2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit12 Education(第三课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit12 Education(第三课时)Teaching Aims:1.Review the useful words and expressions learnt in this unit.2.Learn some new words and expressions.3.Read more about education in China.4.Learn to draw a graph.Teaching Important Points:1.Master the useful words and expressions learnt before and in this period.2.Learn more about education in China.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help students master the useful words and expressions.2.How to help students finish the exercises.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to consolidate the useful words and expressions learnt in the last two periods.2.Practice to help students master some new words and expressions in this period.3.Discussion to help students understand the passages better.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step RevisionT:In the last period,we read a passageEducation for all,and I left two questions for you to answer.Have you got the answers?Ss:Yes.T:OK.The first question:Are there any ways in which education in our town could be improved?S:Let me try.Yes,there are.Both our teaching buildings and playground should be enlarged.Labs should be equipped with better equipment.We should employ more teachers,since all our teachers are overworking themselves because of their heavy workload.There should be more schools,since many more children go to school today than before.There are too many students in one room.T:Very good.Does anybody has something else to say?S:I think teachers should be trained every two or three years to update their knowledge,especially English teachers,since English is changing daily.T:Very good.I couldnt agree more.Which do you think is the most important aspect to change?S:I think the quality of teachers is the most important aspect to change.If there are better teachers,there will surely be better students.T:Right.Please sit down.Maybe you have different opinions.After class,you may have a small debate.Step Word StudyT:In the last period,we learnt many new words.Now,lets do an exercise to revise them.Look at the screen.Finish it in pairs.(Sho w the following on the screen.)Work in pairs to discuss the meaning and write a definition of the words below:absent_pulsory_standard_curriculum_distribute_tendency_expand_sceptical_mitment_load_ (A few minutes later,check the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers:absent:not presentpulsory:oblatory,requiredstandard:something used as a rule or modelcurriculum:subjects taught in a school/collegedistribute:give out,spread out,put into groupstendency:leaningexpand:make/bee largersceptical:unwilling to believe something,doubtfulmitment:pledge,undertakingload:something that is carried,heavy weightStep Language PracticeT:Thats all for the words we learnt in the last two periods.Now,look at the screen.There are some other words.(Show the following words on the screen.)unless pulsorymitmentdemandrequirementbenefitexpand curriculumcorporationoutecontinue tendencyretire ministryT:Do you know their meanings?If not,look them up quickly.(Allow Ss enough time to find out the meanings of the words.)OK.Now,youve known the meanings of these words.Please turn to Page 105.Were going to read a passage about adult education.Read it carefully and choose the correct words from the words weve just learnt to fill in the blanks.You may change the form if necessary.(A few minutes later,check the answers.)Suggested answers:(1)pulsory(2)expanding(3)requirement(4)Unless(5)corporations(6)demanding(7)tendency (8)mitment(9)retires (10)curriculum(11)benefit (12)oute(13)officials(14)continueT:Just now,we read a passage about adult education.Now,well read another passage about getting girls to attend school.Please turn to Page 106.Read the passage quickly and then use the information in the paragraph to draw a graph showing changes in the education of girls.(A moment later.)T:Who can draw the graph for us?S:Let me have a try.(Draw the graph on the blackboard.)T:Very good.Now,from this graph,we can clearly see that the number of girls attending school increased from 80% in 1990 to 83% in xx.Who can give the graph a title?Please write it on the blackboard.(A student writes the title on the blackboard:women able to read and write)T:Now,please read the passage carefully.Then finish another exercise on the blackboard.(While the students are reading the passage,teacher writes the following on the blackboard:Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard)(A few minutes later,teacher says the following)T:Have you finished your reading?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Now,look at the blackboard.Match the words and expressions that have the same meaning in the two columns.(Give the students enough time to finish the task and then check the answer with the whole class.)Suggested answers:1.I2.G3.A4.H5.E6.C7.D8.F9.BT:Well done!These words and expressions are all very important and useful.After class you should read them again and again to learn them by heart.Now,lets do another exercise.Work in pairs to decide which are the main points in the paragraph above and then summarise them in four or five sentences.(A moment later,ask some students to read their sentences to the class.)Sample writing:How to get girls to attend school and make sure they dont drop out is very important.Educating girls can improve health and levels of ine.But the problem is how to help their parents change their traditional attitude toward education.Theres a lot to be done to get every girl into primary school in the next decade.Step Summary and HomeworkT:Today,weve reviewed and learnt some useful words and expressions.And weve learnt more about education in China after reading two passages.Besides,weve learnt how to draw a graph using given information.We know that graphs can present information clearly,and graphs can draw attention to a change,a difference or a trend.Graphs are very useful.So,after class,practise drawing graphs to use them freely.OK.Thats all for today.Class is over.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step The Design of the Writing on theBlackboardUnit 12EducationThe Third PeriodStep Record after Teaching_

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