we can save Antonio. P68If Shylock cuts deep enough, Ill pay him back with all my heart. P68All he wanted was justice. P71III 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以“威尼斯商人”为话题,使学生谈论、了解莎士比亚及其戏剧,学会分析戏剧中的人物角色以及戏剧的写作特点,学会欣赏戏剧、创作短剧。1.1 WARMING UP中的第一部分通过四幅图片以及莎士比亚的五句名言引导学生讨论它们分别来自莎士比亚的哪部戏剧,其含义是什么; 第二部分设置了两个问题,引导学生说出他们所知道的莎士比亚的戏剧及其内容。1.2 LISTENING 是对威尼斯商人中人物角色及剧情的介绍。要求学生听完录音后能回答第一题中的四个问题。再次听完后, 要求学生能填写第二题中的图表并弄清楚其中的人物角色以及他们之间的关系。本部分有助于学生了解威尼斯商人中人物角色之间的关系及剧情。1.3 SPEAKING 部分告诉学生, 一部戏剧之所以成为杰作是因为其中的思想意义是深刻而跨时代的。并根据威尼斯商人中所表现的思想设置了两个情境, 让学生结合现实生活进行讨论。要求学生在较为真实的情境中练习,掌握有关发表观点的句型。这一部分既有助于学生进一步了解“威尼斯商人”中所表现的思想意义, 又训练了学生的口头表达能力。1.4 PRE-READING 中设置了两个问题,让学生说出威尼斯商人中的三个主要角色并预测为了挽救安东尼奥,鲍西娅会怎么做。这一部分的目的是培养学生的想象力并为阅读做好准备。1.5 READING是莎士比亚戏剧威尼斯商人部分片段节选。 在这一部分中,学生除了学习新的词汇、句型和训练阅读技巧外,还要学会欣赏戏剧。1.6 POST-READING 中设计了六个问题。有对人物个性及心理的分析,有对双关语及象征物的理解,还有对角色语言的判断等。目的是检测,促进学生对课文的理解。1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分设计了六句话,让学生在特定的语境中加深对新短语的记忆和理解。 语法部分是复习DIRECT SPEECHAND INDIRECT SPEECH。第一部分要求把一段话变成对话,第二部分要求转述两封信。目的是熟练掌握DIRECT SPEECH AND INDIRECT SPEECH。1.8 INTERATING SKILLS 部分包括读和写两部分。READING 部分实际是P67阅读的延伸,是“威尼斯商人”最精彩的部分,通过阅读使学生对“威尼斯商人”有了更加完整的认识,深刻的理解。WRITING部分要求学生根据所给故事编写短剧,并分组进行表演。目的是培养学生编写短剧的能力以及合作能力。2. 教材重组2. 1 从训练目的上看,WARMING UP与SPEAKING 以及WORKBOOK 中的TALKING相一致,从教材分量上分析,可将这三部分整合在一起,设计成一节“口语课”。2. 2 将LISTNING 与WORKBOOK中的LISTNING整合在一起上一节“听力课”。2. 3 为体现整体化阅读教学,为使学生对戏剧情节有一个相对完整的了解,将PRE-READING, READING,POST-READING和INTEGRATING SKILLS中的READING整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。2. 4 将LANGUANG STUDY和WORKBOOK中的PRACTISING整合在一起上一节“语法课”。2. 5 将INTERATING SKILLS 中的WRITING和WORKBOOK中INTEGRATING SKILLS中的READING AND WRITING整合在一起上一节“读写课”。3. 课型设计与课时分配(根据对教材和学情的分析,本单元可分五课时教授。) 1st period 口语课 2nd period 听力课 3rd period 阅读课 4th period 语法课 5th period 读写课IV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 merchant, masterpiece, mercy, revenge, turn around, in ones powerb. 交际用语 Correct me if Im wrong, but.One of the most important facts is.As far as I know.You shouldnt forget that.You could, for example, .After all, .What shouldnt be forgotten is.The way I would go about it.But in this particular case.2. Ability goals 能力目标a. Enable the students to talk about Shakespeare and his plays.b. Enable the students to state their points of view with the useful expressions.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标a. Help the students talk about Shakespeare and his plays.b. Help the students to discuss the two situations with the useful expressions.Teaching important and difficult points教学重点难点Get the students to learn to use the structures to state their points of view.Teaching methods 教学方法Discussion and cooperative methods.Teaching aids 教具准备A puter and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework.1. Check the students writings.2. Check if the students have found out some information about Shakespeare.T: Hello, boys and girls! Please check your writings with your partners first. (After a while) Who can tell me something about Shakespeare?Sa: Shakespeare was a famous writer. Sb: He was also a playwright.Sc: Besides, he wrote a lot of poems.Sd: His nationality is English.T: Good! I see youve known something about Shakespeare.Step II Warming upGet the students to work together to talk about the quotations, the pictures and the plays of Shakespeare.T: Can you name some of Shakespeares plays?Ss: Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, King Henry IV, King Henry V, King Henry VIII, Troilus & Cressida.T: Ok. Now look at the screen and read the quotations from different Shakespeares play. Work together with your group members to find out which plays they e from and what the famous words mean. (After their discussion) Who volunteer to tell us your answers?S: No 1 es from Hamlet and its meaning is being terribly upset and undecided. S: No 2 es from King Henry IV and its meaning is that a person who has great responsibilities, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesnt sleep soundly. S: No 3 es from Hamlet. It means that it is best not to lend money to other people and not to borrow from other people. When we lend something we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person. Example question: “Could you lend me twenty dollars?” Answer: “Sorry, neither a borrower nor a lender be.” This says that you value the friendship and you dont want to risk hurting the friendship with a loan.S: No 4 es from Romeo & Juliet and its meaning is why my lover Romeo is from a family that has a long feud with mine. If only Romeo were not from the family! It conveys the passionate love.S: No 5 es from Troilus & Cressida and its meaning is empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.T: Youve got it. Now, turn to Page 65. Here are four pictures and each stands for a play of Shakespeare. Work together with your group members to discuss what they are about according to the pictures. (After discussion) Who want to have a try?S: In Picture 1 there are something like swords, so we think King Henry IV is about war and power. S: In Picture 2 there is a human skeleton, so we guess Hamlet is about power, revenge and war as well.S: In Picture 3 Jupiters arrow has shot the heart, so Romeo & Juliet is about love between the two.S: In Picture 4 there is anything broken, so we suppose Troilus & Cressida is also about love between the two but maybe something unhappy happens between them.T: Very good! Have you read or watched any of Shakespeares plays?Ss: Yes.T: Can you explain them?S: Let me have a try. Romeo and Juliet, two young lovers, were separated by their family because of the hatred between them. Juliet was forced to marry Paris, whom she didnt love. Friar Lawrence made a plan for Romeo and Juliet to escape, but something wrong happened. Those mistakes made Romeo think that Juliet was already dead. He killed himself in Juliets tomb, where he found that Juliet was still alive at he same time, but it was too late. Romeo was dead, so Juliet killed herself, too. Everything was over and those two young people wouldnt be alive again. The two families finally end their feud.S: Ive seen the TV play King Lear. Here is the plot. King Lear had three daughters. One day he told them he had decided to retire and spend the rest of his life in quiet peace. In order to divide his kingdom among his daughters, he asked them how much they loved him. Two of his daughters tried their best to deceived him and told him they loved him more than anyone else. But one of his lovely daughter Cordelia didnt want to lie to him, although she loved her father very much and was loyal to her father. At last King Lear divided his kingdom between the two while Cordelia got nothing and was exiled. His two remaining daughters cruelly and gradually stripped everything from him until he got mad.S: I can tell you something about Hamlet. The King, Hamlets father was killed by his uncle and his mother married to his uncle soon. The soul of his father asked him to avenge his uncle. This simple matter impels him to think about the whole society and times. He decides to shoulder the responsibility of bringing about a radical change in the existing state of affairs. He fights against the dark power all by himself. He is hopelessly outnumbered and ends up with failure.S: Let me tell you something about King Henry IV. King Henry IVs son Prince Hal is drafting alone aimlessly and makes friends with some ill men. He decides to rectify his errors with his fathers help. He leads the army to suppress the rebellion and is very brave in the fighting. He not only saves his father King Henry IV but also kills the head of the rebel army. Then he suppresses another rebellion. After King Henry IV dies, he succeeds the throne. He drives the evil people out of his country and decides to be a good king.T: Wonderful!Step III SpeakingGet the students to discuss the two situations using the useful expressions.T: Do you like Shakespeares play?Ss: Yes.T: Do you know what makes a play a masterpiece?Ss: The ideas in the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.T: Youve got it. We can find several such ideas in Shakespeares play The Merchant of Venice. Work in groups of four or five to find examples for each situation in modern life and discuss whether it is right or not. (Aftera while) Who want to talk about Situation 1?S: If I had my worst enemy in my power, I would punish him.S: I cant agree more. S: Correct me if Im wrong, but I dont agree with you two. What shouldnt be forgotten is that we should always show mercy to others, or well get into endless trouble.S: But I think it depends. One of the important facts is that some people are always reaching for a yard after getting an inch. So they must be punished.S: After all, kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the flowers and kind deeds are the fruits.T: A wonderful argument. Whatre your opinions about Situation 2?Ss: The parents are absolutely wrong and a situation like that is terrible.T: What should be done?S: Correct me if Im wrong, but the girl should break away from her parents and be after their own happiness.S: You shouldnt forget that they wont be happy without money. Everything depends on economy.S: So the girl should understand her parents and put off their marriage until the boy affords to get married.S: The way I would go about it is that they can borrow some money, marry first, and then create their own happy life together.T: OK. All are good ideas!Step IV TalkingGet the students to talk about the picture, and then do the two tasks according to the instruction. T: Lets look at the picture on Page 138. What do you suppose they are doing?Ss: The girl is giving something to the gentleman.T: What is it? Ss: Maybe its a ring.T: Whats the relationship between them?Ss: Perhaps they are lovers.T: What do you think the ring stands for?Ss It possibly stands for some promises between them.T: Youve guessed it. Contracts, agreements and promises are all ways in which we bind ourselves to other people. Once we have made a promise, we must keep it. If we break it, we must offer an explanation. A simple excuse will not do. We must use all our skills to convince the others that we had a right to do so. Now read the situation and the dialogue, and then Ill ask some groups to act it out to see which group is best. Group 1, 2. (Explain some language problems if necessary.)T: Lets turn over the page, read the role cards and choose one to make up a dialogue in pairs. (After a while) Which pair to act out yours?Pair 1: Portia: P Bassanio: BP: Oh, my God! Where is the ring?B: Oh, dear, I dont want to lie to you. It can only add to my fault. Its really gone.P: Is it really gone? You promised not to lost it, neither give it nor break it. But you tell me that its gone now.B: But I didnt lose it nor break it.P: So you gave it to somebody. Let me see. You must have given it to a beautiful lady.B: No, no! I. I.P: I dont want to listen to any excuse. If you knew half the value of it in my heart or you thought it was an honor to keep it, you wouldnt have given it up. If you didnt want it, you should tell me the truth. I wouldnt make you to accept it.B: I swear to you I didnt give it to anybody else. I gave it to the doctor of law. P: Since he took my treasure, Ill be as generous as you. I can give everything you have to him including myself.B: Please forgive me. I had to give it to the doctor. If you were in the court, you would have done so as well.P: I wont believe anyone who broke his promise.B: But it is he who saved our friend Antonios life. He refused to accept our three thousand ducats and I wanted to give him something as a souvenir. He asked for nothing but the ring. Im not telling a lie. Antonio can prove it.P: So I have to believe you?B: Quite right. Believe me and forgive me, my dear. I swear to you that I wont break my promise any more. The first is the last. T: A good job! Which pair likes to do the other one?Pair 2: A: Antonio B: ShylockS: I think you still remember our agreement, dont you?A: I have a word to say, kind Shylock.S: I must do what I agreed to do and I hope you can keep your promise too. Dont say anything to me if you want to cancel this agreement. I swore to execute the agreement. Dont forget how many times you scolded me in public.A: Listen to me, merciful Shylock.S: I must fulfill my promise. I wont listen what you are going to say. Shut up. Dont follow me. Ill keep my promise. You have to wait to be punished.A: But we have some other ways to solve the problem.S: Tell you the truth, I dont want anything but a pound of your flesh. Ill cut it from the nearest of your heart. Ill get back what I lost. T: Well done!Asking more pairs to act theirs out if possible.Step V Homework1. Practise the useful structures learnt today.2. Choose the other role card to make up a dialogue in pairs.


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